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Ooh, another one of THESE threads? Fun!

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I always wonder about the people who post in these threads. What do you do for a living? What do you do for fun when you're not shitposting? Are you happy?

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Does being "redpilled" give your life meaning? Does it make you feel special?

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fake and gay try harder kike

No it means my IQ is not 60 like you faggot

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JIDF detected

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oy vey

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everyone lost dead numbers on all sides how is that a win?

so that's why it fell into massive debt, caused massive shortage of all goods all across the eastern bloc and inevitably collapsed

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H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? C-come join this super active /pol/ Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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The total surrender and subsequent obliteration of your foe. That's a pretty decisive "w".

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If you don't think Wikipedia is reliable, the sources are at the bottom of the page. I expect you'll read them if you're not an intellectually dishonest piece of shit.

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Yeah ok degeneracy and jewish faggotry is a win and 100s of millions dead is a win ok makes sense

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Funny how whatever Nazis consider to be "degeneracy" is really just people having a good time. Did you get beat up a lot in school for snitching on your classmates?

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I dream of the day when people ignore your bad bait and see you for what you are. I dream of the day where good people can have a discussion without a regressive leftist shitposting shill interrupting with lame, vague, unsubstantiated and senseless posts.

I’m not angry, I’m just weary and awestruck. You have been doing this since 2015, man. It’s the exact same tactic every time. No argument, no rebuttals, ad hominem attacks, and “witty” one liners and lame left wing memes.

Seems like everyone graduates from Yea Forums within 2 years except for you and me.

You Marxists worshiping faggots is having a good time? You promote degeneracy and are literal vampires, how? Because you cant self reflect.

Well, showing erect penises to children is generally a crime. Most of society agrees that you should have fun without harming others. I don’t think that’s a symptom of being beaten up as a kid, but whatever makes you feel better.

>I took the bait... or did I?


What about terrorism and mass murder? Are those crimes?

Bro, I've seen your "discussions". It's the same manner of meaningless shitposting you were just complaining about. I'm just matching your level.

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No. Every person (that is, every WHITE person) has the right to kill people they don't consider human. That's the kind of peaceful, rule-of-law based society that Nazis want to create. Why can't you understand that? By engaging in mass murder, they're creating a more peaceful world! It makes perfect sense!!

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if the second picture happened in america those people would have been arrested! This is degenerate Europe.
(delete the extra dot)
server with no rules! post whatever you want, loli, gore, wins, etc...

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Public nudity is legal in some US cities. Why are you so afraid of the human body?

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For the people in this thread who most likely don't know what socialism and communism actually are.

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The problem with the regressive left is they know that they are poison.

Moderate centrists, classical liberals, conservatives, blacks, whites, Asians all look at them with repulsion, even while the regressive left uses appeal to popularity and the bandwagon approach to win followers.

They know they are poison, and they embrace it. It gives them something in common with others and as a result, gives them a superficial sense of belonging.

Those who actively push regressive poison are the ones who have felt rejected by society in some way. That’s why the degenerates always look a little “off” and somehow not normal. Sometimes it’s obvious such as in specimens like trigglypuff and aids skrillex. Sometimes it manifests itself in stuttering or some other disorder such as autism. In rare cases, it’s more of an aura.

There are a few supporters who are too stupid to know better, like 18 year old college kids with no life experience. Most of us however, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, literally anyone that has friends and a life, look at them with disgust. We just live actual lives and aren’t really interested in wasting time with basement dwelling lessers.

These are facts. Don’t waste time trying to change the filth’s mind. They already know you are right but the superficial sense of belonging is too strong. We can prevent victims by being nice and accepting those who have glaring inadequacies.

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They’re paid by the Russians so they are at work right now

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Imagine if you NEETs actually one day committed to what you believe? You'd lose. Just like the shit stain German back in the 40s. Just kys so the rest of us dont need to contribute to you sucking up government funds

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“why are you so afraid of the human body?” Leads to “why are you so afraid of the male penis” leads to “why are you so afraid of the male penis being inserted into your child’s rectum?”

I really gotta teach you baby steps here?

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Says the guy who had been shitposting for 4 years.

Lol ok sweetie, get a job and pay for your anime figurines on your own instead of using mommy’s inadequate welfare check.

No, I think it's pretty easy to figure out where we should draw the line in terms of social acceptability. There's a big difference between a child seeing a penis in public and having one inserted into her rectum.

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Is that Zyklon Ben Garrison?

reported enjoy your ban pedo

(((they))) live

Why does the JIDF only spam Yea Forums in the spring and summer ?

I struck a nerve uh oh don't go shoot some place up now with all that pent up rage NEET


well come on now... I aint no nazi, but you really call it defeat when they destroyed and conquered, france, poland, denmark, (austria), and more....

