Human life is biological and cultural slavery and we're conditioned to think it's not a bad thing. Prove me wrong

Human life is biological and cultural slavery and we're conditioned to think it's not a bad thing. Prove me wrong

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If biology and culture had no influence on you, you would need to be isolated. But if you were isolated from the world, THEN you'd be prisoner.

Participating in world is necessary for life. And you can't participate without letting it affect you. After all - why would you participate, if it had no effect on you?

Of course, choice is important - and fortunately for you, you DO have choice. See pic related.
THough i personally think sticking around is more worthwhile.

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kill yourself then, faggot

yes but this "slavery" is a good thing

if the world of humans would be "the law of the jungle" you would be the first to cry

>Participating in world is necessary for life
Yes, and life is slavery. But according to you it's better than no life; and I would agree.
>Of course, choice is important - and fortunately for you, you DO have choice. See pic related
Sticking around is more worthwhile, we both agree, but my point remains valid

Nah, I'll stick around in this shithole for a while just for the lulz. You can address my point though if you want to though.

How are humans not the "law of the jungle", when we are the top of the food chain and control this planet?

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>my point remains valid
And what kind of freedom exactly would you wish for?

>How are humans not the "law of the jungle", when we are the top of the food chain and control this planet ?

We have created societies and we control the world precisely to avoid this "law of the jungle".
To protect the weak, and prevent the strongest from killing

The edge is strong with this one.

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I just wish for the freedom to do and be whatever I choose in life without having to be a slave to the man-made idea that currency equals power of freedom.

And do stronger countries not have power over weaker countries? Do weaker countries not fall prey to their own people via militias that prey on the weak?

Kek, you ain't wrong, dawg

>man-made idea that currency equals power of freedom.
You're loosing me, user.

Rich people get away with more illegal activities than poor people. Rich people have more freedom to live lives how they want. I don't know how I'm "loosing" you, user

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Right. Well, then, just stop being poor and get rich!
I am glad we solved this existential crisis of yours :)


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Hehe, thanks :)
To be honest, I'm just drunkenly shitposting
Good day to you, and the other anons if they're still here

What do you mean?

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Everything is down to perception, yes you could see it as slavery, but a more objective outlook is that it is a culmination of many factors. you can see it as slavery but why would you unless you have a kink for it. Id say life is a biological and cultural consequence of how we evolved. slavery in itself is a societal construct in and of itself.

>man-made idea that currency equals power of freedom.

Oh man. I was sorta with you until you articulated your ideas. You obviously haven't read much.

Yes, Currency is a man-made idea. And it equals a form of freedom within THAT society. However you don't have to buy into it.

all forms of existence is slavery to the rules of reality. the only way to be free is to not exist.

ITT: People who have taken a first year philosophy class

But than you are a a slave to non-existance.

THeres a great quote in moby dick cant remember it atm. but it goes "ain't everyone a slave"

>Id say life is a biological and cultural consequence of how we evolved
Objectively, yes that's our life
>slavery in itself is a societal construct in and of itself
But why are we restricted to one or the other. Why can't it be both?

>Oh man. I was sorta with you until you articulated your ideas. You obviously haven't read much.
Can you recommend me something to read?
>Yes, Currency is a man-made idea. And it equals a form of freedom within THAT society. However you don't have to buy into it.
I mean, you kind of have to buy into some sort of society; either our society or tribes that are protected by a country. You can't really live by yourself without trespassing on some countries soil.

That isn't freedom; that's simply not existing. Nothing is simply nothing.

Or just bored people that think about more than food and Netflix

No, you can't be a slave to nonexistence as it doesn't have any rules. slavery is the price of existence

You are not restricted to one or another, in fact its not a binary issue. classifying something as slavery is down to semantics and perception. Heck most anything is down to those two factors. I enjoy reading descarte and a lot of it (besides the religious parts) has to do with how we cannot be 100 % sure of anything, so there is a level of personal interpretation to that same everything. Because of this imo, i tend to try to be pragmatic with a sprinkle of optimism. Everything can be shacken down to cause and effect, therefor nothing realy matters so why not enjoy what you can and go with the flow? if you want to call that slavery, sure im a slave, but i am a slave to my own outlook of life, like how sisyphus overcame his damnation of eternally rolling a bolder up a hill by realising he is master of his own reality.

