Where is rekt thread?

where is rekt thread?
here it is!

Attached: Speared_Coon.webm (2048x1152, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:




holy shit nice throw


Kek am I the only one finding it cringe that this dude is spearing such a tiny animal? Like faggot go spear a bear.

as long as it works tbh

Attached: naked dog.webm (544x960, 1.06M)

weforum.org/agenda/2019/03/out-of-work-us-men-are-unhappier-than-men-almost-anywhere-else?fbclid=IwAR3hO9wP8BuclzW4cPefQg_cMtHdkj91mVATeX2FZLfnD4bV9I-3mn2LE3M can't get to engeneer level huh?

Attached: Screenshot_20190318_210322.jpg (1413x1080, 442K)


Attached: open arm.webm (480x480, 1.77M)

Attached: RKT chink fidget spinner.webm (226x400, 1.95M)

Attached: RKT a sign from above.webm (400x222, 168K)

Attached: RKT airplane crash.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

Attached: RKT allahu akbar.webm (360x360, 292K)


Attached: RKT animal attack.webm (960x544, 1.62M)

Attached: RKT Another day in Africa.webm (632x468, 961K)

That would be an interesting day

Attached: RKT antenna installation.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

Attached: nigger cat.webm (240x320, 1.73M)

Attached: schlachtung.webm (430x720, 1.63M)

Attached: RKT best game of chicken ever.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

Attached: RKT boom.webm (1280x720, 1011K)

Attached: RKT bridge fail.webm (396x720, 1.18M)

Attached: RKT bus crushed.webm (640x480, 644K)

Attached: RKT car crash bridge.webm (636x360, 1.96M)

Attached: RKT car off bridge.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

Attached: RKT cheap abortion.webm (406x720, 1.4M)

Attached: RKT china accident.webm (480x360, 496K)

Attached: RKT wasted.webm (720x404, 1.96M)

Attached: RKT wait am I burning?.webm (612x462, 1.84M)

I really need to know the backstory to this

Attached: 1551476708075.jpg (326x317, 25K)

I like hunting and raccoons are a nuisance. I'm just wondering why the hell you would hunt it with a spear?
It's not like hunting a bear or a deer with a bow and testing your skill, if you fuck up the first shot on a bear your dead, a deer you will never find that fucker again. What's the risk with raccoon? Rabies? Loss of trash?
Still that looks like it would require a high degree of skill.

Stay safe on the roads china. These are educational the videos. I'm sorry for your loss.

Attached: RKT un-grounded.webm (720x404, 653K)

Attached: RKT trucked.webm (626x360, 1.97M)

Attached: RKT the wrangler.webm (404x720, 1.08M)

Attached: RKT china truck cars.webm (636x360, 674K)

Attached: RKT china4.webm (640x640, 1.33M)

Attached: RKT china5.webm (720x532, 1.76M)

Attached: RKT chinese abortion.webm (720x960, 1.54M)

Attached: RKT chinese fidget spinner.webm (800x600, 1.53M)

shut up fag there is no skill
the fucking raccoon is comiiting suicide

Attached: RKT chinese retard.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

damn, that one girl caught the pipe, pretty impressive imo

Attached: RKT chink bleeding.webm (640x360, 923K)

it's china time

Attached: RKT chink car accient.webm (360x640, 807K)

Attached: RKT chink child.webm (846x480, 603K)

Attached: RKT chink cyber league.webm (480x276, 1.11M)

Attached: RKT chink elevator.webm (720x576, 1.49M)

The asians really the most intellectual race. The amount of genius in this video is astounding

Attached: RKT chink eyes.webm (270x480, 627K)

Attached: RKT chink jumper.webm (426x426, 1.38M)

Attached: RKT chink justice.webm (640x360, 532K)

This is white people's fault.

Never mind that the Japs rebuilt their society within ten years to one of the one the most advanced countries on earth.

Colonialism is what destroyed Africa. Right.

Attached: RKT chink nigger.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

Attached: RKT crash landing.webm (640x360, 738K)

Attached: RKT crushd.webm (720x406, 1.86M)

tell me if you want me to keep dumping

Attached: RKT cycling pileup.webm (480x480, 1.93M)

Attached: RKT death jump.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Attached: RKT dogpiss.webm (352x640, 1.54M)

If only white people were more vibrant. Like these fine folks.

Attached: RKT dogs china.webm (846x476, 1.98M)

Attached: RKT explosion.webm (720x404, 1.64M)

Attached: RKT feel the wheels.webm (720x408, 865K)


Attached: RKT final destination chink.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

nvm i have nothing else to do :^)

Attached: RKT fire!.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

Attached: RKT fukn wi a nigga.webm (576x432, 1.58M)

Attached: RKT ghost rider.webm (480x270, 553K)

Even the most basic shit is hard to do in china.
Like driving straight forward.

