He know wants a federal investigation into a TV show for making to much fun of him and claims the late night shows are...

He know wants a federal investigation into a TV show for making to much fun of him and claims the late night shows are colluding with Russia.



How does this whiny thin skinned bitch still have millions of supporters that love to call others snowflakes?

Attached: Trump investigate SNL.jpg (1270x804, 147K)

Nah man, you've got it all wrong. There's no problem with anyone who can afford it having nearly unregulated access to us via the internet. If you get arrested for disseminating terrorist propaganda then that's because of the libtards taking away your freedom of speech.

all over a rerun, what a little bitch.

This is all I see and here these days. Donald Trump might be a fuckin moron but if you dont see through the insane liberal bias I dont know what tell you. Think for yourself, don't be a sheep.

>implying trump isn't a leftist puppet to create controlled opposition

You should hate morons who spew bullshit, it's not bias, it's how things should be.

Why is Trump watching SNL reruns? I thought there was a national emergency going on?

he couldn't golf in the dark, so he decided on "executive time"

Nothing that you posted even closely resembled what was the original post. Either you're posting all the comments yourself and are getting confused, or you are a complete imbecile. Or, I could be wrong and it's actually both.

Op you aren't even American why the fuck do you care you loser.

No one wants to admit they were taken in by a con-man.
We can expect those who voted for Trump to lie about their vote, and tell us they voted for someone else.
We can expect the racists who support Trump to continue to support Trump no matter what crimes Trump committed or is found to have committed. After all, these are the people who continue to support Adolph Hitler.

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Wow you seem pretty upset. The fact is that when the president has hurt feelings he wants a federal investigation into a TV show, but when you dumb nigger lovers spread your terrorist video on my board, that's okay because it's freedom of speech. Your mind is weak and feeble.

It's called free speech faggot. I know Trumptards hate it but it's called The Constitution.


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SNL has sucked for a long time. Fuck them who gives a shit.

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Yet you fags still can't figure out how to get him out of office.

I don't give a shit about trump either.

Calling lies what there are is not a "bias". If he lies a lot and the media points at every single one of those lies and call them lies then they are not biased, they're presenting the reality how it is and how it should be presented. Don't be a symmetrist, think objectively.

>Fuck them who gives a shit.

One person obviously does.

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cause MAGA apparently equals destroying freedom of the press and turning America into a banana republic

yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me either, but that appears to be what Trumpers want

Dude y'all KEEP falling for his shtick, it's tiring by now. He's just shooting his mouth off.

Inb4 "well he's the president & we need to take what he says seriously henlo. " Fine, do whatever you want, scream to the heavens about it. All the outrage machine achieves by sensationalizing all the molds he is breaking is reinforcing that he's a sensational mold breaker

>All the outrage machine achieves by sensationalizing all the laws he is breaking is reinforcing that he's a sensational law breaker

"He Know Wants"? Jesus... can't the Deep State hire someone who knows f'n English?