Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not an incel.

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im not a complete inbred faggot

its only fun to be in a crew if nobody else knows how great it is, when yr on top its different, go get a nobel prize that's yr white pride bro

ouch, found the mad nigger/spick/sub-human

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Lol @Vice
You’re retarded

Heavy social engineering.

LOL, you nigger.

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What's there to be proud of?

Gotta stop the Muslim crusade

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I can't believe you're trying to use Vice to back up your argument. There's no human being that's really that dumb. Unless you're a subhuman retard or nigger, but I repeat myself.

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Here's a better question, why the fuck should I be proud about the color of my skin regardless of what it is?

I'm for humanity not getting caught up in us vs them dumb ass mentality. You're an idiot

Lol. Alt Right BTFO. How will they ever recover?

Remind me about what makes you so special

Brenton Tarrant is just another autistic wiite brainlet, manlet, a virgin incel loser with a massive inferiority complex, who cowardly murders others because his life sucks due to his poor genetics...his genes are further tainted considering the fact he is australian. Those fuckers are descendents of rapists & pedophiles & other filthy convict scum mixed with abbos. In fact you can see traces of abbo blood in Brenton Tarrant in his squinty gook type eyes & ape like forehead

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Mommy said no

I'm irish bitch. I celebrate by getting drunk and fist fighting

lol yeah...this midget Brenton Tarrant is like 5ft 4inches...built basically like a child and from his writing, lack of education etc., one can estimate his IQ at about ~70 i.e. lower than most wonder most 4channers relate to this subhuman

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Because I don't care about white people specifically. I like humanity in general and I love being from earth. I would like the whole planet to succeed, not just one color of it. I know that's not always attainable because of the way people fight each other, but ultimately global well-being will always be what I desire. Nationalism and having a skin color cult just doesn't fit into that.

found the nigger

I have more important criterias to define myself than simply my skin color.

The fact that I am first a believer in democracy, equal human rights, globalisation over nationalism etc..
Also I don't want to be part of a group of persons not able to have a beggining of logical argumentation (I really want to say group of plebs here)

Short answer : you inbreds are the cliché of what the worst of human capabilities is and I don't agree with your most basic analysis

newfag alert, must have blown in from the musi scandal

You don't even have to look hard. He looks like a nigger shoop'd into a white person

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Found the nigger.

based potato fag

I've been here much longer than you, friend

bro where to start.
White Pride is a trash movement whose ideology has no basis in reality - demonstrably in virtually all cases.

Most? Doubtful

says someone who has no fucking idea what the consequences of such ideas really are, denying basic precepts of human nature that have dictated our exsistance for thousands of fucking years, get a fucking education libtard

white pride existed only after gay pride became a thing, and I'm not into being derivative so here I go.

the fuck cares how long u been here get an opinion worth sharing

Actual oldfags aren't alt right racists like you. We just thought racist jokes and low IQ humor was funny, then you bunch of autists thought it was real and made this your little white nationalist circlejerk club.

Your newfag is showing. Also, go back to /pol/

I don't believe in tribalism of any kind. There is only one tribe, the human tribe. It's these primative divisions that destroy progress and our society.

Also racists tend to be uneducated, delusional, and generally assholes.

All these containment boards and none of them work.


And those precepts are....?

And nature declared those rules when....?

Try a little


actual oldfags are just OLDfags regardless of political leanings.

/pol/ has nothing to do with my larp

>can't even reply correctly

newfag confirmed

tribalism is inbuilt we trust what we know cause that's safer, if we dont have the ability to see danger then we get rekt, our ancestors realised that what was different and unknown was dangerous so they aired on the side of caution if we continue to assume that there is no more differences then we let our guard down and we all get rekt, be smart dont be a retart

I'm not an incel faggot lol

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white pride is pathetic. it's always ugly white people clinging to a superior identity while doing nothing to be valued for it.

be proud of something else, like personal accomplishments or shut the fuck up

>still thinks its relevant

tfw no fuks given


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This dude ugly as hell eww

white pride is superiority but black pride is not i take it

tribalism may be natural but it certainly has little place in a civilized and enlightened society. if you want to abide by our most natural instincts go live in a jungle or something faggot

Because i don't let other people speak for me.

You lame

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I’m a nigger, and I love fucking white cunts. A abuse the shot out of them, consent rape to be exact.

entirely depends on the context. when a marginalized group shows "pride" it is much different. but I think "black pride" has very little justification today. I still respect some of the black pride figures though for overcoming adversity and hatred.

what "white pride" figure has do anything of value or overcome any sort of bigotry? white pride is so stupid lmao. it's childish.

Proud of what

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That's your "white superiority" for you

Explain why I should support that particular "white pride" organization.

