I'm looking for a video I remember seeing a few years back I'm sure some of you would know it.
It was some video of an ET trying to speak and it was creepy as fuck. I think it was on youtube but I can't remember, I don't remember a video either only an overlay on the video like pic related.
Nuh definently wasn't that, alot if not most on youtube are fake. It wasn't the ET actually talking the thing was just garbling .... there was no video.
Not OP but man does this shit take me back. Summer after senior year, me and GF spent most of the time either hanging out at the pool, fucking in her parent's hot-tub while they were at work, or derping around on the internet looking for weird shit. Found a copy of this without the music video part just unlabeled somewhere on the web. Freaked my girl the fuck out.