This board is actually retarded

This board is actually retarded.
>People starting threads just to start arguments
>Retards unironically thinking 18-year-old college kids should both move out of their parents' home and pay for their own college at age 18 in this economy
>Greentext threads have been reduced to a meme and are met with uncalled for hostility
>Talking about video games is fine until you talk about Nintendo, then you're just a fucking man-child according to the retards on here
>If your thread isn't bait or porn it just gets fucking pruned or ignored completely
I can't stand it anymore but it isn't like there are any better boards. This is hell.

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It's always someone else's fault isn't it?
>in this economy

I bet you don't even use skub, you fucking pleb.

The fuck is skub

I mean I guess it's an option if you want to be heavily in debt and be fucking homeless
But if you aren't retarded and your parents aren't assholes you don't need to get a credit card and massively indebt yourself beyond the point of return
Stop trying to bring others down to make yourself feel better about your shitty life user

Man, making me feel old.

Moved out and paid for own college in 2006.Ya know what happened right after? That's right sonny boy, the great recession! Times was tough but with some grit we made it through and succeeded.

>pretending you don't know what skub is.
faggot much?

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Yea Forums should make Yea Forums great again

Vro I still don't fucking know stop bein' a goon

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I don't mind people talking, it's kinda fun. What I dislike in Yea Forums is absolute degeneracy and fetish threads. (cucks, shitters, racists etc etc)

L2filter people.

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fuck you i can do what i want

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>be me
>like pokémon
>get mocked irl
>come to Yea Forums
>get mocked here again
>I hate life

>but it isn't like there are any better boards
You can talk when you've been on more than three others boards. Retarded frogposter.

> /b is retarded yes
> Nintendo is great and there is nothing better because childhood memories
> still living with your parents is fine economy sucks ass
> greentext is based n' shit people are just lazy or on mobile
> Yea Forums has changed it grew up with us you know

/x/ is full of retarded roleplayers
I stopped going on /vg/ when I finished my Doki Doki phase
/r9k/ is only marginally better except I get hit with bullshit errors when I try to post sometimes
/u/ is fucking boring, all of the porn boards are
/i/ would be nice if there weren't so many assholes
So I can talk now, right user? Those were the rules.

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You guys know what's up
We will make Yea Forums great again fellas, we can do this

It's been "radicalized"

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>your shitty life user
I moved out of the house at 18. It was hard and lonely but it was an improvement because my parents didn't treat me as a friend.
I went to college and paid for it with student loans.
I graduated college with a useful degree, got a job, and lived in a shitty neighborhood driving a rusted car for 3 years.
Most of my friends had video game systems, stereos, nice cars, PCs, etc. I went without.
After 7 years, I was able to buy a house. My gf moved in with me so we could split the expenses.
5 years later, I got a bonus check so big it paid for college.

This didn't happen because I was born into some magic economy.
It happened because like everyone else around me, I worked my ass off, but I didn't waste my money on immediate wants.

Your generation will never understand it because you don't even have the guts to take the first step to leave the house and support yourself. Instead, you invent lies about how the past was some golden wonderland where capitalism was king yet everyone lived for free.

Keep telling yourself the lie. Maybe it makes it easier to live with yourself. But I don't think so, I think that's what the xbox and vape is for.

wagie wagie get in the cagie

How do you filter ?

Well just find a pokemon forum ,duhh ?
I liked it as a Kid but grew out of it

Vaping is for faggots. I'm glad you worked hard for what you got and realize it wasn't great, but I'm going to choose not to live in poverty as long as I have the choice not to. I'm trying to save up to move out as soon as I can, but I would have to be completely retarded to leave behind a relatively cushy life just to have some bizarre sense of accomplishment. I personally can't justify living in misery and fear of my life falling apart just to feel a small sense of accomplishment. All I'm saying is recently I've seen people who chose your option coming on here and treating people who have the luxury of my option like garbage and it isn't really justified in any way.

> Making Yea Forums great again ? The fuck this shit is fucking fucked mate !!
> I love this place but it's to well known and everything wrong on the web came as a result.
> We just need better mods or a rule set on Yea Forums
> But I'm an (old fag) long term user and this is a hopeless endeavor I don't thing it's to late but I gave up on it

This, if I was going back to school and went full time I would 100% live at home. It would suck, I like my space and would feel like I'm imposing but at least I wouldn't be working a shit job trying to make ends meet and going to school. That level of stress would make me lose my mind. Instead I'll take the easy route with certifications and work my way up to a job I really want.

Enter words.
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Read FAQ also.

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I'm gonna be real with you chief, I hit the scene back in the summer of 2014 and even if that wasn't that long ago it was still notably better than it is today. I miss the banana posting of 2017.