Is this really the kind of fucking pigshit the left believes these days?

Is this really the kind of fucking pigshit the left believes these days?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yup, they aren't real history buffs and only react on feelings. silencing people that are dissatisfied with society only reinforces their beliefs.

White people need to stand up before its too late, all these refugees will pay

>be media
>hates white people
>posts about how white people should die
>justify people who say such things
>many years

they've been saying the same shit since CNN found Yea Forums like 5 years ago

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Wow. They really hate white men. No wonder they are starting to snap. Can't wait until they start going after the major players. This could be a good year for happenings.

>the left
>logic and reasoning
Pick one

Before the internet the o ky place you could safely meet and... "hate niggers" was in the woods at night or your trailer. And even then trailers are small and there are other people lu ing in the park so, ya know. Not the best.
Anywho now that y'all have been exposed to messaging boards you and hate niggers 24/7/365 and literally a anywhere! :D
So yea, I dont see what the issue here is. Except poor little nazis don't like being called nazis. :/

everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi


>since CNN found Yea Forums like 5 years ago
Mmmm na O'Reilly and hannity brought them here when they said it's was a pedophile haven.

This kinda shit is why he happened.

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I mean I thought most of y'all wanted to be called nazis. I'm sorry what is your preferred agictive?

cnn still claimed we were radicalizing the whites and harassing minorities on the internet

Uhh it’s true. /pol/ probably needs to go

Their preferred what?

I don't hate anyone except assholes, asshole. Race is not an issue to me, I'm not dumb enough to cast blame on an entire group for the actions of some

white people are cancer

You're just baiting

If /pol/ goes, that will just bring more of those insufferable faggots to Yea Forums

tell me again how the alt right is radicalizing people into thinking everyone hates white people

The refugees are just the weapon, not the true enemy.

i mean that shooter in in NZ literally said he was raticalized on the internet

why it's almost like our news companies are ran by commie scum agents that want nothing more then to start a war.

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Have you read the manifesto?

If you think Neoliberals are left, then you're deluded. I'm on the left, and I don't know anyone who trusts CNN, MSNBC, and god forbid Fox. They all lie for money.

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What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.

“They” want a specific ID attached to every user. That way whatever said can be easily traced back to the specific person. This incident is helping them build a case for both gun control and regulating the internet

that not really the case but ok

Before the internet the only place jihadists could meet up and behead infidels was in caves so it kept their numbers relatively small. Now they can move across the world and keep in touch and comtinue their war on all western cultures.


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Obviously not

>the left
hang thyself and weep

And not just the left, but also nearly all of the center, and about 20-40% of the right depending on the specific topic. It's just you fat ugly pathetic shitheads that think all white people will rally to your stupidity. We'd sooner join your hilarious culture war just to kill you.

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>creates thread to scrutinize what he perceives to be fake news
>thread proves that the "fake news" is absolutely correct

Yeah...? Far right groups have been infiltrating online communities for years. Steve Bannon realized how susceptible gamers were to right-wing propaganda while he was involved in WoW gold farming.

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Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

Yup. Right and court decisions be damned, even though a pretty high court has ruled that anonymity is free speech.

So I’m an extremist for thinking that CNN is discriminating against white males?

>silencing people that are dissatisfied with society
Everyone is dissatisfied with society, including them.
You're not nearly as smart as you think you sound

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Not sure if retarded.

Not necessarily an extremist. Just wrong.

crazy that people in the UK can be arrested for being mean on the internet. I wonder who gets to decide what's mean over there....

also yeah, facebook does that deboosting thing where it hides shit they don't like... it's wild

Is reporting the truth discriminating? comeon now. the shooter was indoctrinated online and was a self proclaimed white nationalist. How exactly are they supposed to report this? The fact you take offense is proof enough that you identify with the killers message.

but silencing them and treating them like abominations and criminals while doing it is entirely different level.

The article mostly targets YouTube too which is retarded because that's not even where people are getting radicalized

Not one single example of how CNN is discriminating against white males.
>Hurr durr CNN is discriminating against their own white journalists

What if they put “how the internet is radicalizing black men” on their website? If they did that would it be racist?

Why don’t they make the same types of articles targeting Mexican cartels that blow people’s brains out and throw their bodies in mass graves?

You NEVER see that on CNN but it happens all




It would be correct if the black man was being radicalized on the internet. Are you really this retarded?

Fartkhan is radicalizing black men. So is that racist?

