got a new computer and lost all of my memes

Attached: boss baby.jpg (960x720, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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an image isn't a meme you fucking normy.

god I wish that were me

u know what i meant

Attached: reeses.jpg (960x720, 95K)

no meme just mood

Attached: overdose.jpg (750x733, 61K)

What exactly is going on?




He said he lost then all...

Attached: 1551827372053.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

I had to do a double take on this bitch lmao wtf is she doin

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It's actually really good if you don't let it soak in and get soggy. They make sauces out of cola sometimes for wings and chicken strips. Try dipping some tendies in some Dr Pepper, thank me later

Attached: 331F1AD1-C8C9-4303-B8A6-806DD2BDC21D.jpg (200x150, 11K)

> thank me later
For what, ruining some perfectly good tendies?

Attached: 1186345567633.jpg (316x1908, 415K)

It's good just dont soak them dip them quickly and bite in. People also dont think dipping your fries in Wendy's frostys is good until they try it.

This is too american

Haha, not gonna lie, this is definitely me when I fart and cum on my hermit crab at the same time!

i dont just dip the fries. i fucking spread that shit on my nuggies

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ahhah tf is this

Attached: rhinocerous.jpg (500x413, 27K)

Actually putting cola on chicken originated in China

Reminds me of this time I covered my self in squirrel shit, jacked off and my cum got stuck in my belly button. Long story short I found out that belly buttons are a good place to keep dipping sauce for crackers.

>white people winning any form of race war

o boy

Attached: UtAAsWq.jpg (212x200, 7K)

It’s not a matter of winning, the only time whites lose wats is against other whites.

It’s a matter of when the fuck whites are going to wake up and fight.


You're a monster.

You know. I grew up a poor kid in a city. As kids we used to just hang out at the park or outside the subway all day smoking joints and drinking. Go to the movies, sneak into a bunch, go hang out downtown. I used to get blowjobs from the dirty sluts from the neighborhood and school in the park. Went to "building parties" where an entire poor people complex would throw a party and there would be underage drinking drugs and sex.

Yet I see pictures like this and think to myself. I wish I had been born in the suburbs where there's nothing to do but be fuckin weirdos with your fucking weirdo friends.

being a race of docile pussies tells me the answer to that question is "Never".

Do she drink bbq sauce?

I remember this at Melbourne, but it was funnier live lol.

They are in Australia dumbass

>Whites conquer the world
>You are all docile pussies!

Non whites only exist in white countries due to the kindness of the white people there. Were the white people in these countries to all want to throw these people out and fucking glass their countries and genocide them, it'd happen.

You mean another americanized shithole?

Let me rephrase; "Boy, what a ANGLO fucking thing to do".

Sometimes i go through jacking off phases, it goes like this:
Futa > Scat > Pregnant > Incest > Actual shemale porn

what the fuck is wrong with me

>this logic

Dinosaurs must have been way smarter than whites since they ruled the earth first. I can smell your trailer park from here, you sad autist.

I forgot to mention, is it weird if i am really into anuses?


Attached: 1322937010.jpg (1016x1476, 83K)

Did dinosaurs create everything to the shingles on your roof, to the pink insulation in your walls, to the tampons in your mother’s cunt?

Without us your infulsruture crumbles and then it’s back to mud huts and stick spears you stupid nigger.

No more gravy train.

Not with the media's hate boner for whites.

Attached: Sliding Into Second Base.webm (854x480, 1.64M)

Yes, no one likes anuses its not like there is an entire genre of porn dedicated to it either that would be even weirder.

I live in a small rural town, and we have it both ways. Usually being weirdos starts to turn into partying and drugs and all that when you hit about 13 or so. Then it's all downhill from there.

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You're the type of retard that tries to get payed because your great grand parents were slaves even though you've done nothing. You're literally dumber than a nigger and have zero life accomplishments of your own, so you live in the past like all the other stupid poor trailer trash.

The Chinese would rape any "whites-only country" with zero effort, you absolute retard. While you're sitting here talking about how you used to be powerful, when in reality you're a washed up sperg riding the accomplishments of people who are embarrassed to be your ancestors.


The fuck.

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ya blew it.

