Femboy/ Trap/ Sissy Thread
Femboy/ Trap/ Sissy Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
also OC
Cute, I like the socks... wish you could give me a footjob with them. Post your soles in those socks?
Gimme a sec, but yeah
aww, you're cute.
lock yourself up
More of op
how do I fuck a guy real good
I'd need a cage for that
Nice cock. Shave though.
>Femboy/ Trap/ Sissy Thread
Stop. There are clearly not gonna be any traps in this thread. Just call it a gay thread like it is
im really fucking horny rn
thats a pretty masculine penis tbh fam
Hehehe I talk to you on kik and you're a beautiful human ;) also, how's everyone doing!?
I'd be doing a lot better if you spread your ass to be honest
Doing well, and yourself?
U have a kik?
I have a kik?
wonder if you look good in better lighting
I have a tight little hole ;P
id hope so
I'm doing alright!
yeah? post it?
Are you gonna post a soles in socks photo or will I have to cum for someone else?
YuriTheCutie, I’m the one with the cute pp, hehe
Glad to hear~!
also I love the garter
That outfit is hella cute ;)
How's everyone doing tonight? I tried posting a pic but I'm getting an error.
Ugh I just want to get my face in there and make you moan for me. Life's not fair
Thanks! I'd love to wear it for you~ ;)
I was getting that with one pic, I tried a different one and it worked
That's a good girl, thanks baby
Sin-chan OC
For a guy who gets turned on by socks, you girls are a dream. I want those socks around my dick and on my face. Would you do that for me?
Hey cuties ;3
If you were around I'd love to!
Mmmm I'd let you go balls deep in me sweetie ;)
I tried three pics now and nothing :(
More Sin-chan
Hehehe I'd spread my ass for your cock and suck your cute cock till you cum ;)
What’s ur kik?
such a giver~ I'd make sure you get your fun too
I'd do anything you want in exchange. What's your favourite thing to do in bed?
Would marry
I love bondage tbh, but I'm willing to try everything once
I'm a femboy.
Pretty passable.
Voice and all.
Wanna see?
Give me your discord and I will show you pics.
Do you like it when a guy calls you cute names? I'd love to call you princess and tell you what a good girl you are when I'm deep inside... and you can call me daddy
do it. Arzakyum#8524
Hehehe thanks ;)
4 pics and I can't seem to post any pictures tonight.
Have you ever thought about water sports? That's on my bucket list
Ooooof... Sounds like a plan to me ;)
Do you have more?
anytime, love~
Lame shit like this is why you're a virgin
I'd love to try it~
What a pretty boy, you are meant to be bred by gross men like me.
Hey, we all know why we're in this thread so we might as well get down to business right away
Damn right. Anyone got any more OC?
Wish I was more trappy but I'm loosing weight. And have a tiny dick lol
I'm trying but I keep getting a connection error when I try and post pics :(
Same, I'm going to start going to the gym this week though!
don't loose too much booty though.please
Small dicks are best for traps though, they're cute
Ass pics please
Thanx been working the buns lol
Hmu on Kik panty_whore
shit oc >:
Mmmm... Cum inside of me ;)
better than none. I just reset my router and I still can't post my pics :(
Love your legs and the socks~
you've got some cute fingers
Nothing shut about it user
I'd sit next to you and slowly move my hand up your leg
kik sissykitty6671
dick pics welcome
What’s ur kik, I’m a Femboy
thankuu soooooo much >w
Mm any feet pics
even as a femboy I'd kill to be in those legs~ holy cow
aaaAAAA yuu is making me blushy >///////<
would definetly enjoy that owo
i dont have a kik, do you have discord? :
I just want to post my pics :( damn Yea Forums won't let me because of a connection error :(
I'm also a femboy
would love to talk to ya more there~
I want to cuddle with you so bad
I keep getting the same thing I was only able to post 1 pic
Saw this yesterday any with time stamp ?
I hate this :( I'm a sissy not a trap so I don't get many threads I can post on that specifically ask for sissies :(
I want to rip your butthole apart tbh.
I dont have any time stamp ones right now. Youll just have to take my word for it
Yesh I do, HempHatKenny#5226
You can post anytime, I love boys butts.
l-lewd ;w;
i love cudddlessss owo :3
check ur requests
>would like to cuddle bubble butt trap/femboy with long hair, slender girly figure, and a huge horse cock to play with while we snug.
