Hardcore Christian here. Been a while....bring me your questions, let's debate

Hardcore Christian here. Been a while....bring me your questions, let's debate.

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Or for a faster response call me. 19042196111 ask for Dave.

why do you want Attention on this Faggot Board, you stupid Faggot?

Why does God allow evil?



I can answer that. You want evil. Think about it. You want free will don't you? Evil comes with that. You can choose how you act. Unfortunately that comes with being able to act evil.

(Hint: "evil" is actually relative. )

I'd imagine balance. You can't have the light without the dark. Good without evil, etc.

Why what?

Raised southern baptist but more nondenominational.

Do you believe the bible as is, is the work of god?
Or do you believe man kind has altred/ corrupted parts to gain/ control the masses ?


I should have rephrased. Why does he allow suffering? Cancer, plague, natural disaster?

Also free will doesn’t exist.

Man has obviously edited the Bible MANY many times, or redacted and/or altered things various folks didn't like. It should not be taken so literally.

He could have made it so that humans cannot suffer though. Pain only exists because he wanted it to. Therefore he’s a psychopath.

Works in mysterious ways. Or...there has to be a balance. No good without bad, etc.

Nice to find a "hardcore " christian that understands what I have been saying.

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What good is a religion that punishes you for taking effective action to destroy evil? Why is wrath an appropriate sin? Any sane person would push a kid out of the way of a car if they could. Why can't I murder pedophiles?

Seriously? Innocent kids die of Ebola and bone cancer because he works in mysterious ways?

His intelligence operates at levels you couldn't comprehend. Might seem cruel to us, but not to those more enlightened.

How is Hell a moral concept? How is eternal torment, sometimes for minor sins, “moral”?

Why do you have a picture on Zeus if you're such a devout Christian?

Can God beat a royal flush with a pair?
Can he roll 7 on a 6 sided die?
Can he create a stone heavy enough so that he cannot lift it?

God is dead pal.

Nice ass?

Why is murder wrong? 10 commandments.

It might seem cruel but He has a plan.

That’s a cop out answer and you know it. We’re made in his image but we can’t comprehend? There is no possible reason to make a life that can feel suffering when you have the option of not doing so.

>Why X
>Because I said so
That isn't an answer, as expected

To us it might seem unjust, but that's withbour limited understanding.

Thought it was a cool picture.

Again a cop out answer. Some people get to live 100 pretty good years and some babies die of SIDS. That’s not a plan. That’s random chance. Almost as if there was no god and it’s all random.

Made in his image can be interpreted im many days way my good friend.

Why does God allow us to have free will, what's the point?

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It seems unfair, but life isn't meant to be fair. Look at Gob ffs.

Just be grateful with Trump in office, things are finally turning around in our country.

So every answer is just “he knows better”

There is no logic to your thinking whatsoever beyond “I can’t possibly know that but I know for certain god does”

Funny how a world with a god and his mysterious plan is virtually indistinguishable from a world with no god, isn’t it?

Hardcore Christian? So you walk around in a robe helping the poor and sick?

All religions are cults.
God and devil dont exist its not who its what.
We are here for redemption for our souls work and share positive vibes. Cyz ehat goes around comes around.
My question
If you didnt have a religion what would you do?

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There is no god, free will is your own.

If Christianity is the true religion why is it only a few thousand years old? Humans have been around for well over 100k years. The oldest known religion is the Australian aborigine faith, and even that’s only about 50,000 years.

Jesus was a nationalist jewish rebel trying to free the jewish people from Roman occupation. The new testament was written decades after his crucification (which was the common procedure for traitors and rebels that time) mostly by roman people who basically created Christianity out of the few things that were known about Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus himself was never intending to deviate from the Torah/old Testament. Romanfags build their own religion adjusted to Roman people and spread their shit all over the world.
Now go and start reconsidering your life and the decisions you made.

Why do you believe in a book that has such bullshit like Noah's ark in it?

But God created man in his image. Which means he's just as good and evil as man?

Pain exists to contrast good feelings. And because again YOU WANT IT TO EXIST

think of the last video game you played. You can "get hurt" in it, you can die. Hell, some games you can die horrible deaths. And you choose this because the game would be boring if you couldnt lose and couldn't understand the contrast between losing and winning

You would have no such thing as pleasure without pain. You would have no win, without the potential to lose.

Every movie you ever watched would become boring and dull if nobody could be hurt and nothing bad could happen. Why can't people see that life is the same way.

