Came across this post and im not sure how to respond to this...

Came across this post and im not sure how to respond to this. What's Yea Forumss take on the "MoThErHoOd Is A fUlL tImE jOb" types?

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21 hours a day she works apparently

shes got enough time to post on facebook though

When I was going back to school I stayed at home while my wife was working FT. Had two kids at the time and I can tell you its not easy. But its not a real job either.

I work FT now and my wife PT but I would switch with her if she wanted because A) I like our kids (3 now) and B) its not a real job.

Having a child is a lot of work and often incredibly stressful and I respect that.
I don't know what the post is in response to, but by itself I find it entirely uncontroversial

It's not like single professionals don't have housework and errands. I don't get paid for dish washing or grocery shopping either. An honest accounting of what it takes to be a stay at home mom wouldn't include things that everybody has to do.

so do most frontline workers during their breaks.

It's not a job. It's an enormous responsibility, but it's not a job. She's not employed.


They get a free house, food, water, and can buy every fucking thing from her husband's salary if she wants for literally no work. Jeez.

Hey there captain pedantry.

It's a "job" that's somewhat useful for society. So eh

Gross exaggeration though, everybody loves to exaggerate their work hours. I have investment bankers telling me that they work for 160+ hours a week.

I always thought of parenthood as some honor bound responsibility. These young mothers talking about it like its a job just rubs me the wrong way. The dissimilarities are so much greater than the similarities. Im not saying it isn't something that takes alot of effort but you don't just "quit" parenthood, you don't have boss you answer, you don't get "hired", and so on

The idea that raising children isn't a massive undertaking is some weird bullshit that society seemed to invent in the last 40 years.

A parent SHOULD stay home with their children. I don't know when we decided both parents working was somehow more "responsible." The person staying home SHOULD be given their fair share, it is a massive amount of work.

Being a stay at home mom is tough. But it's not that tough. She is exaggerating more than a liberal explaining trumps collusion charges. My wife is a stay at home job. She is on the couch probably 13 hours a day.

>21 hours a day btw

even if you ignore the exaggeration does this dumb bitch think people don't do everything she does + have a job while shes a useless stay at home fat slut cunt hobbit

if your white, nobody holding a gun to your head and forcing you to bear children

I mean, it is if you're doing it right, but it's not as physically straining or as soul-crushingly regimented as working an industrial job. I'd say it's a decision that should be respected (because society would die out otherwise) but it's not as taxing as living as a single man with a mortgage.

When did you get so brainwashed you realized the education of future generations mattered a lot less than being a cog in a corporate wheel?

If you're not nobody's doing it either. They don't seem to have gotten the memo, though.

>not as taxing as living as a single man with a mortgage.
Am I in a bait thread? This is retarded.

>think people don't do everything she does

They don't, they pay somebody else or dump them with some relative.
Once the kid starts school it's different and you are free to do other things as the kid becomes more independent, although it can be a real pain in the ass trying to find a work schedule that will work with the kids needing to be picked up. And even if it's for a few hours a day, daycare winds up costing hundreds of dollars a week.
When at least one parent has some shitty low paying job that barely covers the daycare and fuel costs it's not even worth it and they are just doing it to get away from the kids.

You dont have to respect bad decisions. If having a kid is so hard they shouldnt have had a kid. That was always an option.

It's an optional sidequest in the game of life that she chose to pursue.

It's no different than some troglodyte NEET explaining that he spends ~21hrs/day watching anime and arguing with other ahotaku online and that he's performing labor worth $17k/month and should be respected.

It's a fundamentally dumb argument.

But housework and errands are things that wageslaves and nonbreeders have to do to, so it's disingenuous to count more than just the marginal additional bits that are a consequence of her life choices.

Similarly, all of her complaints about how much her chosen hobby sucks is irrelevant. It's like someone who chooses to spend their time skiing whining about snow being cold.