>itwillneverbe :(
show hole
You can get there, I believe user
you might but some from Yea Forums isn't as welcoming of non top-tier traps
dantin99 is kik
ask me about my small dick
yeah I'm lewd~ but when you look like that I can't help but be~
Do you like muscled guys?
where you from?
Please tell me you have kik
Gotta get the butthole DLC for that
Great waist
I've been edging this whole thread but I need to finish.... who wants to be my target?
Those cages any good
I do
Thanks. My assets are all below my chest
Oh yes
would love to ;) but I'm the one who can't post pics.
I shouldn't be looking at this thread. I'm going a week without cumming so I can go for a sissygasm.
I like sissies. Are you cute?
Nice cock
Would love to make you leak with my cock up your ass. Who you give your snapchat to cutie? Got a bf? A daddy?
Amazing ass too
name? I always wanted one of those that have the ball separator.
I'm straight but OP's cock is making me hard
I dont have a snap i give out. No BF or daddy rn im just looking for people to spend money on me and get pics in return
Do you have a cute face?
Keep trying if you’re so willing to help us cum
how many pics per gift?
Not really :( sorry...
If you could stretch it out a bit it would be great ;)
I like all guys ;) muscle or skinny af I'll cuddle and let them fuck me till their heart gives out ;D
They're alright! Just knockoffs off of Amazon lol
I like to think i do but ive gotten mixed opinions on it
What’s your username?
Thats a nice big cock
Yeah baby, I want to make it real loose.
>They're alright! Just knockoffs off of Amazon lol
Link? I'm this person
Love the stockings
Kinda depends but i try to at least get 2 pics for each item plus a few requested pics if i know youve spent a bit
As much as I'd enjoy you jerking off for me right now, you should save your cum for that! I hope you have a great orgasm and remember me when you're exploding with pleasure...
What are your preferred sexual positions to take dick on?
From what I see there you are looking very cute.
I'm hoping I can last the week. If I frequent these threads too much the temptation will be too great!
Havent actually gotten dick yet. Probably either doggy or cow(boy)girl
You're not showing them here, but you've got great lips.
Would fuck face. The rest?
You the one having trouble posting? what did you do to fix if so?
Face seems to be the hard thing to pass so rest is probably good.
Heres a full face pic
Ooooof... I don't remember what it was called... Search "silicone chastity" and you might find it! It's definitely the most comfortable one I own!
just had to wait a few minutes for cloudflare to update
Mmmmm.... I'd let you make me your little fuck toy ;)
You should try makeup.
Definitely extremely cute. Your eyes are captivating.
Love your legs #wouldspread
no luck so far :(
holy shit, you are tight.
Yeah i get that sometimes. I dont like posting face tbh. Ruins the magic
Thought about it but i also have like none
Thats the other response i get. Thanks
Appreciate it
there are Soooo may silicon cages with that search :( I found a good one that's a HT ripoff though that I got in the past so worse comes to worse I'll regrab that.
Hehehe thanks ;)
What magic? You look like a dude at every angle and everyone here was never under the impression you were anything but
I recommend you try make up because your eyes are pretty cute same goes for your lips.
Hello everyone
Take more butthole pictures, thats like the prettiest holes I've seen in a while.
I would absolutely love seeing more pics with your face.
Eventually ill use makeup when taking pics but for now im keeping it super ametuer
Probs not gonna post more face
Do you have kik? I’m a femboy
Nice ass. Looks real good.
>Probs not gonna post more face
U look good why not
Are they too big?
Where do you live? You might be able to just come see me.
It says "connection error" when I try and post pics :( I've posted them before in other threads
2mb size limit
no audio on webms
maybe also try to reload the page.
thats a nice hole...
I think you have a lovely face
Posted it earlier
Not super happy with my face
I'm taken, so I'm only willing to post pics, no meet ups.
did all those :(
Don't give up
We wanna see
Cheer up ur at ur fine
Shouldn't be happy with your body either
I'll keep trying until I go to bed. They're not spectacular but it's a sissy thread so I want to post them regardless.
Thanks but im gonna stick with below the neck for now
Just cause you hate yourself doesn't mean i have to
Autism with no cervical vertebrae.
I love myself lol, try harder faggot
Good. Im glad you love yourself
Would anyone fuck me?
Yeah, maybe?
Faggots seriously take this shit to a different board.
I would pay to slam that
Dawh, thanks ;)
Yeah. I'd pound that ass and come inside
Can we see more?
Dawh.... Shit, I'm sorry :( I remember looking through like 30 pages before I found that one... Only problem is that it slips off if u get to hard and it isn't angled down so it definitely shows through pants soft :o
Can't tell if your classy or slutty
Well, I'm off to bed and I can't post any of my pics :( I'll try again another night.