Fantastic country!

Attached: RKT gone with the wind.webm (640x368, 731K)

Attached: RKT good wreck.webm (640x352, 750K)

Attached: RKT gook bowling.webm (1280x720, 1.18M)

3rd degree burns, his nerves were already too damaged to feel anything.

Ching Chang food

Attached: RKT gorilla down.webm (854x470, 1.82M)

did he die?

Difference between blacks and whites.

Whites try to extinguish someone who's burning, blacks are the ones who set them ablaze.

Attached: RKT headshot .webm (1069x600, 664K)

>Be me
>Go on r/greentext all day
>Decide to go on Yea Forums to cut out the middleman
>Yea Forums
>First thing I see are porn ads and virgins jerking off to girls they follow on Instagram
>Nothing new
>Scroll down further
>"Rekt" thread
>Basically r/watchpeopledie but 10x worse
>Keep looking because morbid curiosity
>Sick fuck post videos of dog still alive getting flayed
>Sick fuck #2 post video of someone biting the head off a kitten
>Close computer and keep it closed for the entire day

Attached: 1500166641276.png (1818x1854, 183K)

Oh fuck, my feels.

Attached: RKT helicopter crash.webm (264x480, 293K)

Is it not common sense to get the fuck off the highway after an accident?
Or at least have a watchfull eye on the surroundings?

Attached: RKT helicopter.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

more like; stay safe, never go to China

Attached: RKT human jigsaw.webm (240x320, 1.88M)

i try to not post only gore

Attached: RKT I think he's dead.webm (480x270, 635K)

Attached: RKT kaboom.webm (640x480, 1.31M)

Attached: RKT last drink on the sink.webm (720x414, 555K)

Attached: RKT let it rip.webm (626x360, 774K)

Attached: RKT Mecca's Blessed Massacre.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

Attached: RKT nigger cannibalism.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

Attached: RKT nigs robbers.webm (480x270, 1.03M)

Why did it charge instead of running off?
It doesn't looked cornered.
I've never had one charge at me before.

Attached: RKT pool.webm (406x720, 881K)

Attached: RKT school shooter.webm (640x360, 1.98M)

Attached: RKT speed limits? don't care.webm (720x404, 1.96M)

it looked like it was coming for snacks to be honest. was probably used to humans

Attached: RKT sperming.webm (180x320, 1.74M)

Attached: RKT spiders.webm (720x404, 1.39M)

what the fuck happened to him? what could make this happen?


Attached: RKT thanks guns.webm (640x360, 1.08M)

Attached: RKT train 3.webm (640x360, 1.38M)

Attached: RKT train 5.webm (842x454, 1.52M)

I genuinely don't get what's supposed to happen here other than what did.

as directed by Michael Bay

Attached: leftists vs niggers.webm (640x640, 1.5M)


Do theese people dont have any kind of self perseverance?

Its like retarded meat-robots.

Attached: 1551830850580.jpg (712x1024, 211K)

Is that guy alright?

keep dumping m8

Sidwalk is for walk, my child is riding a vehicle, better fucking use the middle of the street to parade my fucking child around showing everyone such a great mother i am!

Literally made no effort to move out of the way


how can you miss your head two times? what a fucking loser.

plz don't post this kinda stuff, breaks my heart.

The nigger’s open handed bitch slap. Works very well for self defense.

The moral of our story: never play chicken with a woman in a hijab.

Attached: kid train.webm (854x480, 672K)

Hey, BooBoo. This is better than the Ranger's pickanick basket!

fucking female privilege. Hitting a guy without a fear that he will hit back

Likely a basejumper with some kind of malfunction.

Attached: heart beats.webm (640x362, 355K)

Attached: tumblr_ol2iybuLKt1tpri36o3_500.png (500x284, 148K)

Attached: nigger leg.webm (480x480, 1.46M)

Attached: nigger vs white girl.webm (222x400, 1.21M)

>be me
>watching this vid
>bayblade theme plays in my head as soon as the vid starts

Attached: man on fire.webm (400x230, 1.49M)

Walking her kind on the road what a fucking retard

Chinese have no souls.

Its kinda eerie.

Attached: Too cool for Abdul.webm (408x720, 1.1M)

This is actually all the footage? The guy got stabbed or something? Wth happened here, he's just puking pure blood.

I dont get it..

that other guy on the bicycle was so close to making it.

see filename

Attached: 1511356444039.webm (720x408, 1006K)

He survived, too.

