Yea Forums I'm in trouble. I am 19 and I know I girl who is 15 who really wants to fuck me...

Yea Forums I'm in trouble. I am 19 and I know I girl who is 15 who really wants to fuck me. But she lives in a different state.

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Sounds like a problem. You should totally avoid driving out of your state to go fuck said girl.

Maybe also sober tf up you squirrely cunt.

Sounds like a good time if you ask!

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Ass rape the cunt

i was in an identical situation except she was 14. i ended up breaking things off completely and never talked to her again. afraid of gettin in trouble.

Why are you talking to a 15 year old in another state? Can't get a girl your age in your city?

Crossing state lines too meet a minor you originally contacted over the internet is one of the dumbest fucking things you could do

If she is within 4 years of you it is legal, cunt

You're only in trouble if you make the fuckin dumb ass decision to go fuck this girl. Just fuckin wait it's not that hard.

You should drive over to see her, then drive her back to your house. That adds additional charges (transporting a minor across state lines, a form of human trafficking!) when her mom calls the cops on you!

Depends on the state, cunt.

you mean chris hansen?

Last night she was texting me allot. trying to get me to masturbate with her. She has a mature control fetish it seems. just a little girl so on and so forth.

Yeah, I am pretty scared about that too. She keeps saying I'll be 16 very soon.

No way in hell I'm doing that.

Soo...nice one Elon.

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It's not specifically illegal for HIM to cross state lines, it's specifically illegal for him to take HER across state lines.

If you know it’s wrong you’ll only go down harder. Get diagnosed with a bunch of disorders, so when you’re in prison, the other inmates take pity on you. Cuz the state won’t

I play games with her I know she is real.

Again, no way in hell I'm doing that.

>check age of consent in both states
>wait until she's over the higher of the two AOCs
>go to her state
>don't get caught

I'm trying hard to engage with her the problem is I don't have any other friends. And I've never been in a relationship before. So just to have a friend Is spectacular.

And It does not arouse me all that much. Just morally don't feel it.

Honestly is tempting to wait. It's legal here but not for her state.

That 100% depends on what state he lives in if hes a amerifag, which he most likely is bc britfags only like cock it's a known fact. But some states have ZERO TOLERANCE type laws for example I know in arizona any intimate contact between someone the age of 18 and someone below is 100% illegal

Trying hard NOT to engage**

Lol what the fuck is wrong with being 19 and having sex with a 15 year old

You're both basically children

No need to keep us updated user, will see the result on youtube soon enough

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>19 year old loser who has no friends
>talking to some 15 year old girl online who is persistent about having him come across state lines to sleep with her
OP you're a fucking idiot and I hope you fall for this obvious honeypot

inb4 op pulls out a bunch of information that "proves" she's real and wants him so he keeps believing this obvious bullshit

No in some jurisdictions that's a whole other charge in it self crossing a state line to make contact with a minor met via online again will catch you an extra charge in a sting OP in certain states

I have repeatedly told her I don't agree with it.

>inb4 raped by loli

What's wrong is that OP has no friends and is a complete loser. Why would an underage girl that lives in another state want someone like that?

>guise some underage girl keeps wanting to fuck me
>i told her no and everything i tried doesn't work but i'm going to keep this thread going (while shutting down everyone elses ideas)
This thread is obviously some fantasy of OPs, he wants to pretend some underage girl is really into him but he needs to be in a position where it couldn't work (ie he's in another state) Anybody who believes this retarded story is a newfag plain and simple

I don't really see much of a solution. It is real. Because I am not willing to lose my friend. I don't have others. All I can do is resist her advances.

That's not how Romeo and Juliet rules work, cunts. It's still not legal to sleep with someone under the AOC, it's just that penalties are reduced--OP might only get charged with a misdemeanor, or might not have to register as a sex offender, or might get his record automatically expunged after penalties are paid. That *does* vary by state. But nowhere is sex with someone sub-AOC legal, regardless of age of perp.
>Unless you're in one of those inbred states where you can marry her.

Hypothetically, how and where would the charges come from.

Op is a fag. I cannot wait to see him on to catch a predator. Number 1 rule of meeting people online is you do not meet them irl. if they are girls under 18.

Don't you know anyone your own age


>why don't you have a seat over there

I got news for you.
That's an FBI sting or you're about to meet Chris Hansen.

probably JIDF looking for pro-loli comments to sell to CNN making out that 4chans is a cesspool promoting rape of minors

I'm a neet just looking for a friend. I didn't want a little girl.

Why would they continually try after I said I was not interested repeatedly. I don't think the FBI is in the business of making people into pedophiles.

thats literally exactly what they do user.

You might go under age, if you'd be willing to marry her.
Just for the pump and dump will get you in jail very quickly

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>I play games with her I know she is real.

You do realize that it's not Chris Hansen that baits the people in? He's just the one waiting when you arrive.


I know her friends too. It's kind of funny actually one of them was worried I was a pedo.

>you want milk with those cookies?!

whats the matter?
i fucked a 15yo girl when i was 22. and it was perfectly legal where i live.
get your shit together murica.