So are we just going to forget these shit skins have been murdering white black and Asian people in huge numbers...

So are we just going to forget these shit skins have been murdering white black and Asian people in huge numbers? But when one crazy white guy goes postal the world had a hussy fit.

Did you see all the white people crying for the victims of Christchurch? Don't see any muslims crying when a bunch of white people are killed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Libtard that hates facts

bro wtf are you on about you dumb fucking idiot. this shit happened this morning and its still ongoing. it barely made the news.

i'm arab and my mom is a muslim that that guy that shot up people in utrecht is a complete fucking deranged guy, hope they find him quick and behead his dumbass for killing innocent people.

He's turkish.

i love facts, that's why i told you to goto /pol/ where you can spew your faggotry at.

Quad sixxes logged

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muslims only murder white people.They don't murder niggers and asians. There are tons of muslim blacks so you don't make any sense OP

Poll is useless

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only faggots spell it 2 Ls

because they spew their narratives instead of facts.

Filipino church recently bombed in the name of that man made faggot allah.

20 dead

Muslim terrorist sympathizer detected

>when you just can't beat the argument, ad hom

well shit skins aim is to murder christians so if they bomb a church it could be anybody inside

It was in philipines

Yes, only whites mass murder people.

I guess ramadon bombathon started early this year

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>loves facts
>(on the rare occasion they support a liberals opinion)

Op make a decent point.
Other than implying whites are Christian and shit skins are Muslim, which is fuckin retarded, i agree with them.

Where was the Muslim outrage when infidels get slaughtered? Oh that's right. The majority of Muslim people don't give a fuck about non-Muslims.

Leave it to privilege white people to be offended on behalf of anyone else.
Like being offended is some type of achievement they deserve special recognition for.

God damn liberals.

Ps. Lincoln was a Republican




You can't be that retarded. The first thing ISIS did was try to take ownership of the attack. Some day you are going to wake up from your liberal utopia and realize that we can't all just get along.

Muslims demonstrating against islamist attack in Berlin

Moroccans rallying in remembrance of killed scandinavian tourists

Muslims rallying against terrorism in Spain

>Someone disagrees with liberal
B)*demand facts yet i argue based on my feelings instead and refuse to "spoon feed" you the facts i claim.
C)autistic screeching
D)all of the above

I'm a Muslim btw.

Like putting fingers in your ears and going lalalalala. Such a lib move. You read it and can't dispute it. That's all that matters.

do you know what tl;dr stands for?


Typical lib move

It's time.

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But, you just described a liberal.

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It's to save face so they can continue converting people to the dark side. They all celebrate Christian and jew murder.

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Tickle legs dance random

OP is correct. More needs to be done, whites are being targeted and every single event like this wakes up more of us. When will the tipping point occur?


The liberal; doesn't read

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I think the tipping point has been put into motion

Just keep pushing it anyway you can

>The liberal; doesn't read
>You read it and can't dispute it. That's all that matters.
huh. it almost as if you are just trying to grasp at anything to try to throw insults out.

Jews are trying to suppress us, but yes, it's time.

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YOU , fucking idiot.

muslims aren't happy when white people are shot, but you won't see them cry either.
for alot of muslims death is a fact they daily with daily , most of our countries are pleaugued with civil war and terrorism.

also > kills white black asians in huge numbers
citation needed faggot , islamic terrorism is responsible for less than 500 deaths in europe every year , that's nothing at all , more people die from lightning strikes.

All from a joke.

There's nothing left of Western Civilization.
It's time to rebuild it.

You're confused because multiple people disagree with you and your

Fuck off you soyboy faggot.
Go ahead. Try and stand up for Muslims, we hate your kind more than we hate the typical American conservative zealot

Lemme guess. tl;dr (chug cocks)

>chugs cocks
whatever you're into faggot

Alternatively just realize humanity as a whole is a steaming pile of trash and loves violence

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* deal with daily.

white people ruined and are still to this day ruining islamic countries with their politics and war mongering.
matter of fact they've killed more muslims in 2015 alone in syria alone , than al-qaeda , isis have done in their entire years of operation.

white people are the most privilige hypocritical people on this planet and they are the last people that should should complain about anything wahtsover.