Attached: 104.gif (250x250, 543K)

You're the reason your race is an abosolute joke. Please continue to suck forever and not believing that it's you who is the problem so that your race stays shit until it is wiped out.

Sounds dank my guy

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Well, that's Jews for you.

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i don't get it.

yum, cherry pie filling

bitch make me wanna dip my criggem nigflips into a coke.

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Chill bitch you are getting all nigger emotional on me, I guess the realization that your mother keeps one of our many inventions up her cunt really got you huh?

First of all I’m white my great grand parents were not slaves. Second if the Chinese were capable of that they would of done it already. Third you have no idea what I’ve accomplished, I recommend not trying to play FBI profiler unless you have a triple digit IQ. Lastly don’t start bitching and crying when we finally get militaristic and you feel the full wrath of white hatred.

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That's not emotional, trailer trash. Calling you out on your retardation clearly has made you ass-mad since you haven't proven anything I said to be wrong.

I said you're the TYPE of person to call for reparations when you YOURSELF hasn't done shit. Typical trailer trash can't read and continues to shame his shit race.

Second of all, no idiot, the Chinese wouldn't have done it already, due to things called "Allies" and "Not wanting to piss of the entire world". Your amazing white knowledge of military strategy is on the level of a 3rd grader with down syndrome.

3rd of all, I guarantee you haven't accomplished shit. You've already proven to be way too fucking stupid to have done anything of notable repute.

Lastly, you've already seen my response to the "full wrath of your white hatred". This is your full wrath. Crying like a faggot on the internet. Thanks for the cringe, you disgrace.

this ylyl is trash

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I don't get it either

Sweet board brah

the great Hippy Compromise of the 21st century.

I call you out for being emotional

>Your response- “nu uh your emotional!” *insert nigger screeching”

>Totally copies the format of my reply

>Constantly shilling for China.

Yup.. carry the one.. account for X being the total lack of creativity and Y being the not so low key copying of whitey.

I’ve come to the conclusion that you are a Chinese rice chink. I don’t know what your censored google search results are telling you but whites aren’t the ones asking for reparations, the fuck are you talking about you ignorant rice nigger?

You are right about China not wanting to piss off the rest of the world though, but not the rest of the world who has no way of defending themselves like Africa and South America, you mean the rest of the white world who has nuclear arms (which whites invented). Way to indirectly prove my point.

Also don’t talk to me about military strategy when the only time whites lose wars is against other whites.

Just wait, we’ll make Nanking look like an afternoon stroll. Even now DARPA has our best white scientist inventing weapons of war you chinks have never heard of, nor will you have preparation to copy it from us like everything else by the time we use it on you.

It really be ya own niggas, my nigga.

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Stand back, I got this:

