It has been brought to my attention that you guys haven't been smoking weed every day

It has been brought to my attention that you guys haven't been smoking weed every day.

Smoke weed every day. It makes everything better.

Attached: Snoop.jpg (820x820, 209K)

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But its allready great when living in socialized democracy. So we dont need weed to make it better.

Attached: DebUGkPPzfB1dNrDKjyR-gZ446_oLbj93IKoztm9l1s.jpg (420x391, 121K)

nice try big government. i don't want to impair my brain daily.

hell yeah it does.

i'm smokin weed right now and is awesome

i can concur

im bout to pack up a couple one hitters and chill out adding on to my perpetual streak of getting high everyday

Lolis are love, Lolis are for the huggin'.

I do every day but it loses its power after doing for so long. Gotta take breaks once and a while to get that super high again. FYI I make 6 figures and manage a team of 40 people, no problems keeping a job.

He's got that obvious paranoia

Too expensive, and illegal. I'll just get drunk everyday because that's what the fucking retards voted for and the corrupt political lobbyists say it's bad

because whenever I smoke I have fun laying about doing nothing for 30 minutes or so then I get bored and want to go to something only to find that I can't focus on even a shitty youtube video

Shit, nigga, it's only illegal if you get caught.

Still expensive as fuck. $40 lasts me 3-4 days with weed and 2-3 weeks with cheap whiskey. Just gonna yeet it whatever

Sounds like you ain't hangin with the right crew.

nah, weed is fucking gay

Shit, you should like it then. Faggot.

Thanks snoop

I get an 8th for $40 in an illegal state. That's the best you can hope for. I don't live in an area where it's legal and growers just give the shit away for free. Fuck it though just gonna yeet

>this triggered

so you like it then? and you agree? then youre saying, youre a fag?

lol u mad bro?? xD

Why are you asking so many questions, faggot? It's almost like you're trying to change the subject.

says the user asking a question... lmao stoners are so fucking retarded

omg so trigged. why you mad bro???

fucking GOTEM. fucking obliterated his entire existence. that nigga gonna have to start from square one after this post. god DAMN

If your over 21 and haven't moved on to coke you should kill yourself

you're probaby a edgy 17 year old who smoked weed twice and now think it's the best thing ever. weed is trash and snoop dogg is a grumpy little baby you should see some of the hateful shit he has said

Fuck coke meth is cheaper and lasts longer bitch boy

fuck you weed is awesome. snoop dogg is garbage though

btw coke and meth are just as harmful to the body as alcohol and alcohol is legal LMAO humans are stupid as fuck

durr bleach is legal but no weed why humans so stupid das dangerous 2

alcohol has worse withdrawal symptoms than meth or coke and is arguably just as addictive durrrr what i talken bout tho

but in small amounts some types of alcohol are good for now (most notably, wine and cognac)

good for you*

true dat fam. same with small amounts of weed. smoke dat shit

who cares. drunks eat food and talk loudly. crack heads stay up for 4 days robbing people so they can stay high. Cocaine is extemely dangerous you increase your chance of having a heart attack by like 30%.

But user they did try to make it illegal. Ever go to school?

talking to you is increasing my chance of having a heart attack by like 30% im about to fucking YEET all over myself

Yeah and people actually gave a shit. They made weed illegal and nobody gave a fuck

Coke and weed are two entirely different highs

Get lost, gate way theory bitch.

coke is literally the gayest drug there is

People let it go so the blacks could be arrested and removed from their community. Meanwhile they can still get it black market.

>People let it go so the blacks could be arrested
So what's the problem here?

And being gay is the most woke and exciting thing you can be. Getting your dick sucked by a guy that actually loves sucking and doesn't expect money or anything in return is enlightening
They could still get alcohol black market. Fuck the retards that made weed illegal. We live in a fucking joke of a game where retards make the rules. We need to nuke this shit and start over