Reply in this thread or a bear will do this to you

Reply in this thread or a bear will do this to you

Attached: LiveLeak-dot-com-7f3_1462381273-man-survives-vicious-mauling-bear-alaska_1462381411.jpg.resized.jpg (458x727, 89K)

Hot.... My friends house is nice

a bear did that?



Jokes on you I don't live near bears.

Well I don't want that; I go outside sometimes

i have a very hard time believing a bear did that


Fuck. That. Shit.

Attached: graphic-man-loses-face-in-alaskan-grizzly-bear-attack-but-considers-himself-lucky-to-be-alive-1280x6 (1280x640, 104K)

Looks Yummyâ„¢



Holy shit

Daym nigga he fukd up

What about a seabear?

Attached: download.png (320x228, 197K)

oh fuck oh fuck thats an oval oh fuck

I'm not sure if I'd want to survive that

Holy fuck

Bears crazy

Holy fuck imagine still being alive for those last minutes, eyes and nose ripped off but still able to gurgle in some air with all that blood until you choke on your own blood/lose blood

Give immunity

You prick