Oh noooo...people will have to be accountable for the retarded shit they say...what a travesty

I don't care what CNN wrote. The internet radicalizes everyone and pushes people into extreme corners, just like a lot of you stupid faggots here. It's going to get worse with people raised on the internet and social media who have been radicalized from birth. It's going to be as potent a tool as birthing children into religions that promote their status as unquestionable. Everyone is becoming and extremist and it's sickening. Also, fuck you CNN because you're too confrontational and you're helping fuel the creation of these faggots too with your heated battle lines. This world is fucked.

So they should bury this story? lmao

That fringe people with fringe beliefs can find each other across distances exchange information form echo Chambers, and applaud and encourage each other and grow in their beliefs regardless of how right or wrong those beliefs are?

Yeah, we on the left are extremely on board with that being a thing...

>treating them like abominations and criminals while doing it
Not gonna be a popular fact to bring up here, but that kind of behavior is very much a right wing problem in the west.

I think the internet affects a lot of people negatively period, weird they have to specify white men. Whatever.

I did. He said he learned most of his eco fascist beliefs on the internet

Black panthers is the same as the KKK, hollywood made a movie glorifying black supremacy called “BlacKKKlansmen” (I watched it) and not a fucking peep from the left about that people would have to actually BE ON the internet first...sooooo

this kind of article is whats radicalizing white men and these fucking idiots dont even see it

Not if it was true. You can say that Muslim men are being targeted online for radicalization as well. That's not racist, it's simply a statement of fact. Same with white men.

during nazi war time, when jews were raped, tortured and killed, it was never reported. millions upon millions unreported. and they want to act like that never happened too. these same people will deny that ever took place.

what type of political extreme can you NOT find on the internet

Dude it's from the 70s.. sjws don't even know there's black and female action heros in 80s movies.. they're too young.

>we were
They're radicalizing themselves, and yes they are using this global anonymous forum to do it. Hence /pol/

i'm a normal sane white man, why would that headline bother me? wtf is wrong with you?

Not fully but it throws gas on it.

What's really odd about it all is that's an area affluent white people want to move to. None of the increased regulations apply to them or the people they hire. It's just to stop cheaper labor coming in to do those kind of jobs applying for additional licenses. Rich white people are probably crackling with glee over this. Everyone will think it's your average towny in some hick town in the USA that believes this kind of radicalization was good.

Not weird. It's just that recently it's been white people who have committed acts of terrorism.

Wait a tic, that movie is about a black detective infiltrating the kkk. It's not glorifying black supremacy at all.

If it doesn't bother you then your eyes are closed to the liberal agenda of white genocide.

It said alot of weird shit.

Actually it was made in 2018

You're the master race, just read it fo net ick lee.
Not really. Y'all dont have swastica flags in your cigarette ash soaked dens? Dont you hate everyone except protestant whites? I genuinely dont know the difference.

youre a castrated white male. no need to post further

Funny considering that mosque was one cough radicalizing and people whom pray there. Terrorists in 2013 killed in US drone strikes on the battlefield had actually been radicalized there...

Yes it is, at the Black Panthers rally in the beginning. Imagine if Hollywood made a movie about a KKK rally with the context that they put the BP scene in

You said it brother

Yea see, now you're getting it!

They condemn any attack dude.
Sjws went fuck nuts with their "je suis Charlie" shit standing with the victims of that Muslim attack. They do for all of them...

The reason you hear white attacks more is two reasons. One the language is different. When talking about Islamic terrorists, most keaders worldwide tend to say "let's not start killing civilians Iver this.. that's what ISIS wants, everyone chill tf out" and then the right screams and cries about it very loudly.

Then when it's a white guy, well, you saw how b reacted. Hes idolized and praised and glorified by the right, and when the left says "hey. Don't" they scream and cry "you don't condemn Muslims hurr" when they fucking do.

They also don't condemn white people, or the right, or conservatives. They specifically say "alt-right"

Anyway I'm rambling. The point is you hear about it more because b screams louder about it and dig up any anecdote they can to prove white genocide or some shit ..

The shooter was a spook.
North Korea?

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So you're on the side that believes vaccines cause cancer? Or the side that blames (((globalists))) for your inability to get laid?

They should, if you said that and petitioned CNN to talk about issues going on with our neighbors next door the people of mexico would be delighted I'm sure.

Extremist radicals spotted and I disagree with the other user too.

Ah, there's two I see.
Point is still stands. He's saying "not a peep" as though they're allowing it... If they even knew about it they'd be screaming it's praises.
They just haven't noticed, this dude's just looking for reasons to be mad.

For context I hate sjws and alt right whiners...

the left will just eat each other up.