中国.*禁闻|禁闻.*中国 代开.*发票|发票.*代开 光诚.*沂南|沂南.*光诚 叶城.*砍杀|砍杀.*叶城 天安.*事件|事件.*天安 改革.*历程|历程.*改革 新疆.*独立|独立.*新疆 零八.*县长|县长.*零八 零八.*宪章|宪章.*零八 北京.*出事了|出事了.*北京 轮胎.*方便面|方便面.*轮胎 马驰.*新加坡|新加坡.*马驰 台湾.*独立联盟|独立联盟.*台湾 移动.*十年兴衰|十年兴衰.*移动 平反64 丁子霖 上海帮 世维会 丘小雄 严家其 九常委 九长老 于剑鸣 人民报 令计划 何清涟 俞正声 假庆淋 八宪章 公开信 共惨党 共残党 共铲党 冯正虎 动态网 十八大 华如秀 反社会 司徒华 回良玉 坦克人 大参考 天安门 太上皇 女保镖 姜维平 婴儿汤 孙静晔 孟建柱 学自联 封从德 工自联 张宏堡 张晓明 张高丽 徐才厚 戴秉国 挡坦克 文字狱 新京报 新唐人 新生网 新语丝 方励之 方滨兴 曲乃杰 曹长青 木犀地 梁光烈 正见网 民进党 洪哲胜 海伍德 涂志森 焦国标 看中国 真善忍 真理部 知情者 突尼斯 章沁生 艾未未 艾末末 花园网 苏绍智 茅于轼 莫日根 薄瓜瓜 蟹农场 被就业 裆中央 西乌旗 讲真相 谭作人 谷开来 赵志强 辛子陵 辛灏年 连承敏 邓小平 郑建源 郭伯雄 钓鱼岛 陈一谘 陈世炬 陈瑞卿 陈破空 韩东方 马三家 高念书 高智晟 高自联 魏京生 鲁向东 麦当劳 黎安友 公务员.*答案|答案.*公务员 内蒙古.*抗议|抗议.*内蒙古 陈光诚.*使馆|使馆.*陈光诚 要有光.*要有诚|要有诚.*要有光 一党专政 一党独裁 中国之春 中国论坛 乌尔凯西 争鸣论坛 人民公园 关键时刻 北京之春 北京事件 北京当局 北国之春 华夏文摘 华夏论坛 善恶有报 地下刊物 地下教会 大家论坛 尼尔伍德 山水文园 开放杂志 异见人士 异议人士 我的奋斗 新闻封锁 木子论坛 活摘器官 淋巴县长 盘古乐队 神韵晚会 神韵艺术 纳米比亚 维园晚会 维权人士 维权律师 美国之音 群体灭绝 老人政治 自由光诚 花花公子 超越红墙 迪里夏提 追查国际 阅后即焚 防火长城 阿波罗网 雪山狮子 高考时间 齐鲁银行 天线宝宝.*轮胎|轮胎.*天线宝宝 维基解密.*中国|中国.*维基解密 职称英语.*答案|答案.*职称英语 天线宝宝.*康师傅|康师傅.*天线宝宝 天线宝宝.*方便面|方便面.*天线宝宝 东方红时空 中国民主党 冤民大同盟 北京怎么了 历史的伤口 反腐败论坛 台湾政论区 国家的囚徒 国家防火墙 大中华论坛 我没有敌人 新华通论坛 新观察论坛 梦萦未名湖 正义党论坛 热站政论网 独立台湾会 记者无疆界 阿波罗新闻 陈光诚事件 青天白日旗 一个孤僻的人 万维读者论坛 世界经济导报 东南西北论谈 东土耳其斯坦 东西南北论坛 两岸三地论坛 中国数字时代 中国民主运动 人民之声论坛 你说我说论坛 华岳时事论坛 华语世界论坛 华通时事论坛 南大自由论坛 台湾自由联盟 和谐拯救危机 我的最后陈述 独立中文笔会 红太阳的陨落 自由亚洲电台 西藏流亡政府 诺贝尔和平奖 一寸山河一寸血 世纪中国基金会 中国民主正义党 政治局常委内幕 台湾建国运动组织 改革年代政治斗争 改革年代的政治斗争

Attached: afshin.jpg (500x750, 62K)

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Attached: anatidaephobia.jpg (960x863, 205K)

>the whites race is a joke
>black people in Africa still live in worse conditions that white in Europe did in the 1600s
>Asians flock to majority white countries to escape their 3rd world shitholes
>middle easterners flock to majority white countries to escape their 3rd world shitholes
>south Americans flock to majority white countries to escape their third world shitholes
Give it a rest nigger, talk more shit on your computer, designed by a white person, run on a power supply designed by a white person, from a power plant designed and run by white people.

ohh I lost

Attached: anime.jpg (800x584, 37K)

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Attached: assuming.jpg (720x1332, 108K)

If you knew anything about military technology you would know China is about 2 decades behind the west. They use sub-par firearms, sub-par jets, sub-par rocket systems and sub-par air defence tech. Everything they have now is a carbon copy of our old tech. As hard as a pill it is for you to swallow, whites have been the most dominant demographic in the modern era. His ancestors wouldn't want you retards in our country riding their accomplishments while denigrating their bloodline.

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All using physics principles derived from the laws of thermodynamics and electromagnetism - which also just happened to have been discovered by white people.

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She deserved it

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Attached: blackgirls.png (1440x2150, 848K)

Yes you don't need drugs when you can run around a nice house playing the newest videogames and getting up to insane shit like nerf wars and staying up until 6 AM only to wake up six hours later to a full breakfast spread made by the doting mother and an entire neighborhood to bike around in

Attached: blind date.jpg (960x394, 70K)

Join this Discord!
It's got E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting. Use the invite below:


Attached: i0jzfhv75il21.png (1440x1398, 1.65M)

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[Peculiar bloom]

Attached: BOO.gif (330x200, 721K)

This is my dream cum true

Holy kekkers

for gods fuckig sake

this is a
>YLYL bread

y are there retarded autists arguing ?