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you're an idiot! there is a thin line between islamist and radical islamist. Islam is true fascism. the religion is based on killing anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. Killing the non believers is written right in their scriptures

That number should be zero you goat fucker. It shouldn't even be a thing.

North America was nice until these Muslims came around raping everyone’s kids to the point the police won’t do anything so when a Good Samaritan takes it upon him to do the Officers work they bitch and complain.... Police should step in and stop all the rapes occurring in their cities because of Muslims.

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Oh yeah. Give me all you cocks. I can take it.

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i bet you can, no wonder why you hate isis so much.

So it's okay for you guys to killd tousands of muslims in afghanist, iraq, syria, lybia , but it's not okay for us to retaliate , by killing a few hundred civillians ?

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Basically, but no cop will actively pursue a rape case with a Muslim perpetrator. Maybe the police are being racist against anyone who isn’t Muslim?

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You forgot to "*" your greentext faggot. Read what you want to post before posting, brainlet.

Blame Obama for that, he dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016....

she got culturally enriched

it's almost as if there's some hidden implication there in the statement user. Try really hard and maybe you'll find it


Yeah youre definitely a muslim...

I love how Obama Bombed the shit out of Iraq/Syria and everyone trys to blame trump lol.
Trump 2020.

there was a muslim cab driver in canada that raped a canadian woman after he picked her up. All charges were dismissed because of "cultural differences" He claimed he didn't know it was against the law to rape her

okay so no joke, if my school wasnt cancelled i would be in the tram with this guy in utrecht

the implication that i read it, when i factually stated i didn't. it's almost just almost like you faggots can't read, and admit it.

From what I remember, Islamic countries were not as hardcore as they are now. It's like they're going backwards. Antiprogress

When white people kills black people he is racist, when black people kills white people he is ???

What fact are you trying to demonstrate?

That people who subscribe to far right ideologies and have, what is basically primitive "us vs them" instinct (because they're literally too fucking stupid to evolve past that) either commit atrocious acts of murder against innocent people because they somehow think the guy they saw on TV is psychically linked to regular people across the globe, or, if they aren't murderers, praise and idolize these people?

Doesn't matter if you're Muslim or christian or white or brown retard. He saw some dumb shit on TV, got some dumb ideas, and someone who did not deserve to die died as a result.

That's the fact user. If you want to put this man's action on all Muslims, you are every bit as evil, terrible, and frankly mentally retarded as he was when he put the NZ shooters actions on the white people he killed literally thousands of kilometres away.

Ok? Ok.

That’s when the family usually steps in and makes him disappear, we’re well mannered in Canada until you fuck with our family.

kill em pussy

lol lil midget brenton started a race war & now lotsa crackers gonna die heehee

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I'm actually torn between being "Well it's not all muslims that are bad" and "IT'S ALWAYS THEM!"

People like you help me to stay moderate and not fall for right-wing-extremism


opinions aren't facts, user. checked anyways

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You can’t deny that there’s a liberal agenda against whites(most news corporations are owned by Jewish people...)

Kid, You should rather go learn instead of being that much behind PC

Do you even know why American soldiers were/are in the middle-east?
First we were there to help you against the Russians.
Then, we were there because muslims went bat-shit crazy and started a jihad against other muslims because they weren't muslim enough! So the leaders of those countries cried "Help us!" to the west and we went to the aid of allies and that just made the crazy terrorists angry against the west.
All those deaths you write of are on the hands of crazy Islamic terrorists even the unfortunate civilian casualties because if it weren't for the crazys we would not be there.

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This is utter bullshit... Are you talking about the one who wasn't sentenced? He fled to Pakistan, that's why he wasnt charged. We do not let people off crimes because of "cultural differences here".
You read that in a blog or tabloid and it agreed with your stupid expectations.