What a mighty warrior...

Attached: ISIS smashed.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

Attached: turkey vs goose.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

Attached: isis34.webm (720x480, 1.84M)

fucking kek

Attached: isis35.webm (1280x720, 964K)

Attached: isis37.webm (1280x720, 824K)

Attached: isis38.webm (1920x1080, 1.96M)

Attached: 1520663007414.png (295x287, 109K)


Attached: get punched.webm (800x450, 638K)

Haven't seen that much of a final destination case since that old one with the cyclist getting impaled, run over and exploded.

Attached: I find new man now.webm (568x320, 923K)

Attached: Kevin Ward killed USAC.webm (800x608, 1.11M)


Does this count?

Attached: 6BDE09D0-2E54-4CE7-B271-C97F72495388.png (1334x750, 1.31M)

Soo...he was behind that?

Attached: xpyidwnwo9wjjjg99227787267500.jpg (1716x1110, 126K)

Shout outs to granny trying to stop the truck with her mind

Attached: wake up bro.webm (426x240, 469K)

Attached: 1422110911146.webm (720x720, 1.54M)

Attached: 1444468074192.webm (416x544, 735K)


Stupidest people

Attached: 1542590506546.webm (480x270, 1.9M)

Attached: 1441483733730.webm (340x400, 2M)

Equal rights, equal fights

Attached: first time.jpg (800x450, 46K)

Attached: yayfeminism.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

The pussy you were lookin for


Attached: cat shitspray.webm (1280x720, 500K)

alright, it's about time i stop dumping
hope you enjoyed

no beheaded kitty to finish i promise :)

Attached: kitty.webm (480x480, 1.62M)

Wow. Double rek

holy shiiiiit that is fucked up

back from where you came from fucking faggot


Attached: e9b.jpg (585x398, 18K)

Burst stomach ulcer

Good old Liberia.
There is so much great footage from their civil wars.

Not clicking that shit

because Africa was so great before hand

Go back, you piece of shit.

Jesus how did that guy get up again after the impact?


Attached: 1552442495246.webm (300x200, 1.89M)

Most likely stabed in lung. There's another one of a brazilian kid or something by a scooter doing the same thing

that will teach her to raise her kids better


this is why its dangerous to wish for immortality from a genie

That was actually pretty smooth

>honk honk

bleeding esophageal varices probably

In all honesty, I really hope that little shit factory survived, with a broken neck or any other life-lasting sequels to remind her parents about the amazing job they did at parenting.

Holy shit look at the combo that bull had on the nigger


Attached: 1548905697215.jpg (964x1024, 83K)


I'm wondering how many of them fucked up their ears permantly that day

chinks simply skin dogs
like I've heard this is the easiest way
it takes much more time when they are dead


Attached: 54798433_1337543659733078_2942965656267522048_n.jpg (656x656, 33K)


I need feminism because black lives matter.


chipotle chili burrito?

when you get shot so hard in the head your eyes pop out like a fucking cartoon

Rip Kodak Black

Cunt destroyer

My favourite character fucking died, he was the first one too


little kids are pretty damn flexible. I wouldn't be surprised if she was totally fine, sadly.

Alex mason in hiding

I believe he went exactly straight forward, when he most wanted the thing to curve.

With traffic as well. Fucking retards.

kys filthy whore, I will find you and rape your unborn children by fucking your dick balls deep and inseminating your own semen with my own and then I will slice your neck with a rusty fork and feed your remains to the Brazilian Ghetto as Chili Con Carne you cunt, I hope you get tetanus and decay, WHORE!

Attached: 1513782458121.jpg (501x654, 93K)

why does this motherfucker look like he has done this to other buses, expertly hangs his entire fucking body on the wheel.

I'm starting to believe China wants to decrease its population by making shitty products that will kill their people.

Pff fat chance. White people are savage animals

Kids are fucking stupid

Fuckin white people...

You dumb sack of shit. The 7th video above your post is a webm of a white guy setting someone on fire. Youre a special kind of stupid, arent you?

Maybe you're right..... but I will trust in Americans and their calcium-deficient diets, and will imagine that future landwhale actually broke a few teeth and bones, neck included.

How retarded you must be for this to happen

My fucking sides

Attached: 1544654370020.webm (206x368, 1.81M)


At that point they should just let him die, what would happen if he were to make it? A miserable life...

Highest quality in all of the rekt threads in history. Good job, user

Attached: 1536986149101.jpg (850x799, 203K)

And not even looking at him, but to drag him around 1 meter behind your back

I wince everytime. Jeez

Poor bastard

what the shit happening here??