But fundamentally: she was not compelled to force another human into existence. The responsibilities are the result of her choices and actions. She should be thankful that someone else is there to finance her little adventure.

yeah,not so much-single dad here and i can tell you for a fact its not in any way physically can be a little stressful at times but the women especially have unlimited support from mothers,sisters,friends etc-as a man i do get support but not nearly the amount women do-my buddies would help out in a jam but would i really wanna leave my kid with any of my non married childless friends? not really.all in all women exaggerate their problems in life and resent men for any number of reasons

she expects to be paid $26/hour for typical daily chores, don't make me laugh

>everybody loves to exaggerate
>I have investment bankers telling me that they work for 160+ hours a week.
>everybody loves to exaggerate

I'll say...

Welcome to the future of America, Japan 1990

Not a job but a massive workload nonetheless

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Finish your homework and go to bed

>watching animu is equivalent to raising future generations of our society
you are fucking brainwashed.

Kids nap, go to school, young kids sleep like 10-12 hours a night.

You usually split it between a partner also. Most of the time you set up a baby gate or put them in a play pen if you got laundry and shit to do.

It's not a full time job, but sometimes it's easier to be at work than at home when they're being little shits.

I agree with this guy.

Kys nigger

>not sure how to respond to this.
why would you respond at all? not every dumb thought some yokel on facebook feels the need to express requires a response. just roll your eyes and keep scrolling.

She clearly does not respect that her choices and actions should matter, why should I feel any different?

>says her time is a precious commodity
>spends it blogging on facebook

>She clearly does not respect that her choices and actions should matter
huh? how?

>We get pooped on, puked on, our hair pulled, etc.

Maybe they wouldn't do that if you were a good mother.

By talking about the consequences of her actions like they're a burden for which she deserves respect.
>I spend 21 hours a day washing sweaty cum-stains out of my waifu pillow collection, respect me for my toils!

Doesnt matter, because a stay at home mom relies 100% on someone else to provide for them. My wife is one, and I respect her for everything she does. But she knows she'd be fucked without me. Years ago we were fighting about some bullshit, and she decided to drop the "divorce" shit to shut me up. I laughed and told her "go ahead, I'll leave no problem". I explained she'd have the kids alone with no help the majority of the time, and the court would let me keep a portion of my paycheck instead of it being deposited into our joint account where she complains when I need to buy something. We rarely argue now, work together and respect each other's roles. This bitch just wants people to feel bad she's stressed.

The waifu cum stains aren't going to propagate a member of society in 18 years tho user.
Good parents should be respected.

Man Im in general pretty left but I agree with bill Burr on this one.

Which this clearly isn't if she's so disorganized she has to spend 21hrs/day on it.

She sleeps 3 hours a day on average? I'm not sure about her math...

Of course women will b about it even if everyone has to do it though.

Lol, remind me again, who is criticizing stay at home moms? Who is criticizing women at all, in any way, and getting away with it in 2019? You clearly don't work more than the average employee if you have enough time to dream up fictitious shit like this. 150+ hours a week my ass.

I mean ... they're probably exaggerating. But yeah a newborn can wakeup whenever the fuck it wants and start bawling like a shit stained timebomb.
We should work as a society to preserve strong families.

everyone in this thread?

They should have thought about it before having the darn kids now she’s forced to do the job. Can’t do the time don’t do the deed

Look I agree with you, but this woman claims she works 21 hours a day and like her job is super impossible.

Like 99% of women become mom's, and I doubt even 50% of the entire population, male or female, is competent and yet they all do it.

I get that it sucks, I won't disagree, it's hard, it's an undertaking, but like... C'mon. Let's not act like theyre performing 22 hour intricate life saving brain surgery Every day.

Respect and appreciation where it's due?? Yes.
Worlds hardest job look at me I don't get paid? Fuck you. You've completed nature's ultimate goal. Your body is pumping you full of the finest natural high hormones every time you look at your kid to encourage you to do it again.

I lived with my sister and brother in law when their niece arrived. He took paternity leave cause his package was better. Not once did I hear him whine about how much harder it was than his PhD he was working on or his time in Afghanistan. He actually seemed to be loving the vacation.