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that is fucking disguisting, what the fuck

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Heyy!...he was behind of this...

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Apparently my meme license ran out

Attached: butthurt isis.jpg (640x539, 73K)

Join this Discord!
It's got E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting. Use the invite below:


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More of the guy wearing the cap

Lol you fucking idiots are getting bread out. Black culture is cool. Mexican and Latin food is great. Asians are flooding your education. You are losing on all sides.

I am half white half mex my self. It’s probably about time you idiots stop thinking of race and start thinking of your self as an individual.

fuck, i lose.

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what kind of fucking faggot gets buried in a coffin like that

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Fuck you got me.

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....what is it?

Attached: chief.jpg (540x750, 115K)

Attached: chilis.jpg (580x725, 50K)

Damn what a legend

Hey I understood that reference!

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joker king switch?

T for trips,
V for Vagina

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Attached: commander riker.jpg (900x789, 222K)

No I think he got it right.

Jfc I am going to hell for certain for laughing at this.

jk switch?


Would this work? I gotta assume this would work.
>Not using the teleporter to impregnate Troy

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Was he fired?

Attached: crackaassfantastic.jpg (600x600, 113K)

that is actually pretty funny

Attached: creepy.gif (854x480, 1.53M)

Attached: crows.gif (289x155, 1.03M)

what anime is this from?

funniest part is
>Don't make me install gentoo

Attached: cunt punt.gif (200x135, 1.48M)

Attached: 1C790A6F-38C9-45E6-8C34-550107C2F71C.jpg (200x248, 11K)

Sounds about what my life was like.

Attached: cybersquad.jpg (1280x720, 465K)

Attached: Dafuq.jpg (577x960, 106K)

An old one.

i am fucking crying

Attached: danceswithfat.gif (269x299, 2M)

Attached: Dark Side of the Rainbow.jpg (1024x576, 146K)

Jack king off

Attached: deanna.jpg (900x813, 101K)

Attached: decepticons.jpg (1140x898, 141K)

also, she smokes crack

its from hadashi no gem. super old

Attached: delicious.png (461x960, 365K)

more of these i love them

Attached: depression.jpg (640x640, 76K)

Sadly these are the only two I have.

Attached: derp.jpg (594x576, 128K)

White here, this guy speaks the truth. I understand nationalism, but I don't understand why people think their race's accomplishments make up for their lack thereof.

Attached: 1548270703540.jpg (480x357, 26K)

This is familiar, somehow. What is it?


That’s one way to lose weight.

Attached: Dick cards.png (963x495, 90K)

Attached: didhewin.png (388x1024, 410K)

And that, kids is why you don't fuck with America. Your family dies and you jerk off to weird anime porn 2 generations later.

>stop thinking of race and start thinking of your self as an individual
as if dindus weren't all "we wuz kangz"
and mexicans dont fucking fly mexican flags everywhere and talk about la raza all the fucking time

Attached: Dingy people.jpg (1200x675, 56K)

That’s what you get for being black, tho

Attached: disgusted at balls.jpg (640x480, 144K)

Attached: dm me.jpg (600x610, 89K)

More like 7%, the black male commits half of all violent crime in the US.

>autistic works of fiction

Attached: Doctor Look Me In The Eye.jpg (700x1289, 134K)

Wow that is very interesting please share more information about this intriguing character.

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Gold Medalist Dindu Nuffin wins again

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Underrated post.

Attached: dontlook.png (490x750, 603K)

This is the most retarded argument I've ever seen omegalul

Bitch shouldn't have eaten them berries.

Good ylyl thread for a change

Me trying to fix my parents' pc every time I visit them.

really sounds like you do a shitty job

lololol fucken dumb ass

They're Baby Boomers, nuff said.

Jesus Christ that shit must have taken ages to animate.
Side note, did the nukes really have parachutes on them? Why?
Oh, wait... was it to allow the planes time to get away?