Yep I live where it happened. They also gave the guy money as to say sorry that you got caught.


trained by
>American soldiers
> to help you against the Russians.
>and then abandoned when the USSR fell
why did they start attacking america, you should be asking yourself.

the reason it's not on the news is becasue the news dosen't like it when a molsem kills someone but love it when a white does

fuck you
you crackers better not travel to any non white country now heehee and even in your white shitholes you gonna catch bullets thanx to allah hahaha

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well yeah, cause no one cares about sandniggers

So no interrest in oil???

I know I don’t. They are all rapists and honour killing whores lol.

I can easily deny it.
Get off /pol/ retard.

News is owned by Jewish people lol

Waaaay more cases like this. But they cover it up quickly. Plenty of refugee rapes happening at my college where they tell everyone not to make a big deal of it. And yep you guessed it, they give the rapists money.

I'm not from /pol/ and I agree with OP. How is the EU, African bloc, China, Russia, old Soviet Bloc, the US, and ex-British colonies all fighting Islam? There are Buddhists at war with Islam.
Abraham, Jesus, and Buddha had some peaceful tennets. But the only major religion founded on vast military expansion is currently fight everyone else. Seems like it has a few criticisms it can take.

Brenton Tarrant is just another autistic wiite brainlet, manlet, a virgin incel loser with a massive inferiority complex, who cowardly murders others because his life sucks due to his poor genetics...his genes are further tainted considering the fact he is australian. Those fuckers are descendents of rapists & pedophiles & other filthy convict scum mixed with abbos. In fact you can see traces of abbo blood in Brenton Tarrant in his squinty gook type eyes & ape like forehead

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Jesus fuck, one's suffering does not negate another, sure, one could be worse, more tragic, etc, but don't take away peoples right to mourn you cocksucking useless fag.


>But the only major religion founded on vast military expansion
lol wat

Another retard, go back to wearing bandanas and getting shot by republicans for trying to stab them lol.

if you wanna bait why not bait with a white woman?

Both are bad, the happening in Christchurch worse, due to the much higher deathcount. But none of them okay.

But it seems like it might be some family shit that went down. It's said he shot a family member.

>says the idiot who literally doesn't pay any attention to the news in the last two decades
See African bloc vs Islam

Can't wait til you're an adult and you'll see you don't know everything and realise how dumb you were as a kid.

If you already are, may God have mercy on your poor tiny soul

Nope, muslim extremists and right wing extremists (and you also have other kinds of extremists).

that is a white woman bitch...she really tore up hahahaa both these crackers got wasted lol

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>"[the shooter] has a history of petty crime but has also faced charges of attempted murder in 2013, when he fired a shot at a building in Kanaleneiland, close to the location of Monday’s shooting."

>From an eyewitness: "I felt that he was focusing specifically on someone because I saw a woman crawling out. Bystanders tried to pull her away, but when they did, that man went after her specifically and aimed at those bystanders."

This isn't terrorism, this is either gang violence or an honor killing

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Asian Buddhists are literally fighting Muslims
African bloc has been fighting Middle Eastern nation's for centuries. Try not being a complete fucking idiot

Lol did you just describe all Muslims? Just because it happens in New Zealand doesn’t mean North America has to give a shit. I blame NZ for the shooting for not addressing crimes committed by Muslims against NZ Natives.

it seems you are at your last line of defense and now all you have is name calling? Are you posting from an elementary school?

Captain marvel. Nuff said.

I wish someone of you ISIL goat fuckers would try that here in my hometown in Germany. When I´m finished with you, I would piss in your empty skull.

So you are just going to skip over the FACT that crazy muslims kill tens of thousands of other muslims and cause hundreds of thousands of others to flee (which western countries take in at great expense btw) and it's all our fault

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Well that is bullshit. A lot of fighting in asia and in africa.

so are you just trying to forget who helped train and fund them?

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The Russians have the right idea, pretend to send them back but secretly let the bodies pile up in a mass grave. Fuck Muslims all they do is rape women and kill children, absolute filth.

