How do you spell loser? T.R.U.M.P

How do you spell loser? T.R.U.M.P.

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those are totally different letters you dumbass fucking retard fuck fucking fuck

what do you mean?

The only letter in "loser" that matches "T.R.U.M.P" is a lowercase "r". You failed English didn't you? In fact, something tells me you're Russian...

have you ever seen the alphabet?
in my mind i dont think they are the same letters but maybe for people like you so.

well, I don't know what you're getting at

Its the same word

Please explain what is confusing you?

Say you come last place in a race, you are considered a Trump

but trump didnt come in last place
trump trumped the trump card to become president trump

Imagine still being this salty

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Its also a way to spell failure. The English language wasnt made by the intelligent

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its no Andy's log, but I can still admire this thread! lol!

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Except he won.

Despite the media was bought and against him, organizations seemingly were against him and tons of money were pumped into his competition.

He won anyway.
People wanted him and elected him despite all of the efforts of the leftists and other reptilians.

Shit thread.

This thread is being overrun by stills from the infamous pee tape.

It is true that he won. A plurality of American voters was dumb enough to vote for an unqualified and dangerous imbecile.
GG, America.

>A plurality of American voters
>the electoral college that favors land over population

>Except he won.
Not the popular vote.

He also has had countless bankruptcies, yet he's a multi-millionaire.
Sometimes rich white privilege isn't just an sjw meme.

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Yeah, I know. I couldn't think of a more precise wording that wouldn't get too wordy and ruin the punch.

People voting for him did that against the propaganda.
That means that intelligent people voted for him.

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>le popular vote meme
again...when does it matter?

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so shouldn't it be "how do you spell trump"?

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Op is an incel beta faggot and also jealous.

>That means that intelligent people voted for him.
If you honestly believe this, you are beyond help.

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>and other reptilians
Opinion Discarded


lol triggered

you're actually proud that this unintelligent orangutan won?

propaganda was FOR him, are you really that dumb? Have you ever heard Cambridge Analytica?

You have to understand that a lot of people are gleefully uninformed and have no intellectual curiosity, like their hero.



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But /pol/ is the white incel whiner board.

Funny you call trump a loser and make a post about it years after his victory.. relax he will only be around 5 more years

>relax he will only be around 5 more years
Agreed, that fat shit probably has a clogged heart

I hope he kinda goes tomorrow.
So then I can get pence.
I so want pence to pick rbg’s replament for scotus

Hilary. You spell it Hillary. She Lost twice to two people that had 2 years of political experience combined.

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I'll grab the batteries.

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That would be Mr President you fucking cuck ! Take your step daddies cock out of your mouth and say it bitch ! Mr President haaaaaaaaa

Was something said against Obama? Nope, nothing negative. Obama was a winner. Trump is a winner. Hillary is a loser. Go put on your pink hat.

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except Trump lost by 5 million votes

That's not how we elect Presidents.

>le popular vote meme
Ok. So what?

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Why are you repeatedly typing the same word?

You know facts are facts and not a meme, correct?


Fact: Hillary loved Ku Klux Kock.

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smells like teen spirit killed mexico

I feel sorry for the few good libs still out there who have to be associated with tards like this.

You center left people are some damn fine people.

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Agreed, classical liberals must be seething.
This kind of shit is probably pushing all of them to the right.

>Posting a fake image in a feeble attempt to prove a point.

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You know people don’t elect presidents. States do.
So those extra 3m votes end at California’s borders.

>This kind of shit is probably pushing all of them to the right.

"If you guys keep complaining about Trump, I'll have no other choice but to pull the lever for him again and help hasten America's decline!"

Pure genius right there.

That’s not a new concept.
Lever was already pulled and the decline started on Nov 4th, 2008, and then the hastening started more so on Nov 6th, 2012

I cant believe that trump is so handsome that he's two quality grades higher than the people next to him and has drop shadow

Fact: Democrats elected a KKK member to the senate and honor him to this day.

inorite? so hot.

Lefty logic at its finest tbh

Good work scatanon. Don't stop til they go back to their containment board!