If it wasnt for hitler fighting the entire world and being a silly little goofball, they wouldnt even have been defeated i suppose.

Honestly, they were probably the most successful army in the world at the time, besides the americans that catched up with the nuke 5-10 years later.

Butttttt, if youre liberal then maybe thinking nazis were only stupid helps you in continuing live I suppose.

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“We know where to draw the line!”

That’s what everyone says as they try to justify what they think is no big deal. Meanwhile those who think it should go a step further are piggybacking on their success. Think, man.

>This is what neckbeard Nazis actually believe

The one who is screaming the hardest is usually right.

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Lol, did you really just try projecting and combined it with the tired “looks like I struck a nerve?”

1/10 is being generous, neet.

Had this discussion with someone the other day. The only dumb people in the war was the Japs. The US didn't really give a fuck until we got side swiped by the Japanese.

The bread crumbs they're leaving will lead to a delightful treat... Arrogance arrogance... maybe not next time eh?

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>If we label these guys who aren't Jewish as Jews then no one could ever possibly double check us or anything

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Yes, I'm sure when we've slid down the slippery slope from acceptable public nudity to children being raped in the streets, I'll have a lot of egg to clean off of my face.

black pilled to the fullest

Superior genetics

Yeah, totally impossible. After all, It’s not like we’ve seen little things blow up into way worse, bigger things all throughout human history.

You really need to brush up on your idea of the concept of “baby steps”, professor.

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Western culture in 2019 is the human version of mouse utopia. 300 years from now they will study the downfall of society.

I’m glad we can be an example to future generations of what not to do but I wish I could have some of the utopia before we all die in civil war and faminine.

go look this guy up on facebook /people/Charlie-Martel/100010197793552

This is the only high end official with the name matching what was on the gun.

But if you vote for any party you are a NPC elections are rigged retard

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Does sitting on /pol/ for 18 hours a day really rot your brain like this? Is it the supplemental Daily Stormer and Infowars reading that does it?

John Podesta is a guy I bet none of you knew before you all pretended he was helping to run a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza and ping pong place and now you're trying to connect him to a shooting by an Australian white nationalist who you all seem to really love but also insist he's totally not like you.

First slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson.

Man you just wish you could use the corporate over lords to ban legitimate conspiracies... goodness this one should be fun to uncover

Can’t blame us for holding out hope that we can destroy the unwashed leftist hordes at the gate.

>silly little goofball
I kol'ed
What a precocious little scamp Hitler was. Always up to some hijinx and harmless pranks!

The kikes were hot on this thread.

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The holocaust was fake

You seem to think only 20 or so users make up 98% of the posts on Yea Forums.

How embarrassing.

Totally relevant.

Also, he got fucked over by the whites after.

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You do realize John Podesta was Clinton's campaign chairman, doubt you even know who our VP is... liberals

>Takes over a bunch of countries that could or didn't defend themselves
>Loses all of those countries
>Loses Germany
>Germany gets divided up for decades

The only time whites have lost wars is against other whites, not only are we fighting Jews but other whites as well.

No he didn't he took the whites to court and was a wealthy black slave owner in America until his death.

Yeah, I know who he is. I'm suggesting that the 20-year-old neo Nazis on /pol/ didn't know him prior to "Pizzagate", you goon.

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Lol exactly so he committed these acts of evil before supporting the democratic runner up Hillary Clinton, the funny thing is you can not dispute Bill Clinton flying to the pedo Island on John Podestas private jet over 30 times

How do you figure?

You seem to think that listening to anonymous racists on Yea Forums gives you real insight into the world/

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and Trump

Lol if Trump would have been there the Clintons would have had dirt.. this is where they got the idea to use the LGBTQ community to hurt Trumps reputation.. but like all else they do it failed.

In simple terms if he had been there they would have already used their evidence to impeach him.

You're talking about Jeffrey Epstein? You know who was good buddies with Epstein?

Donald Trump, admitted sexual assailant.

Wow very informative infographic there, you must be very smart. Totally convinced now.

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Soo...nice one Elon.

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He never admitted to him being a "sexual assailant" if he did you would have video proof

Ya it turns out that whites have a larger prefrontal cortex on average so we use our average 103 IQs on things like philosophy, inovation, and creation. Meanwhile you kikes have 115 point devoted to solely lying and deceit, but hey at least you’re good at it.

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Trump admitted to entering the Miss America changing rooms while the contestants were nude because he was the boss and no one could tell him no.

Trump admitted to groping women knowing they wouldn't tell him no.

Trump definitely violated campaign finance law by using campaign funds to pay off a porn star he fucked while Melania was pregnant.

Trump admitted Don Jr met with Russians hoping to get dirt on Clinton. He said he would have done the same.