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Yep. Saw that

weird how its apparently only radicalizing huwhyte men but then these same retards will be the first to tell you that there is no ‘white’ identity and its all a construct. hmm

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Got any proof, or is this another (((Alex Jones))) exclusive?

that's not why Chelsea Clinton was being confronted and nobody said she was responsible, that's a complete fabrication and silly fantasy of the right-wing
you credulous dolts

Nah that's a fair call out, she knows what she did was wrong. The thing with liberals is we can handle accusations without resorting to shooting up mosques like you sensitive beta manlets.

omgosh right?? these right-wingers are just loony toons ;)

"What's he whining about?"
"He doesn't believe the internet brings fringe violent movements together like isis or the alt right and turn them into uncontrollable decentralised ideologies that cost thousands of innocent lives."

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>Be left
>Call out dangerous ideas and movements that cause murder if innocent people.

>He alt right.
>Cry they're stupid and unreasonable and whiney then praise the guy that followed this thinking and murdered innocent people.

don't act all high and mighty. numerous Black lives matter supporters on twitter wanted people to kill cops just a few years ago, and someone did kill 5 cops for them. Not to mention numerous tweets over the years about how white men should all die. I wonder how long it will be before someone becomes radicalized by that.

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Funny little right-wingers, very funny...the more retarded/weak...the more suceptible to radicalisation. Im sure i could stir up massive white pride sentiment right here from my all swallow it like beer.
And i thought only uneducated 3rd worlders could be turned by retarded retoric.

Funny little white right wing children. So weak.

So very weak

Real and heterosexual

Considering the amount of peer-reviewed data behind myriad papers that come to the same conclusion, yes. It's not our fault you worship shit science yet somehow think academia is a leftist conspiracy.

Also, fuck off back to /pol/

Very weak.


>And i thought only uneducated 3rd worlders could be turned by retarded retoric.
Someone's never been to college.

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back to /pole bigots!!!

"He thinks we don't think black lives matter is also a group with dangerous thought patterns that caused innocent deaths that gained power from internet echo Chambers"

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Except those were sock puppet accounts and the vet who shot those cops wasn't affiliated with BLM. Nice try you revisionist cunt

whose we?

Why Obviously not?

specifically /pol/
most of Yea Forums
this thread

Pretty solid case...just sayin'
Feels like a swish from half court
That's all I'm sayin'...pretty accurate--
Is all I'm sayin...absolutely true is what I mean

>Considering the amount of peer-reviewed data behind myriad papers that come to the same conclusion, yes. It's not our fault you worship shit science yet somehow think academia is a leftist conspiracy.
Skipping around that leftists keep getting caught spooning bullshit data up as 'fact' and "peer reviewed" means "passed along to a group that will say whatever we want for fear of being ostracized from the group-think".

Don't forget : video games made men want to shoot up schools...until people with brains proved otherwise.

you got me there

Jesus are you kids too young to know he's doing Waldorf and Statler?

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you know what im sayin?

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im 29 you fucking boomer

Not much older than you. No clue how you missed these guys.

>Don't forget : video games made men want to shoot up schools...until people with brains proved otherwise.

fun fact: right wing tards and right wing religious nuts have always been the ones saying that videogames were to blame for violence.
Until science men came in, made some studies and found out there is not relation between vidya and violence.
Also, right wing fags in US are the anti-science fags, bunch of climate change deniers, evolution deniers and so on.... the US right wing is literally the only right wing on the planet that is at war with science.

A torch mob is a torch mob is a torch mob.
They all turn violent and dehumanize a perceived enemy for no good reason and things get dark.
Everyone needs to kind of chill the fuck out and stop separating people by race, nationality religion and what not and start with "who doesn't know what cognitive dissonance and bias is and how it applies to you personally?"

And when we've separated out all those people, well murder them.

you think

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i agree with you

Yeah dude fear of the violent video game was all fox news and right wing tabloids.. I remember that shit. Good Christian moral values and what not.

They aren't wrong though. Being made aware of the soft war against them has the side effect of radicalizing some white men.


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As of March 11th, the city of Chicago alone had 54 murders. How many were killed in Christchurch? By summer Chicago will have doubled that. Is there a reason CNN is not reporting this? In our own goddamn country, and CNN doesn’t report it??

the far left is just a retarded as the far right.

I would watch their political show lol

You mean the BLM Facebook page that turned out to be run by an Australian taking the piss out of social media? The fact you still consider it credible is hilarious.

Niggers gonna get you.

White people are probably radicalized in real life, however it is only on the internet that they find words to describe what they have been thinking, and justifications to validate inclinations that they would have previously regarded as taboo.

However unfortunately this radicalization seldom leads them to act productively.

white nationalists kill 100's each year in the US via mass shootings. it's time to address them, and stomp them of existence out for good.

We patriotically killed millions of nazis. Time to begin again to water the tree of freedom with the blood of white nationalist tyrants.

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>In Chicago
I thought you wanted actual breaking news.

