Ask sociopath + serial killer anything

Ask sociopath + serial killer anything

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You expect me to believe you, cuck boy?

sociopaths don't know that they're sociopaths, and they're not capable of feeling pride. its an emotion. you lying faggot.

What's your favorite movie?

Not when everyone tell you that you are sociopath even specialist

Fight club

how many people have you killed?


Killing a 6 pack of Mt.Dew and jerking off to pictures of furry scat porn makes you neither of those things faggot.

what method?

do you pretend to yawn when other people yawn around you?


Which way to do you install your toilet paper?

Proof or gtfo

I actually yawn when someone yawn in front of me lol

I like the colour blue and yellow - which colours do you like?

Have you, at any point in your life, self-identified as a Juggalo?

Sociopath isnt no emotiins. It low empathy

Why does pretending to be edgy make you happy?

Why are you looking for attention on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

Which is your favorite joker?

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No one