Why are euro*eans so retarded

why are euro*eans so retarded

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Because that shit dates from the times when you faggots still lived here and the usa consisted of nothing but shitskin injuns

Low quality bait
I don't even consider Europlebs as people and even I know that their roadways are relics from centuries of urban development.

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Wow, you seem kinda mad op.
Is it cos mommy had your cock mutilated? Is that why you're angry? Cos of your mutilated jew/Muslim cock?

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dumbass the eastern US looks just like the right pic

work on your b8 faggot

Europe has "invented" USA.
No Europe = No USA

>cut all trees down, 1000 of miles of nothing but fields
>wonder why they are so many tornadoes
american logic

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And while we're at it, let's build the houses in the way of those tornadoes from cardboard!

where's the problem?

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>Import millions of Muslims
>Wonder why their children's concerts get blown up

Fucking Europeasants

>from cardboard
PAPER please!!!
cardboard is too strong

Theyre mostly white. Go figure. Look at the eastern states in the US. Inbreeding is what they do when they get bored

Muslims and joos are not humans. Both should be exterminated.

>>cut all trees down, 1000 of miles of nothing but fields
>>wonder why they are so many tornadoes
>american logic
most places affected by tornadoes didn't have trees to begin with.

but for real, fuck all the bison tho

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Cute Americans. Aww. At least you try.

What about allowing every fucktard to carry a gun and wondering why there are so many shootings?

>Implying you need fire arms to kill people.

The mudslimes that the joos brought up to yurop are using le peace trucks and le peace explosive devices.

not everyone is legally allowed to carry a gun. you must undergo a process to get a weapons permit. i advocate gun use because i know even if we made all firearms illegal overnight problems would only worsen and the black market would skyrocket. we need guns to protect ourselves from people who are the true violent fucktards. i'm not your typical idiot who thinks the 3 guns in my home are enough to stop a military no, but it can keep an intruder at bay or run away or dead until the cops show up. please look into this topic more because you become like every other shallow being that assumes the problem can be solved by our stupid ass government telling us we can no longer own any weapons. if i want to kill people i will find a way. its like telling suicidal person who is truly suicidal that they can no longer use rope just in case they plan on tying a noose but then you leave knives and cyanide lying around them 24/7. The problem won't go away if you take guns away. Think about and look at the bigger picture my friend.

>don’t consider europlebs as people

Telltale signs of a mutt that has forgotten his heritage

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yeah i think the argument is that criminally insane people get their hands on guns, and that people leave their guns laying around. i'm down with people who pass strict mental health and criminal background checks getting guns after going through strict safety and skill training (no point in wannabe hero having a gun during a shootout if the dipshit hits the person next to the killer)

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I'm not American tho

It's the lad is angry with his wife fucking another man in the other room

They were a stepping stone in the evolution of man. Europoors were left to be a 2nd world relic of what man used to be back before the new world. A world where it takes a half hour to pop popcorn, a day to wash your clothes, people drive manual transmission cars because of their poverty, homes are on the street due to the cost of living and inability to afford land, and where grocery stores damage your goods at check out.

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are you a fucking disabled person? these are farms
obviously farms go along rivers and hills naturally and shouldnt be carved into the ground like a chessboard

>using the Brits as a reference for yuros
The Brexit isn't going to protect the Brits from the EU, it's going to protect the EU from Brit retardation. Imagine having these faggots dictating laws to other countries.

>Want unelected officials in charge of how your country is run
>Brits are the idiots
Ya, you're dumb.

>he isn't aware of the House of Lords
You're the retarded nigger here.

Nah he's probably a nigger without any connections to the old world

So you're some lowlife scum from a random shithole or a filthy Canadian cuck

Everything you wrote is bullshit and you know it

>Gets fucked in the ass by nigger skins and offers his daughters for filth who actually smell like shit while his sons are butchered in his streets
Sure thing muhammad

Europe made USA. Your country is made of immigrants, mostly European. There is no logic in your brain if you think that you are better. You keep doing retarded shit like pointless wars, electing retarded presidents etc. You retards can't even provide proper healthcare and education for your own people. Shame on you.