You're older than me and I know who they are

Because all 54 weren’t killed by one person in one day, dipshit

whites killing whites? fuck off you wanker

That includes you, you know. Liberals are always in favor of the government boot on peoples necks because they always assume they'll be the one's wearing it. Since you're so found of accusing people of Nazis just assume Trump as he Hitler you want to portray him as is the one who's able to see who says what on the internet. Would you like the internet to be used to hunt down LGBT, to hunt down civil rights, worker, poor, and animal rights activists, to hunt down anyone who makes statements against the rich, statements in favor of immigration, or statements about global warming? When you all use the "consequences" argument against free speech remember that the road can go both ways.

Whites are subhuman savages tbh. England and France had a war that lasted 113 years.

Does that matter?

It's just dead niggers so CNN doesn't care unless white people or cops killed them.

Yes, it does. Because it's harder to catch fifty guys for fifty murders then it is to catch one guy for fifty murders.

no one knows what Salon is user, it's not a good example of mainstream

The internet allows hate to breed to fever pitch in a small echo chamber.
Just because the same is true for jihadists doesn't mean it isn't true for white men. No amount of whataboutism will change the facts.

How can you be triggered by this? It's just funny nonsense. Grow up.

Blacks kill 1000's each year in the US via random, criminal shootings, Its time to address them, and stomp them out of existence for good.

If you don't like the way this sounds maybe you should look in the mirror.

Care to tell that to Donald Trump? He seems to think free speech only applies to certain people.

It's totally true, I learned my common sense in the internets.

Wow one day you will not be a teenager and hopefully you realize how no-brain this is. Do you understand the difference between crime and terrorism?

That's the point. If you set into motion limits on free speech to stop what you don't like these same limits may be used to stop the speech you do like.

Because that's a murder rate... Isolated scenarios with many reasons, mostly gang related that were probably all heat of the moment.
It's an extremely complicated affair with a complex solution and every single case is different. Also no one wants to hear "Chicago again!!!" Every day, especially since there's murder all over the country.

Whereas this is the senseless planned calculated actions of one dude in a global war that strikes any time without warning and absolutely anyone can be a victim, even you, unlike Chicago where, if you aren't in a gang, you aren't a target, and accomplished chicagos entire ytd murder rate in 15 mimutes. That's more newsworthy. And that should hard for you to figure out, but you just feel like whining about cnn, and look, Here you go.

FYI they have been covering it.

There's definitely no anti white racist propaganda going on within movies, journalism, academia and media.
Go back to sleep, kids.

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Cnn is doing more to radicalize whites than anyone. Its articles like this that send people into the open arms of nazi groups. The internet has done just as much if not more to radicalize muslims, but you'd never see them post an article like this about muslims the day after a muslim terrorist attack.

Because of course:

White killer: international news have to stop these white males we have to do better oy veyy

Black killer: In other news, birds chirp (not news, background static noise)

Why you should totally let African Americans have sex with your wife. Studies show it makes everyone happy.


News organizations need to stop trying to push "Analysis" as actual news when it's still just editorializing. Who What Where When How and maybe Why if it can be determined by the actual source. You go to any journalism school for the last 30 years and it's filled with every asshole imaginable and the only thing they're interested in is writing a column so they can share their stupid opinions.

They should eliminate the entire editorial section of every news organization. Go 20 years with zero editorials, upon pain of death, until we can finally get our shit straight.

The future is female!

truer than you think.

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If you think the Daily Mail is credible news you need a new tard wrangler.

Explain the rise of Hitler then

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Everything is white peoples fault. Next on CNN.

I could, but you'd scream "Fake History!" and (((elite conspiracy))).

Kate Scottow? The headline should read "woman arrested after a campaign of harassment against a transgendered woman in which she made several defamatory posts, tweets, and messages"

Bill Nye is so avante-garde.

This isn't real is it?

You're as stupid as a flat earther. It's a factual, documented event that happened you gormless fuckwit. Just because it wasn't on CNN or MSNBC or the Guardian doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Here. Nice neutral source with the same information, retard:

Arrested because words hurt someones feelings.

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White women prefer black men.

No one likes a white male. Especially a white trash white nationalist.

Thankfully the FBI is targeting white nationalists, and watching them. White nationalists are the #1 terror group in the US for 4 years straight.

See a suspicious white roaming around? Report him to your local law enforcement. And send a tip to the FBI.

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how can we even compete?

t. ADL

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Well it didn't have to do with the aryan race getting cucked by jews or blacks or asians or other white people on account of their aryan-ness.

It had to do with the German people getting cucked by the rest of Europe and the US because their King played a key part in the beginning of WWI.

