What is this white stuff that comes out of girls vaginas? Looks disgusting tbh

What is this white stuff that comes out of girls vaginas? Looks disgusting tbh.

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fungal infection

It’s called pussy juice and it’s not as nasty as jizz unless you’re a true Gaylord.

Check those trips

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it has the worse smell. like dead fish left in sewage.

It is disgusting. It's a fungal infection, and dead skin and filth. The female equivalent of smegma. You know how women will go to the restroom and "freshen up" before sex? They're douching. That's what that means.

Bitch in the picture is just lazy and filthy if she can't even clean up before showing the whole world her nasty snatch residue.

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yeah, it's literally a infection, mix that infection with pussy juices and you get a disgusting mixture

lick that vibrator clean then, fag

Are you... are you the one? The King of the Incels as foretold by prophecy?

No girl I've ever dated has owned or ever used a douche. They all go to "freshen up" It basically means they're peeing and mouth washing and checking their makeup. Maybe they rinse the vag but most women don't douche unless they're prostitutes.


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No woman ive ever been with has douched. You sound like such a virgin jesus christ.

Don't lie to the poor bastard. One of these days OP might actually be in a position where he has to deal with that, and you sick fucks are going to convince him to lick the dildo when he should be walking out the door or sending that bitch to the bathroom.

Why are you gotta lie on the internet like that?

holy fuck, women get bacteria in pussy FROM douching, as it upsets the PH balance, only ever douche the ass, and even then only do it once or twice a week

Lick the dildo wtf? Are you a virgin too god damn.

literal smeg



That dildo looks like my hermit crab three days after I cum on him and fart

Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.

It's some guys cum from last night.

sorry can't sleep, farting while cumming on my hermit crab

dayanna_ sweet please