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BBC rules

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Check history civilizations and ask yourself what white race done and what other races done. So think if is natural flat all this genetics differences. My english is not good enough to better explain But take it as an hint

This is now a homosexual discord thread

if there is no tribalism then what the fuck is your family your friends or yr colleagues u tard,

Don't be so fucking simple think through something not out of it or fuck off back to red dit

White isn't a race. It's a grouping of light skinned people across the globe.

Dude, he objectively ugly tho for real.

exactly mother fucker it is and thats the hypocracy we fight i hape u taught yrself something

White pride = retard

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Don't like to get mad online OP. Not really interested in never fucking again and hanging out with bald prison trash either.

Your mom is white and I can't be proud or side with that ho

no fucking idea what yr on about try a meme dumbass


you don't "fight" anything. I'm white. I don't hate white people. I just think white pride is a pathetic hate group that tries to pretend it is something else.

give me an example of a "white pride" activist or revolutionary that has done anything meaningful and I'll take it back

Uhhhh because it's illegal to just abandon children in the wild? So your family is legally required to have you around? And friends are just people you've met and you haven't met everyone on the planet? You're weird.

I just disagree with your actions and your moral

Race pride is extremely dumb. All of it.

Well, ain't that a compelling argument! You've convinced me, faggot!

don't fucking diminish my opinion who are u to claim anything about shit one way or the other you crypto commie piece of shit this exactly the problem with your whole fucking species to thick to get it to fucking slow to catch up GTFO or agree with me

>calls others mad
>while literally seething about being called out

lmao you cucks are fucking retarded

You're practically calling all Asians Chinese. You're fucking dumb if you group whites together like that. Same thing goes with blacks.

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Hey where are most of the white supremacists in the US? In prison? Oh yeah cool crowd lol sign me up.

what the hell is a "crypto commie"

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Their holding seats of power in democratic states

and your an ideological fuck wit, that cant balance the world they read about with the world around them, get some experience to balance your liberial bullet points with then come back and engage in a conversation thats on a level worth talking about

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imagine being proud of something you have no control over. must be sad to have no accomplishments.

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your English is atrocious. you're clearly an uneducated dipshit. go watch Alex Jones or something.

>imagine being proud of something you have no control over
Blah, blah, blah. Do you have an original thought or do you simply parrot the non-argument you've heard other mental midgets regurgitate?

as if you don't do the same. welcome to the internet and being human. not many people have "original" thoughts and the very idea that you think you do shows just how far you are up your own ass

fuck meaningful, racial pride doesn't need your fucking support its not looking for upvotes it just fucking is, if u are in anyway able to live reasonable with yourself then u have to have some pride in what u are the differences are far and few between but they more often define us than anything else its not bigotry its caution i look after me u look after u when we trust each other we cooperate and things grow from there if u dont trust yrself how can u trust others no fuks for punctuation

the fuck u on about i know my maps, wrong user

Hmm, like gay pride?

a new age socialist fool with more propaganda in their head than ideas

Me thmart

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Most people that arent white usualy think they are. For example wops are niggers. They arent white.

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It absolutely is bigotry, though. White pride is solely focused around the superiority of the "white race".

Also you have yet to show me an influential activist or revolutionary that supports the "white pride" movement. I wonder why...

im fucking high get over it and fuck off somewhere else, im not the one incapable of expressing my bullshit ideas

No I'm not. I'm a citizen of the world and I've worked lots of jobs and been rich and poor and the only people on the planet who are truly worthless are racist shitheads like you?

it's almost as if being "white" is entirely arbitrary.

No I'm not. I'm a citizen of the world and I've worked lots of jobs and been rich and poor and the only people on the planet who are truly worthless are racist shitheads like you?

think of the children wont someone please think of the children

So your point is that no one is using an appeal to authority fallacy in arguing with you?

Do you realize how stupid you are or are you too stupid to realize it?

>I'm high
>Please speak more clearly because I am a retard

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haha you're probably a useless stoner. god you are such a waste of space. I understand why you're an angry white supremacist though.

btw, you haven't expressed any of your ideas clearly at all. I'm waiting.

I only feel pride for good humans. those are rare nowdays. and a lot of them are not white

>if u are in anyway able to live reasonable with yourself then u have to have some pride in what u are

right, no need to smuggle in race; unless you take pride in everything that makes you different than someone else, in which case your life must be a waste

"The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority."
-Arthur Schopenhauer

fuck off with your stupid argument fallacies. it's a fallacy in itself.


fallacy nerds go back to debate club.

i know someone already told u what for before i could for this BS response but as i said who the fuck cares who u think is prominent that supports the idea its an idea and u clearly don't get it why did u come here are u looking for an explanation or are u just to stuck in the middle of it all to think independently

well all I'm looking for is a positive representation of the white pride movement. if I'm going to ask anyone for one, why not a white nationalist?

