They are scrubbing the video and manifesto from the web

They are scrubbing the video and manifesto from the web

Attached: 0B601F04-54DC-4037-B781-EECAC08D2BEC.jpg (720x516, 179K)

Other urls found in this thread: Tarrant.rar

Video I can understand, gotta protect those 'innocent' normies.
Making it more illegal than cp is a strange move though...

Good. None of you need to exposed to that fucking bullshit.

lol, fag

shut up

The adults in the room are glad this is happening.

I have it, and I intend to continue posting it until I'm physically stopped.

screenshot sent to Homeland Security

I mean it faggot
we're not fucking around


Freedom of speech bitch

>Homeland Security
NZ doesn't have that, faggot.

Tell those nigger faggots that I'm waiting for them.

Nigger, the only adult in your room is your mum when she's giving you tendies.

shut up

no backsassing

here in the US
it's illegal to post that video
because it might incite violence

delete that post now

it's a school night, edgelord
time for bed

>here in the US
>it's illegal to post that video
No it's not lol.

no user
the adults in the room are talking

this is not a video game
this shit is real
and none of you teenagers have any business having access to this in any way.

The video seems to be deradicalizing people more than anything, from what 4-chan comments seem to say.

yes it is

you are being watched

Then you should shut the fuck up and beat it you retarded child.

>this shit is real
so are your mum's tendies and sweet, sweet ass

You are definitely being watched now

Fuck you, you spineless dick speckled jellyfish. Whiteknight faggot cuck of the century over here.

Your mom's going to end up paying a huge fine user

>you are being watched
You must be new here. Everything on this site is logged, and has been for years. I couldn't care less if my posts are 'logged'. I'm posting from a DoD network that dumps into the US via satellite, so legally they can't spy on me without a warrant.

tinyurl com slash a7lu
I keep getting blocked from posting the video because they think its spam. But they can't stop me

The more they try to hide it the wider it’ll spread, and the more people will see it out of wanting to see what’s being hidden. By fucking with the YouTube search filters they just angered trolls, who’ll keep reposting the fucking video until nobody cares anymore.

You are on an FBI watch list for your pro-racist comments in here.

That is only a civil penalty or misdemeanor

You don't know the law fuck

I do. You're going to probably be charged with a criminal terrorist act.

You're not an adult.
You're a moron. A faggot even.
You fuck your brother nightly.
You are a failure at life.
Such fail. Much cock sucking.

And ceiling cat watches you masturbate.

Actually no, adults realize that Muslims are human beings and that this gunman killed innocent people.

They don't play nazi dogfucker trash like you're doing. Adults straighten up and take the fucking trash out--you.

>pro-racist comments
Oh? I have never said anything racist here, faggot.

Half this thread could be watched by Homeland Security for the backassing they're replying with.

Why? Did she break your Barbie display at the swap meet?

>None of you have any have business having access
Europoor or mentally handy cap nanny. Either way try cridge and bluepilled

if you glorify in any way what happened in NZ, you are a racist.

Did you sprain your wrist patting yourself on the back when you wrote that line of insults? I’m just curious.

Cool story, you ultra-double nigger faggot.

again, projecting.

If you have access to a copy of this video or the manifesto, you will be interviewed by Homeland Security.

Your mom is going to have to pay huge fines to get you out of Federal Prison.

>adults realize
>adults straighten up
>the adults in the room are talking
>The adults in the room are glad
New drinking game, every time this kid says adult or adults, you have to take a drink. I figure we will all be dead of alcohol poisoning in ~1hour.

Then say it. Say you utterly condemn what happened and that there is no problem with Islam.

But you can't faggot, can you?

Not gonna lie I thought you were serious at first. 7/10 mait not bad

They slipped the fuck up. Gotta burn it down now.

You should have to undergo a 2-3 hour grilling from the FBI just to teach your faggot ass a lesson--stop fucking sassing back, bitch.

Freedom of information

Not how survalince works, you’ll be cataloged like the idiots who buy the anarchist cookbook.

Half this thread could be pulled out of class and interviewed regarding this "video" you claim to have seen.

Ha. Ok dude whatever.
Did you pat yourself on the back for that retarded retort you posted? Nobody cares about your self righteous bullshit here. Fuck yourself with a curling iron.


shut up faggot
I'm sick of typing post after post telling you faggots you fucked up
you all sound like yapping dogs now

>Say you utterly condemn what happened
Honestly couldn't give a fuck either way.

