Post your favorite models. I like this Streamline 30 fingerbox but I do agree its torque suffers from so many holes.
Post your favorite models. I like this Streamline 30 fingerbox but I do agree its torque suffers from so many holes
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Nobody fingerboxes anymore man. That died a few years ago. I still have mine tho.
Not true, dude. You just gotta run in the right circles. I'm fingerboxing as we speak.
pics or it didn't happen
Man, the pic isn't even the streamline 30, who are you trying to fool? Cheap knockoff from china
cock goes where?
what the fuck is a fingerbox and what do you use it for
Haha man. I remember back in the day I wanted a fingerbox so bad, but we were too poor to afford one
My dad spent all night fashioning me one from an old shoe box and a few other materials. It wasn’t much but it was the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever gotten
Its a fingerbox thread, not a cockbox thread
My grandfather made one from wood scraps when he was a P.O.W in Poland during WWII. It wasn't anything special, but it kept him going
I have this rudimentary model, but it does the trick.
does what
My great grandads. Now too old for day to day use
Hey, all models are good if you tune them up!
its a fingerbox, duh!
I've been meaning to pick one of these kits up, mine needs a little tune up
Ah, the OG
what happens if you stick your finger in it
Its worth the money definitely but they are harder to come by nowadays
>all these people posting the high-tech models I would have died for as a kid
I just had a basic wooden one with 3 holes. I can't remember where I left it last time I used it.
What happens if you stick your dick in it
I'd kill for this set
There's a little local wood worker near me who I go to when mine's misaligned. He might have one
Not nearly as much fun. You need to be able to wiggle.
Goddamn, that's beautiful
Hey, if you have a guy who knows his way around fingerboxes you are luckier than most
At least none of us have those trashy digital ones, fucking pleb-tier
Damn that box must have been great back in the day
You're right, I should be grateful. Thanks, user.
Anyone ever see this ancient one? Been looking to buy it
never seen. I once read something about them digging up an old incan one once
there are two types of people
*ahem* that might not be a fingerbox, user
the first evidence of fingerboxes dates back to late Rome, and highly delicate engravings or decorations such as those weren't popularized until the mid-900s.
anything you hear otherwise is just a generalized box or hand-box, owing to the less refined nature of those civilizations.
I don't have a picture of your mom's fat cunt so I can't post my favorite fingerbox.
Are you retarded?
Man, good thing I never found it. I'd likely have been ripped off.
>Implying we know the full history of finger boxes
Just ordered this one online cause’ my wood one was misaligned. The newer ones aren’t nearly as good as the old ones. They just dont make em’ like they used to.
woah, didn't know they'd got so streamlined
we don't, but we do know when they first started appearing in literature as finger-boxes.
it wasn't just a rebrand, either. significant changes were made, though they escape me at the moment.
earlier accounts are generally stated as hand-boxes.
You should have put extra money into the xj650 by rangertech. You can't find online but they are at most trade shows. Real quality all hand made
Whats the best one to get when starting out? Asking for a friend
I remember back in the day, saved my pennys to buy myself one. Parents didn't enjoy it one bit though. Made me bury it in the back yard. I just pretended to, and hid it between the walls in a hole, behind the chest. When we were moving out I didn't have the balls to get it out and risk being caught, so left it there. I wonder if someone ever found it.
It’s no fun if everyone’s in on it. There was literally one single guy who asked what it is. This thread is worse than the pedo shit smh
I'm not going to use a general statement as fact. I heavily disagree with the use of "hand-boxes" they're just primitive finger boxes. If you disagree you're actually wrong.
hmm, might want to get one of the ones on ebay.
used fingerboxes are easy to clean, all you need is a hose and a hairdryer.
yeah. explain it for a retarded person please.
dont listen to this guy. You do that and you might as well toss it because of the amount of tuning you'd need to do
I was looking at that one before and getting some info on em’ on some internet forums and the only thing I really don’t like is the finger hole. I prefer a more snug fit at the one on the rangertech is a littler too wide. I have looked at the Bigsby 850-T Pro for a bit and they sure look nice
You’re too fucking retarded to be on the internet fag, GTFO
well, what is it?
I actually prefer to collect the good old vintage looking ones, my grandpa had a collection of like 50 different high valued ones from like Rome or the old japan or shit like that but he had to sell them eventually
and yet I've been here longer than you
its because everyones in porn threads
I bought that model earlier this year bro, i don't recommend it, the metal isn't of quality, maybe it was a fake one, but who knows
ok, Newfag
remember when Yea Forums wasn't about porn?
the golden days...
Never say to many holes. Never to many holes, mister !
lol, you think they know anything about fingerboxes? You should probably follow your own advice
one can be an oldfag and still not know about everything. did you know I quit Yea Forums 2 times with multiple years inbetween.
Yea Forums was always about porn, the porn just got worse.
Be careful, Rangertech put out a recall on the xj650 for balance issues. The xj550 is a generation older, but doesn’t have nearly the problems plaguing the gen 6.
When we were hacked yesterday I was hoping for something good to happen but nothing. I remember the old hacks and wars. Yea Forums is bretty lame now
What said. He got a real one. The ones at the trade show are quality but you know how bigsby is.
Jewish cover up so they can get all the good ones to trade for bcoin
Truth. I’ve been a lurker (maybe 1 post every 5-6 months) since 2009. Never learned to triforce either.
