In 2013...

In 2013, false and outdated information led to my student flat being raided by the police (I was a college student at the time). Acting upon outdated information, the police were not able to find the person that they were looking for because he had already moved to another town but the police did manage to charge me with one count of possession of marijuana because I had a single ziplock bag of weed and a used bong in my bedroom at the time.

I was forced to appear in court and was sentenced to 40 hours of community work. Since I had no choice, I pleaded guilty.

Since then, I have been crafting ways of exacting revenge. Every time I see a public toilet, I try to rip off the toilet seat from its hinges. If this is not successful then I take a big shit on the floor so that it takes time for the cleaner to clean up what I just produced. I have ripped pages out of library books and tore the fabric on bus seats with a pocket knife.

Pic related is my latest successful act of civil disobedience. I managed to rip off the metal toilet paper roll holder of a council-owned public bathroom.

Anyone else in the same boat as me? Ask me anything. Share tips and tricks on how you have exacted revenge on the government (who imprisons people for smoking a harmless plant).

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quit being a fucking bitch

Youre doing gods work.

I myself like to piss on wads of toiletpaper/papertowels and whip them at the ceiling so piss drips on peoples heads. It's best to stick them right above the toilet or urinal so theres a higher chance of it dripping on them.

I bought and own and carve it into the walls everywhere i go as well.

>exacted revenge on the government (who imprisons people for smoking a harmless plant)
1. It's illegal. Not going to comment on whether it's a just law, whether it does less damage then alcohol or tobacco. Don't like it? Provide evidence of lack of harm and lobby for law change. Until then, suck it up or emigrate.
2. You're not "extracting revenge", you're just a tiny-minded vandal diverting taxpayer's money from useful causes like schools, hospitals, transport. You have not influenced a single parliamentarian, nor have you made an obvious protest
3. Stop it, you mindless faggot.

What a fucking baby you are OP.
Grow the fuck up.

Not OP but i think youve missed the point, some people just want to watch the world burn.

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Think im gonna destroy 2-3 toilets just for ur post
(Not op )

A self-imposed sentence of 6 years (so far) of dwelling on it.

Get over it.

Yep, that's about your level.

>some people just want to watch the world burn
But OP isn't doing it for shit and giggles - he's doing it because he's a butthurt child, as his post shows

Your just a bitch nigger

>act of civil disobedience
this is vandalism, dumb nigger.

You are basically a nigger.

Boo hoo, I can't follow the law and I had to take the consequences for it, better destroy stuff and make life inconvenient for people who have nothing to do with me being a dumb, criminal fuck.

His possession of the weed was illegal, sure.. but so was the illegal search and seizure under false pretenses.

It may not have happened to your personally, but I've had something similar happen with the FBI. They raided my house because of some bug on a website, couldn't find anything and are now making up a bunch of easily dis-proven lies. Pretty sure they manipulated the judge to get the warrant.

Don't blindly trust the government. heh

UK verses US.

One of these things is not like the other.

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Move to Vegas, that shit is legal here.

I'm well aware he lives in the UK. You also need a search warrant in the UK unless, just like in the US, the police are in "hot pursuit".

>buy drone, pay cash
>built bomb
>connect bomb to drone
>fly drone into police station

Alternate history:

>police come inside dorm
>sees weed and bong
>they leave and tell you to stay out of trouble
>be candian

Holy shit man youve been fucking with janitors for 6 years over 40 hours of community service you autist.

Breaks law is punished .....Makes low wage cleaner pick up his shit!

Yeah the government and police will be humiliated and humbled by your revenge tactic....

Ignore most of the tardos in the thread. Sure, the stuff you're doing is passive aggressive / petty, but I see where you're coming from.

Did you have a lawyer? You shouldn't have plead guilty. Pleading guilty skips past any defense you might have and skips straight to your punishment. All you had to do was bring the illegal search into question and there's a high chance your case would have been dismissed.

>ut so was the illegal search and seizure under false pretenses
Bearing in mind the Weltanschauung and child-like bias exhibited by OP I suspect all is not as he said. I suspect the entry was lawful, the search was lawful and they found OP's stash. He may not have been the subject of the warrant but he was in the property that was on the warrant and was committing an illegal act.

You make too many assumptions. You should take the information given at face value.

>You should take the information given at face value
I have a bridge for sale that would make a magnificent investment for a discerning gentleman like you

At no point did OP say the search was illegal. he said the information was out-of-date, but that doesn't mean a warrant wasn't issued to search the premises. If they then find, as a part of a legal search and entry warrant other law-breaking they are entitled to arrest and prosecute

Ah yes... because I take a random online persons statement, a person I'll never have any type of interaction with again, at face value then I must make risky decisions regarding money!