The state of cuckoldry and economic despair that the treaty of Versailles left Germany in combined with the political dysfunction of the Bundestag due to poor institutional design led to the unrest that allowed for the rise of Hitler.

its not entirely wrong, take the disenfranchised give them an echo chamber and add to that confirmation bias and you have a recipe for extreme fanatical belief.
But it is only in the way that if you combine cake ingredients and an oven you can get a cake.
>only in the right amounts and order.
another example
>Isolation + religion + hatred of all things foreign = ISIS

on average Asian women prefer white men.
The area I live is full of asian hookers and they wont even take money to fuck blacks

In other news, whites don't like Muslims moving to white countries and why that's wrong. And later, why Muslims don't want whites moving to Muslims counties and why that's okay.

You need to feel like black men are a threat. How can i convince you of this?

>even a broken watch is right twice a day.
Just because you dont trust the sauce doesnt mean you discount it out of hand.
Look it up, do research.

The middle east just needs some diversity!

Just don't walk down MLK in any major US city at night and you'll be fine.

Inb4 v&

No such thing as a "white country".

anglo's stole what countries they reside in, and now they're minorities in said countries.

they've been bred out. they're time is over. Too much inbreeding, and extra chromosomes that you should have bred out centuries ago. Moreover you never put an emphasis on education. It's simply too late for the white minority.

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You're right, I should cut off my dick and become a tranny.

yeah you cucks just hit people with bike locks and sticks or shoot cops then try to run and dindu.


It's "adjective" you damned illiterate retard hyper faggot.

>you never put an emphasis on education.

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Two shekels have been deposited into your account.

Legit post is legit, hence every faggot disregarding it.

Or maybe your fragile arms can't pick up anything over two pounds.

Shut up you cancerous troll faggot baitlord fucklechuck.

Did you know, before Hitler started invading his neighbors, he was named Time Magazine's "Man of the Year"?

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havent met a black in my area thats sober enough to be a physical threat

A few have, and it is utterly minuscule compared to the amount of terrorism committed by brown people, but people are gonna focus on the couple hundred people a year killed by white people and ignore the thousands killed by brown people each year because that’s business as usual in their minds and it’s not convenient.

how's that outreach working out?

Everyone knows Hitler was voted MOTY by Time, but it wasn't because he was a great or even good man, but because of his place on the world stage. Reach out beyond tepid HS history.

Wow. I thought this was fake but I just googled it and learned to my horror that it's very real. All hope is lost.

>but it wasn't because he was a great or even good man
>but because of his place on the world stage
It was because he turned his starving country into a literal super power with a few years.

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Arrested for harassment you retarded nigger

I'm sure you already have, "travis"

whites have been immasculated for generations. look at how they talk about "being manly" -- they don't know how to be Men, and haven't for decades, if not centuries! they've had everything given to them.

Everyone else is doing the taking now, the minorities are the Masculine species whites emulate in rap, kung fu et al.

look how Donald stands next to the filthy slav, like Vlad's BITCH! SAD! This is ALL of white America in one perfect photo!

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Jesus Christ I thought for SURE that was fake too. After googling it and seeing that it's an actual quote my soul immediately left my body.

>Arrested for harassment

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From Time's Man of the Year Wiki page: "The tradition of selecting a "Man of the Year" began in 1927, with Time editors contemplating the news makers of the years." People even then knew Germany was heading in a very bad direction, but he was writing the world news with his decisions.


>> Take their guns, slave! Donald must obey!

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The retarded left think this, most normal left leaning people don't

Now of course someone is going to say most normal left-leaners are somehow mentally-damaged

Ok educate yourself on laws please

So basically, Tumblr got rid of cp and you're here now. Ok.

Is that the stupid bitch from Sam Sedar's show?
She is unbearable.

Stop harassing me, you bigot.

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I expect such titles from websites like Salon, but it's troubling to see a major news source like CNN generalizing white men like that.


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This board is so fucking gay lol, half of you sound like youre from reddit

didn't dongald sign a "gun control" law? he's a shit president

who are these cocksucker 3% pro2A fags who support him?

The irony is that this is a part of the radicalization process.

Racism has always been about controlling the masses. You disenfranchise one group, you make another group feel privileged. People feel privileged, they've no need for ambition (or monetary gain) because they feel they're already set.

Now that overt racism has been vilified, the new strategy is to tell one party they're under attack and that they need to align together under the Republican flag. Then you tell everyone else that the Republican party is the party of bigots. People fight and argue over dumb shit, everyone thinks they're the victim, nobody gets anywhere.

Don't fall for that.

Don't hate.
Don't be easily provoked.
Don't let media distractions get the best of you.

