Each year approximately 1,000,000 people die from suicide. How do you feel about this?

Each year approximately 1,000,000 people die from suicide. How do you feel about this?

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I don't care what other people do

Sad I’m to pussy to be one of them


They're doing a service to society by helping keep the population under control and removing weaksucks from the gene pool.

That depression is normal.

Those are rookie numbers

im gonna make it 1,000,001

number is too low, would be better if it went higher


at least half of those are people I've murdered and disguised to look like suicides

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suck my dick

but you are a girl!?

Rates are increasing

We need to help these people.

Removing stigma around mental health issues
Helping alcoholics to recover
Helping drug addicts to recover
Introducing more qualified therapists centers around
Teaching kids in schools how to handle emotional issues.

It's epidemic at this point, and not everyone who's suffering kill themselves, it can be really hard to live with mental health problems. (I myself I'm schizophrenic in mild remission)

thinking you can remove stigma is part of the problem because it causes you to over reach into things that arent your business and would probably raise mental illness by promoting it as something that needs to be not stigmatized.

I think the stigma he means is how going to see a shrink is sometimes seen as a sign of weakness or that you can't control yourself. He's not saying to normalize mental illnesses, but to not look down on people for being brave enough to admit that they need help.


I've been suffering with serious schizophrenia since age of 15 (for 19 years now) I know what the biases looks like.

Once you provide necessary help for people, they'll get better, and once they get better, they'll just go about their days without complaining no more.

some assholes just need to off themselves........

Needs more zeroes.