Give me proof that Yea Forums isn't just a edgier rip off of reddit

give me proof that Yea Forums isn't just a edgier rip off of reddit

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>Yea Forums = 2003
>Reddit = 2005

Also you're a faggot for asking

this stupid site thinks my post is spam, return from whence thou cam'st.

Heyy...nice Elon...!

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just look in the mirror you little faggot

Hard to be a rip off if you came first ratard. Why don’t you do a 360 and go back.

Easy.. nuff said

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Fucking faggot, can't even say reddit because they know you frequent that shithole.

reddit, was just something temp you fucking faggot.

holy shit you guys proved my point
best proof I've seen yet
we have that at reddit too aniki

we were made first so reddit is a lesss edgy rip off of us

Literally not a rip off though , though the site may do many things reddit may do all through the site Yea Forums had been doing so much longer. (bit edgier though)

Because it’s the other way round Aaron Schwartz was an originalfag, who started plebbit to post Yea Forums shit. Know your history newfag.


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seeing that youve responded to a bot you have obviously been here less than an hour and have MAYBE gone into one thread other than your own

history is retroactive, just because france came before uk doesn't mean the uk didn't influence france. from what I've seen, you all are a bunch of incel contrarian neckbeards who wanna be cool kids. How do you fuckwits be cool, by being as edgy as this site allows, while communicating with other members of your species specimen.
the fact that you neckbears use such a bot is enough to be said.

we dont want the bot here its annoying as shit retard, now gtfo back to r3ddit before i start posting gore that will make someone like you piss their pants

holy shit you came here to feel better about yourself and shit on Yea Forums? No shit its a place full of incels and neckbeards but that is what Yea Forums is built around unlike many other boards but holy shit man take a look at other boards or something dont come here just so you can get a chuckle from some 'incel virgin neckbeards'

post it sensei desu

okay i take back the many but not all.

I too am from reddit came here to check this place out and i gotta say, i'm not at all impressed.

'oh man I heard bad shit about this place, i sure hope some impressive stuff is here'

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>I had to clear my browser history and reset my IP just to say the word "reddit"
You fucking totally showed my ass, props nigga.

AAAGH! oh no I'm scarred for my entire life, whatever shall I do!?

you should stop being a faggot

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I dont even get your logic, how would browsing reddit make my message be seen as spam? All i said is 'shoo shoo to reddit' and it was probably seen as spam due to how much its said and annoying it is. Not sure why you are so pissed about this in the first place.

oh no once more I have been wounded by this post, where's my downboats!?

fuck off libshit

sage shit thread

fuck off incel neckbeards

My logic is that you don't belong here, fuck off. Don't bother responding because that's the fucking point, take it and fucking leave.

The only difference is that up/downvote system. If they introduced it here, this place would be the same thing.

Reported for hate speech

thanks for the (you) heres another upvote

I will post here until the day I die, I hope this angers you so much you give me another shitty reply and take your time thinking to yourself how shit Yea Forums is.

banned for insulting liberals you goddamn trump supporter, how many african americans have you called nigger? I bet far too many!

Actually, fuck this thread, there's no point in yelling at some idiot nigger from reddit when there's just gonna be a bunch of faggots posting incel memes.

this is now a meme thread ignore everything op has to say hes a faggot redditor let him give you (yous) if he wants

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Lmao got what I asked for, suck a dick you stupid faggot.

Leborted for religious and racial slurs

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Go suck a log out of andy sixx's asshole, faggot. that's what you reddit faggots brought here, that's what you get. Fucking faggot nigger bitch.

post memes or gtfo

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gonna cry oldfag?

so what subreddits do you usually browse

/r/watchpeopledie (RIP)

thanks il be raiding those unless they have some bs system in place, anyone else join me if you want

Actually Programming, NSFW and a year later Science were the first and most popular subs.


55’s checking quad 5’s nice gets faggots.

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