That's nice. Honestly people already police their own ingroups to some degree but this shit will keep happening when there's almost 8 billion apes running around, most of whom are superstitious and prey in some way

you sound like a dirty jew lol

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Jesus Christ how's all that "freedom"?

bitch i am front line...just watch as the white race gets exterminated hahahahah one testicle at a time huehuehue

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What they do with government handouts is their own agenda, tf is North America handing out money to poor countries for? Just let them go barren and invade the malnourished people so we can have some nice vacation spots without the fear of rape and death.

Hmmmm...who think was him...?!

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>What they do with government handouts is their own agenda,
nigger, im talking about who gave them the guerrilla warfare training, and tons of funding to fight off russia. ya know the shit they are using to do the shit they are currently doing.

What the fuck happened. They were so happy back then.

Look at Malaysia. They're all going the way of the Klan uniform too.

Lol them conspiracy dubs

Are you really this uneducated? You have no idea what Muhammad did in his life?

If that's true it's great!

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I look forward to meeting you

try learning basic Western history and rejoin us

>Are you really this uneducated?
huh, who are zionists and dominionists? and why aren't they included in your list of expansionism?

Islam expanded through armed force in Muhammad's life. Christianity spread after Jesus died through mission work/writings. Judaism started with tribesmen living next to the Philistines.

only 3 kill
fucking noob

L/2 branches of abrahamic religion

I hope Vladimir Putin and Trump eradicate the inbred Muslims, study’s prove inbred people are prone to violent outbursts. No wonder they can’t fix their shithole.


I didn't make a list of expanism and modern zionism has nothing to do with the life of Muhammad. But US zionists are why Buddhists are fighting Islam in Asia?
Keep trying tardo

>lrn2 not be a dumb newfag
Literally not even refuting anyone

inshaallah there will be may more hahahaha i hope this turkish dude kills more before he goes to paradise harharhar

maybe do some research, faggot.

he literally just did dumbass
you didn't have an actual reply


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>doesn't know religious history
>has to have it explained to him like a baby
>tells another user they need to learn it
Amazing shitposting

If all Muslims aren't responsible for the acts of Islamic terror, then they can't claim credit for being outraged at all acts of Islamic terror, either.

Is that all you keep keep saying?

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49-0 new Fornite Record

>assblasted, the pro-Islamic atheist has no reply other than "muh research"
As another atheist, why are you so hell bent on protecting one religion over all the others? It's silly

Turks are still Muslims retard

i described your mom too hahahaha i pray to allah that niggers kill & rape your entire family huehueue

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You shitskins have been destroying your own shit holes you call country. Just a matter in time before oil becomes obsolete and you all will have lived your usefulness.

christianity - While Arianists instituted the death penalty for practicing pagans

judiams- The Idumeans were forced to convert to Judaism, by threat of exile or death, depending on the source.

Who cares what Muhammad did
Muhammad is just your version of jesus. A made up man so you have someone to look up to.

Would be better if no one new about muhammad or jesus.

It's war on the shitskins then

niggers would have killed you way before that happens hahahaha

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You seem awfully interessed in niggers are you gay?

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It's actually 50 now
They found another body

Muhammed was fucking his 9 year old wife all day. You shitskins love fucking goats and little kids.

Sandniggers only care about 1 thing
The Muslim Crusade to make the Middle East 1 big fucking religion with no Christans and no Jews #MuslimHolecaust

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Buddhists are fighting Islam because they're bigots. Buddhists can't be bigots?

Have you tried? it's amazing lol jk

no but your mom love licking nigger anuses hahahaha...thats how you were born hehehehe


kek wtf is pic related

Hitler lived a long and happy life in Argentina. He died peacefully of old age. I heard that he used his last breath to laugh about the large number of jews buried in unmarked graves under German soil

noone can beat the glorious record of the might obama bin laden hahahahaha

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> niggers can't even fix their own countries

How is it possible for niggers to destroy white countries? People are waking up more and more and curing themselves of liberalism.

