How can I hide it when I’m stoned?

How can I hide it when I’m stoned?

I’m going to Los Angeles with family soon and want to get some legal bud. When we’re at shit like Disneyland and whatnot, how can I keep them from finding out that I’m high?

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That’s what I’m planning on doing but what if they can see it in my eyes and the way I behave?

Then don’t get high

He said hide how high he is. If he’s not used to it he might get so high he can’t talk. Speaking from experience legal ganja is a hell of a lot more potent

Just don’t get too high. Take a couple hits. Small edible. Look for Cheeba Chews. Just eat a half of one or something. You gotta be creative nigga

Eye drops will get rid of the redness in your eyes

Visine red relief eye drops from dollar tree

As for hiding how goofy and possibly stupid you’ll be acting, Coffee and or caffeine are an option

I haven’t smoked in years so I don’t want to trip the fuck out in front of them

this. if you're so afraid, why risk it? it's just weed.

Edibles my man. Trust me dude, it’s a very clean and mild high, it’s a good body kick, mind gets clouded, but you’re still able to think almost entirely clearly. It lasts a long time too. But if you ever wanna sober up a good trick is to close your eyes and try to feel yourself rising, it helps give you clarity

i hid mine in the top of my bedroom door ill try find the pic

I heard edibles can be super potent

You’re gonna freak out in public

Nah man. Just keep it under 200mgs you’ll be good

Kek yeah dude a whole bag of cookies and get fucked haha . OP just tell your fucking parents who cares actually . I told my parents I use drugs when I was 15 and Boy was that a shit show but I'm my own man and not some bitch .

google weed hiding spots not doing a simple task for you

At DISNEY WORLD? With family? What you said is true but edibles are more for chilling out on the couch, Not for in public unless you’re dicking around with your friends Etc. Unless you’re a pothead and can handle it.

They can be. Ask your budtender at the shop for the weakest edibles they’ve got and for his/her advice. They’ll give better advice than anyone on Yea Forums probably will

Just don’t... smoke too much weed? Enjoy a tiny high? Don’t act stoned around sober people? Straight up I’ve never had this problem.

Dude DON'T get edibles. With edibles it's very hard to control how high you want to get and they are usually very potent. If you have a little extra cash get a battery with a vape cartridge. Easy to control your intake, mellow high, and no smell! Obviously use eye drops. You could even toke in your hotel bathroom and nobody would know.

hide your high in your anus. 9/10 this works for me

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Imagine the headline though “Florida man caught stoned, stared at Mickey until security was called

its like your overconsume then are like dude i am fine have another then trip balls in the woods for 4 hours

I’ve gotten fucking plastered naked and went to a liquor store once. Panicking internally. The cashier knew and was fucking with me. Bad times 2/10 would not get baked & try to function in public again

Op here. What would a small joint cost in LA?

Wear sunglasses

Eye drops, and rub citric leaves on your hands to remove the smell, also drink milk after to land the effect a bit

under 200 and he will be fine? jesus christ user 200 is a huge amount and especially for someone who i assume doesnt smoke weed 20mg max first time
edible weed is 10x more psychoactive than regular weed bc the heat and chemical process it goes under

Are you sure all you did was smoke weed? That’s some next level stuff

Whatever you do don't bring shit with you into Disneyland they have dogs at every bag check line. you might get lucky and they won't have them at certain times, but they will tell you to take it back to your car which would out you to your family. Good luck user

Don't get too high. It's as easy as that. Also visine

What’s wrong with you people? Inhale smoke like a man.

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What if I don’t have any weed on me but the dogs can smell a trace from when I smoked it?

Check my trips

hey i love smoking weed as much as the next guy im just trying to give op some advice if he does pussy out and get edibles
just dont hotbox yourself 10 mins before going into disney land
get some colgne
wow its like you arent even high now

You'll be good as far as I know. I used to get high as fuck in my car with a pen and never ran into any issues at security. I had a preroll once before and the smell was stuck on me and they didn't stop me.

Dude, if you ever get better at handling yourself in public when you’re fucked up, go to Disney land on LSD. It’s sooooo cool.

What’s it like?

Colorful, pretty, childlike, it’s awesome. You ever done acid?


As someone who got away with it for years from my family the secret is to pick one easy to express emotion like excitement and just keep it up. also dont squint your eyes or make stupid grins go big or go home.

I haven’t, no. I have occasional panic attacks so I’m reluctant to try it

who cares,your parents are probably degenerates anyway for wanting to go to california to begin with.might as well suck a guys cock while your there

I would recommend staying away then.

just get a vape pen and buy a hash oil cartridge.1-3 good hits will get you there. also get a regular nicotine attachment. If you have to go through security, put the hash in your wallet and put everything else in the bin that they pass around the metal detector. clear eyes is a must. been so stoned on space mountain more time than I can count

>with family
>worried about getting caught
underage b&

You getting that shit into Disneyland is going to be fucking hilarious.

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to clarify, the hash attachment is in the wallet and that goes in the bin. the vape pen also goes in the bin with the nicotine attached.

Why would it be hard? I've been to disney like a hundred times (FL fag), never been searched

I regularly brought a vape pen and a full nalgene full of liquor into the parks. not that hard. worst case scenario you have to pour/throw it out.

Honestly if it's legal, just tell them. If you're old enough to buy it, you're old enough that your folks should respect that decision. It's a ton of fun, and if you get a vape pen it's great to go to a designated smoking area and get ripped af.

You can't