Let’s try this again

Let’s try this again

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Get out of here liberal

I’m antii trump but pro pence

Youre just a retard dont try to compensate with political views.

> ima bigot

> Yeah and RI, VT and small states get fucked over

Fucking idiot

Implement the Wyoming Rule and reapportion the House.

Replace FPTP with a better balloting method.

The only reason "abolish the electoral college" is the thing twoparty politicians will rally around is because it is unlikely to disrupt their hold on power.

The electoral college is not the main problem in the US. The real issue is gerrymandering.


Absolutely damn straight.

Fuck electors.

Not only should we abolish it, we also need rank choice voting.

Both are huge problems.

u cant get rid of the electoral college, otherwise youll be giving dems all the fucking power

If the party has lost the people, it means it's time to change the party or make more parties. We needs rank choice voting and more than 2 parties.

thats not fair, its not Wyoming fault that niggers and spics from New York pop out more shit babies aka future voters

you cant do that otherwise you would be meddling with power, you know damn well independent parties will never win

>i don't know the meaning of words, but i like the sound of them

Sounds like terrible excuse for "I can't choose muh audience". If the numbers are there then let them work for you and help the people out. Don't make retarded excuses cuz you're disconnected from the people.

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What is this college and do they offer both online and on campus classes?

There is a split in the democrats right now. Progressive democrats vs the corporate dems. Forcing 2 parties doesn't work, it's a power grab by the 2 parties, you are a traitor if you go independent, it's basically forced dens to vote for Hillary when they didn't want to. It forced Republicans to vote Trump when they didn't want to. More parties and rank choice would fix this.

Sure, abolish the electoral college.
Also the Democrat and Republican parties.
Career politicians and political dynasties.
Make political service mandatory through lottery like Selective Service is, 2-4 year terms.
You go through basic training, testing to find out where you’re best suited to serve, and you receive a fixed wage for those years of service.
No law may be created to increase your years of service, yearly wages, or add any perks to the office.
This goes for all federal positions from the Presidency down.
You want to fuck over the US - don’t do it half assed by just abolishing the EC, do it all the way.

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