Licking anuses? user, do you not know how sex works or how babies come? I'm not surprised really.

>If I keep asking random questions over semantics no one will notice I haven't refuted anything

that nigger is taking his dick so he can take it back to his mud hut and suck on it in private

>knowing a religion makes me a follower
You Christian /pol/tards are as retarded as Muslims. Learn to read kid

>He died peacefully of old age.

Not possible, simply because he had Parkinsonism. He probably did take his own life, though it's a little weird that they didn't trot out a body or pick a gravesite.

Shitskins only fuck goats. They have no real experience having sex with human beings. Only their tribal leaders can have sex with their women.

>How is it possible for niggers to destroy white countries
one cracker at a time hahahaha

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>Who cares what Muhammad did
Based off your writing style, you do. You're the one that asked dumbfuck. Try reading the replies if you're unsure what dumbshit you asked earlier
>your Jesus

>Who cares what Muhammad did
probably the user the other user was replying to. lrn2read retard

If your a lib. You do know that the media created you right?

your mother tossed a niggers salad until he came in your fathers mouth. your father spit the cum into your mothers pussy so she could keep it warm for him to eat later because he was already so full of nigger cum it was backing up into his throat

Refute what? I told you. Buddhists aren't Kumbaya fucks. They just meditate and don't eat meat. That's basically what modern Buddhism is. And they are ethnically cleansing Rohingya because they don't like Muslims. Is it okay to kill innocents when Buddhists do it?

truck of peace attack in sweden

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Hey guys. Just making this post to raise awareness about Mr. Bond. He's a right-wing rapper who takes modern hits and changes the lyrics to meaningful pro-white messages. He's got 80+ tracks, all remixes of major hit singles. His music is consistently banned from jewtube because they are afraid of real free speech. Don't let the jews win - download the Mr. Bond archive (easily found using google) and start playing his music around your friends to spread the word. Here's a link to one of his best tracks on youtube, listen to it before it's taken down.

14/88 Sieg heil.

12 year old detected


Ever wonder why every TV show, and movie bashes Republicans, traditional values, portrays America in a negative light and is totally Nihilistic?

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> Religion of peace

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the idea that he had parkinsons is all speculation and undocumented

Because they're dumbfucks?

Republicans are.

Muhammad is a joke. You guys still beleive that shit?

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>Ever wonder why every TV show, and movie bashes Republicans, traditional values, portrays America in a negative light and is totally Nihilistic?
Because it's in your imagination and you're a snowflake?
I get to hear about the imaginary war on Christmas every year, it's as retarded as hearing about Kwanzaa
I laugh when Fox network shows like American Dad makes fun of Democrats and I laugh when it makes fun of Republicans
Guess I have to be a whiny snowflake faggot to see it any other way

Jews want white people straying off of true Christian values.

muhammad sucked little boy's cocks

Believe what user? Read what you're replying to newfag

wtf i love islam now

> Watching American Dad

Maybe you need be more aware of (((them))) controlling your mind

>black and Asian

No, they only hate fag ass white boys like you.

The only good thing about Islam is the wife has to obey the husband.

>Ever wonder why every TV show, and movie bashes Republicans
because you have a victim complex.

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>I'm a chronic victim the post

kys snowflake

everyone who has skin the color of shit is jealous and angry they do not posses the beauty of white skin and Caucasian bone structure. It's the reason they are so angry and destroying humanity

Strange, this isn't /pol/ or Tumblr...why are you being such a triggered snowflake?

Yea Forums is literally the Tumblr of the alt right, filled with whiny fat fucks crying about "the Jewarchy" and how triggered they are

Keep telling yourself that CNN boy.

Gr8 b8 m8

It’s a personal matter, a specific woman was a target.
He started shooting at other people as soon as they wanted to help the woman.

This guy had a considerable amount of fellonies on his name.

The woman was probably sexually assaulted by the man and she wanted to press charges.

To name this attack a terrorist attack or an attack in name of islam would be downright retarded.