When Jared Kushner couldn't qualify for top secret security clearance Trump forced them to give it to him.

Trump publicly backed Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman over US intelligence agencies after MBS murdered a permanent US resident.

Trump applauded Kim Jong Un and said he wished Americans treated him like North Koreans treat Kim.

Trump said Xi Jinping being set up to be President of China for life was something we should try here.

Trump backed Putin over US intelligence.

Republicans don't care what he does and would never go along with impeachment. They'll tut-tut when he does something stupid or illegal and then they'll back down and defend it.

Remember that once upon a time Athens, Greece was considered progressive and they fucked the shit out of little boys.

In many ways western society is seeing a resurgence of hedonistic extremes not seen since the age of ancient Greece.

If that kind of faggotry can come in and out of popularity throughout history what makes the Queer western nations of today immune.

Within 50 years you'll be able to fuck 10 year olds in the U.S.

He said the didn't say no not that they couldnt, you mean to tell me a man who's on a tv show where girls are panning to be the one who gets to be with him had sexual relations with willing participants and then bragged? You just made me like Trump more. These are grown women deciding they wanted some cheddar so they started gold digging and now that they're old prunes the only way any man will pay them for anything is when they extort him... accuse him and get a free pay day it's quite simple.

mean while we watch JZ at a club grabbin asses of strangers then hating on Trump for doing it right.. liberals.

Care to present any evidence to back up this claim, friend?

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Meanwhile this is what the left is up to

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Which part?

Kiss ass.

>respexts native lands

Fallen at the first hurdle. Poor boy.

Any of it you idiot

he just did dumb fuck kike lover

Where? You seem keen to back up his claims too... perhaps you could enlighten us all?

shut you pathetic boomer, all you did was fight a war fro jews against rice farmers who kicked your ass

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he tried to give you his reason but wll you faggots do is talk other shit

Any of it? I already did you stupid niggers.

No, seriously. I'm actually interested; show us one piece of evidence which backs up any of what he's talking about.

Touch a nerve?

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Take a good hard look at the image again Sir Nigsalot

Notice how you didn’t try to come back with your “provide evidence”. Get rekt faggot.

Here I’ll give you another handicap since you are having a hard time, I’ll spell a word wrong so you can try to dflect with that next.

Its all over the fucking thread, are you blind or just stupid but u must be niger so its probably both

Oh yeah, I'm so sorry. You're completely correct. That high quality meme explained literally everything. There's no way that anything it states could be fabricated in any way at all. My bad.

Smells like a lack of evidence, dontcha' think?

Damn. There are so many kikes on this thread.

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I'm not afraid of you libtard

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literally, i mean what have jews done for these kikes on this board, why are the kikes so protective of them, meanwhile we have our legitimate reasons to hate jews

You just went full retard m8...

We too have reasons to hate fuckers like you. Degenerate faggot.

U sound like the libtard you fucking geezer

dont put PA with the faggot blues

It’s the Jewish Internet Defense Force, 90% of there resources are devoted to derailing and shilling on Yea Forums threads.

give us your reasons you hateful bitch, ours is posted all over this thread

Genocide, hypocrisy, force of religion, and etc.

The only reason why you hate us is just because of fucking money. We beat you in your society. Handle it, you cumnigger.

wait, are you actually arguing that the allies didn't win ww2? dafuk is with these nazis man

hell no, thats far from the truth, the truth kikes like you bend in order to fullfill your god damn agenda

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so i guess conservatives dont support israel anymore.not only did drumpf ruin the republican party but he killed conservatism to

no but you just went full retard though

>Our agenda

I don't even have an agenda. You do and so do your little scumbags. You preach race war and the killings of families. But then point at us when your crimes are committed. You fuckers are the dangers of society. Go fuck yourself you little cockroach.


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>the backblast of the rpg is about to kill some other sand nigger behind him
>looks about right

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damn, i think lil kike is angrey for hearing the truth about its kind

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Trump admitted to entering the Miss America changing rooms while the contestants were nude because he was the boss and no one could tell him no.

>Then the cunts could either ignore it or the enter the contest.

Trump admitted to groping women knowing they wouldn't tell him no.

>No he didn’t you dumb nigger the “grab em by the pussy” was obvious hyperbole.

Trump definitely violated campaign finance law by using campaign funds to pay off a porn star he fucked while Melania was pregnant.

>No he didn’t and there’s no evidence of that other then his disgraced lawyer claiming he insinuated it.

Trump admitted Don Jr met with Russians hoping to get dirt on Clinton. He said he would have done the same.

>Don’t care, what exactly is that indicative of?

When Jared Kushner couldn't qualify for top secret security clearance Trump forced them to give it to him.