Starcraft games are getting real fucking serious

>be me
>wince every time
>people like that don't deserve life
when im one of the medfags who has to stitch this shit up

Attached: BRTky.jpg (320x240, 24K)

Almost got me, but your greentext is too good for a redditnigger

Attached: 1531780821125.jpg (531x508, 32K)


based nigger

Heart issue, he actually survived

feetus deletus

>Dat shockwave

Attached: Y4YFthE.gif (452x332, 269K)

new fag cant even write a good greentext

If you don't stop now, soon... This place will drag you... Deeper into abyss, and there's no way back.

A ruptured artery either in the esophagus or draining into the lungs/bronchial passages.

Could be from being shot, stabbed, ulcer, aneurysm... etc. It's essentially the same thing you see in the Neda video. She's shot through the heart and lungs and the blood goes immediately out the mouth and nose


Attached: 1511998964363.webm (528x352, 1.96M)

When you're supposed to die but turn into Maisie Williams instead.

Consider suicide

This is easily the most fucked up thing I've seen in a rekt thread.

When you're supposed to die, but the truck turns you into half of Beavis and Butthead.

being this new

Should be fired and banned from ever riding a motorcycle again , what a stupid fucking idiot

well golly gee whiz who'd have thunk being a high school fuckup would lead to such a miserable and trashy existence?

Attached: 1550322714088.jpg (486x480, 27K)

he's just tired

op here

so proud of you guys.

to be fair, Japan got an enormous amount of money from the US plus guaranteed protection against neighboring hostile forces.

Jackie Muthafuckin' Chan!

Attached: 139035361828.png (373x327, 190K)

Post something new faggots.

>dat filename

being such a faggot

Arent we all old redditors user

fall like fucking stones when they have no propulsion.

Ill be right down

>I'm thirsty! I'm thirtsy!
>gets sunkisted

Attached: 1546835919201.jpg (1242x1702, 1.76M)

If you look close she actually bumps it with her own fucking foot.

Need for jihad; Muhammad's drift

Is that Paris Jackson ?

Stupid should be painful

Attached: dander_free.webm (640x480, 1.12M)


Attached: Glad.png (497x732, 531K)


rip the homie, would have never happened in the beautiful US of A.


He just went to sleep, he's probably fine

There's just no escape they tried there best fuck

well... theres alot of grey area in the word "alright"

He just walked it off

When you kill dirt.

She better now?

What a dick. At least put it out of its misery if you can't fucking aim for shit.

Lol XD! Anyway, wanna hear my political stance for no valid reason?

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Fuken back to the future svene

That's anti semitism

Fucking niggers

Lmao I had to check bicycles on captcha

Diabetes is a helluva disease and they still eat poison

fuck that guy raccoons are badass

Nigga said stab wounds ain’t shit

Thanks 4 chan u fuck my mind up so bad this was entertaining for me
And I don't trust Jews now

remove this you sick fucker


Jesus what the fuck this is some horror movie shit. That’s a shit ton of blood

Nice. Fucking planes.


Attached: Dzsq7c8WoAAzIDy.jpg large.jpg (2048x1848, 603K)

Looked anime af

i dont't know why this one's making me feel like shit.

It was prank bro

Where's the splosion?

What could possibly go wrong in here i thought... wat

wait wtf. that mosque killer listened to remove kebab and fucking initial D soundtrack?

Could just hide behind white house

2 less subhumans on the planet

Jeebers. Where did the Attack Jello come from?

Usually I'd say, quit being such a whiny faggot, but in that case I agree. Doggers hit me in the feels

chink nigger? although it seems like a typical day in Brazil, I think this one was Venezuela.

Attached: special.webm (480x270, 1.93M)

how come I never get to see neat stuff like this?

Jesus Christ, man. That's really upsetting.


does he backup and make sure their street shitting days are over forever>?

Nice try explaining with ensurance company.

3rd world engineers. Like that all women construction company in Miami where the bridge fell. Topkeks

Lil nog rex

Attached: 1551054927969.jpg (900x960, 383K)

Which half?

do it yourself fuckface

He left with the smile.

HANG Yourself and do it above your pet dog so when you shit yourself it will fall all over it as well as lubricating your asshole for when the dog decided to eat your decaying hanging corpse so it doesn't have to starve. Your mother is a whore!

Attached: 15781472_225261451261373_6088272115821500792_n.jpg (283x284, 7K)

Attached: smexydemo.jpg (224x225, 7K)

No wonder mudslime countries wont allow women operate a vehicle , because a pair of them failed to maneuver a moped

old clip and I have know idea if the story is true, but what I've read is that this was a literally insane person who was locally famous for this sort of thing. Kids would bring animals to him and he'd do this
