I had a car accident a few days ago... Do i look like a monster?

I had a car accident a few days ago... Do i look like a monster?
The pics of me

Attached: 3.jpg (900x1600, 829K)

Not too bad

I can’t tell. You’re gonna have to post your cock so I can see the damages better

Even if this is bait Im confused what the joke is.

Attached: a054516.jpg (549x658, 103K)

seriously reconsider your life, op. you are accomplishing nothing with this pathetic phishing attempt. your life will ultimately lead to nothing, just as mine or anyone else's. you will be forgotten soon after your death, as will the human race fade from the cosmos. you are nothing and should treat yourself the same way. do us all a favor and off yourself before you bring shame to the very human race.

If these pics of you are after the car accident, then you really don't look so bad. You are actually quite handsome.

not passable.

Tits or gtfo

fuark u look so much like my cousin smaarchhhhh

fucking desirable

Put sharpie in pooper so we can see better

beta faggot autistic incel retards

>car accident
>no visible injuries
Are you just looking for attention?

so what exactly did you injure cause I don't see any cuts or bruises just a very average looking long haired boy

Blatant attention whoring


Well it made your pic hand sideways...must be a brain injury

bro it was just irony.

tits or gtfo
timestamp it

Not a single injury. OP is clearly not a car accident victim. No tits or cock posted. Sage goes in all fields

your still beautiful and ready to rock and suck my cock

monster? idk, what does a succubus count as? also bobs and vagne plz

Im a girl :S do i look that ugly

show ass, can't judge a women without seeing her ass

You look like a neckbeard troll. If you want us to believe you're female, you'd better post timestamped tits.

>linking to images
>on an imageboard

Besides the obvious signs of mental retaardation you look fine.

Monster sure, you look just like Michael Jackson.


Attached: women0172.jpg (1259x1080, 610K)


>tranny gets facial feminization surgery
>gets on an attention seeking rush
>is boy himself
>omg look guise i got in a car wreck
>posts facial surgery results which isnt too dissimilar

fucking trannies

link is dead, was on the money and he took it down?

yes, yes i was. i didnt even REALLY know, i reverse searched the op faggot image just now

>i didnt even REALLY know
by this i mean i didnt have conlusive proof of the trannyism even though it was extremely obvious from the behaviour, appearance, thinly veiled attempts at getting attention etc.

you probably just made him become part of the 40% with that guess kek

that kinda makes me feel bad cuz im a tranny (wish i wasnt, probably kms over it cuz feels bad) myself im just tired of shit lol.

i mean the appearance was not the largest factor in me detecting this obnoxious bullshit to begin with. it was the clear tranny behaviour

anyway my point being, if you kys over something someone said on b you were a fag to begin with (a worse one)

Monster? Who did you kill in the crash? You do kinda look like someone who drives badly.