No I’m saying he could have made it so that humans could not feel pain. He could have made it so that suffering is physically not possible. That wouldn’t diminish the good, it would enhance it. But he chose not to.

Can't be pleasure without pain. Or else you wouldn't know what pleasure was and you would be a robot. If you can't understand that concept then get out of this thread

Murder is wrong because life is a gift from God, who are we to take it? If they are a pedo, God will sort them out

If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful.
If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good.
If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?

You have nothing to back this up. There are people who don’t feel pain and heartbreak due to medical conditions. God could have made it so, he’s all powerful. You lack the understanding of what I’m saying.

OP here calm down a couple of you are foaming at the mouth.

Is a neutral state pain?


This is a bullshit answer

Because you people can’t think reasonably for five fucking seconds

Ok, how stoned are you right now, thinking this is a good idea...

Pleasure is caused by chemicals in the brain. You don’t need pain for that to happen. Anyone who genuinely thinks you need one to have the other is too dumb to post here.

Free will is an illusion. Neuroscience is proving our brains don’t function that way.

I would like an answer about Noah's Ark.

If the Bible isn’t totally accurate, as you’ve admitted, what’s the basis of Christianity? There’s no historical proof, and you admit your book is bullshit, so what’s the religion founded on?

>finally turning around

Have you never read the Bible?
Things do not go well for mankind on Earth during that violent end called the Final Trump.

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>Hardcore Christian here. Been a while....bring me your questions, let's debate.
>used Zeus as pic

Why you are using an image of Zeus, although you're a christian? It's implaying to be god or giving imaging god, which is forbidden by the bible. You are a fake ass christian.

Do you know what a christian is?

God made Zeus, durr

>fake ass christian.

Most are.
By their fruits you shall know them.

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I would say he knows far better than you do.

I want an answer to this

Explains fat people.

I'm sure everyone's gonna ask this, but why evil. Couldn't God have created a universe without it, whilst not encroaching on our free will? He is omnipotent and omniscient after all. Couldn't you agree that it means that he created evil because he felt like it. If so, he is malevolent. Plus, on the topic of those, can God create a boulder so heavy that he can't lift it? So boom, he can't be omnipotent. And, he knows all. This means he also knows that which is wrong. On every subject he knows that which is correct and incorrect to me correct, and he can't differentiate because he knows them both to be equally true. So, if he's not all good, all knowing, or all powerful, why call him God?

God put twinks on Earth for our pleasure.

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Who is "he" and why didn't you just answer the question?

Oh look he gave up
So much for faith having all the answers, huh?

OP has left so this is now an atheist thread.

>We are here for redemption
no were not. you might be, personally, to keep your life interesting to you, but there is thus far nothing in the entire natural universe outside your imagination that indicates that or any of the wonderfully self-serving, primitive bronze-age magical hoseshit structures in this thread exists, or are even able to exist in this reality without leaving any trace of having done so.

All of your delightful bullshit is indistinguishable from anything else that is 100% imaginary.

Stupid. Obviously false. AIDS.
Plus those dudes are worthless in a fight and serve only to weaken a nation.

OP here haven't left but in a group call that's taking most of my attention.

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Not OP or the user you asked.


The Old Testament is the story and prophecy of the Hebrew people.

The covenant that Messiah would one day be born.

He was born here only a couple of thousand years ago. Prior to Christianity was the Hebrew religion. Now that all that was fulfilled we are in the end of days and awaiting Armageddon.

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Can god microwave a burrito so hot that he himself can not eat it?

>All of your delightful bullshit is indistinguishable from anything else that is 100% imaginary.
Like your intellect.

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That does not remotely answer the question. Where was god for the 100,000+ years humanity has been around? Early man didn’t have the Hebrew faith. That only dates back 3-4,000 years.

"He" is the user you replied to.
I answered sarcastically.
You have to ask me in a nice way or I consider it just casting pearls before swine.

If you want a civil answer? Ask in a civil way.

I can understand believing in a higher power since there's no way to know for sure, but why subscribe to the Christian religion specifically? Why do you believe that the specific events and rules outlined by the Christian religion are the accurate teachings of God? Essentially, what makes the Bible any more valid than any other holy book?

A civil way? This is Yea Forums you idiot.

I was asking you whether or not you know what a christian is.

So we are dead dreaming? Why karma and dharma go well? Why theyre some much occults and magic its allowed ? I hope you have some source sounds to me your think its corrupted with wrong prospective.

Seriously though... why would you believe in Noah's Ark?