Have a version from crazy shit
its not the full thing but its most of it

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Keep at it mait. Literally free (you)s Tarrant.rar

eat shit

Some of us live in a free state. NZ is already doing everything according to the manifesto

Nobody has a gun to your head faggot, yet.

>some of us live in our mom's basement

What video
Can someone give me a tl;dr?

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I condem terrorist activity against human targets. It's a tragic every time it happens.

You're going to get taken out of school tomorrow and interviewed. Your mom might have to come to school and get you.

Let me guess, like suicide bombers?

oh lawd not the fbi grilling my meat, thats my phobia.
tinyurl com slash a7lu
whoops i posted the video again, why don't you take a looksie? I promise that i'm not promoting violence

I mean some people do that's not an incorrect statement. But even in that scenario if your mommy lives in a free country then yeah do something about it.

i dont rlly think they care what fucked up shit you watch. Im.just waiting on some other thread where a guy pushes a potted plant

This is insane. What the fuck is with the censorship going on here?

Is that law uniquely New Zealander?

Are the Kiwis a bunch of fucking Snowflakes?

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Is it not tragic when suicide bombers bomb people? What does this even mean?

>George bush lookalike shoots up a bunch of innocent Muslims
>records the whole thing over Facebook
>google is doing damage control trying to keep it off YouTube

just joking about posting the video is a guaranteed interview tomorrow

So you agree that the attack on the mosque was a senseless act of racist violence?

>Implying the FBI has 3-30 million hours to talk to every dipshit who has seen the video
My cousin fucking dad sent it to him. Everyone who has ever had the desire to see it has seen the first part at least

After I finish cumming in your grandmothers mouth.


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Who's joking gayboy?
tinyurl com slash a7lu
just call me brittany spears, because whoops i did it again

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Because none of you need to see it.

screenshot taken


If by “free state” you mean “corpratists shithole” then you must be a burger. Hello fellow American. Stopping people from inciting violence is a good thing.

I agree it was tragic. The target was merely the most effective into pushing his manifesto. If he believed shooting up a church would get the ball rolling faster he would have done so. If you actually knew what you are talking about you would know that.

Shits already on Torrent, and kiwi farms still has the manifesto up, as well as the link to the torrent.

The internet never forgets user.

Ignorance is blessiful amirite?

You’re doing god’s work

The video on bestgore has not gone down at all. Pretty sure the liveleak one is still up too...

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We know enough about it not to see it.

Ye, I captured it from liveleak as soon as I could
Don't agree with banning it or making it illegal, but I could have undrstood the normie logic of trying to scrub it from sites.

>implying is possible to actually delete something once it hit the web
are you 11? things uploaded remain on the web forever

not if you use an FBI type scrubber

yeah,who would of known internet censorship didnt just magically disapeer when donald trump became president


>Not knowing the states are essentially 6 countries at this point varying greatly in freedoms given

The South is pretty fucking stupid and backward though.

screenshot taken


They're afraid to continue a war that is essentially the NZ's gov't fault, by letting them in the country in the first place.

All of this could have been avoided if the gates were secured against the savages originally.

Why do so many people not realize by making it hard to find they are making more people see it? I'm not saying keep it on Facebook but realistically 1000-5000 guys can't keep up with Literally a million guys from around the world posting a video. Unless the plan is to trick us into watching pushing the video accordingly.

the only savage was the racist who shot up a mosque user

I am a pro-gun regulation Clinton supporter.

I win this thread.

heh i can tell you haven't even seen the video because if you did you would be rioting in the streets, incensed to preform violence! One hit of this and your brain will shut off, leaving on only your medulla oblongata active.
tinyurl com slash a7lu

The "south" is essentially 2 counties. Florida and Texas are completely different from Louisiana and Alabama. You ever get out of the cities you realize how absurdly large and diverse this country is.

Holy fuck that pussy on the right. My penis is now tingling.

Good. Can’t wait to hear about the incel mass suicide resulting.

Yeah. They’ll get their first amendment jew lawyers to defend having it.

>“corpratists shithole”
this is why you live in socialism and repression and we live in freedom

People have Rights, Fucktard

First Amendment still applies, you haven't killed it yet...

