Any femanons here with real experience with animals

Any femanons here with real experience with animals

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What do you mean by experience (wink wink)

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I only fuck dogs

my ex did.
...though it was my talking her into it over time that made it happen. oh cool your tits its not like i forced her to at gunpoint like my daughter.

Any real story's of real femanon that had a sexual encounter with animals

Experience with niggers counts.

there are plenty of bbc threads around, you're welcome

Yes. Is there anything in particular you want to know???

It's bestiality not scat porn

Are you a real femanon. What animal was it how old were you the first time. How did it happen


I was 18 at the time. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and not being the most attractive girl I was lonely. Browsing around the web I ran across stories of people letting their dogs fuck them and lick them out. I was grossed out but intrigued at the same time and I started out by letting our golden lab hoss lick me out using the old peanut butter trick. It felt so good and being alone in the house that day I decided to go all the way. It took a little bit of work to get him to cooperate and being inexperienced myself I didn't quite no what to do to get the ball rolling but after a little while he finally got the right idea and after poking around for a little bit his dick slipped right into my waiting hole. I remember reading about getting knotted online but nothing could prepare me for the real thing and it felt sooo good. I think the best part was when he pulled out and I could feel his juices dripping all over the floor. After that I was hooked.

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how can I find girls in real life that are into that to talk about stuff like that , how do I approach it, iam from Germany

Walk into a bar

Well since beast forum got shut down might as well get a vpn then swing on by the deepweb for those hidden pages

F.F...fuck off fagot

you know thats a dude right?


pic is this user IRL

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I owned some of those. Rode them, fed them, cleaned them, got them restrained and I even fucked them. I never had animals tho, so this post is just somewhat related.

My parents were incredibly neurotic and controlling of me. They didn't let me have any real social life, they were paranoid about me going out, they home schooled me for part of the year (and would have all the time if they didn't have to work). It was some kind of agoraphobia by proxy or something, they just wanted me to be home and not to be around many people. They didn't abuse me, they just kept me as isolated as possible.

I did spend a lot of time online, but chatting with people I'd never really met wasn't the same or satisfying. I was pretty lonely. And when I went through puberty that loneliness got really weird. I read a LOT of bdsm stories, extreme stuff about torture and kidnapping, and I always thought of things from the perspective of a submissive/slave, and wanted someone to really abuse me past what I would do to myself. But I didn't really have anyone in my life or any courage to try to change my situation at home. So I wound up turning to my dog.

Since I considered myself sub, I decided the dog was going to be my 'master' whenever we were alone, and that when my parents weren't around I would dedicate myself towards serving and pleasing him and punish myself for failing him.

It went on for years and years, it didn't stop until he got sick and died (which I was incredibly relieved about and feel guilty for being happy about it). It was incredibly unhealthy. I went down a very dark path in my own mind, I would starve myself to give him my food, I would hurt myself in worse and worse ways if I hesitated to pleasure him (like when he was especially unwashed and disgusting), and I just generally grew to utterly hate myself.

I'm healthier now though and will never have a pet again.

>slipped right into my waiting hole
lmao youre some fat nerd writing a story fuck off

>Any femanons here


Copy pasta fucktards

What's with all the animals fucking bs today?

Fake and gay

Lol waiting hole, yeah ok neckbeard mcbasement

No shit Sherlock. I copied my own post from 8ch. Didn't really feel like typing it out again. You must be a wizard...

Saw it here weeks ago

Yep that was me too. It was a "secrets" thread

If you mean just normal experience than yes.

If you mean sexual then no

Any femanons here with real experience with niggers

I fixed it

Doggo fucker confirm? Ok

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English please

I hate horse girls

Nice job with the canned LARP language choices

Why? Their always hot, because fat girls can't ride horses. They also ride reverse cowgirl without question. Fucking incels man. Who hurt you?

Nice reply to a copypasta newboi

bump for more horse bitches

Lost my virginity to my dog in all holes.
If it doesn't have a knot I don't want to fuck it.

No one is interested, Rachel.

any german femanons here with this experience who wanna talk about it over coffe

Does that sound incel?
Well I was with a horse bitch and as the term describes she spent more time with her pet than me or any other thing. That kind of girl who didn't take any responsability and was constantly on snapchat with her horse. Just simple obsession. I me a couple other horsegirls like her.

You let a dog fuck your nostril? Kinky.