Illogical arguments. We have to first agree that we live in a logical universe because things go according to natural laws that a God or the universe has created or what have you.
Therefore God cant break his own logic, that isn't a lack of omnipotence, but rather an adherence to logic.
An answer to the question of evil, is that God could have done whatever he wanted, but he chose to allow it for his purposes.
You either accept that or defy God at your own peril. One thing is for sure- if there is a God, you are not him & he has not deigned to adequately explain himself on this issue.
Good and evil happen to us all.

The only way to know is to ask God.

No the Hebrew religion dates back much further then that.

Chaldean and Sumerian are two of the oldest civilizations.

Traditions are what most people stereotype religions with.

Adam and Eve were not the first humans they were the first Hebrew people.
They did not eat apples as an original sin and they were not fooled by a talking snake.

When you read the Bible you are supposed to properly divide and translate it.

To do so you should have at least a Strong's Concordance. So that you know an Auroc is a small ram and not a unicorn.

Do all Suicides go to Hell? Even if you were a good person. Even if you beg forgiveness as you step off. I need to know ASAP

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“He chose to allow it for his purposes”
So people have been suffering for millennia for his purpose? We’re just puppets it be toyed with? This is your loving god? If your god existed I would curse him for causing so much needless pain. Your god is a celestial Psychopath.

Slippery slope.

Which is why you are getting sarcastic replies.


Why would you suicide if you aren't already in Hell?

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Humans have been around for longer than civilization has, thousands and thousands of years. The oldest known civilizations didn’t practice the Hebrew faith.

And what the fuck is that last sentence.

Because you don’t have real answers and you know it, kiddo

He allows both though and not equally. So that's a blanket statement that doesn't hold up.

No you asked another user that.

To me a Christian is a disciple or student of the teachings of Christ. A person trying to discern truth from the Word we are given.

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Of course you can. It's not murder its justice as long as it's done properly with adequate evidence.

Dindus are not innocent


You got your answer perhaps you should actually read the thread.

Why allow the one at all? He’s all powerful. Pain is not necessary when you’re an all powerful god. Disease, mental illness, etc aren’t needed at all.

God hate trannies though.

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>No you asked another user that.
Man you are a real player aren't you.

I like your answer nonetheless.

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It's not enlightenment. It's a willingness to surrender that you dont know and also knowing that God wont bother to tell you anyways.

I’ve seen nothing but cop outs and misdirection.


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Here let me google that for you!

Rain falls on the just and the unjust.
People get away with bad things and go unpunished.
Punishment after death is a hope of balanced scales that only God can bring.

Wasn’t even the question I asked you moron

You dont know what you dont know.

>Punishment after death is a hope of balanced scales
That's as meaningless as a peg in the sky.

Why punish after death? Why not stop the crime before it happens?

How do you know that?

Yes it was if you follow the links back to here,
and you really should read Matthew 5:22

Where do you perceive the nationalist message in the New Testament?
It seems more like they wanted him to be that, but he focused more on their behavior & relationship with God.
Very anti-money & all about selling everything you have. Seems more like a religious call, rather than a state one.

I think you should.

>Murder is wrong because life is a gift from God, who are we to take it? If they are a pedo, God will sort them out
Oh, yeah? So how come the catholic church is the biggest pedophile organization and has been for decades? When does God's infinite wisdom and power come into play here? Or does he simply not care? Or could it be - that it's all full of loopholes and bullshit from the ground up?

Like it's any stupider than what we have found in archaeology and the fossil record. Fuckin dumb ass T-rexs with their tiny, gay arms. SMH

I think we see certain events as punishment where it’s really a result of cause and effect of our free will

Disease and mental illness aren’t free will

Yes they are.

Armageddon is a place, not an event. Revelations is an example of primitive superstitious people taking hallucinogens.
Original Sin is an allegory for the development of Intelligence, it's not about eating fruit or getting laid.

Bullshit they are. How?

That's irrelevant. The Catholic church is an organization that has changed over time and with every bureaucracy you have wastage & decay.
It's obviously not serving Gods purposes currently anymore and needs change.
People dont prove God anyways. All people are imperfect, including all churchgoers of every church.

They are a condition of our broken world.

Why are you gay?

What do you mean by "how"?
What do you want me to tell you and how is this not obvious?

Cancer is a condition of our broken world? How? Hoes does the world being broken cause cancer? Or malaria? Or schizophrenia?

How are disease and mental illness products of free will. A person does not choose to be infected by a virus or fall depressed.

Not the user you asked.


Why is a great question.

Why are we here? What is the point?