I mean it's kinda true. Check out modern day /pol it's full of white sumpracists and people who believe whites are gonna be extinct or somthing.

absolutely. the sooner the better. somehow those imbeciles think they're going to make a spectacular comeback, but most of them aren't even white. I saw a picture of a /pol/ meeting, most are just immigrants from communist countries (eg slavs/Argentinians/Cubans).

He's saying cuckolding triggers squares these days the same way punks used to trigger squares.

It was spun heavily. Yes she was arrested, but it was after months of harassment.

1.5 million copies kek

This is so exciting. Now I'm thinking about shooting up a mosque.

Attached: kitty cat jihad.jpg (832x535, 69K)

I've seen FOX news in the past 15 years.
This article is completely accurate.

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you should learn your proper place, magat -- as in pic related

Attached: trump sucks.jpg (1080x1643, 219K)

YUp. The left is fuckin more retarded than pigshit.

> Be me
> Be trans
> Enjoy videogames sometimes and watching videos
> Looks at trans communities
> Goes over to see what they are like
> This is nice. People are nice here.
> Argument about some "issue".
> OK...
> After a while in the community. Become NPC.
> Job thread on forum
> Me: I want to be a housewife
> Everyone: [Uttering NPC insults]
> Researches things about the communities and such after such mayhem.
> Redpilled in about a week
> Realizes things and no longer is an NPC
> Advocates against this feminist bullshit and the toxic communities it builds

Yeah, logic and reasoning please. Can I have a side of NPC weed killer please?

anybody know where a fellow could download the video? for science.

I mean... can you prove it wrong?

Exactly, and they're evidently trying to break the internet to make sure nobody questions it...


The Idiots are bent on making it respectable again...

>about 90% of the "popular" internet and 99% of all other media is a leftist echo chamber
>the internet is radicalizing the right!

EU is implementing this shit right now, the peasants are not voting as they are told so the intrnet has to shackled...

So basically they admit blacks are inferior, and as such the addition of black genes would reduce white peoples superiority?

>people think the left is the enemy
>other people think the right is the enemy

>successfully divided and conquered using only propaganda.

Attached: 1540096619473.gif (300x169, 349K)

LibTard hatred, it's got some power if you're scared to call them out on it...

The degree of blatant political censorship is starting to overcome that...

you sound very defensive there pal. must be some truth to it.

Farrakhan is the very definition of racist loon.
And absolutely no one in the LibTard press will ever speak a word about it...

The only reason every country isn't a white country, is other white people feel bad that nonwhites are not white and dont want whites to wipe them all out.

Indeed, travesty, and who's going to say a word when they come for you?

Just a few more mass graves...

Are you really that deep in cognitive dissonance?

Attached: Pwn3d Nazi.webm (480x270, 616K)


Hey buddy I think you're on the wrong site

They always do...

Attached: communism.jpg (960x686, 148K)

So NOT reporting what this mentions means burying the other story? wat? You can't report both? Look up what bias means

Also realize that selective "news" is bias and inherently opinion. Fox does the same thing

Trump voter reporting in. What the fuck are you talking about?

Oh my god, white men please stop bitching. This shut doesn’t even exist in real life. You have the privilege of not being a minority in your country but just like to whine at these retarded headlines all day. It’s tiring.

1. White nationalists are responsible for more deaths in the U.S. than any other terrorist organization.

2. Acts of mass violence committed by white men have increased vastly over the last 5 years.

These are all facts. Unfortunately, no news outlet is obligated to ignore reality because it makes you feel bad. Not only is white victimhood unoriginal but its boring too. Boo-hoo, its so unfair for people to pick on the group who most frequently mows down crowds of innocent people. Cry me a fucking river.

Attached: cs3162627.jpg (673x1024, 71K)

dude stop marking yourself, obvious samefag is obvious

Christchurch's Muslim leaders say they are shocked and "disturbed" by claims two men killed in a drone strike in Yemen were introduced to radical Islam at their mosque.

So you disagree with what I responded with, or the Trump part?

Australian killed in Yemen: family demands answers on Islamic convert Chris Havard's death in US drone strike

A Kiwi lad's death by drone
Graffiti on a wall in Yemen protests drone strikes. CHRISTCHURCH BASE: Al-Noor mosque where Daryl Jones attended.

Considering the repeatability crisis you've got a lot of nerve quoting academic papers to back anything.
Science exists but unfortunately it's being subordinated to the agenda, up to and including cooking the books to create the 'proper' conclusions.

Australians killed in Yemen: DFAT says two men killed during counter-terrorism operation

The Australian newspaper earlier reported that "the two men, believed to be in their twenties, were killed by a Predator drone strike on five Al Qaeda militants travelling in a convoy of cars in Hadramout, eastern Yemen on November 19."