>But when one crazy white guy goes postal the world had a hussy fit.
You know, i really like about this how one white terrorist has more than ten-times higher kill-count that this moslim wannabe.
Really makes me proud to be white.

This makes me nauseous. Actual criminals running around the streets harming people and our garbage governments are more worried about videos on the internet and whos watching or sharing them. Let the bombs drop already.

None of it is ok. Anyone who supports taking another human life over politics, religion, or ideas are shit people.

The back and forth does nothing to help things either and it just keeps the cycle of hate going.

Your are just a pathetic neckbeard. Your comments are just as predictable as your one inch cock

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But unfortunately there's too many people on this planet. Religion is a disease.

yup the 1 that do the bombing is THE RIGHT muslim

dirty fag detected

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the event in nz is not some catalyst to a new movement, it will only strengthen existing ones. the only diplomatic solution is the abolition of firearms. if you can't form your argument around that or refuse to start looking at methods to mitigate damage that comes from these types of events, im afraid youre going to either be left in the wind or caught up in a war you cant fight... depending on how far you stupid zealots wanna take it

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? C-come join this super active /pol/ Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join akarin 1.png (320x360, 219K)

Concrats you played yourself. Neck yourself.

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so why do you continue the "stupid" back and forth? just shut up and enjoy the show. if someone tries to drag you into it just pretend to identify as a dinosaur and 360 away

beating them is not that complicated, be fit, fuck their bitches and show them religion is stupid by being a good example in your community. if these arrnt your priorities then why the fuck are you even commenting

Do you want your grandchildren to be defenseless when the brown hordes come to eat them in a hundred years? That's what's going to happen when our civilization crumbles and our people are left to fend for themselves among savage people who have been warring and cannibalizing each other for thousands of years. Give everyone a gun and let humanity sort this mess out themselves.

If cunts want to stop immigration stop making the far right look like a safe haven for Internet weirdos because nobody will take you seriously apart from other Internet weirdos.

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its too late for the white has produced too many low IQ degenerates like you. All you do is live off welfare & do shitskins need to be exterminated

>Give everyone a gun and let humanity sort this mess out

And the winners are... the people with the most firearms training !

But ultimately, the gun manufacturers win THIS one.

kys scumbag

this bitch had it coming

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You are talking about niggers kiddo

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look at her ugly nigger goblin nose...good riddance to that cumstain

You are sick. Fucking degenerate. I hope you and your whole degenerate family get terminal cancer and ebola you fucking nigger

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Hahahaha u mad niggerboi? Suck some nigger dicks. Cause thats the only thing you are good at.

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That's just because so many of our people look at what has become of their society and what is being done to their country and they lose all hope. They escape reality with drugs and refuse to support a system that is so generous to strangers that it is unsustainable to our own people. Major changes need to be made in our civilization. Let's take back our destiny! For the future of white children!

Says the kike who has been posting white hating shit ever since the shooting. Your double standards are amazing.

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>says the one posting a subjective opinion

all muslims are bastards

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I can smell the nose behind that post

Shut your nose rosenblatt

>can't deal with it

Well chicken wings are better than hamburgers.

prove me wrong

3 people dying is like a one day story in the US like 100 people get killed every day from guns but because it’s a Muslim racist morons start crying like bitches about how hard their white life is seriously stfu pussies

fuck you i hope your whole family gets raped & killed by niggers

go eat a banana you dirty nigger monkey

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You do know that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure, right? As in a real life person who lived and died. The whioe coming back to life thing most likely never happened, but the person was real.

Strrriiike 2!!!! Come up with something original. You boring niggerfaggot.

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>kek, I am from Holland and he is right

U are the nigger fag. Look at the back of ur hands. Bwahhahahahah. What a stupid living greenhouse plant. This is fucking hilarious.

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Quads of quivering fear.

>I'm a Muslim btw.

no, you aren't

> I am from Holland
you know user, there's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Kek me too. En jij zuigt ballen roetneger.