I'll take a look. worse comes to worse I'll rebuy the one I have.
looking good doll. lose some weight?
would luv a few more of you in that outfit.
Its both.
Dress in class and be a slut while doing it.
Girls like this have a special charm.
Thanks! :)
You're so cute!
Oh fuck that's really hot. Thank you!
I'll probably dress up in a bit and share fresh oc. :)
I checked my Amazon history like someone who isn't a lazy butt and they don't sell it anymore... I looked under the same item name and it's nothing similar came up. The fuck... :(
sad face :( ah well. I like the one I found (i'm drunk or else I'd post a link myself). No ball separator but it's snug. Only downside is if I leave it in hot water too long it deforms too much for the lock to work.
Not a problem ;)
Hell yeah. Cant wait. I'll start edging
Yes, I've been working on my figure! I'm still kind of chubby tho.
I think you're really cute.
I want to lose weight too! I'm going to start hitting the gym this week.
Where are you from?
Nice, nice.
Lets see what else you got baby
I really hate that I can't post pics :(
Henshow Premium Medical Grade Silic one Chasti-ty Device Male Briefs SL2U (Blue) amazon.com
Also I can't post myself sad;y but I wouldn't hold a candle to you!!!!
added to my list!!
Just had to come in this thread and say your dick is amazing, 10/10. Would do many things to it.
I'd love to lick that ass!!
well, hey there.
Any swedish? Adda: peppercake
Haven’t shaved in so long since I haven’t been active, but my little flirty is still cute
Ugh clitty not flirty..
Join Discord
E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.
Also but not limited to....
E-Sex, Dropbox, Megafiles, Vola, Meetups, VC, Links, Snapchat adds and more!
(If you want pleb role removed you have to speak every now and then. Users with pleb role get removed frequently.)
Need someone to fill me up...
So I used to be crazy over traps femboys or sissies whichever, fantasized, chat and met up with, interacted
even strived to become the best trap I could be
Now it's just "eh", and traps or thoughts of them I feel absolutely nothing now for
Wonder if this is a good thing
I would destroy you
Damn I totally would if I was there now.
Got kik?
could I be a trap or is my peepee too big?
Sometimes preferences change. For awhile I liked sweet snacks. Then I only liked savory snacks, usually with cheese. Now I'm back in the mood for sweet snacks. Nothing wrong with any of it.
I swear I'm not fat, I just couldn't think of a better non-sexual analogy.
Gotta get rid of all that hair! Size is irrelevant for trapping tho
lose the hair
is that a wart?
You can't just BE a trap, you have to BECOME one
Ooo very nice! Post that ass girl
omg i would love to fuck that cute little ass with my shroom xD
pls post grace pics
Here ya go
Thanks ;) got a nice little arch in your back to pop that cute ass out. Love the pale skin too
I was told this was a trap thread. All I see is strange men in women's clothing.
thanks, glad you like it hun
this everyone here should be glassed
Femenine penis & buttholes
Definitely enjoy seeing a cute ass. Got any more pics?
Am I passable?
yes, now post your ass
Cute hips, got a kik?
I have the exact same penis
You should know by now, when one of the gayboys opens with femboy or sissy or cd in the OP, that's code for regular gay man thread with little to no trap content
Make an actual trap thread or wait for the next one without the gayboy code words
Do you have long hair? Would love to see you bent over on your knees
jk gotchu
Beautiful thighs.
yes now moar
das fukn kawaii
Yeah I do, my kik is emapes1623 if you want to see more pics
Take those pants off and spread those cheeks
thanks for blessing me, you got a delicious looking booty
No kik, but I got a telegram, Trianglesareyou
Don’t have kik. But got Snapchat
Would post vid, but am too lazy to convert to webm
Fuck thats hot! Need to see more of that ass
i liked her better before the fake tits. whats her name again?
checked, so you win more butt.
fuck off with that furry tat
Would go balls deep in that hole, more butt pics ur gonna make me cum
Eh, I'd try it for her.
I just wanna get fucked so bad
Nice ass, show more butthole
Fuck you and your wasted trips.
She's cute and peeks out :3c
Amazing dick user. I'd love to crossdress with you and have fun.
OC of me
Nice ass any pics of that hole?
like this?
I love your boots.
Does Victoria's secret/PINK offer discreet shipping? I have roommates and would rather avoid having to come up with an explanation
Show that ass and you might
That boipussy is gorgeous.