We need a republican in 2020 that can bring back respect to the republican party...

we need a republican in 2020 that can bring back respect to the republican party.donald trump is an idiot who turned the party into a joke,vote for my man jeb

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Fuck neocons


Good one user you got me.

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go figure,the trump supporter doesnt like conservatives.since you elected a guy who's as far away from conservative values as you can get

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Whatever the post neocon is...it's not sustainable.

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weak and predictable

weak and predictable

lets be honest,id rather have another bush then another clinton,obama or trump

stupid and easily distracted by shiny objects

So...Bush again??

yep,bush was respected by republicans.unlike donald trump,who the majority of republicans think is a fucking retard

He navigated the fall of the USSR and didn't take any credit.

yeah,but stalin didnt kill any jews.so nobody cares about him,unlike adolf hitler

In what sense?

Only politician I’d vote for over him is Rand.

>in what sense?

just fucking look at him,conservatives have never.and will never,support donald trump

Rand is nothing like his dad.

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>just fucking look at him
Do you have any actual substance, user?
I'm honestly interested.

i mean,the guy has lived his life in some degenerate liberal city,has life long democrat family members.has been a democrat most of his life

he isnt even worthy of being called a republican,let alone a conservative.but there's no point in arguing with idiots like yourself,you think donald trump is some orange jesus

Republican = Trump at this point.

YangGang anyone?


>hurr,i live with my parents and have no clue about economics.lets vote for the socialist guy so i can get free stuff

also,republican doesnt=trump.there are republicans and then there are trump supporters.trump and his supporters are not republican and they further proved this by not throwing the guy out of the white house after he signed 2 gun control bills

Agreed. We need to run a candidate that will bring back conservative values and restore the Republican party.

He 's a blight on the Republican party. We're becoming known as the party of racism and corruption, and it needs to stop before more damage is done. The Republican party is the party of conservatism not Trumpism. We're the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan for fucksake.

I voted for Trump because he said he would be able to make great deals and I believed him. I was wrong.

>the guy has lived his life in some degenerate liberal city
He's a real estate professional in New York.
Of course he's going to live there too.
>has life long democrat family members
>has been a democrat most of his life
>he isnt even worthy of being called a republican,let alone a conservative
Id consider him a classical liberal and fiscally conservative.
>but there's no point in arguing with idiots like yourself
I'm not trying to argue, I asked you a simple question and you just brushed it off like a know it all implying everyone should agree with you.
>you think donald trump is some orange jesus
Literally what?
I'm a classical liberal if anything.
Freedom of speech
Rule of law
No war for profit
Equality of opportunity


Was Bush a Republican?
>We're becoming known as the party of racism and corruption

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>im a classic liberal

thanks for proving that people who support donald trump are fucking retarded

please clap

>party of racism

then how come the new black panther party and black lives matter are affiliated with the democrats.you know,real racist groups.not "you dont agree with my political views,so im gonna call you a racist"like you retards seem to want to think racism is now

Are you going to address my question or spew ad hom?
Stop replying to me if you don't want to have an actual discussion.

Sorry this was for you...

jeb and his guac bowl for 2020

forget that orange nazi drumpf.jeb will save us

Agreed. Kasich is a better option than Jeb tho. Jeb seems perpetually flaccid as a human being.

not gonna answer your question.you already proved how retarded you are by admitting your a liberal,go back to calling trump a nazi even though he's the biggest jewish cock sucker to ever enter the white house

Far away? He's exactly what most conservatives want in office. Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean the majority of the party agrees with you.

>not gonna answer your question
Why can't you provide evidence to back up your claims?
>you already proved how retarded you are by admitting your a liberal
Classical liberal ≠ liberal in 2019
>go back to calling trump a nazi
I've never called him a Nazi
>even though he's the biggest jewish cock sucker to ever enter the white house
That's not true at all.
Most jews in America vote Democrat.

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says a LIBTARD



so most conservatives want an anti gun degenerate in office? nope,you obviously dont have a fucking clue about conservatives

JFK would be considered a classical liberal by today's standards.
And he would never make it in politics in modern times within the democratic party.
They would toss his ass to the curb.

>says a libtard

a libtard who wants a bush as president? how fucking stupid can you be

That would be scary. Jeb is just as fascist but not an idiot so he can hide it better.

also,the irony in the fact you support trump and think he'll have any support by republicans in 2020.you retards have already not been considered republicans after you sat on your ass and did nothing when your draft dodging president signed 2 gun control laws.i guess the 2nd ammendment only matters when the nigger democrat is president


hey libtard,you already used that buzzword with donald trump

>an anti gun degenerate
Why aren't Democrats pushing anti gun bills right now if he's on their side?
Why hasn't he used his Executive privilege to do anything?
You're retarded.

>signed 2 gun control laws
What did he sign, user?

bump stock ban,and more background checks

i seriously think people who support donald trump are fucking clueless.you idiots ask me way to many questions about what the president you support is actually doing

also,im sure in 2020.if he actually ends up being re elected,he'll sign an assault rifle ban.because we know the senate will be democrat,since thats all thats keeping donald trump from going full democrat

Jeb is a libtard pretending to be conservative. He's weak, sleepy and scared. He's for full open boarders and One world govt. Why would anyone want another Bush. Trump will win again!

>a libtard pretending to be a conservative

your confusing donald trump with jeb bush

>why would anyone want another bush

because unlike donald trump,republicans actually liked george w bush.you can fuck off to whatever liberal hole you and donald trump crawled out from.you arent a republican and neither is donald "gun control" trump

I agree with Unless you can prove that he is actively trying to gun grab then shut the fuck up.