>That's not my job
I want to die

Peace and quiet, and about $250,000.

Why does the bomb have a little parachute?
Are they worried it might get damaged if it hits the ground too fast?

....a miscarriage?

Thank you. I needed that LOL.


“What makes you think padre voted for trump?”

Clearly a cunt punch.

> t. very small yellow peepee make TingTong PingPong Angry

They were meant to explode before they hit the ground. The Hiroshima Bomb was detonated about 580m high for maximum effect.



Less than 7%
It's black men between 15 and 45 that are committing most of the crime. I don't know the demographic size, so I'd put it at 4% doing half the crime

Teleporters are a retarded jumble of plot holes and lazy writing. Basically, they can do whatever the fuck the writers for an episode need them to do.

not militarily at least, the enemy grows smarter as you grow complacent and dumber, remember that

It's not

Holy shit this faggot looks just like me. I don't know how to feel about this.

Graveyard of the fireflies


New YLYL thread.

Exploding the bomb in the air as opposed to directly on the ground will create different after effects. It's whatever the dropper desires.

dead niglets
black don't know any better


My least favorite moment of every dive is when I forget that dive crew love this joke

What the shit

Oh no how tragic :(


Hold on let me translate this
Ching ching pow ding rice rice chicken

20 off?

Redneck hillbillies are eager to jump off their tractors and their cousins to go off fighting in a war. Meanwhile, Senators and Vice Presidents keep sending their kids to top-level Colleges so that they can- hopefully- engineer prosthetic legs for those dumb rednecks that tried going Rambo in a foreign country and got their asses daisy-chained for no real reason while some Yale graduate is studying his ass off so that the Chinese-bred students won't kick his ass to the bottom 90%.

>kindness of the white people there

The image limit capped already, but just imagine that I posted an endless stream of those methed-out whiteys- male and female- as well as a few thousand of those American Fatties that made the number 1 killer in America Heart disease. Lol. Dying from Diabetes isn't really dying from being a Viking or whatever you foolish American's picture yourselves as.

Maybe if this was 1410.

Arabs and Chinese Mathematics was predicting distances between planets and stars by the time Europeans were using rust as a medicine. Even Plato and Aristotle used Chinese Astronomy.

Whites were for the most part war-mongerers. Don't let these Justin Beiber motherfuckers fool you. Whites were enslaving their own people far before black slavery. What did you think Kings and Queens were all about? Ruling their own people is a nice way of hiding the death penalties, tortures, and dungeon-holdings that were doled out like candy to peasants. To white peasants.

American Revolution. The Civil War. Enjoy your white-on-white murder history. Not to mention all the French, British, American, and German murder imposed upon each other. Even now, Liberal vs Conservative arguments are a nice way of hiding the fact that America has the highest imprisonment rate in the world! Meaning, Americans don't like Americans you fool. And before you pull some "minority statistics" into this prison-rate,realize that the wealthy don't get prison sentences while a poor-white man or woman might have to work 1 or 2 weeks just to pay off a traffic ticket!

Capitalism is the way of the 21st century. And money doesn't see race. White Billionaires would rather be sipping from the same thousand dollar wine bottles as any other Billionaire on the planet. Latin. Saudi. It doesn't matter. All Billionares "employ" thousands of people while cutting pay and costs to the bare minimum. And if they don't pay minimum wage, it's because PR relations bring in money themselves. But I wouldn't expect an ignorant, race-obsessed fool like you to understand the modern,capitalistic, inter-continental workings of the twenty first century.

Which chapter/book is this from? I haven't read them in a few years but I vaguely remember this

y u gotta be like dat, she just tryna have some fun

You wouldn't let a komodo dragon s yo d would you?

Ah nice, got it

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Fucking lost...
That's the future our ancestors worked so hard for. I mean we're gifted for free on the backs of others less fortunate.

Reminds me of when I turned my BodySlide to super preggers to test if the Linkle outfit was compatible with CBBE...

*sweats* Why am I NOT sub'd? I mean I have much moar respect for him than before his fiver stuffs...

I love people like this, just roll with the stereotypes. His bless you.

Cultural appropriation?

>Lol you fucking idiots are getting bread out...

How the FUCK did this guy know I was making a sandwich?! Fucker a Fed?