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Funny how the board with actual cucks is the only one filled with socialist low iq's.

Classical liberal here, it's not necessarily that people are complaining about Trump for me.
It's that they are backing the most outlandish things, like the attacks on Kavanaugh, that was really sad to watch my party during that time. They even had people on the news talking about believing all women, what kind of nonsense is that?
What about believing all facts?
These people were 100% willing to throw out the rule of law and as a liberal, I cannot get behind it.
All this demonizing of white men, pushing for identity politics and furthering the divide within this country.
When I was younger, we actually loved debating about different ideas and positions, now we have kids in colleges acting like some homosexual jewish man is a nazi inciting violence just by telling people his about his positions. It's literal insanity.
Recently they've been saying they want to give illegal immigrants the right to vote, another stance that absolutely baffles me, what the fuck happened to my party?
I just can't be apart of this anymore.

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They're pretty similar


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And a month after everyone attacked a racist senator, they doubled down and defended an anti-semitic representative

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fuck him and his retarded children and the fucking morons who support him.
I can't wait til all the baby boomers die.
I dont even fucking want you to have healthcare I hate you so much.

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How embarrassing that's the leader of the USA. What's next? srs

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It will be your turn 1 day.
You’ll realize you knew shit as a kid, and the kids under you will know even less.
They’ll call for your head too

this guy must not be an indian 8yo. because its L-O-S-E-R

>Recently they've been saying they want to give illegal immigrants the right to vote,
Assuming you didn't completely pull this one out of your ass and that there are some people who have advocated for this, it is still the version of the straw man fallacy better known as nutpicking.
None of the 2020 Democratic candidates endorse this, and it is certainly not the official Democratic party position.

As for everything else you said, it is still completely illogical to say, "because I disagree with the arguments against confirming Kavanaugh, I choose to support the hopelessly unqualified idiot Donald Trump."

The shit the man tweets on a daily basis is far worse than even the most eye-roll inducing tweets from Dem candidates. It's really not even close.

Doesn’t matter. When England and the EU are in shambles next month, we all know what daddy you’re gonna turn to

Cuckservatives Can't meme


How did America elect such a whiny bitch.

Yeah this clown is the only thing protecting you from "shambles"? Stay scared.

Ummm what?
Not scared. America’s economy is chipugging along just fine.

>How did America elect such a whiny bitch.

It was a long story
> be 1965 and and Murrica was feeling good
> Cold Warriors be like we gonna show them commies bout rights by importing wogs by the millions
> Jews be like we'll be poyseckuted by Nazis in a white country so we have to import wogs by the millions
> Shitlibs be like we gots to let in wogs by the millions cuz we're all immigrants

>Wogs come in by the millions
> Schools start failing cuz wogs can't be educated
> Prisons be full because wogs can't stop commit crimes
> Welfare be stretched because wogs can't stop using welfare
> People have to move to new neighborhoods cuz wogs turn them into shitholes

>People say stop importing wogs!
>Politicians refuse to stop it cuz "we're all immigrants"
> Businesses pay politicians to keep importing cheap labor
> Jews pay politicians to import wogs who can't be Nawtzeez

> Patriot finally says: enough! our job is to tend to our own, not everyone else's.
> That patriot is elected POTUS.

>Assuming you didn't completely pull this one out of your ass
New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera and assembly member Karim Camara’s bill would allow undocumented immigrants to vote, drive, receive professional licenses, run for civil office, and receive Medicaid as well as in-state tuition in New York by making them New York state citizens.
>None of the 2020 Democratic candidates endorse this
Publicly? No
Privately? Yeah probably, why wouldn't they.
I don't even know who the 2020 candidates are yet.
>because I disagree with the arguments against confirming Kavanaugh
It's not that I disagree, it's that the members of my party were on LIVE t.v. telling everyone they believed all women.
I mean, listen to this madwomen...
She was essentially telling men to shut the fuck up and get in line.
This is fucking madness, you and everyone else know it. I just couldn't stand by and act like it wasn't a problem to use these kinds of tactics.