I plan on offing myself, I couldn’t be bothered writing my own suicide note so feel free to write some shit for me

I plan on offing myself, I couldn’t be bothered writing my own suicide note so feel free to write some shit for me.

I’m not sure how soon

My method with probably be a belt around my neck or slit my arm
Not sure why I feel this way either
No matter how many friends I have
No matter the amount of money I make I hate myself regardless and cannot think about anything other than killing myself

I have a partner who claims they love me
Yet I can never believe it

I’m just some emo degenerate on Yea Forums

I don’t have motivation to do anything besides work and go home

I’m a parasitic leech to all others around me and I must be eradicated

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try DMT first. if you still feel that way, go for it.

>I have a partner who claims they love me
>Yet I can never believe it
>I’m just some emo degenerate on Yea Forums
>I don’t have motivation to do anything besides work and go home
All these words together.
I think you're lying faggot.
You convince yourself you're working on useless shit.
Your friends all probably dislike you for one reason or another.
And the partner who loves you probably left you. Right?
After realizing you're a piece of shit.
You probably won't go through with it either.
You're just craving the attention you will get from this thread.
Congrats. You got it.
I know you

I got a note for you OP, godspeed

Here lies a man, mauled in soul
Eaten by the grinding gears of the world
By cruel system's formal hand
Left with no words for his screaming mouth

Don't slit your wrist, it doesn't work.

OP has never tried it.
Doesn't know it's not like the media says it is
Just an edgy retarded good for nothing retarded bitch

No we’re still together

I said goodnight to them a few hours ago and wished them a good sleep

I have friends, but i convince myself I don’t

I convince myself they’re talking to me out of pity

Which they might be, they might not.

I have such a clouded mindset that I can’t diferentiate reality and what I convince myself reality is

>I have such a clouded mindset that I can’t diferentiate reality and what I convince myself reality is
Finally you fucking realize this shit.

Reality is not what you think
And it's only gonna get worse from here for you

Have you even finished college?
You better believe them trips

True, to be fair I was hoping for it to be a somewhat painless way, as I have acquired medical strength numbing solution. And with test I did on my leg I was able to get through the adipose and into some muscle tissue. I figured I could do the same with my forearm but on a larger scale.

I’d rather not expose their gender as that would change the outcome of this thread

>I’d rather not expose their gender as that would change the outcome of this thread
Lemme make a guess.
They is your trap daddy guru who is now detransitioned?

No need to drink bleach too, won’t work. Just get a gun, put your head in a bad and blow it. Won’t be hard to clean for those who will pick your corpse.

Dropped out in my last year of high school because of issues with my biological junkie of mother attempting to abduct me again while dealing with the repercussions of my last relationship which ended with them making the entire faculty and students dislike me, and no I’m not being hyperbolic either. I wanted to finish school and go to college but I wasn’t allowed to enrol in another school so I just stopped going.

Shuaiby style

I live in Australia and it’s particularly hard to get a gun in my position and it’s even harder after the shootings that just happened in nz

Thought about going to the states for a while until I could get a gun and then blow my brains out before I even get out of the door

Remember down the river for results across the river for atention

You know what OP?
You remind me of my ex.
A mentally deranged girl who at first. I respected.
And respected her decisions too. She thought she was trans and she wanted to become a guy.
After a year with that looney. I realized she was out of touch with reality itself.
She thinks exactly like you.
If you can bring yourself out of this cycle. And just grab back reality.
Do it. Dying is a waste. You will die anyways

Also gib me your shekels

Why, I don’t believe I am of any use nor do I want to continue living
Also fuck you im not a tranny lmao

Based user still has shreds of dignity

Dear Mom,

I've always been in love with you, and I can no longer live without you. You only ever treated me like a son, when all I ever wanted to be was your lover. I'll never know what it was like to have children with you and raise them as my own. To watch your belly growing, knowing that a new life is on the way. To wake up every morning, roll over, and kiss you on the lips.

I can't bear it another second. This must end.

I'll always love you. It's too bad it never worked out between us.



(sign your name instead of "user", obviously, you retarded faggot)