No, Yea Forums always HAD porn, but that wasn't the driving economy here. Now its always the same threads full of trash "rate my fake gf/wife" "social media whores thread#9001" "Celeb fakes"
A finger box, though ostensibly a relatively simple device, is in fact a staggeringly complex machine comprised of several thousand finely crafted components. These are most often distributed in sets of nine, but the poor, the disenfranchised and the mentally handicapped have all been observed amusing themselves for hours at a time with just a single unit. Finger boxing (also referred to colloquially as 'fingering' and/or 'boxing') is a rapidly growing trend among teens aged 13-18. The first instance of the device, though in a cruder and less intricate form, was invented by Sir Eustace Henry Trollington more than 130 years ago in Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
A Finger box basically creates a variety of sensations by stimulating the nerves of the finger tip, though the fun was short-lived when a group vicious saboteurs started contaminating the devices with old razor-blades, broken glass and ebolavirus. Panic ensued as a result of the dismemberments, lock-jaw and in some cases, slow and inexorable deaths. This led to the inevitable banning of the devices by the UK parliament in 1919, with the rest of the developed world quickly following suit.
Although still illegal, the finger box black-market saw a boom in sales during the 1980’s and was redeveloped into its current electrical module in the mid 1990’s buy an unnamed Chinese worker. The device works on the same principles as electrical prosthetic limbs, an electrical impulse is shot up the nervous system that will make the hand think that it is feeling something; anything can be simulated such as stroking a cat or shaking a hand.
The finger box costs around $50 per box and demand outstrips supply by ten to one, with some waiting times rumoured to be up to four years. Reportedly, some fingerboxes have been sold for over $5000.
lol, you think they know anything about fingerboxes? You should probably follow your own advice
I didn't hear about that. Do they have retrofit kits for xj550 so you can have that textile feedback that only the xj650 offers or should I wait for the xj750?
>T. Perfectionist
Get fucked. You ruin this community for the rest of us.
this + trap/furry threads
Found the peasant.
How lubricated is your single pinkybox, faggot?
fucking forgot about those. The only porn that really "belongs" here is loli/shota because of the rules but holy shit was there a shitstorm when that happened
god damn that's a fine fingerbox.
I've been thinking of designing a new line of fingerboxes since the market seems to be ignored, what would you guys want in a modern fingerbox? Working with traditional materials, fuck plastics and metals
In on what?
in the fingerboxes
maybe a smooth ceramic fingerbox, and one with 2 or 3 holes
Finally! Another fingerbox thread! I wanna show you guys my new one, just picked it up the other day... was gonna get a fancy plastic one one but I think this one does the trick... I'm surprised it's even legal at tournaments
Light weight. Soft smell. Modular. Metallic. Depending on what kind you're going for maybe rechargeable
Having 9 shitty boxes vs 1 quality finger boxes. Could you imagine being this autistic
don't fucking worry about it newfag
Some fingerbox users try to convince newer boxers to use lubrication on their fingers during fingerbox sessions. This is highly dangerous, as traditional lubrication often damages the fingerbox when not applied correctly.
Stay dry.
there is special wax or oil shit that lubricates and protects the finish of the boxes, feels incredible
Why even justify that with a response retard.
you justified my justification by responding you fucking brick kill yourself
I think it is more autistic to be entertaing yourself with a single box for hours instead of multiple and diverse ones, but I guess it's just my opinion
shut the fuck off
*fan whirs down*
i'll fuck you in the ass right fucking now and DO NOT think I won't
Yeah how dare me take time to learn all the ins and outs of a quality box and not just half ass using a kit. Take your ADHD meds and maybe you'll actually understand the point if it instead of just going full autist and hoping from box to box
I'll actually kiss you on the mouth faggit
I was actually going to try for Natural stone, but Ceramic would make it easier. Of course I'd have to include a traditional one in mahogany. I've always been a one-finger purist, but theres evidently a market for 2-3 finger boxes. Do you generally use fingers all on one hand, or both?
Lightweight of course, and adding an olfactory element might bring a whole new dimension to finger boxes... I like that idea. I'm more a traditionalist, but again maybe I should embrace the market that like modularity
I tend to use both hands, but if im driving I’ll use one. I was thinking maybe having some models with leather or felt lining.
i've been experimenting with simple electronics that are encased in solid stone, but i can't get the tightness of the finger hole to stay consistent as it sets. do you have any production methods to share?
i know you aren't into the super modern stuff, but i really like the idea of a "sleeper fingerbox".
I'm not talking adding smells I'm talking using and enhancing the natural fragrance of the material
Hikory wood or brass is what you want
you fucking dumbass you seem like a really cool fucking nigger add me on kik and send me some fucking memes you asshat my username is @sukriis
I like to dick down my finger box. Better than a Fleshlight.
Are you fucking retarded?
your dick must be small :/
>Having kick in 2019
You're lucky I don't have one or else we might even get along and start a long term internet friendship you stupid son of a bitch.
Why not both. If funds are an issue I'd spend more time on the wood but if funds aren't an issue I'd do both.
Guys stop with the fucking steel finger boxes it's not going to take off.
Like no craftsmanship to these and they're way overpriced for what they are.
I'll throw you a bone. Old English prank. You fill it with glass or steel shards and make people put their fingers in. Cause if the design it can actually amputate.
But this is an old meme. People post fingerboxes and everyone pretends they have one and everyone knows what it is while people like you go "wtf is it?" And it's you they're looking for.
you absolute retard if you messsaged me you'd see that I made a fucking account about 15 minutes ago, for the sole purpose of possibly developing that fucking internet friendship, faggot
sounds like you haven't actually looked into fingerboxes man, I highly recommend it, it's a great hobby
I actually didn't message you. Someone is trolling you you dumb motherfucker. No matter how much I believe we could be friends I like knowing we connected here and will never find each other again. So stop being a fucking retard.
You degenerate. Who needs more than one joke in their fingerbox?
i swear to fucking god I'll fingerblast your asshole faggot
don't let this fucking thread die
Hello? Is it me you're looking for?
What the hell is a fingerbox
Are you fucking retarded?