Fuck off

It isn't illegal, fuck off

You Have No Right To Dictate To Anyone.
Go crawl back under you totalitarian wannabe rock and rot...

First Amendment isn't dead... yet.

How many pages is that one?

Have some sympathy for those of us that are drinking


idk man, the video seemed too unrealistic for me.

It must be nice to live in your fantasies.

Is this cp or is it safe to save?

People don't explode blood like in the movies.


OOH, a controversy, someone might be triggered!

Based Kiwi Farms, I may have to visit them more often. Seems like a better version of Yea Forums.

Poor Bait, go to bed Junior...

not unless you are using exploding rounds.

How many of us are you going to murder today Mister G-Man?


So much heat, accomplishing nothing.
Yapping Dog, how appropriate...

NZ, like most Commonwealth countries has shitty protection of human rights for people with inconvenient opinions.
Secret courts, secret sentences, press gag orders...

Really don't understand why there are two different versions of it. Wonder which one he originally sent out to people.

LL pussy pulled the vid

UK is worse, OZ and Canada getting there.
The LibTards do NOT like the peasants interfering with the agenda...

It's important that the video be available and viewed, not because the psycho wanted it but because most media consumers don't understand how fucked up these events are. Exposing even a minority of consumers to the actual terror might get them to think a little about the actual humans involved instead of just seeing "lone gunman" and # of victims.

Freedom of speech interferes with the Elitist agenda.

“weRe nOT fUCkIng aRoUND”

Shut the fuck up and Stop Defending Muslims Pussy.

Go to bed Junior...

Not the full video.

Not your call Mr Comstock...

youtube prevents you from looking at recently uploaded videos at the moment
but I'm sure thats just a coincidence :)

full video is on kf

While I deplore your stance I strongly approve of your willingness to defend it.
Any ideas how to shove Orwell back into the fiction section again?

I post the garfield pic once...

LibTards never leave their hothouses, because if they ever experienced objective reality they wouldn't remain Snowflakes...

Attached: hell yae.jpg (750x684, 56K)

It's ironic I usually see people generalizing country folk more so than city people. See one city and you have see most of them. Been around in almost every capital in the US and a couple foreign and they are all the same just different dialect. Population density is truly the greatest enemy of a free people

Muslim isn't a race. You are an ignorant pigfucker

Probably not safe in OZ, those idiots chased Abby Winters offshore for haven skinny women...

Why do cities turn people into such naive assholes? Almost every person in a city is like this, and I don't understand what about city life makes this the case.

I believe humans were meant to have down time away from people so when they see people again they are happy to see another fellow similar to a dog. Being around more people = more run ins with shitters = lower level of trust. A numbers game really.

I miss my friend.

All i get now is the shitty liar.

hows do i save this?

That makes sense, overexposure to unpleasant people would definitely turn people into assholes.
I imagine the lack of privacy would be awful as well.

And that is a bad thing how?

My personal theory is Memetic Reinforcement, 'right thinking' people conform to a certain slate of opinions reinforced by elite status cues and disincentives, 'wrong thinking' people are marginalized as an incentive to conformity.
This neatly explains a number of Island Extinctions, where small isolated human populations have died out long before inbreeding became a problem.
IOW reality bites hard if you ignore it long enough...

Enjoy whatever cucked country you come from.

The neoleftist era is coming friend. How do you think it’s going to go in the US when they start shipping people off to reducation camps VS wherever the fuck you’re from?

>you are being watched
Yes I am. Your mum is watching me right now as looks up with a mouth full of dick.

This. I’m right wing in most ways and that video was fucked. Those people didn’t deserve that.

The NSA watches everything now shit up litteral faggot and go to bed

>legally they can't spy on me without a warrant
Obviously you’ve been living under a rock for the past 8 years.

I will never condone what has and will undoubtedly continue to happen...

However, if one can be told what to see or read then it follows one can be told what to say or think...

Meh... They PROBABLY didn't deserve it. But I'm not fully prepared to rule out that at least one of them possibly deserved it. They were, afterall, devotees of a hateful and bigoted ideology.

You sound like a Reddit faggot. Reread your post and pretend it’s about the Vegas shooting.