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth and the Earth BECAME Void!

Millions of years passed between the first occurrence of the word Earth and the Second.

During that period of time Lucifer Satan Devil Dragon many names same being. Leader of Legion blah blah blah.

He divided the Kingdom of God into 3 facets.

Those who followed Lucy.
Those who could not or would not choose.
Those who were loyal to God, BUT arrogantly demanded the deaths of the other 2 groups.

Because of this war broke out in Heaven..

God cleansed the Earth and created Man.
Then he rested and created the Hebrew People.

He put all of us here together so that all of us would be humbled to be born of flesh through the bag of water.. Be born live and die. God promised he too would do it.

And in fact only one being refuses to do it is the devil. Funny that he has so many who defend him and think he wears a red suit and carries a pitch fork.

I mean brother you are here in the flesh you are already compliant with Gods demands.

Enjoy the journey.

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This doesn’t answer me and you are clearly mentally disturbed.

Uh huh they do.
We are talking about free will here.

It’s cause and effect

That is not an answer. Make your case, make a point. You are dodging the question.

Stop feeding the trolls, newfag.

Elaborate. That is still not an answer. Humans didn’t create cancer, we don’t ask to get it.

It’s a Christian thread, the trolls are indistinguishable from the actual idiots who believe this.

I answered your question already.

It's free will nigga, I ain't gotta explain shit.

No we will not raid this faggot's number. NYPA.

Alright you’re just a troll. See ya.

Do you take me for a troll?

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Then restate your question?

Cause you asked what a Christian is. As I already pointed out. Here and here Both were replied to.

So what question are you asking now?

But that was super weak bait, mate.

Wait, just to clear that up, the user you are talking to is not the user that originaly asked you the quetion.

Dude you're not a Christian with that answer. God gave man free choice and told man not to eat if the knowledge if good and evil. Man disobeyed thus ignoring gods first command and bringing the knowledge of evil into the world and into man. God later gave man further commands (commandments) for man to follow but man doesn't do a great job at that either so we sends his son to give the spiritual commandments: treat others as you'd have them treat you, if your feelings/ intentions are sinful then you've sinned, and love God with all your heart mind and soul.

Well aren’t some cancers caused by being exposed to certain elements?

What a massive cop-out.

Lot of dumb niggers in here.


>hardcore Christian
>posts picture of Zeus

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And here too is you!

Birds of a feather.....

Not all of them.


Do you like Age of Mythology?

Opie refuses to answer my question, I win.

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Their have been hundreds of gods over the many centuries, how can you be confident that the christian god is the real one? Most if not all of these gods have backing to them as well. Stories of their visits to earth, people who will personally vouch they have spoken to them, etc.

Have you been to a doctor to see about your brain damage?

>trying to debate someone who actually believes in bullshit and cannot face reallitty

Yea Forums: where everything's made up and the points don't matter...

holy shit dude, at least half the shit in that statement is laughably false

>Why punish after death?

The hebrews adopted the idea of punishment after death from the Egyptians

>trying to debate someone who actually believes in bullshit and cannot face reallitty

No it is not.

The traditions of the modern Churches are though. No apples in the book, no Rapture, Adam and Eve were not the first humans just the first Hebrews.

Perhaps it is wiser to read the book yourself instead of trusting to memes and men in funny hats?

"Religion is the teachings and traditions of man that make void the word of God."

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There's nothing to debate as long as you keep your fucking beliefs to yourself AND don't try to enact them into law. Now fuck off faggot

OP answer this

All Roman-Catholic (and thus Christian) "religion" is 2000 year old Roman war propaganda

It's still ruining the world today two millennia later. Isn't that fucking sad?


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Did you read more than the first few words of his post?

The gospels are anonymous.
The writers can't claim to be witnesses.
You christfucks are gullible idiots.

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Kind of impressive honestly. Strongest "nation" in the world.

Why do christians (in general) insist on trying to convert everyone else? I respect your beliefs, why can't they respect mine? I don't care what your personal beliefs are, as long as you don't interfere with mine. This has only happened with christians (both Cath. and Prot.) never with any other religion.

Why did you post the false idol of Zeus?!

Pagan scum!

Do you like Jazz music?

Why do all humans (in general) insist on casting labels to cover all others?

As a Christian I participate in threads like this where it is the topic OP has picked.

I don't just break out preaching all the time.

I am just a normal work a day human just like you.

Except I try to remember we are all brothers and it is not "me" verses "them". It is just "US".

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god is dead and no one cares
