Any other ACTUAL autists on?
28 here and life is shit. How do you act normal?
Any other ACTUAL autists on?
i cant, that is literally the problem
no autism, but adhd, odd, dyslexia and dysgraphia here. life's okay i guess just gotta watch out for the fits of rage
Sadly I know this feel
Do you take any medications to help control yourself?
If autism is an issue for you, fucking fix it, get some help or stop whining and actually do something memorable.
You never will be "normal", it does not exist.
Oh congrats you've allowed a doctor to label you.
Tip: Give up.
I’ve tried, the longer you go while trying the harder you will crash. You aren’t normal, you can’t become normal, it’ll only end worse.
My Sister recently got diagnosed with autism, i think its bullshit tho.
how the fuck are mental issues real? just be cool
ocd aspy here, I just kinda became more numb to the weird shit I do, I can't be any more utterly traumatized by my social fuck ups so I just continue to learn as I go. I can mostly sharingan basic physical social cues and tones at this point, and that's all you have to do. and you might wanna go to a doc and tell em you have adhd, not because you do but because they're give you adderall or some shit like that and that stuff really helps you get into the flow of socializing and "acting normal" as you put it.
How I act normal? I gave up on it years ago. I spend my time working, jerking off, and drinking myself to death at 24.
googled the shit and can't tell if i have or my hand is lazy..
gifted & depressed
Do you have friends?
Pretty much me in a nutshell. Seems anymore though the fits of rage are just daily. Something as stupid as not finding the shirt I need will set me off yelling at myself for 30 minutes.
Pretty much this. Around 22 - 23 I just separated myself from the outside world completely. Now I just try and maintain myself to some degree.
I made it to 30 before detaching from everything.
I thought I might have had autism, but turns I have ptsd and bipolar instead -_-
? what gave you your ptsd
Any family/friends supporting you
Supporting isn't a fair word. I guess I would say... physically, yes. But mentally, no.
Learn and reproduce behaviours by observing others'. Worked for me
your family? you're saying that you live with your parents
Yes exactly. My parents are the types of people who don't really believe in mental issues. They just tell me "Life is tough" or something to the effect.
26, asperger. I learned to live normally, i can get passed as a peculiar person but nothing absurd.
When I was 15 I got obsessed with facial microexpressions, demanded me a lot of energy. I learned that as long as you're a functioning person in society the rest is just that you are different. I have a gf. Tell me if you want to know more.
Don't act normal. Just act well enough to sort of get along in public. People think I'm weird. I am weird.
so close
yet so far
That's the curse of flesh
Brain damaged psychopaths spread brain damage to others in silly attempt to feel emotional connection.
Glyphosate+Heavy metal+ chemtrail+ vaccines+5gMicrowaveEmitters
= bad times
But appropriate punishment for killing 75billion mammals a year and 1.5trillion sea dwellers.
Hunans arent designed to eat flesh, nor are any animal desinged to eat cooked food.
Yeahh! was all time!
KEK you need to explain what you're going on about
ADD here
I'm failing school because I can't focus on any of my work and I've refused to take my medication since the start of the year. My life in slowly crumbling in front of my eyes and I have no way of preventing it with a lack of attention or without medication which I refuse to do because they turn me into a walking fucking zombie
A chaotic childhood I guess from what the psych said.
Sister died, violent absent father, neglectful mother who was a crazy religious fanatic, abusive brother, multiple divorces, etc, etc
Sorry to hear that user, just remember that part of your life is over and its what you make of it now
I'm an autist. I'm 36 and I do ok, I guess. I don't let people get too close to me so they don't get a picture of how bad it really is. Everyone knows me as a weird stupid quiet guy. It gets me down a lot being seen as stupid, but it keeps me out of trouble. I'm actually pretty smart. I just don't have a lot of common interests with my peers. The worst part of autism is anxiety, but it can be managed. You just have to force yourself to do things you're uncomfortable with. It's how I learned to drive, how I get jobs, how I deal with people I work with every day, etc. Just know that every day ends and at the end of the day you can go home and do whatever autistic shit you want. I barely have any tells anymore. I still hate eye contact, but I can force it enough to pass as normal-ish. I can't even describe why I don't like eye contact. It makes no sense to me.
Is being able to keep eye contact for an entire conversation normal/expected? If so I'm fucked.
Asperger fag here
I'm not an autist, but had extreme depression and social anxiety for 10 years. Tried absolutely everything in term of self improvement (I don't believe in therapy/meds, but that's just my opinion), and in the end only Nofap (with no porn and with semen retention) for 2-3 months worked (one month is not enough).
If it can help anyone...
27 here.
I'm figuring it out still.