The newspaper identified them as Christopher Harvard of Townsville and the New Zealand dual citizen who went by the name of 'Muslim bin John'.

The US military targets Islamist militants in Yemen with drone strikes, but does not comment on the practice.

New Zealand prime minister John Key has confirmed that the New Zealander who died was under surveillance by government spy agencies.

Mr Key told New Zealand media that the New Zealander had been in Yemen for "quite some time" and had attended a terrorist training camp.

This is called "whataboutism". Its ridiculous to insinuate that news outlets are obligated to report on all forms of violence everywhere around the world simply because not doing so would be bias. They don't report on gang violence in Mexico because we live in fucking America. Also, white nationalists are the #1 deadliest terrorist group in America. It wouldn't be reported so much if it didn't exist so much.

>These are all facts

[citation needed]

There are no more good people in the US gov. Both of these people fucking suck just like both president candidates fucking sucked.

Or has, and serves as a bad example of LibTard indoctrination.

Andrew Yang 2020

I bet your friends don't know you come to Yea Forums

I report every post/thread to the FBI/Interpol that even sounds like it could be a physical threat to someone. I've been thanked before by Mayors, Senators, and Agents.

Your kind won't be ended by posters. You will be ended by the law.

Free Speech has Consequences. Justice is Blind. Your little proxy can't hide you in 2019.

Attached: Thank You Law Enforcement!.png (500x522, 97K)

funny when illegals kill more
then ALL RIFLES in the US each year

Attached: aoukqyyggka21.jpg (993x767, 86K)

I'll bite on the #1 terrorist group in America. Have some actual source that isn't CNN or other biased media? I prefer government sources.

Hey, just like every form of government so far!

>cited by: A blog.

sounds credible!

I'm getting more comfortable being called a nazi.



we wanted to be cool with you even though we disagreed with what you thought the world should be, then you started throwing a nasty little tantrum any time someone wasn't straight or white or servile enough for your tastes.

so fuckit. we're gonna make the world gay, socialist and coffee colored. the sad thing is that you could've prevented this if only you had better manners.

I would relish in a civil war to cleanse my country of the fucking liberals niggers (different than black people), Muslims and Zionist Jews.

His point was that he's not going to trust anyone you cite because he can't trust anything.
That's how that brand of propaganda brainwash works, if you can't believe anyone then you will only believe the propaganda.

Good luck killing 150 million+ Americans, pipe dreamer.
In the end your ilk will be driven back into you shithole shadows to jerk off to race fantasies again.

sems like you´re not very far away from being radical.

you're either a slav or an immigrant.

People who whine on facebook deserve to be silenced.

And before the Internet it was books and pamphlets. learn2history frendo.

I'm taking some good faith that you inadvertently thought that you replied to an user that isn't so your .gov/.fbi post is meaningless. Maybe you thought you were replying to someone else. If you already posted links, can you just reply with the post is which you have done that?

>150 million+


1.The shooter was a Russian Jew and this was all planned
2.Jews want you to hate Muslims and they're forcing immigration so you hate Muslims and support isreal
3.At the same time they're creating a narrative that this guy was a white supremacist.
4.They want to get rid of guns so that no one can retaliate against their ridiculous laws.
5.They want whites to hate other whites so you don't actually have meaningful conversations about politics and so you just do whatever they want.
6.Feminism is about destroying families and making women threaten everything good about a family in order to achieve true "feminism" which will never happen.

How many liberals do YOU think are in America?
You think they're the minority?

Pot meet kettle

Calling randos "nazis" only works for so long. The impact that word has been steadily begun extinguishing.

how does no one see/acknowledge the hypocrisy here?
imagine the outrage if a news outlet ran an article about how "black men commit 48% of the crime in the united states, despite being only 14% of the population"
fucking jews



run boys. if you weren't fucked before, youre sure fucked now.

This is Yea Forums, and you're a tryhard in mommy's basement, it doesn't matter how many form letters you collect from publicity departments, the cool chicks will still laugh at you...

Best get used to it, they're determined to eliminate any middle ground...

No. I'm left and I don't believe this shit.

can we be friends?

250M or so

(I'm not the white ntlst)

damn right, we won't! We will fight back harder than you could even imagine.

I'm against violence until backed into a corner but what the fuck is wrong with the West in not being able to identify simple shit? What do they think is going to happen when they invite the mass importation of people? God help Europe but Fuck sake. By 2050 the US will be Mexico North and that is supposed to be just how it works. They planned this shit. La Raza magazine used to talk openly about the invasion of the American SW as revenge for the war which they lost.