>You can literally be denied a top secret clearance just for being friends with someone from a different country or being in financial debt, the president is free to trust who he wants.

Trump publicly backed Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman over US intelligence agencies after MBS murdered a permanent US resident.

>Only good point

Trump applauded Kim Jong Un and said he wished Americans treated him like North Koreans treat Kim.

>He also needed a standstill with North Korea using what was an obvious diplomatic tactic.

Trump said Xi Jinping being set up to be President of China for life was something we should try here.

>Obvious joke.

Trump backed Putin over US intelligence.

>What reason would have not to? Especially since many in the intelligence agencies have been caught talking about how much they hate him, they killed JFK, and let his political opponent Hillary off scott free.

Republicans don't care what he does and would never go along with impeachment. They'll tut-tut when he does something stupid or illegal and then they'll back down and defend it.

>Nice try nigger.

Quite sad little white boy cannot handle the truth. One little disgusting dog.

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Yeah, it did pretty well in the 50's and 60's, when the Soviet Union was selling ripped off experimental Nazi tech, but by the end of our Vietnam war, it was stagnating hard, and by 1988 with the Berlin wall in crumbs, everyone pretty much knew the USSR would end with the decade...

But, of course, Communists don't care about accurately conveying historic fact, unless the small sliver of the story fits their pro-state narrative...

Quite sad you shitskins hate white people but want to enter our countries and live in a society you could never replicate on your own.

Funny that your countries honor and dick suck Israel. You little slimy dog.

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you half withly ruined this country with kike supported cultural Marxism, open borders, fagonomic in our children schools and keep every race divided on purpose, we will never forgive you for that

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It’s funny how your women and children get blown to pieces by Israel on a daily basis.

Hm, so the rape and murder of the Americas, Australia, Asia, and Africa was committed by Jews? No, it was committed by cumskins. So don't be pointing at us, when it is your responsibility. Then you think that it is our fault that your daughters and your sons are acting like irresponsible brats when you yourself is in fault. You are just a lying manipulative retard. Go kill yourself you dumb shit. The ones that are not going to forgive your ass are the Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, Indians, Africans, and etc.

But I am not Palestinian...

Close, but Nazis were socialists, fucking far form conservatives.

we have made progress during the founding of America, meanwhile you people were being kicked out of another country, all that history is in the past, two wrongs dont make a right, weve made up for more progress with our advanced tech that now the whole world gets to use, meanwhile today youre supporting the invasion of other countries and degenerate ways of live, you are the reason progress has stopped

Unless you are white, Asian or Jewish I consider all you monkeys the same race.

Hey shareblue

I'll just leave this here

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He knows, this is a leftypol agitation thread

The swastika has so much power behind it damn.


Arabs used to be alright on there corner of the world until they started the mass inbreeding.

Fucker, you guys are still invading the Middle East. Fuck, some of you motherfuckers want to attack China. Also have you heard of the Vietnam war? It was cumskins killing the Vietnamese. Also, a lot of inventions were made by Jews. Fuck Hitler destroyed many inventions made by Jews in Nazi Germany. That is one of the reasons why Germany was a shithole . And what the hell do you mean that America was progressing in the past. It was absolute shit until the 70s-80s. America right now is way fucking better compared to America in the 50s or 40s. Also check your fucking grammar. If you are going to mock us and tell us how bad we are, at least check your grammar.

>Jooz is at fault for the rise of degeneracy in the West

And you are just a little dog to me.

That was debunked long ago. Stop spreading bullshit, you dumb fool.

That’s like a homeless person calling me broke, how can you call me a dog when your people compared to my people live more like dogs?

Enjoy your shit hole and stay out of my country you shitskin bitch animal.

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HAHAHA, my ancestors created civilization before your steppe ancestors. The Israel kingdom predated any of your European garbage. You fuckers failed, we succeed. You little fucking ugly retarded piece of little horseshit. Do us a favor and blow up your brains like your fuhrer did.

You know I could sue your ass right. Also kill yourself you jewish cunt.

europe will survive. It just wont be europe anymore.

top shekel!

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man, I just want to smack the smug bitchy out of that states attorneys face

What? Nah she robbed me and left. She went through with Texas's plan then ditched like the script says. Do you feel manly

Is that why all your modern infrastructure is based on European advancements right down from the shingles on your roof, to the pink insulation in your walls?

What weapons does your military use again? My guess would be missles, rockets, and battleship with 5 inch guns on the front. All white accomplishments.

What about your hospitals and the equipment they use?

Face the facts you long nose ugly kike faggot, us Europeans are far superior to you animals and without us and our technology you wouldn’t of even been able to harness electricity.

The only thing you donkey kikes excel at is deciet.

Lol to quote you faggots
" You neanderthals only think of violence, can't think of anything else than kill."