Other urls found in this thread:
all the fucking time
When is Shizuru online? he blocked my Discord and I want to ask why.
Report it as spam, he gets forced to change his gif every time the moderation team blocks it and it triggers the fuck out of him
Fuck off alicefag
hey again!
Are you actually a satanist or was that a meme, just curious
Is that really one of the Alicefags?
hey there
Sorry, did someone just randomly call you satan and intend it as an insult? sorry I thought there was some kind of method to the madness
lol no, everyone calls me that 4 de lulz
how are you?
I'm sleepy and hungry
you dont have food at hand?
I'm just lazy and should sleep
Best hugs
you too
you remind to someone...
well if you are sleepy, you should sleep, that simple
Maby later
Hugs for all
why later? you are sleepy now, arent you?
2 many lood
post butts
Only worthwhile waifu
Setsu is prime wife material
time for cutes~
its always time for cutes!
drunk and on dmt
hi cutes!
Lewds, too many
can't describe it i just feel really good but the dmt is fading away
sounds like a fun time! did you have any hallucinations?
hi kaori!~
Henlo, sorry to skip out but I must sleep
is oke, goodnight cute!
not real hallucinations because i only took ~20-25 mg because of all the alcohol but my 3 monitors feel like one and every color was like super intensive and had a little little time loop with the colors idk. I kinda feel the music and you just feel really fucking awesome. Can't describe it just try it yourself.
>be Microsoft SQL
>unironically fuck yourself up
>be Microsoft Minesweeper
>unironically be too easy and cannot be used in minesweeper tournaments
>be Microsoft
hallo user
Hallo kase is nice to see you
hi umi!~
hehe glad you had such a wonderful experience!
maybe i will try it sometime~
How's it going?
hi tomo! nice to see you too!
Mhm. I slam my keypad to make file names since naming things is hard
ITT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lol, it can be a pain, yes!
i was kinda surprised that you were getting high on dmt, but i guess that wasn't you after all! well, maybe we should both try it~
Yo who's this? Hi there
Pretty good, pretty good. Had a busy day so now I'm just chilling. Been up to much yourself?
Man I wanna get my pc here so I can play some...
Im good. I dont like the few things ive tried besides alcohol
Try technology, it's one hell of a drug.
Minesweeper tournaments?
Microsoft Minesweeper is easier than other versions of Minesweeper?
This post intrigues me
yes try it but without alcohol or something and don't buy it extract it yourself you save a lot of money and probably have a better quality.
Claimed, hello there
It also has a cheat code.
Im not sure I follow exactly
Successfully installing gentoo is almost the same as a heroin high.
i wanna put my shtinky penish into tomoko :c i wanna put my stiiiiiinky cock that reeks of salmon deep into tomoko's womb ;D get a good whiff, pretty girl! tomoko playing with my stinky stinky stiiiiiinky penis!
Nice claim. New Saber or one of the old ones?
i post kase-san, and people call me kase!
it's always nice to have time to relax! i haven't been up to much myself, especially not today
i was streaming katawa shoujo occasionally, but my laptop stopped working properly a couple days ago...
nothing wrong with that! it's pretty reliable on its own!
hmm, thanks for the advice!
hi there!~
Oh? I'm not the only one claiming Artoria?
Howdy! How's it going?
Do you have a passion for competitive Minesweeper
I mean whatever gets your boat rolling.
mhm weed made me feel sick and I just sat there
Nah, just some random trivia I picked up a long time ago.
What sucks is when technology does not work with you, then it's like withdrawals.
Oof. What's up with it?
I dunno, there was one i saw a while back but I don't think they come here any more?
I see, well I do hope to meet them because they have fine tastes! How's it going?
I dont think it could be that bad.
Pretty good, how're you?
I'm okay, a mundane day but I can't complain
Only if you are really interested in.
Well, it definitely won't lead to death in major episodes, but it could definitely lead anger and frustration. Imagine working on something for a few hours, only to have the database storing the information become corrupted and unusable. And the fastest way fix the issue is "Start over."
Technology is like that.
One day
You're fresh for sure
and not the first
I remember you now. Gotcha
i'm just chilling and chatting with waifus rn, lol! so, pretty well~
sometimes it feels pretty weird, but i do like it from time to time! i'd never push it on anyone else tho
it starts sorta, but the screen won't turn on, which makes it nearly impossible to do anything with it. it's hard to tell whether it's working properly otherwise
tried connecting a monitor, which didn't work, but a bluetooth device did successfully connect. so basically, i'm at a loss lol
Ooooo we have a Shinoa here? Very fascinating!
