>playing PUBG
>comment on my friends green shirt
>"it's not green"
>yes it is
>it's fucking green
>"it's tan you retard"
This argument has been going on for 16 hours.
Its fucking green right?
>playing PUBG
>comment on my friends green shirt
>"it's not green"
>yes it is
>it's fucking green
>"it's tan you retard"
This argument has been going on for 16 hours.
Its fucking green right?
yea its green
Green. Friend confirmed for color blindness. Tell him they have a setting for that.
Definitely green, tan is yellow.
your boy is color blind
It's almost as if different monitors have different color balance. Also it looks green in the screenshot
Sorry OP, your friend is actually right. It is tan.
olive green
It's olive you colourblind shitbag.
I may sound retarded but it looks gray for me?
Looks almost gray too me
>I may sound retarded but it looks gray for me?
Am I the only one here who sees beyond mere shirt colours, no matter the colour of the fabric a sweater is a sweater
that's green.
tencent literally suck dicks like your motherfucker mother OP
If his mother sucks dick and is a motherfucker.. does that make his nana a man?
I could see people saying tan, green, or grey. People don't all see/interpret colors exactly the same
You goddamn colorcucks are always shitting up the place
def not tan
Looks like light brown
Obviously tan
if you have an IPS panel monitor (or an old CRT) you can see the true colors of things. it's green.
You're both wrong. It's
yall are both fags for talking about fashion in a video game
kill yourselves
underage dumbass
That's grey dude
you like fortnite?
get a monitor that doesn't cost fucking 100 dollars jesus christ
That's not green
Why does that look like Photoshop from the 90s or something?