True, our perception is our true reality, but when other humans have more freedom than other humans, I call that slavery. I think any intelligent being would call that slavery, just my perception though

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Can you prove this? what is your definition nonexistance? I think then you are talking about true chaos, but who knows if that exists? is chaos just order which we have not found the rhyme or reason to? if you mean plain nothingness, no time or space, than yes you would still be a slave to itas it is the binary opisite to something, that namely being nothing and yourself would fall under the definition of that non-thing

Understandable, but i think you are confusing slavery, living under the influence of something, and equality. Equality in its purest form means everything is exactly the same.

Thank you for the intellectual conversation. I would recommend you find the pasage of by Moby Dick about slavery in its first chapter, it muses over the vary topic you yourself are thinking about and i think it is very interesting read. I think its only a page full of text.

There's no fucking chaos in nonexistence. even chaos needs existence. and no, you can not be a slave to nonexistence as by definition you don't exist.

Also the scenes you are posting really remind me of the end of mgs2

Look into alternative communities.

again this is about semantics. darkness is just the absense of light yet we can still say someone is in darkness. givien this information, someone can be in the absense of something.

I'll look into it
I'd be better off dead. I'm staying here with my family until the end

no it isn't darkness actually exist, even if it is the absense of light. you can not be in the absense of something. only by existing you are you.

sry i dont think i explained it well. yes when you are in darkness while still in the perceivable universe you are still surrounded by other things (air, water etc.), but you can be defined by something that you are not in, namely darkness. seeing as a discription can include the lack of something, lets say for example existance instead of light, nothingness itself has its own quality thant being the lack of things, therefor if you didnt exist than you would be a "slave" under non existance, meaning that you are bound from being in existance.

Im not going to diswayed you from suicide or stagnation, since those are ligitament routes to take. But i do know that i was also in an existential rut, and I grew to see things from a number of different perspectives, weither it be from literature, history, etc. I try to empathise with different outlooks, how did the tzar feel in 1810, how did this poor pesent girl feel in rural mongolia, what was the mindset that lead to nazism, what was the headspace of the Great Gatsby like, how did he feel that orgasmic future "that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning-- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

I like to live by the eternal words of the playwrite terrence "Nothing Human is Alien to me" and I want to understand the amazing and terrible feelings of the human condition in full.

>I like to live by the eternal words of the playwrite terrence "Nothing Human is Alien to me" and I want to understand the amazing and terrible feelings of the human condition in full.
I think you could understand the feelings of the human condition from anywhere in the world, but some may be easier than others. I think alternative communities are awesome, just not for everyone

Id agree with that. tbh, i think i went a bot overboard on that post. Really i feel that i want to try to empathise with any group that is immediately relivent to me, such as democrats and republicans, or a specificly interesting fantasy/historical society. However, me personaly, i hold little disdain for the community which i grew up with so i feel comfortable reading and discussing western classics and the modern world. So personaly i dont find a need to seek out alternative communities, but i could see some people doing so. However i think people tend to have a negativity bias so i think it is important to not just disparage the wider community and at least try to dip your toes in the wider sphere when you do enter an alternate community.

I was thinking abount maybe taking a few month to live with an Amish community during summer break just to try a more community focused and non material lifestyle for a bit.

I don't know if I would want to live with the amish around where I live. I've seen them work horses to death and they I've heard about their inhumane dog breeding for money

sounds sketchy. but i know there is a whole bunch of denominations and styles of the Amish, some more orthodox some more open etc. Im not set on the amish specificly, but they are an established and historied people that have an air of legitimacy around them. And I think i could learn something from their simple lifestyle.

TBH a lot of other alternate communities seem sketchy. Such as a lot of the new age stuff, and I got my fill of new age-y hippy stuff in high school. Nothing against them, but i find a lot of that kind of stuff more reactionary than anything.