Your assumtions are life changing!

> Acting upon outdated information, the police were not able to find the person that they were looking for because he had already moved to another town
The search was performed on an area that was no longer relevant to their active case. If it worked the way you're thinking then nobody would be safe from searches.

Connecting the arrest to your acts of vandalism is retarded. They have nothing to do with each other. But it is really funny to be honest. I'm in my mid 30s and I still do stuff like that. I carry a sharpie everywhere I go in case I feel like drawing dicks in a public bathroom. Also kicking down the dividers in bathrooms is a good one

Hmmmm...who think...was him...?

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Bonger detected.
It’s a good thing they didn’t find a steak knife, unlicensed tv, or ethnocentric literature or they would have really buttered your crumpets.

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>The search was performed on an area that was no longer relevant to their active case

I literally quoted the evidence.

> Acting upon outdated information, the police were not able to find the person that they were looking for because he had already moved to another town

You can't search a residence based on the previous occupant and then charge the current occupant for a crime because it's out of the scope of the search warrant. I could give you a bunch of case references, if that makes you happy.

>You can't search a residence based on the previous occupant and then charge the current occupant for a crime because it's out of the scope of the search warrant
So, you're saying that if the police have a search warrant for a premises they were told a suspect was in, but the suspect had moved as the original information was out of date, they enter the premises under the authority of the warrant and they find an individual they didn't know would be there and who was not a suspect, but this individual had 3 handguns and 1lb of prime heroin which the police found as they exercised the search warrant, they'd have to tip their caps and just leave?
>I could give you a bunch of case references, if that makes you happy.
Looking forward to them. Cite away

This. OP is a faggot for thinking cops and public toilets have any rational connection.

They are both extensions of the government.

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1. Terrible fucking point. "Just move." How about fuck you.
2. Hilarious you still think taxes pay for schools and roads.
3.Kill yourself you fucking commie cuck

Of course not. They would check the history/registration of the guns, and confiscate the heroin. Obviously they would question the OP, but unless he admitted to it to being his, they couldn't do anything to him.

> Except for the purpose specified in paragraph (e) of subsection (1) above, the powers of entry and search conferred by this section— (a)are only exercisable if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that the person whom he is seeking is on the premises; and
> The power of search conferred by this section is only a power to search to the extent that is reasonably required for the purpose for which the power of entry is exercised.

Read that while I gather a list of case references.

Nobody knows why you are doing those things. You're just an asshole. Get your testosterone levels checked you bitch. No one taught you how to be a man, huh?

You're mostly just ruining ordinary people's days. They paid taxes for the city council to install a public toilet, they paid to have a janitor clean it, in an emergency they decided to use the public toilet and found it ruined by a shitskin (you).
>buying drugs
>getting arrested for drugs
>reeeeee I got arrested for illegal stuff
>taking revenge for it on innocent citizens

You sound like an angry chihuahua. All the cleanup and repair costs will be financed by your and your fellow citizen's money.

I wish I could shit into your mailbox.

Stop being a faggot shitting on floors fucking up someone's day. The person cleaning that up is already getting fucked by the government via crap pay.

>Hilarious you still think taxes pay for schools and roads.
What else pays for them, you moron? Magic money trees?

Read it. So if the warrant was the search for individual A, who was suspected of having drugs and they found individual B, who had drugs....?

jesus christ you're a fucking moron. i've honestly never witnessed such astounding levels of autism and I worked with disabled autists for charity. i legitimately can't tell if this is sad, scary, or funny. i guess all three.

So you'd go ahead and waste tax payers money then? Because that's how the government pays for things that are public. You want to get back at the police then play their game and learn the law. I would have fought it in court.

OP the fucking dumbass doesn't even know how a warrant works, and mindlessly pleaded guilty.

Unless he admitted to being the owner of the illegal subject, then they can't do anything without breaking the scope of the search and seizure warrant.

I've done a ton of research the past 2 years after being subject to the same thing in the USA, except it was with the FBI and they 'found' fake evidence. I can't believe how much the FBI lies, even about stuff you can easily disprove with a few minutes on Google.

I hope he gets caught on a camera some time and gets even more community service.
In fact, it's be delicious if he got to clean his own and thousand other's manure out of public bathrooms.
Seriously, now I understand how much a record of even minor law transgressions reflects a person's character.

nah youre just a butthurt nigger

He'd probably end up in prison with that wrap-sheet of his.

Having a bit of trouble finding relevant cases.

This goes in-depth about search and seizure laws, if you wanna read it.

>with that wrap-sheet of his

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