>being proud of something that you didnt do anything for
explain yourself

>he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud;

This is a solid quote I have saved it. Thanks for sharing

LOL, you cumskin

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I'm 1/4 Italian, which many do not consider white. I'm a fair bit Irish, which fellow whites refer to as "white niggers." I'm more English than Irish. There's a small portion Scottish. I have a very very small portion Albanian, but they lied about being Italian to get on the boat. Then there's 1/32 native American in there, Cherokee specifically, but if it's not enough to get me free shit, it doesn't matter to me. The native is the only thing that comes from outside of Europe, though.
I consider myself white, and why I'm not supporting white pride is simple. Those of you who do support white pride, do you consider me white? I've gotten mixed responses, which is enough for me not to support it. However, just because I'm not "pure" doesn't mean I don't hate minorities. So we have that in common.

who here has confused me with OP, im not the one spewing liberal agendas without any clue how to redefine borders trust relationships and everything else everyone regularly depends on for the comfy fucking lives we all have im the one pointing out why it is the way it is cause it fucking works, getting me to be clearer is like not seeing the Forrest through all the trees.

this isnt FB nobody fucking cares who u are im jackin it in between threads too if thats cool with u Yea Forumsro

This. This exactly.

The hate you assholes feel is due to a lack of sexual contact with a woman.

we cherry pick what we find important from moment to moment after that i have no clue what yr point is

+10 internets


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I don't have to explain anything to a hate-filled basement dweller like you. You probably fap to blacked videos, too.

the quality you are looking for does not yet exsist as a movement it is a backlash against the white hate that is perceived through social media and notional media platforms, we push the white supremacy narrative to keep trolls out reality is its just ok to be white but good luck passing that on.

falsse the hate is coming DORECTLY from the victims of sexism and the rape and murder of, innocent women.
these dickshrink males rage about

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Who cares?
All of humanity is scum.

how about not being a fucking racist in the first place?

Or from a shit woman, either way we have plenty of places to contain the hate

>proud of a race that has sytanatically destroyed it's own status by rebelling against the systems that made them strong in the first place. Destroying the monarchies and Fascism.
Not even once.

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Hey user, you can post these all you want as many times as you want. But, it'll never stop the hate.



First day on the internet? Those pictures are posted by people specifically to incite hate and unrest, not stop it

Because I've actually done things to be proud of besides being born white. Stormfags are losers looking for (((someone))) to blame.

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>>Being white but not supporting White Pride
>Explain yourself
Pride is for accomplishments. You did nothing to become white so there's nothing to take pride in.

Absolutely this.



Are you gonna attack an actual installation where people will shoot back or are you hicks gonna hurt more innocent people again?

I can't believe you are using (name of news source) to refute me. You must be a cuck.

fuck off to /X/ queeranon fag

terrorists don't hit hard targets get a fucking clue

So angry. It must hurt being white with every advantage and still being a booger eating loser.

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I support White Pride, but I don't believe I'll ever find a group to support.

Hmmmm. Good question.

You may think that i should. I do think that the white race is the supreme one and consider all others to be lesser. Not joking.

I suppose the answer is that those white pride people are hopeless faggots who act out because they fail at life. Not since the fall of the third reich has there been a white supremacist movement worthy of the name.

I dont respect them.

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losers need to lick cheeto man's boots to actually experience winning fifth hand

Probably because leftists are my enemy, not other races.

Citation still needed

gimme a minute to compose myself from that based assault user
cant even do my tractor captcha

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But that wasn't the theme of this board. It wasn't a white supremacy board like it is now. What little of it there was before was generally satirical. Not now.

i do have original thoughts. racism is baked into our existence as humans, but glorifying your OWN race lmfao. thats the dumbest shit ever. just love your family and friends, not that one white guy 3 blocks away cause he is white. also not a non-argument btw. but you do you.

Vice, the left’s version of info wars.


counter culture has been blown up by the media the new cancer comes in with an agenda

being gay is a choice user, read the bible.

still high

>Survey from Columbia University
>Attack Vice as fake news

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because I have an IQ over 100, no offense.

more ppl take vice seriously than take info wars seriously

Being proud of things I have no control over (race, sexuality, etc. etc.) has never interested me, if it makes everyone else look silly, why would it be any different from me?

Don't get me wrong though, western culture is superior to all others, it's just that race doesn't really factor into it for me, the fact that Europe was almost fully white (with a bit of Arab from all the trading they did) until recently doesn't factor into it for me.

gay and fake. no such thing as white pride, unless you mean those suiciderates. we killing ourselves faster than blacks kill their own lmfao

>leftists are my enemy
But then why do you keep beating yer pud?

being smart is now genetic explain what yr proud of and dont be a dick about it

Remember when Vice was good?
>where to start
>types one sentence of hyperbole and complete generalizations with no examples or citations
Kek. Let me know when you’re ready to get started.

