

Attached: 1552963283291_1550375393.siroc_20180214sketchcarrot1.png (1119x1222, 501K)

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Of course I'm not fucking tired anymore...

Attached: 1552963209875_1516320586.siroc_20180102sketchlola2.jpg (1280x986, 130K)

most powerful power nap

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I'll often do just a five minute doze to refresh myself

That's always how it is for me. I get really tired, decide I want to sleep, stay up a few minutes longer, and then I'm not tired anymore. Happens at 2 AM every fucking time I try to fix my schedule, I always wake up then or I'm just no longer tired at all if I'm still awake even if I've been up 36 hours. It's fucking retarded and actually debilitating, literally ruined my entire schooling. I talked to both of my doctors about going to a sleep clinic because it's just ridiculous.

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today the S/ is for SLEEPY

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