What difference does it make if the child is with you 24/7 I don’t remember a single thing that happened before the age of 4 and after this is when school starts so we automatically have to be without our parents for at least half a day.

Hey y'all are missing some gold, I promise...
If you hate OPs pic related you'll die of keks from this..

Having a family is a choice, no one forced you to have kids. Having a job given how our economy works is not a choice; you have to make a living in order to fund your survival.

>because I had a shitty upbringing and I'm a competent wage slave everything in society is okay.

I agree.

I am not going to stay around long, because it's my bedtime (read on). So take it or leave it.

I have an 8 year old daughter. She's amazing, truly. My wife (Jen) is useless, and I'm currently seeking divorce. She has been cheating for years while I thought I was supporting a "stay at home" dynamic.

In that time, I took care of a vast majority of night time feedings while my daughter was young. Daughter had some real sleep issues, but my wife didn't get much sleep either, and I was told by the doctor I needed to step up so that Jen could get a good nights sleep and take care of our daughter better during the day. I did it. I changed more dirty diapers than she ever did. I lost more sleep than I can quantify.

For years, literal years, I got 4-5 hours of sleep a night, often less. My wife needed some therapy and care. I woke up at 5 to bring her to the office where she was receiving that care. Then I'd bring my daughter to a friends house so said friend could bring her to preschool and I could go to work. I'd pick Jen up in the middle of my work day, get my daughter, take care of them both, and then work the rest of my day, eventually go to bed. I loved and cared for both of them so much.

Jen eventually ends up being wooed by one of the men she's in therapy with. They have an affair that lasted over 5 years. I did my best to hold everything together. I continued to bring her everywhere I cold that would help her. I would pack lunches, help with homework, wake up with, care for, bath, put to bed, and adventure with my little girl. I protected her from her mom's uselessness. "Mom's sick. She's not feeling well. She needs to rest." "Mom's not home tonight because she's trying to get better." etc. Then, after everything and everyone was taken care of I'd go back to work to make sure I got my time in for the day, and eventually go to bed.


If you squirt it out you raise it. Get good.

Lol, right. She’ll argue men earn more money than women


It's now 7 years later. I'm getting a divorce, and my daughter is worse for the wear by far. Nothing has changed. I'm fighting for full custody. My life is in shambles and I hate everything except what my daughter brings to my life.

You know what I've never asked? What I deserve in pay for what I've given to my family. I've never asked or considered once what my compensation should be.

This is a fucking ridiculous question and position. I hate moms like this. Fuck her. If she cared at all about her child, she'd ask not what she was owed for her sacrifices, but instead what sacrifices she can make to love and care for her child better.

I'm a stay at home dad, shit is easy as fuck.

This man is not a stay at home dad.

I mean, I'm on the side of the OP pic related woman is exaggerating and women who think it's the hardest job are delusional but, dude... Come on

>I don't remember anything before age 4

These were the most key years of your entire life in brain development and you owe every last bit of not being retarded to the fact your parents kept up with toys, stimulation, nutrition, love, attention, bonding games and environmental exposure.

A fuck tonne happens in those years whether you remember or not, and it's all super important..

Exactly my son would only puke on me and rarely ushually after his drink went up the wrong pipe. She’s exaggerating to make people feel sympathetic towards her

This only lasts at most 2 months which is usually the amount of time we are given in the states for family leave time from work

In the US, at least, up through about the late 1970s, it was probably most common for one parent to work, and the other to stay at home and raise the kids. Usually dad was at work and mom was at home. Maybe once all the kids were old enough to be in school, Mom *might* get a part-time job - something with a few hours during the morning / middle of the day - but then again, she might not.

At that time, the "deal" for most US worker-bees was that if you got a job with a big enough company, and stayed there, you would be paid enough money to cover a house payment, car payment, raising kids, and have a little left over to go on vacation in the summer.