Just trying to go through the motions without fucking up too bad.
It seems to be okay if you just avoid doing what you KNOW you're absolutely not allowed to do.
>I don't let people get too close to me so they don't get a picture of how bad it really is.
Every time
>There's nothing wrong with you
>You're not that bad
>Just be yourself
>You just need confidence
>I want to eat my lunch alone
>Can you stop talking to me
>Please don't talk to me ever again
From the very same people who were encouraging you 5 minutes ago. Every time.
ive got depression and i used to have rly bad anxiety but now the only thing that I really have trouble with is my adhd and ocd. im not even sure if I’m autistic but it’s like. it’s pretty obvious that somethings off because I don’t really act like a normal person most of the time. im fine with being a little freak as long as i can be a functioning freak when i take my adderall
No, too much eye contact is creepy unless you're both doing it... and you want to do each other. Basically, make eye contact while listening, look left or right to indicate you're thinking about what they're saying, or when thinking about what you're saying. Don't look down very much, except when you're looking at something specific, don't let your eyes lose focus and drift off to the side for no reason. You basically have to learn something other people just do. It helps to observe other people in conversation.
I’ll be 21 in June. I have HFA (diagnosed at 3), ADHD, and OCD. Kill me.
its CDO
at least put the letters in the correct order.
Is that an actual official chart? So now all people with anxiety, OCD or ADD are autistic?
No, autism is just really hard to quantify. Many of the ways that autism presents are so similar to other disorders that they are nearly identical. Take any one of them, such as OCD and you have varying degrees of it. There are people who have to do some things a certain way, and there are some people who have to live their entire lives a certain way. While I'm autistic, I have almost no OCD. Sometimes if things aren't done the way I like it pisses me off irrationally, but I get over it in a blink and move on. It's easier when I know my reaction is irrational. Some people can't interpret their own reactions, like me when I was a teen.
To answer question 1, yes, i'm on the spectrum with aspergers
And to answer question 2, no, because there is no such thing as normal behaviour as everyone has different perspective of what they consider normal for example, if someone is being loud and is in a lot of sociable situations I might find it off or strange and if they see me being quiet and reading or just only hanging out with the same one or two friends they might see it as strange. There is no such thing as normal as the very concept of normality is going to be interpreted differently from one person to another.
Autist here. I'm a manwhore and get off to using women as objects. I have a couple different recurring fantasies I wish I could realize.
1. Girls are raised in an environment closed off from society. They are not taught language but they are taught through imagery that ingesting cum is necessary for their survival. Perhaps it even could be made necessary if protein is withheld from their food. Men would visit and girls would suck their cocks greedily, not even knowing it as a sexual act, simply trying to extract cum as efficiently as possible.
2. Women are surgically modified with their legs removed and affixed to a reciprocating device suspended from the ceiling. Men sit in a chair with a variable speed controller and the fleshlight (woman) is lowered on to his cock and he can adjust the speed of his masturbation device using the controller.
Technically I guess? ADD-ODD. Don't like eye contact or physical affection. Not diagnosed tho so w/e.
How to act normal is think about what you're gonna do, and not do whats fucking retarded.
Easier said than done for some, but yeah. Don't get diagnosed, even if you're sure you have a disorder. Rule number one of dealing with your own mental illness is don't tell anyone if you don't have to. If you do, they will not take you seriously.
aspergers defined
22, mild aspergers here.
It sucks because I’m actually pretty good at reading other people & bluffing my way through social interaction. I just am very obsessive, easily emotionally manipulated, & have niche interests. And as opposed to making a fool of myself by trying too hard to interact, I tend to keep to myself unless someone manages to drag me into a conversation I don’t kill with one word answers.
Combine that with the fact I’m above average in terms of looks, and it’s a bad combo.
I’ve been in 5 relationships, and none lasted longer than 3 months, and they all broke up with me. (None I explicitly initiated, only 1 could have been considered mutual initiation)
They all cited different reasons but I know that I’m very quiet, even with people I’m close to, combine this with my indifference to most activities and I fear I come across as very flat/shallow
I’m the same way in bed and 2 of my ex’s have commented on how weird they thought it was that I don’t moan or generally make much noise when having sex.
Oh yeah, I work with my ex, who is my manager, and is 8 years older than me.
Fucking sucks.
aspbergers defined.
stop talking about yourself
Then what is the point of this thread for if not for that?
op asked
>How do you act normal?
none of that was addressed in the post
This is an informal forum, sir. Let others share what they wish.