Better to have a normal day than a bad one. Been up to much lately?
Aha sweet man sweet, seems pretty wholesome around here
Nah, just work and sleep heh. Finally on my day off
Oh you know about Shinoa? You have my interests now
Nothing really crazy. lots of stuff is like that
Heh I figured that much kase
Oooh yes! Seraph of the End has to be among my top animes I love! She's a cheeky little smug, I love it!
lol, i thought we had met before, good to know i wasn't crazy!
ye! is ver nice and wholesome indeed!
I like this place already!
You'd just think with all the money being pumped into Windows and Microsoft they would be able to create an SQL server that doesn't shit itself. But then again, with powershell "cmdlets" like
Get-AllTheThingsINeed -place Here -also This -with That cn=YOUR,cn=MOM,cn=GAY,cn=COM
it was bound to happen.
hehe, well, you know me so well, tomo!~
how is the tomo today, btw?
and i like u already!
Is that a fact? I've seen these threads from time after time and finally thought I'd give it a go heh
well, there was a lot of spam and drama for a while, some of us moved to a discord and i didn't have much of a reason to go back
but it's like they say, you're here forever!
You can never truly leave Yea Forums, yeah I've not stuck around Yea Forums with all the andy sixx and all that going on
Another person who understands how great shinoa is! Ahhh where have you been?! OG saber is great too btw
uh I dont understand much of what you just sad.
My head hurts so that kinda sucks. whats up with you?
Wew look at them quads! Shinoa confirmed for greatness! Hahah I mean I've seen these threads before buuuut they've been spammed to I've avoided it for the longest time until now! Well the OG has some fine tastes might I add!
i did some research, according to "the authoritative minesweeper" times achieved in Microsoft Minesweeper are not accepted because it uses a small number of boards that can be played repeatedly and memorized (unfair prior knowledge) they do however accept times achieved in Arbiter, Minesweeper X and Viennasweeper 3.0
Viennasweeper seems based
Hopefully soon.
Sounds like the graphics card broke itself or something. Maybe.
Ah. I haven't been doing too much interesting myself. What kinda stuff do you like to do with your time?
Mmm let's see.. besides watching anime and playing vidya.. I do enjoy my jogs by this trail near me, a breath of fresh air is always nice! Oh and I do cook! Still learning but it's something!
Windows uses a "terminal" known as PowerShell. It's exactly what is sounds like, it is an extremely powerful shell used in the Window's Environment. Google Shells if you want to know what that is. Anyway, PowerShell uses commands (which are just programs) and "command-let" or cmdlts.
These cmdlts range from shit like Get-Location which returns your current working directory up to shit involving Active Directory Directory Services and "Lightweight" Directory Access Protocol. And these commands can have options and may require "common names" when dealing with domains. It's super fun, let me tell you. Until it doesn't work, then it isn't. Let me tell you.
ye, that was a frustrating time
Yea Forums is always pretty haphazard, but when you can't even hold a conversation it stops being fun
hopefully it stays calm long enough that you can enjoy your time here! it goes back and forth all the time, lol
sorry to hear that tomo! hope you feel better soon!
today was kind of just normal, i was in the mood for chatting tho so i came back on a sort of spur of the moment thing!
>me hugging /waifu/
hello jules!
that's what i'm worried about...
I didn't even notice that actually. Thanks for the check!
Yeah it's been spammy. You have someome dedicated to thank. If only he was aroumd. There's another saber here but he's weird since he likes to lurk. What made you claim Saber? What made her stand out from all other 2D girls?
I dont know if I want to think too hard right now. I imagine its a lot of work tho
Me too. Ah still nice to see you about
that isnt jules
>Microsoft Minesweeper are not accepted because it uses a small number of boards that can be played repeatedly and memorized (unfair prior knowledge)
In other words: Too easy.
*typing at a keyboard for 8 hours to get nothing done because of some shit-up that occurred 3 hours in*
Anime and vidya are my go-to, but I've not really done either recently. Outside of playing on a WoW private server. I guess I'm kinda into taking photos? And I like to cook.
It could just be a broken driver, but I couldn't really tell you how to fix that if it's not displaying.
I'd like to stick around, other groups I've been in aren't as wholesome as this in just a couple of minutes I've been here.
Well truthfully Artoria isn't the only saber I have my eyes on, there''s also her altered version, lancer and heck let's add Saber Sakura, or Okita.. I love me some fate girls heh.. but I primarly post Artoria because I find her the most wholesome, loved her in the VN and the anime. Her and Okita are pretty tied.. however Artoria has one thing going that Okita doesn't.. BATTLE DRESS. Heh.. got a little carried away~
Oooo a fellow cook! What do you like to cook??