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>JIDF calling others kikes

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They're all conservatives, that's what we need to wipe out. Meeting violence with violence may feel like a fundamental failure but the extermination of conservatism is the only way our species will ever realise its potential.

you truly are the pus & bile oozing out of a niggers anus lol

Fuck off cunt

your mother tossed a niggers salad until he came in your fathers mouth.

Ssstrike 3. Place your bets on how many unoriginal posts this fag can place!!!

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Fuck off disgusting kike

It's not in America most countries don't have our freedom of speech, plus this is to stop promotion and normalization of the act

Boringggggg.... *Cricket noises* go ask your mom if you can play outside today with your friends. You underaged fag.

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lol you are a dirty turd burglar looking for a fecal frenzy

Lol that's not true in the slightest white victim's get just as much if not more coverage

fuck off lame ass nigger

B& , go play fortnite kids

OP here.

I did a good b8

kys you little bich
(delete the extra dot)
server with no rules! post whatever you want, loli, gore, wins, etc...

hearthy kek

anyone know where i can find the whole livestream video?


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The United States started supporting militant groups against Russian invasion, then they took over. Also a good deal of America overthrowing democratically elected governments. Almost like the entire conflict is the United States' fault; it's actually exactly that.

Dont worry white warriors we are many they are few. We gotta remove kebab

south africa next my dudes?

Bunch of bs.
Muslim terror attacks in asia
December 2009 Narathiwat bombing
2005 Songkhla bombings
2006 Hat Yai bombings
2007 South Thailand bombings
2007 Songkhla bombings
2012 Southern Thailand bombings

1992 Ürümqi bombings
1997 Ürümqi bus bombings
2010 Aksu bombing
2013 Tiananmen Square attack
Kunming station massacre
April 2014 Ürümqi attack
May 2014 Ürümqi attack

2000 Church bombings
2014 Bangalore bombing
2008 Agartala bombings
2008 Ahmedabad bombings
Akshardham Temple attack
2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre
Amarnath pilgrimage terrorist-attack massacre (2001)
Amarnath pilgrimage terrorist-attack massacre (2002)
Azam Ghauri
Ghazi Baba
2008 Bangalore serial blasts
2010 Bangalore stadium bombing
Batla House encounter case
2017 Bhopal–Ujjain Passenger train bombing
2001 Chalwalkote massacre
1998 Chamba massacre
1998 Chapnari massacre
Chittisinghpura massacre
1998 Coimbatore bombings
Deendar Anjuman
2005 Delhi bombings
27 September 2008 Delhi bombing
13 September 2008 Delhi bombings
2006 Doda massacre
2013 Hyderabad blasts
August 2007 Hyderabad bombings

Muslims may look like humans, but in fact they aren't

Lul raciest takin the b8 hahaha

But these aren't reported or covered as much in the u.s because they're not white

this is infuriating

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2009 Boko Haram Uprising 1000+dead
2011 Damaturu attacks 150 dead
2011 Abuja United Nations bombing 116 dead
January 20, 2012 Nigeria attacks 185 dead
May 2014 Gamboru attacks 300 dead

So here's the thing: when someone takes a shit on toilet, nobody bats an eye. When someone takes a shit on the dinner table, people get upset.

Its cause he was white OP. Eventually western civilization is gonna collapse and white people are probably gonna cuck themselves so hard they let the invaders kill them or enslave them. To do anything else is racist

if its not on the news, how did we all hear about it you dumbfuck

Intense hate!

Nope. Never forget. Brenton Tarrant is a hero.

British here and I've barely seen anyone mention the NZ shooting. Nobody seems to care.

You guys are so damaged here. You lack perspective, and the internet will expose your intentions. Fix your insecurities and work on removing your daily negativity and hatred towards other human beings.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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0nly muslims are bad. Asian are OK. They dont cause any problems in the Netherlands.

lol 20 years ago i saw a lot of persecution of blacks and mexicans, they responded with art, culture, and self improvement... today i see white persecution and the response is just a field of scare crows with hilarys face on them being pelted with red herrings. youre a god damn pussy who has never done anything for himself let alone his race. fuck off

>>Gee, I saw wish they would ban murder and make that illegal. That way no one would ever get killed.

