My friends car got keyed and we want some revenge. Best most creative ways to fuck up a car. Dont give me any shit about being a pussy and taking responsibilities im asking for the friend
My friends car got keyed and we want some revenge. Best most creative ways to fuck up a car...
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if you live somewhere hot, crack some eggs on his car and let his car cook em
go to a local sporting goods store and buy skunk spray or deer urine, then take the spray and put it in the grill under the windshield. also dot 3 and 4 brake fluid eats paint so you can just throw it on a car or draw fun shapes. also bologna does the same, or just key it back
Not that I would know, but I heard that sugar in the gas tank royally fucks a car's engine. Or so I've heard. From somewhere.
squat on the hood and take a shit right on the windscreen
This is true they will need a whole new fuel tank to even move the vehicle, at least 500 dollar tank.
It gums up the fuel like, real bad
Dump some Karo or King Syrup the gas tank. It will gum up the engine so bad they will have to replace it.
Depends. How bad are you wanting to fuck it up. My personal fav is putting thick zip ties around the drive shaft. Will make a noticeable sound and drive a mother fucker nuts. Or a super small pebble in the valve cap of the tire will leads to lulz.
If you don't give a shit.
>rag in gas tank
>light rag on fire.
>we want some revenge
Are you sucking his dick or is he sucking yours? It's not your car so why are you included in this?
Quads never lie
depends how badly you want to fuck with it
you can remove the pins from the tire nozzles with nose pliers
you can spray the car with paint stripper
you can dump muriatic acid onto the car
you can burn down the car
To cause the most damage in the last conspicuous way would be to dump a gallon of bleach in the tank. It will ruin absolutely fucking everything but in a matter of weeks
This guy has a small penis
Y’all some car educated folk.
There called schrader valves not pins and bleach in the gas would blow the engine. Same with sugar or almost anything else. Hell water in the gas would do the same. Any liquid that can’t compress. It’s not hard to fuck up a car
Reported to FBI for inciting violence
>schrader valves
glad you looked it up for me
>bleach in the gas would blow the engine
kek- blow the engine? how exactly? it would not even stall it
Throw spark plugs at windows. Will shatter the glass
>Hell water in the gas would do the same. Any liquid that can’t compress. It’s not hard to fuck up a car
you have no idea how much water engine can take before it even stalls.... and it would not blow, it would stall and eventually seize up
Tell your friend he should use WD40 instead of oil in his car.
wait, what?
Reported to your mom for fucking your dad
I'm sure your dumb faggot friend is totally innocent in all this.
Kill your self in his car after you break into it
have fun in 'murica you cuck
Brake fluid will ruin paint jobs. Go to an auto parts store and get a big, cheap bottle of brake fluid and pour it all over the car. Bonus points for writing shit in the fluid.
Is your friend a woman? Only roasties and fags care about revenge.
Just force the nigger to pay for the damage, like a real man would do.
Is this a riddle.
Guess it depends on how much gas is in the tank lol
Keep using plyers to remove your pins.
yeah spelling aint good around here, i admit
>Guess it depends on how much gas is in the tank lol
you can literally spray/almost pour water into the intake and it wont stall the engine... in fact its a good way to clean your plug catalytic converter
Buy canned stinky fish, let it brew in the sun for a few weeks, open it up, and you already know where that's going. Shit will stink so fucking bad, and for months. Trust me.
Please pour water in your cars intake. Don’t squirt like a pussy. Pour that shit in there
Piss on the windshield so that the hvac system blows piss air into the cabin. Alternately if you live in a cold area throw some Bologna on a painted area
That sort of crosses the line from malicious prank into sabotage and vandalism. If you're gonna do that you may as well blow up the car or something
I think I read somewhere sugar doesn't so anything, but I know that if you put water in it that fucks the engine up. But the problem is still getting the fuel tank cover open without breaking and entering
thats not even true. engine will burn anything flammible, sugar burns dumbdumb.
if you want to fuck it up, pour water in there.
Shove a potato or any hard projectile that can fit in the exhaust.
"gums up the fuel"
what the hell does that even mean lol. you dont even know what it means. Turns the fuel in the tank into Jelly? Turns the fuel -it touches- into jelly and clogs the fuel lines? Why would sugar react with oil like that?
>you guys, sugar+gas=napalm!
Maybe it clogs the fuel lines itself? K but thats not "gumming up the fuel" and to be honest, you can probably fuck up a fuel system by pouring enough of anything non-splashy-not-designed-to-be-a-fuel-liquid in a tank. But thats the same principle as putting water in at that point, its the engine trying to compress a non-compressible thing and -that- is what fucks an engine up. When it sucks up water, it squirts water into the cyl and the cyl cant get it out, so it builds up each squirt until the cyl cant travel anymore and it ceases to move.
stop saying things on the internet.
Delete the person's oil, or replace it with not oil
Keep checking the car nightly to see if it is ever left unlocked. Pop the hood. Put about a tablespoon of sand in the intake as close to the manifold as you can (probably easiest to disconnect pipe to throttle body and push it past that)
sugar in the fuel tank fucks it
1 level- pour some expired milk in the car
2 level- stab all thier tires & paint thier break lights
3 level- underneath the front on the car you can see the raidiator stab it or poke in the tubing, if you can see the radiator fan and its wirering, cut it. After 1 mile his car heatover and turn off.
Yeah pretty sure newer fuel filters work well enough that sugar no longer works. I remember a Mythbusters episode about this. Sugar did not do much. But if i remember Bleach did the trick. just look up the Mythbusters episode.
open or bust window and fill with store bought concrete mix. just add water stir and fill.
Take dog shit put it in a jare of pickle juice shake until paste then pour it in his air vents then put super glue into the keyholes
Pay some niggas to flip it over
myth busted
no no no take a can of shaving cream and stick a knife through it then write your favorite type of bread on to the underside of the passenger seat so that the shaving cream can constantly sprays shaving cream in your face eyes nose mouth and ears and the inside of the car