I know what you are talking about, it was after a mass shooting last year. He said it really without context and so he can calm down the nation. Yet a year later he still hasn't done shit about taking guns.

It's the fucking far left democrats that want to gun grab. Look at all the democratic presidential candidates, they all support gun control.

>calls me retarded

>still supports a president who signed a bump stock ban and increased background checks will be abused.but still probably thinks hes a republican

republicans support the constitution,not your feelings snowflake

Spin it however you want buddy.

The Rublican party is the party of white Christian men and anyone else is barely tolerated. This is the time to become the Big Tent party. America's demographics are changing.

>everyone that does not agree with me is a facist

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i dont have to prove shit,ive never supported donald trump.republicans are fucking stupid for nominating him let alone electing him president.i say send him back to new york city with the rest of his libtard family

Jeb is a billionaire satanist oil gangster puppet. Fuck the Bush family.

I get that. I like Jeb but he showed that he can't go to toe to toe with Trump.

also,he's banned bump stocks and increased background checks which will be abused.so he's did quite a bit more then "hasnt done shit".go figure somebody who supports donald trump doesnt have a fucking clue though,the ignorant far right are the only reason he got elected

>white christian men

not anymore,thanks to donald trump.its the party of moonshine drinking,sister fucking rednecks.its not even the republican party anymore,its the party of trump

What we need is a strong White Nationalist to run. It is the only way to reverse all the damage that has been done over the years by so called mainstream politicians.

Please clap.

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Ok then if you don't want to prove your point, then don't go around telling me that he is a gun grabber.

Woe is me, he banned an accessory and increased background checks, woe is me. You don't need bump stocks if you have a good trigger finger. Look up competition shooting videos on youtube. Also increased background checks isn't even a big deal. Oh boo hoo I have to wait a couple more days before I can receive my gun.

He didn't win because of the far-right. He won because the silent majority didn't like Clinton.

So nothing that actually hinders our 2nd Amendment?
The White House has signaled it would veto the new background check bills in the unlikely event either reach President Trump's desk.

user, I thought he was anti 2nd Amendment?

>white nationalist

white nationalism has turned into a political fuckfest

>republicans support the constitution
I agree, what part of the constitution was affected?
While you're here, can you link the specifics regarding the background check bill signed.

i never said anything about him being a gun grabber.but its obviously he is anti gun.retards like yourself threw fits for 8 years whenever obama even mentioned gun control.but sit with your thumbs up your ass when donald trump actually gives you the gun control you fear mongered everybody into thinking barac obama was gonna give you.so fuck off kid,you prove that republicans only pretend to support gun rights

Trump quietly signed a bill into law rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

if you dont think background checks,which will be abused.and bump stock ban,is hindernig the 2nd ammendment,then you only further prove how stupid donald trump's supporters are.the gun owners and the 2nd ammendment supporters can and will find a different party to support thanks to your anti gun piece of shit president.and its only going to hurt trump and republicans in the end.time to do what the rest of educated america has did and stop supporting cadet bone spurs

>but its obviously he is anti gun
Because he signed the bump stock ban?

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>mental illnesses

donald trump has a mental illness.guy cant even pronounce the english language correctly

and increased background checks

but have fun pretending like its no big deal,when you had a heart attack whenever obama even mentioned gun control for the past 8 years.the republican party has become a pile of shit ever since donald trump took over

How does a bump stock ban hinder your right to own a firearm?
I still want specifics regarding that background check bill, google isn't helping me out.

Trump quietly signed a bill into law rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

I guess I'll just keep repeating myself.

I still want specifics regarding that background check bill, google isn't helping me out.

great post, literally laughed out loud!

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That's not gun control you moron.

An accessory isn't a gun. I could give less of a shit about bump stocks. It's an accessory to a gun, just like how a phone case is an accessory to a cell phone.

Also increased background checks isn't even a big deal. In fact I agree with it. Whatever it takes to not let criminals have guns.

I don't see how these things are "gun control"? I still have access to guns, it in no way hinders my right to the 2nd Amendment.

>hurr durr,thats not gun control

meanwhile,if obama signed a bill banning bump stocks and increasing background checks


hillbillys who support donald trump like yourself dont understand how they do this.they arent going to outright ban guns,they will chip away at it until there's nothing left.if republicans were smart,they would of impeached him the same day he passed the bump stock ban and background checks.but since trump and republicans are now just a bunch of uneducated dipshits.i guess they dont care or are to stupid to see whats happening


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I still want specifics regarding that background check bill, google isn't helping me out.

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>Efforts to create a new federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB 1994) were renewed on December 14, 2012
>The Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 (AWB 2013) was a bill introduced in the 113th United States Congress as S. 150 by Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-CA

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How many times do I have to express that I couldn't give a flying fuck about bump stocks.

And I never said anything about Obama? I never said he was a nigger or anti-american.

Ok if you think it's a slippery slope, then why the hell are all the democrats running for president the one's wanting gun control? Andrew Yang, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, all talk about gun control. You know who isn't? Trump

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Vote with your wallet. Vote Libertarian.

I'm pretty sure he's lying about Trump signing a background check bill, I've been searching for 15 minutes and still haven't found any information regarding it and he's refusing to source the claim.

These idiots just get all their "facts" from Occupy Democrats and other fake news Facebook groups.

I think I know what he's talking about, but honestly it's pretty foggy. They usually never cite their sources because they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

This is the only thing I found other than the repeals on the Obama era regulations being rolled back...


>other than the Obama era regulations being rolled back**
Terrible grammar tonight.
>They usually never cite their sources because they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Countrys already being set up good for Russia and China to take over. Let's go big or go home. Trump Round 2!! Cmoooon! I'm looking forward to the tracksuits and cat meat!!