How about, removing firearms does nothing, I repeat Nothing, to stop crimes like this. All it does is disempower the population (which is exactly what western left-leaning governments want!).

That dyke NZ PM is in Australia right now to get coached on how to bring in draconian gun laws like the Australian's have so that she can be seen to be doing something productive in the wake of this attack. She is doing this because it is politically expident, but also because they have tried to do this 4 times in the last decade in NZ but have always had too much push-back.

The real issue is around mental illness in random shooters, in general, eg in the USA. But in NZ the issue really is how culturally divide a country can become when emigrants are not forced to assimilate to the culture of the country they have been blessed to be accepted into. If they assimilated to western values then I don't see these attacks happening.

Also, if he had ran a car into the mosque and set them all alight would you propose banning all cars? Because cars are a favourite weapon of mass murder for Muslim Terrorist. I never see any left-leaning governments trying to ban cars from Muslims when these terrorist attacks happen.

>Claims to want to have a rational debate.
>Read the attached pic and just try and come up with a point-by-point rebuttal to the points contained in there.
>Mfw you're a little shithead who disappears or responds with a psudo intellectual comment which is ideologically driven instead, and actually means nothing.

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Arabs are white, remember white people? Egypt? Babylon? Persia? Sumer? Ethiopia? North Africa?

They are welcome in Yoorup bcuz white.

>Never 4gat.


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repeat yourself all you want we clearly have different end games. yours just simply isnt an innocent one. quit playing god youre not ready for it

THIS. user. So much this. I bet no NZ ever even heard the name Ebba Akerlund. Because it happened in Sweeden probably didn't help. Their government refused to report on Muslim crimes because they were so high that it started to show that their open door refugee policy maybe wasn't a good idea and the public was cottoning on to it.

But like a true freedom-loving western democracy they fixed that problem. They simply stopped reporting the crimes so that there would be no facts for those """Islamaphobic"""" victims of muslim rape and murder to throw in their faces and demand immigration reforms.


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it's because you're autistic, no muzzies are crying either, it's dumbass white people making a big deal of it

then there is you, too autistic to see that, then trying to make a big deal out of it yourself for other reasons because you have autism and soo desperate want to be seen as a victim

You should attend your local mosque this friday ;)


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these are just whiny children who only catch info about the most recent events because they happen to already be on the internet. have some fun trolling them but fear not they are ultimately harmless. keep a gun on you though cause they do shoot up buildings.

>Mfw you're a little shithead who disappears or responds with a psudo intellectual comment which is ideologically driven instead, and actually means nothing.

Well at least you didn't disappoint. But thanks for bowing out and admitting you're a piece of shit that couldn't back even one of his arguments.

Brenton Tarrant was a hero.

I was supposed to be there around 10:45 but woke up too late. Couldn't sleep last night so went to fapping

Fapping saved my life

lol you're welcome, now run along i think i heard the microwave

Only proving the shooter right. Fuck NZ I have the video downloaded and I'll keep posting it everywhere. Come stop me faggots

you should go back to /pol/ with all that edge.

Nobody would care regardless and would be forgotten about in a couple of days.


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Why tf do u have that on your computer fag? U are just a pathetic niggerfag who dreams about bbc.

If you can hear the microwave then it is your microwave, dipshit. This is an image and text board, not a sound board that magically transfers sound from my home to yours. So run along and get your hot pocket out the microwave. It might boost your mood after having your asshole reamed out in this interaction you were miserably ill-equipped for.

The edge of truth. That faggot called someone out for not being able to argue the NZ issue on it's merits, and then the second I did that he fucking starts spazzing about his microwave beeping. Fucking pathetic.

Some halals killed a few office guys and America still crying about that

>The edge of truth.
>Brenton Tarrant was a hero.
pick one, edgelord

They probably kill so many people because they’re so fucking ugly. Jesus

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umm hiroshima? nagasaki?