Im not sure I would be able to do that multiple times
I'll cook a bit of anything really. Curry is my speciality, but i'm always trying new recipes and such. Minted lamb burgers are also a favourite of mine, they're simple but delicious. How about you?
Eaves dropping, don't care if you care. You may want to open up your laptop to verify that the ribbon cord from the monitor did not tear or somehow disconnect from the main board. Do not be fooled by any warranty voiding sticker, those are not legal in the states.
Do it right and you only do it once.
Sure but I imagine its easier to do it wrong
it's nice to be about! chatting with the same cutes is nice, but meeting new ones is also nice!
is it another jill poster? i don't really know how to tell tbh
i don't really get computers tbh, kinda in over my head lol
ye, it'd be nice to talk to you some more! just so you know, tho, it's never like this 100% of the time no matter what. heck, i'd be lying if i said i was wholesome 100% of the time either~
i've been wanting to open it up, but also have been procrastinating. definitely will check for that, thanks!
its old betterjill
i wish it was really them they were a nice poster
Haha so you just like the saber girls then huh? Like for me, I love mordred because of her tomboy personality. But Atoria is speical to me because of her nobility and how honor bound she is. Very attractive trait in my eyes
hope you like them
It definitely is easier to do something wrong the first time than it is to do it correct.
Out of curiosity, is it an Applel? Because there is a known issue regarding the ribbon corn. Something about the ribbon cord being too short, and opening the laptop past 90° has been known to tear the ribbon.
What'd I miss?
i like a couple i've met today already! but there's no one quite like tomo!~
no, it's an asus laptop
I probably shouldnt touch it then
everyone got a free qt trap gf(male)
Well thats good and awfully nice of the kase
What trap gf?
And without me?
Ooo I hardly had curry, Mine is very basic but I make the juiciest steaks!
I'm well aware of that heh, I'll be around when I can
Dude there's so many versions of Artoria, it's hard to love only one lol! Okita is included for being a saberface even though she is not Artoria lol. Ehh I'm meh with mordred.. much like Artoria is.. eheh
SNSA huh? Well, definitely worth opening up and poking around inside. Check that ribbon cord first, no point in replacing the screen if it just came unplugged.
Well, you are probably using a Windows machine right now, I sincerely doubt any users on Yea Forums (other than crossboarding fa/g/gots) use anything else. Oh wait, I forgot that abundance of homosexual posters. Maybe iOS or MacOS is the predominant operating system on Yea Forums.
Yeah one for everyone that was present being shipped right now actually. Yup specifically because you werent here
Everyone on b uses linux i thought. I have windows 10 ya.I do have an iphone that ive had since I was in highschool
I'm not familiar with fate and only know just enoigh i think. What makes Otika not exactly a saber?
I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
its sad i think they killed themself or something
tomoko knows them better than me
Saber is the class, Okita is a saber but she is not Artoria Pendragon. Although she may not be Artoria, her face highly resembles it hence the "saberface" because alot of people still calls Artoria "saber"
>Everyone on b uses linux i thought.
Yer makin that up.
Nah jill is in anekihome almost daily.
They just changed their name to Hijiri.
And good night! Nice chattin with ya~
I very much am.
Gem waifu C L A I M E D
Life is pain
hmm but it's true tho!
good! that's a reason alone for me to keep coming back to the thread!~
thanks for the advice again, will do!
lies, i haven't been shipped anywhere!
gn shinoa!
oh, thank goodness...
why did they abandon us
Because this is a shithole.
Gnarly! ahh hate to cut this short but I must be off, Take care for now! Until next time!
gn artoria! have sweet dreams!
nice hair
Na youre just being nice
and they enjoyed wallowing in it
Yeah, that's why they stayed here up until now, right?
Oh wait. They didn't.
they were here for over a year though
what changed
>caring about the coming and going of Anonymous
You gotta be 18 or older to post here, bub.
Heyy!...he was behind of this...
People like
and joined and ruined this place.
well, i know you won't believe if i say that's not true, but i'll just say you're really nice and chill and there's no replacing you!
I think a lot of those were here first though
Then you're a newfag
The first part may be true yeah but i can be replaced.
is true, i totally ruined the vibe!
not true! you're you! anyone else would be someone else! checkmate~
You missed one
I don't care enough, I just showed a bunch of posts and if I missed one they're probably not important anyway.
No but lookSee they did it
oh no
this but unironically
Now you cant tell qq
well, i do know which one is on the server, so there!
Ononoki of course, nice image limit