God here, ask me anything
God here, ask me anything
What's the point?
Why don’t you like foreskins on otherwise normal penises?
Can you create a rock so heavy that you yourself can't lift it?
The point is to just be you fucking monkey
Why did my father leave me?
Can you make Syria a parking lot already? Or do we have to do it ourselves?
Why is my g-spot in my ass?
Why did you make me so autistic
How else am I suppose to improve myself. Heavier rock, cant lift, learn to lift, next rock, repeat. Way beyond fucking rock now come on
Do it yourself, fuck your all so lazy these days
Design flaw sorry m8 kinda fucked that one my bad
Just to laugh at you
Join Discord
It's got E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting. Use the link below:
I dont fucking know go ask him yourself
Shit stanks
Does it ever get better?
I'm 25 and working for the government after a long string of not being able to work due to my depression and anxiety, I was happy initially, but now it's flooding back and I just feel like I'm going to be like this forever, never happy and never fulfilled
Why? Just why?
when are you returning to send all the muslims and liberals to hell?
Nope, never gets better, depression and anxiety are term made up so you can have an excuse to be shit a tier human. Learn to suffer, learn to enjoy suffering. If not fuck off
Think you could give me a little dose of immortality? Like just a little bit?
Sick, guess I'll just trudge through life then, thanks god
Why was i dropped on my head as a baby?
If you could you would to. Thats why
No problem boss anytime
Bad roll m8
Are traps gay?
And why would I want to corrupt you like that?
Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
I figured we'd both get a kick out of it.
Why don't you send me unemotional cunts to fuck?
Never, ive given up on all of you, you've gone corrupt
Even if the trap is really cute?
Fair enough, how do you want it, mentally or physically
I think I'd like to physically be immortal, I'm okay with the madness eventually consuming my mind.
So your telling me your completly happy with your physical appearance as of the moment? Or where you looking for more of a look never aging but still changing type of deal?
So your telling me your completly happy with your physical appearance as of the moment? Or where you looking for more of a look never aging but still changing type of deal?
Why did your dumbass download the same image twice
One for me and another one for me obvioulsy
The latter would be nice since I'm actually in the process of loosing weight and getting more fit at the moment. I don't think it would be fair if I just did nothing after getting immortality and didn't turn into a fattty mc' fat fat.
will i accomplish my dream?
Chances are slime but possible
how do i get someone to rape me
Well, you've said all the right things, unfortunately I cannot grant you immortality. Thats something you have to find on your own
My brother stop believing in you when he lost his lego minifigure.
Make yourself attractive to rapist
Excellent, I stopped believing in him before he was even conceived so we'll call it even
but how though? i walk home from work alone in the dark, i’m really weak looking, easy to pull hair, dunno what else to try
Awww, shucks. Well, if you ever start feeling frisky, wanna nudge me in the right direction or throw me lil' bit of the good ol' stuff, I'm sure you know where to find me.
Best I can offer is a good waste of your time.
I've already done enough of that myself.
I cant find myself a majority of the time, gunna need a reminder of where you're at for good ol' memories sake
why’d you have to give me telepathy retard
If you're already bored of wasting time I dont think immortality is right for you
He smokes weed and doesn't have a job, so you made a good choice Lord
Wanted to see if you would bitch about it, obviously I got my answer
rephrasing - uncontrollable telepathy, how do u expect me not to bitch about it
I'll be the one atop of the smokey mountains, just downhill of that rock wall in the forest. There should be big piles of rocks throughout the forest too, that's when you know you're in the right place.
Nothing is uncontrollable, you're just not intellegent enough to use what you've been given
Oh, I've never actually experienced boredom before. I just meant that I've just been mostly inactive and passive with my life for several years now, although they've been relaxing, I'm about ready to get out there and start having fun again.
will we travel the whole universe some day?
whats behind the edge of the universe?
how did nothing exist, and create stuff?
god why are you so mysterious?
ooooh, so maybe I should just gamble with it and tell the aliens from Altais to blow this shithole up right now?
Hero or Villain?
Why is e^(pi*i) = -1
Quite the specimen you are whoever is behind that little miss Alice picture. Go out there and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about being immortal, it only causes bordem and I would hate to see you bored
Best idea I have heard all day
Neither and both
can we not? i haven’t been raped yet
Is Jesus coming back soon?
who’s a God now, dad
Why thank you. No worries, I'm not sure if I know how to not have a good time! Ahhh, I'm not too tore up about it, I just think it would be really neat to be able to travel the expanse of time, having endless adventures with untold amounts of new friends I could make along the way.
Still me, not your dad
I’ve been here too long, time to reap what you sow.
The problem with friends is they die off eventually and the adventures get stale. Time is a bitch, I might be God but even I answer to time
Reaped, Sown and reaped again more times then you can count buddy
yet still my memories been reset every time.
As they will be for the rest of time
Well it's always sad to say goodbye to friends, but the memories you make are treasures you get to keep with you no matter what else happens... I dunno, maybe I'm broke or something, I think I could make quiet the epic adventure out of counting the grains of sand on a beach, perhaps I could even give each one it's own little story and name.
by what name do I even go nowadays?
How to make my girlfriend happy? Says i'm overbearing
But if you are physically immortal the madness that would take your mind eventually would cause you to forget you memories you see.
Fuck her more, talk less
Well even in that case I'd never get bored, if the madness takes my memories then every adventure is a new and exciting one, no matter how many times I've been on it.
That is true, but what do you do when you are both physically and mentally immortal. Sit and enjoy the memories of the past? Or work for the future
the last I remember, I went by Anubis, blank after that.
There's no reason you can't do both, like carrying mementos with you on a long journey. You can take them out and look back at the past while still moving forward, why you could even share them with new people through stories and spread the memories about like sprinkling a handful of seeds in a field.
There are so many stories and paths out there, ever shaping and changing, like the ever expanding of space, it's not something that I think will ever end until it all ends. That's sort of the reason why I think eternity would be more of a boon than a curse, as a human you probably couldn't experience it all even with forever at your fingertips.
Why did you give my best friend chronic migraines? What's the cure for them?
why do you post low quality images
You would be suprised with what you can do with forever at your fingertips. And keep in mind that, depending in your definition of good and bad, for ever good adventure there is an equally bad adventure waiting to be had. For it was curiosity that killed the cat they say, be weary of where you seek. There is a possibility you may not enjoy what is there
Thank you for our somewhat interesting conversation we've had here tonight. I must adventure to new places for a while. I will return within 24 hours
Yeahh! Elon...you was all time!
Do you like Jazz music?
Why not
Why did you make niggers?
Absolute silence is preferred
Well there needs to be bad, otherwise the good doesn't really mean too much... I've actually entertained the thought of immortality a lot, I wouldn't ask for something like that unless I was absolutely sure it was for me.
You are most welcome and thank you too! Hopefully I'll run into you sometime in the future!
Why do I suffer trying to be happy for a world that doesn't care?
What if you were one of us?
Give us a direct answer god dammit
Can you drop a grand piano on me please?
Has God left us?
Fucking end this shitshow called life and your self already
>Assuming you're real
Why did you create me?
Why do you make me suffer in pain?
Why did you let that guy stab me 7 times?
Why did you let him get away?
Just why the Fuck?