I miss my mom, what does Yea Forums miss?
I miss my mom, what does Yea Forums miss?
Being excited about things in life
Darth Vadar
Being single.
Sympathy user. I miss a sense of positivity. Everything is shit.
My 16 to 22yo. When all happened. After that was just boring and repetitive
I also miss your mom.
My mums currently dying of pleurisy, I miss being able to feel happiness and enjoy things
I miss fucking loretta's pussy and asshole, also her sucking my dick and then watching her swallow my load.
Me, too.
you should have replied to that thread
Good one
I miss having a GF
top kek
Yesterday was 13 years since my mom died. In her sleep no less. And today is 12 years since my second dog died. She was only 3. I feel ya OP.
I thought I had met someone special and it turned out to be nothing.
, Pic related guys
Bumping for more sad mann stories.