You sound like a Tumblr faggot. Reread my post and pretend that you have better debate skills than a coked out gerbil. Not every view and opinion is mutually exclusive. Dipshit.

any1 know how to find video

You can find it in this very thread you actual fucking autist. Please kill yourself.

I'll tell you what they're doing
>be alphabet man
>go to every thread on shooting topic
>act dumb, request video and manifesto
>continue to do so until all links are censored
>decrease enemy resistance

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No they aren't.

This is it Yea Forumsros

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Thank God, I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

I can now finally be free from this tard prison

holy moly, i legit never saw this here

what about the Doom edits, are those illegal too?

its clearly satire

ur so dumb

Need the manifesto

I think it’s important that we don’t censor shit like this, yeah it’s a fucked up thing. But we have to remember the magnitude of events like this and the impact that they have on society as a whole. Wiping the video off of the internet doesn’t solve any problems.


I don't see why they do ban the manifesto since he reveals his very plan, incite a civil war. If they really don't want that to happen, they should distribute it anywhere.

Still Impossible, there are non-indicized sites which the FBI can do nothing about and people who saved it and will reupload at a later time. Once on the Internet, forever on the internet.

>If they really don't want that to happen, they should distribute it anywhere.
They do want it to happen, that's why they're saying not to read it, while they use it as a script, not realizing it's just a bunch of /pol/ memes and shitposts.

Maybe I should leave thumbdrives of the video and hard copies of the manifesto everywhere out in the real world? That'd really fuck with 'em.

Lol Fag

Really. Then watch this

I hate niggers

This dude is a racist psychopath wtf did I just read

screenshot taken



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>This dude is a racist psychopath
Really doubt he wrote it. Guy dropped out of HS.
>wtf did I just read
/pol/ memes, arguments, and satire

lol no it isn't you lying fuck. go kill yourself

>devotees of a hateful and bigoted ideology

Name one religion without fanatics/extremists. Name one religion that hasn't participated in a war over differing ideologies. You're statement is as ignorant as you are retarded.

I mean, it's not hard to type something into microsoft word. But fair enough, seems like something /pol/ would do. Never really understood that subreddit, things they try and pass off as satire read more like edgy racism.

Beat me to it. We should do a better job monitoring reactionary neckbeards.

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Apparently the m0squ3 had radicalized a nz lad who got drones in yemmen back in 14. Still shitty that this happens tho

Fuck those muzzies. The video should be considered art and you cannot stifle someone's artistic freedom of expression. I hope this is just the start honestly. Muzzies are cancer and need to be completely removed.

If anything Brenton gave them a quick easy death which they definitely don't deserve. I wish he sealed the exits and burned the place down with everyone locked inside. Live cremation would be much more fitting for muzzy cancer

>They are scrubbing the video and manifesto from the web
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Literally neck yourself.

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The propaganda by (((them))) started

They are behind everything.

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Question. Its supposedly illegal to share the video of the mosque shooting. Obviously I do not condone that course of action, nor any course of action that would harm another human being. But look. What if it had been made illegal to share video footage from 9/11? What is the difference aside from the weapon of choice? Why is this particular video illegal?

Cause Americans aren't real humans anyway

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Are you that dumb or woot. The shooter wanted to be fame here in /pol like a martyr so and for everyone following nz shooter footsteps they cut it out so racists cant celebrate and jerk to it anylonger

Pretending like it didn't happen is only going to make things worse. If we expose the video as much as possible so people can see how horrendous this act truly was maybe someone will be less likely to do something similar in the future. How many times does humanity have to stoop to its lowest form before we accept it and work towards the opposite?

We repeat the lessons we fail to learn from.

filthy towel head cunts, kill them all

ultra kek

We’ll keep posting it because we can and we have robust freedom of expression protections in this country. If you don’t like it, you can try to stop us and see what happens to you.

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I hope you take a bullet to the face.

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Kiwifarms, look it up. Don't be a nigger.

Kiwifarms took it down. They bowed down to the hypersensitive lefty activists.

Go back to I s l a m

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oi who has the manifesto

What the hell does one of those things have to do with the other?

Yeahh! was all time!

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Yeah right. Mongaloid.

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Even this still works. You must just a retard.

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Suck a fat dick.
We will do what we want.

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Dunno why none of you fags dont just go to BestGore for this video lmao

>Reverse image-search
>0 hits

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Yandex or duck duck go room temperature nigger