Around 1981, the "deal" changed. The big one was that pay was going to be lower. This was covered up a little by making consumer credit easy to get. It was also covered up by starting the idea that Mom should have at least a part-time job, or maybe even a full-time job. With two incomes, married couples could still afford about the same amount of stuff they could before. Day care (for little kids, to cover the time between school letting out and parents getting home) became more common. Older kids would just go home and hang out - lots of hand-wringy news articles in the 1980s about "latchkey kids" who did that.

Source: Oldfag who watched it happen... I didn't understand some of it at the time but looking back, it makes more sense.

Yeah I'm not quite in the same boat as you but I've got a useless wife with no kids.
8 months and her money keeps vanishing and she has paid rent. She's cost me 10k so far. She just decided one day she wanted to be a retard. Probably cheating, I don't know..

I don't know why I'm trying to connect here because you definitely win the "fuck" contest here but, sorry about your wife, man. I hope you and your daughter pull through alright.

Good luck.

>we work harder than you ever will

lol, does this person just assume that mothers and fathers with both kids and full-time jobs have it easy?

And the survival of ungrateful cunts and their crotch droppings, don't forget them, wagie.

It's funny because I do one of those dangerous jobs. I've literally balanced on a beam 4 inches wide (designed with a flange, they don't tumble) 200 feet off the ground passing heavy material along.

I'm tied off but if I fall one of two things happen. One, my harness fails and I fall 200' or get strangled to death by it.

2. It does it's job just find and all that happens is my balls get torn open by the topping force of the leg straps.

Women signing up to be mom's.more than once, and very few want to do my job. Ok lady.

"They're saying being a mother is hardest job in the world."
"I think the hardest job in the world is listening to this crap."

"They're saying being a mother is hardest job in the world."
"I think the hardest job in the world is listening to this crap."

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation, user

Buckle up for the worst in the long haul. If I could give myself any advice 7 years ago, it would be to cut ties earlier.

user, listen. The fuck my life contest isn't fun. I don't care at all about that at this point. Have an honest conversation with her, and please dear god, don't even risk having any kids.

My heart goes out to you, friend. Yea Forums has been a support to me, it honestly has. Find people IRL that care for you, and tell them about what's going on. Take care of you.

I'm sorry for your situation, and I wish you the best.

Yeah kids are extremely hard work for about 6 months, regular work for 4 years, then they start paying off by getting independent and being lots of fun: IF you let them be themselves instead of being an insufferable cunt like the one in OP.

I have 6 kids and they aren't really even that hard to deal with if you manage expectations. Pray for the kids in OP, its gotta be tough having a narcissist parent think of you only as a prop for online complaining. Muh victimhood lol.

Nobody forced her to have children and if they did, she should have written up a contract and stipulated that she wanted to get paid for it.

I think they have a job title for people like though... Baby sitters. In her case, surrogate as well.

MOtherhood and stay at home moms are the backbone of society. Only weak, decadent, soulless western nihilists think otherwise. MOthers should be praised, and they should be able to be at home, raising the children, without some leftest cat lady pink hair uggo who will never have kids telling her she is evil and wrong.
Westerners are killing themselves because they put virtue signalling above the pragmatic duties of a mother. But you'll deny it until there's none of you left. You're a beaten people, Beaten by your own softness.

Raising future generations is absolutely a job. But a childless piece of shit like you wouldn't know. You contribute nothing, you are filth.

>we do it selflessly for love
>I demand respect for being selfless

Let me guess.

You popped out a couple pups, got fat as fuck, and now your husband is railing that trim chick from the gym in her shitter.

I remember that too. The western world has been absolutely ruined by feminism and the demonization of women who want to raise children and not persue corporate/vocational work. And when the west dies, they can blame much of it on the absolute delusion infecting society that men and women are the same.

If you want to have a kid don't bitch about the work it takes to raise a kid imo. You literally wanted this and now want pity? ? No thank you.

She's counting 21 hours a day as "work" even if you buy into her literally only sleeping 3 hours a day (which is retarded) that means she's counting grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, showering, using the restroom, eating, any form of entertainment she partakes in, driving, and many many other things as part of her 'working hours.' Almost everyone does those things on top of working as well. We also don't get played for that. It's an extraordinary exaggeration.