Ask a grower anything

Ask a grower anything..

(ignore the nutrient burn, I know where I went wrong)

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I heard from a friend that he used to grow with Miracle-Gro and blacklights. Is this legit or safe? I plan on starting in the next couple of years, but just for personal use, and currently don't know shit.

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What strain and how many days old?

What kind of soil do you like?

Miracle grow puts weed killer in their shit so u cant grow good bud. Same shit with their vermiculite they put anti fungus so dont use them for mushrooms

Is it the Chronic?
If it is how much can I get for 60, I hope alot since we are mutual aquaintance on Yea Forums eh?

Getting ready to try marijuana for the first time. Doing an edible because I don't want my room and shit to smell like skunk ass.

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this is so a shit statement.

good call.
smoking is a culture thing.
you get a more intense high from digesting it.