>triggered leftist

>citation needed


>bragging about being in the average IQ range
Are you really doin’ this?

>puts (you) in post when reply does that automatically.

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which kind of white pride?

>white pride meaning that everything besides white is subhuman

>white pride meaning that u like to it to be white

>what does "over" mean


LOL Look at the source shithead. You think those Marxist traitors are fans of the right? All the run are hit pieces

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On behalf of my white brothers, I declare you a fucking idiot. You are dumb. Plain and simple. Please die. You make us look like idiots, you idiot. I hope you by n and your skin color gets dark hehehehehehe fuckin faggot.

Hi new fag


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Only idiots take either of them seriously in any fashion.

>so many angry alt-wites taking the bait
Good work soldier.

don't have but i have assumed alot as AJ is b& from all platform except his own he is in the toilet but with a core following that is loud.

lmao I'm not a fuckin cuck. i don't care if my race "die". every country was born thanks to immigration and invasion.

not user but.
being genetically smart doesnt mean you are using your brain capacity for your own/other's good. im hella smart on paper, but a fucked up anxious drugabusing retard for a few years now. see. started smart; genetics. fucked up; OWN IMPUT.

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>being white
>not recognizing jewish racebiat threads
>accepting that trip overseas to get brainwashed into being a jewish suicide terrorist

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>still bragging about being in the normal range but too stupid to realize it

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Not the same poster buttboy. And you still don't know how to read.

>google and YouTube isn’t left leaning
You should probably stop assuming

>the whole world is against me
>I must be right

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>>calls others mad

>over 100 still normal range
>defending someone who doesn’t understand this
Lol. Both you fucks are making me laugh.

>Being proud of things I have no control over (race, sexuality, etc. etc.) has never interested me
I'm proud of what my predisposition towards being able to focus has done for me and how comfortable it has made me.

learn to read

>fox news doesn’t lean right
Ok faggot


Yeah, tards tend to laugh for no reason. Guess you never learned how prepositions work in second grade.

you're a faggot, identity politics is for massive faggots

he was banned from youtube u fucking tard and google is not a platform


>Proud of what
what? im proud of nothing i just found the nigger

Being associated with that retarded Australian manlet? No thanks

No; conversely, I laugh at 'tards.

no u

Type more words faggot lol

well put knowing what u have and using it are not always aligned that's why its good to be aware of what u have and what u want before u spoil


>uses big words like preposition
>thinks they are smarter than average

for a grammar nazi you're not very smart

im the one that couldn't read so wrong also user

Thanks. Could I get some more kek


>Thinks "preposition" is a big word
Not everyone can be a genius like you Cletus.


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Do you have a religious prohibition against capital letters and punctuation?

Highly doubtful. I mean if you’re here you aren’t exactly using your full potential.

Ohh breaking out the big guns! Dammmmmmmmmnn fuckin’ got ‘em! He won’t come ‘round here no mo’.

it goes deeper than religion its my avatar fagging

Here's a little video to help you with the "big words"

we all need down time user

Hey whatever you got to tell yourself...

gee where have i seen THIS automated response before?!

Sure thing Chester


Keep typing I feed of the attention

>being this insecure


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Th'fuq you on about?

You don't earn your skin colour but you earn your culture, that's something you can be proud of, cheers to you my dude !

She's kinda cute.

What does she look like naked?

So.what exactly did you do ,to become "proud" of being white.

Fawk yea duble gunz cawksucka!! Fawkin berried em!

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>being this insecure

Sooo...he was behind all that...

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encrypted with no exif

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mod meme

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wow a vice article.

surely they have no ulterior motifs or a substantially far left bias.
sincerely, a white nationalist who lost his virginity at 14 to a yoga instructor.

Wake up white man. the jew is working around the clock to weaken us, to make us soft, to make us give up easily.

They want us to be Christian so we can support Israel without question and be too busy fighting Muslims to ever see the real enemy. They want Muslims to leave the middle east to come usurp Europe and America to increase the fighting between Christians and Muslims, and to make it easier for Israel to take over the middle east while weakening it's too enemies, whites and muslims.

They want young people to be atheist to have no morals, to be homosexuals and perverts, to destroy the western family. soft, with no spine to fight back.

The only way to turn the tide and to support white people everywhere is a spiritual awakening. Whites must recover their ancestral knowledge and reawaken the spirit of their people. Reviving European Paganism and uniting all white people under it. Those who cling to Christianity or Atheism will just be shabos goy like they have been for the last 200 years for the next 200 years.

A people are only as strong as their spirits, and our groves have gone through drought for too long.

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