I don’t try and act “normal”
I just keep to myself unless otherwise prompted into interaction by someone other than my few close friends
I figure they probably aren’t friends worth having if they can’t handle my eccentricities
Although I only let those show through over time slowly to get a feel for a person so I can see how they react to me letting my more naturalistic self through
And if the reaction is less than positive
Well I usually stop interacting with that person unless I need to for work or w/e
have been diagnosed with ocd, anxiety and adhd by my private psychotherapist. But, before that, I passed some psychological tests (I was a merchant Navy officer, and now I going to the police academy) that said I was normal, so I know what to think, I always noticed I was weird, but never really thought I had altism
brother is mildly on the spectrum
talks incessantly about his experience
wanna stop talking about yours?
Not really
Gotta vent somewhere
Might as well annoy other anonymous kikes
most autistic person itt
Why are you here lol
Also, I try to keep to my self, so people just think I'm really shy, but whenever I get into a relationship they will notice. The best you can do is to force yourself to act normal, copy normal peoples behavior, even if it doesn't feels natural and always police your behavior in front of others, never stop thinking about it
meh. maybe i agree somewhat, but dont.
lol ereh uoy era yhW
put on a persona of a normie is exhausting as fuck as soon as i get in from day i am fucked going into a nut house soon for a while so maybe i have hope
I'm an aspie. I got diagnosed when I was 6 when my mum took me to a psychologist. I have to pretend that I'm NT irl cause I live with my grandparents and they refuse to believe that I'm on the spectrum. They don't know jack shit about anything mental health related. It's fine though, like eventually you just get used to pretending that everything's alright even though you're dead inside.
diagnosed psychopath here. I'm out of your league I guess.
same here kek
i think ill end up being a serial killer in a few years got some deep seeded shit
NO, just lots of wannabes who fail the grade
Kys u heck
claiming autism is a great excuse, when you dont want to take responsibilty.
victimising yourself for your own actions is fucking pathetic.
hahahaha your boss fucked u and u fell in love, call it a relationship?
Certified sperg here
My work around is to literally split myself in two.
I have mapped out every aspect of my being that I know to be autistic, put in a separate "box" and put everything else in another "box", along with an opposite of any of my autistic traits. Now I have a pretty decent idea of what a normal me would be like, and from then it's just an act of theater. Any deviance in my behavior or desire, while out and about, I will know is simply "the inner sperg talking". This is of course rather exhausting, and you're never gonna be rid of your sperg, but at least by properly defining him you can contain him in public, and then "let him out of the box" while you unwind. Like how i am doing right now, giving my other half some time on Yea Forums even though I have a pile of dishes in the kitchen, because I have places to be tonight and don't need a grumpy sperg in the back of my mind, begging to go home
>have been diagnosed with ocd, anxiety and adhd
>now I going to the police
You shouldn't be cop tho, even if that description is really typical
Can we get some meltdown experiences? I've been trying to get a diagnosis for awhile, and while I wait I'm constantly anxious that I'm just not right and that it's not autism. I personally am way too exagerated in social interaction when I'm comfortable and have learnt to shut up and stay quite when around others, yet that somehow makes it worse, like a never ending attempt to find balance. I recently started uni and on my first day ended up hiding and crying in my jumper in the middle of class, and I'm finding focusing on group talks in loud rooms very hard, and I'm sure people think I'm rude when i close my eyes to try and focus on what they're saying.
ADD doesn't exist anymore. They just turned it into one of the two types of ADHD
> Diagnosed Asperger's here
Yeah I'd consider myself "normal" if not controversial in its own unique way.
Life is shit but just remember that "such is life" as the way it is, learn to cope with things or move on, or if not be prepared to accept and do what you can to progress forward in life.
Having a mental trait of aspergers in most cases makes you an introvert, but I like to see myself as an introvert by choice as I enjoy the solitude and peacefulness of stillness and familiarity.
I'd consider myself a lover of knowledge, a philosopher of life and politics as well as the externals such as interests in the otherworldly.
In all of this from what I've personally achieved mentally and physically, I never dreamt of achieving 10 years ago.
I've never reflected upon myself as "limited" or "mentally deficient" as my Father tried to bully me into believing, but yet "Veni, vidi, vici".
Don't fool yourself into believing you are "limited", the human boundaries are your limits and you take it step by step at first slowly.
I have up before that, but decided I was sick of that life and started working on myself heavily at 23. Now the social awkwardness is gone, I have no problems getting women, everyone loves being around me, and my job is actually one that requires being very socially competent as a sales director.
Took a long time and a lot of work and trial by fire situations, though. Glad I did it.
not autist but diagnosed schizoid. i crave social interaction while i hate socialization in the same time. it's most ironic disorder ever.
ahdhfag here, fuck off with this spectrum bullshit just because differentiating diagnoses is hard. As for your question, just don't be a dumbass, maybe try shrooms