[s4s] just isnt the same without doremiposter

[s4s] just isnt the same without doremiposter

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change can be a good thing sometimes

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the /r9k/ discorde has won [s4s] has become Yea Forums

shut up frogposter

At least we have Bulgogi

You're right. It's better.

Shut up bulgogi

stop ban evading saeed

and that's a good thing

posting the sphere of regard to bring back doremiposter

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 11_regard.png (800x800, 595K)

next poster will be : fasollasiposter (epic music reference) big if true
sad bury :( ;-(

>la si
wait what?

So in terms of numbering the notes by distance in half-steps from the tonic (hence, 0 = do, 1 = di/ra, 2 = re, etc) you're going:

0 2 4 (doremi)

5 7 9 8 (fasollasi)

>5 7 9 8
>9 8

Why do you start going backward?

Furthermore why do you write the off pitch in its sharp form when it's clearly descending?

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


and the rude and lewd still go unpunished

really shows your true intentions when you say something like "punish" rather than "discourage"

I guess "punish" is pretty mean, it should definitely be discouraged tho.

you WOULD really like to punish them though right? like, for each bad word they said you would cut off a finger?

No, why would I wanna do that. That's cruel.

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you're a bad person

but they were being rude and mean and dumb?

yeah it's become better

Ripa x doremiposter

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great post

hlello fren... i hab a announcement tto maek!!!!!111

(reddit space)

im nod gonna use a clober wid my naem anmoar... id taeks alot ob tiem... ann i pee'd on da moon tto. thamku bury muche!

Attached: [email protected] (320x320, 33K)

your pass got banned LOLE

nno ids by choicee

Attached: [email protected] (320x320, 52K)

Dude you just said you won't be using the clover anymore.

welcome back

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mmmm!!!!!!!!!!! my widdlel toesies!!!!!!!!!!1

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.42.[640x480].[DFCE111D].v2.mkv_snapshot_1.51_[18.03.19_22.54.gif (640x809, 403K)

thamku ffor habby me i need tto aminaet a think nnow!!! ffor my fren i love alot!!!!1

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 41 - Majogaeru no mura okoshi [WinxBloom1980][3EC2DFE4].mp4_snapshot_07.54_ (960x720, 375K)

Bulgogi es bueno
Saeed es el diablo

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