I like Mexican people just fine. But the Mexican guy who just moved across the street from me cant take his garbage cans in, can't shovel his snow, and is loud as fuck. The previous white woman who lived there would bend over backwards to help all her neighbors. She did the simple shit.. I almost certainly share a common religion with my new neighbor and I hear him play country music every once and awhile but other than that we have nothing else in common. We exchanged pleasantries but that was it. I offered help whenever he needed it and he understood, I think. I mean him no harm or hate but I liked my old white neighbor better. Same with all the others. Even when there is a shared religion, there are reasons people want to live around people they look like.

Current estimated US Adult Population at 247M.

250M are liberal. No wonder you are surprised Trump won. Holy shit.

Then you're probably salvageable, if we let these fucktards kill off the middle there Will be blood...

That sort of rhetoric proves them right. YouTube algorithms do lead to a cycle of extremism, by recommending you things that are increasingly niche and far too one side. If you’re not a critical thinker, you can easily get sucked into a bunch of fringe bullshit because you were too stupid to figure out what happened.

lol bullshit you faggot.

Reality is gonna bite you SO hard...

Did you miss that Trump Jr immediately called her out in Chelsea's defense?

lol no. literally every race of women want white men. niggers and chinks hit the bottom of the list

The black panthers historically are nothing like the kkk. The black panthers were hardly violent at all and they certainly don’t go out of the mor way to kill whites. What the fuck kind of coolaide are you drinking?

Nope, if you were healthy this wouldn’t bother you at all.

This image is fake.

you're not the west, youre a person. if someone backs you into a corner, fight. this lone wolf cheapshotting civillians shit is cowardly as fuck and that goes for anyone who does it. muslim extremists, white supremacists, gang bangers, cartels, angry sexless virgins, every fucking square inch of it. if you're pointing a gun at someone who's not literally assailing you and you're not a representative, active element of your government's declared military engagement then you're an angry cowardly little cunt that needs psychiatric care.

being angry about a situation is one thing, thinking you're gods almighty bringer of victory because of it is unhealthy. even if you're trying to cure cancer or feed the homeless or fight deforestation, if you're doing it with violence you're just a violent person looking for a good cause.

sleeper cell here. thanks for the leak.

A construct doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Why can’t brainlets do abstract thinking? Everyone else does fine with it.

Why is everyone ignoring the fact that our country is being torn apart by straying from the center? The center was always movement. It was always sort of left, sort of right, but it moved. Now we're a rubber band that is eventually going to snap. Name calling on both sides. False assumptions. No conversation or compromise.

If you associate yourself with the left, fuck you.

If you associate yourself with the right, fuck you.

You are all pieces of shit who don't have the vision to not be so hard-lined on issues where we can even make ANY movement.

You all suck. Fuck you. The rubber band will snap.

too late boy

what are you going to do? mediate us to death?

I'm not mediating anybody. I literally said what I wanted: fuck you, you are a piece of shit.

i strive to be worse every day just to piss you off.

you're not wrong
but what should we do? working towards positions of power to make things better for ourselves and people like us, makes for bigger targets
This looks to me like white males version of BLM or feminism

the US has never been more divided, even pre-civil war. we'd have delved into combat if we didn't have a history of civil war, a strong military, and blue/red states already dividing us.

we have to look at leadership. has the leader made an attempt to unify the country?

I'm a centrist, and agree with what you're saying. too far left or right is self-destructive.

I can't see compromise on either side in the future. I can't see trump saying "let's sit down and have a national conversation, let's end partisanship". he goes on these retard tweet sprees attacking people and groups daily. Hillary would have been the same. they're one-in-the-same person. narcissistic assholes. horrible choices.

we need a new, good moderate leader who'll promote moderation and compromise. it may be a republican or democrat. 2020 or 2024 has to give the US someone who'll unite the country.

the investigations into trump have to stop. there won't be an impeachment. these investigations are retarded, and they've gone on long enough.

its not divided, we're just tired of people who wish it was still 1963 and they're going to be gone soon.

I'm far from pissed. I'll do fine no matter who "wins". I'm only pointing out the inevitable and how obvious the discourse is toward destruction. That's on lack of understanding of both sides, whether you like it or not. When you have an attitude of one vs the other, there is only one eventual outcome.

The fact that you proclaim that you strive to piss someone off shows a lot about the state of the country. It's not about doing right, but more about being right, in your mind.

You're pathetic.

I live in Europe, a place where there a literally 50 countries in a small continent and we seem to be more unified that Americans.

Mind the edge Junior, and count on us shooting back...

Sure, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels actively fuck everyone while Germany, France, and Scandinavia commit suicide...

Amen. There is nothing in this post that I disagree with, for once. People need to grow up and push on. This too, shall pass.