Be me

>Be me
>Work IT in a school
>Find a kid trying to browse /b
>I blocked that shit on my network
>Can’t have students getting that kind of retard on my watch

Dubs decides how I confront him, will post results.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What state do you work in?

Call 'em a faggot and grab their genitals.



seems to me like a surefire way to get fired.

why be a scumbag


Find his home IP and get Yea Forums to underage b& so he cant come here at all.

Tell him he's only allowed to post unless it's trips and whenever he risks to post and it isn't trips you get to rub his underage cock

Kek, seconded

call him a newfag

confront him infront of the whole class and ask him why hes a retarded faggot

Too specific, but I’m in Cuyahoga county

Find something they posted via the school. Then reply to it telling him to get the fuck on with his work. Include full name address and social security number

Bro I don’t think he has access to the kid’s social security number

Yes I do. I can get home addresses, see if they have illnesses/ medicine, parents marital status. SIS are insane

>Dubs decides how I confront him, will post results.
Speak to his teacher and let them deal with the problem as everyone would expect rather than being the power trip IT guy that no one likes.

have a lecture on the degeneracy and faggotry of modern /b and call him forward to explain why he likes it

Contact his parents and inform them their son is one of the leaders of a pedophile, incest, crossdressing forum and shares shoops of him fucking his mom and dad (bonus if you can find pics of his mom and dad and create said shoops).

Give him the 1-2 vac ban

this and also contact the teacher

You’re definitely right that I’m not well liked, but I’m fine with that. The more of these I prevent and do something about it, the better I have to get a raise. So if it involves being a dick to students, so be it

Ask him to get his cock out and bend over

i lol'd at least livestream it

LMFAO reveal any of this and you are going to get fired. Any admin knows that there is a difference between blocking web-traffic and monitoring users. That is why we never would expose any non-illegal behavior. So here is the deal, you are not the admin, you are some newfag scared by an automated redirect. You're fine no one is calling your daddy.

Lol I’m the senior network administrator for a three school district with 2700+ enrollment but believe what you want. You wasted dubs too faggot

Make him pull out his penis and scream heil hitler

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LOL based

triple dubs holy shit

Sadly I was posting on Yea Forums on school thought I was slick browsing work save boards lmao

Teach him how to proxy

It has to be done now.

Make it happen OP

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force him to watch the
NZ Shooter vid. here's a link

the god of dubs favors this course of action it would seem

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I look forward to seeing you on the news. The snowflakes are going to react really well when they realize you are monitoring where they go. Big Brother creeping on college students to feel like a big man. Expectation of privacy, have you heard of it? They are going to drag you over the coals.

make him watch...

Yeah, not happening. I called his teacher, let him handle it. In the meantime I’ve blocked certain keywords

OP you're a complete faggot and have scorned the will of KEK.

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OP is always a faggot

The fuck is this

New Zealand shooter vid

What are you even talking about faggot. He works for a high school and why would there be expectation of privacy on a school computer or network?

if the kid is a 4channer, then he has most likely already seen it anyway

You couldn't get a real job?

drunken denial

Fuck you Securly ! you us3d to be cool

Rolling this

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Faghat, I work as a sub and if I ever see your sorry ass I'll give you a rekting

Bay Village?

What the actual fuck

blackmail for sex

threaten him with explusion and police so you can take advantage of his sweet teen ass

ayyyy high five

What a B/TARD chances are he saw this already roll dubs , just make class about the question OP is a ?

Check em

Get him to buy you meth and make his dad come into you office so you can binge and fuck

ask him if he knows how to triforce, if he somehow gets it right let him browse. if not call him a newfag and kick him in the balls