>Tay bread.
Tay bread
Other urls found in this thread:
Taylor Swift's pussy stinks
like a bag of sand
Is that you my Scottish user? ;)
Aww, poor faggot, you've been waiting all day to post that haven't you? All day just waiting to post the same thing over and over because that's all you can say. Your "life" must be miserable.
>hi Satan
That depends, is that you my catanon? ;).
Is Tay bread gluten free?
So does yours
Tay bread is perfect for everyone on all occasions!
That depends, do you have an extra pair of cat ears I can borrow? ;)
You know I always do for you my catanon and as well as very nice blue yarn for you too ;).
I do love blue yarn! How was the rest of your night?
I know you do ;) it was sleepy, I crashed out watching the movie. How was your night.
Well, this kitty took an unexpected cat nap around 6pm yesterday and as a result was up very late into the morning. I tried making another bread when I woke up to see if you were still around.
Wow, you really were a lazy kitty yesterday, you must have needed it or to much steak ;). You baked a bread, now I wish I had checked when I got up this morning.
Tay Tay Titties.
Did you get a good sleep?
I did thanks and no need to ask you, you may have had a little to much ;) any plans for today.
I'm finishing up the last episode of the series I've been watching and then after that I'm not sure.
Really has been a lazy weekend for you, more catnaps no doubt it is Sunday after all ;) what series have you been watching?
Everything about this pic. I can’t even....
I don't want to say until it's over because I don't want to say it here and risk any spoilers being blurted out by trolls.
Lol, yes I forgot where I am sometimes and there’s no spoiler tags here ether. You can tell me later then ;). Must be good though.
Taylor and her team should be jailed for allowing her to gain so much weight.
She used to be the best looking person alive, and they had a responsibility, and duty to humanity to maintain it.
Instead she was allowed to balloon outwards, and I can’t wait until she fades into obscurity and we don’t have to think about what could have been if she could have just kept her hand out of the cookie jar.
She’s lost most of it based on the red carpet photos a few days ago. It’s inevitable that she’s gonna gain some with age. But she wears it well
>the grills absolute perfection
Being this much of a faggot fuck off back to plebbit Katy.
It is!
>dubs confirms it
It must be if you don’t want spoilers for it,but now I really want to know and have to wait ;).
Sometimes I'm wondering if Tay is laying in her bed
browsing these threads and touching herself knowing how crazy we are for her ..
There's about 45 minutes left...
Great now I have a countdown timer to check, thanks. Lucky I’m a patient person ;).
tay tay, listen to my voice and tell me if you like it, joezppy
What are you doing in the meantime?
You have a very nice voice :)
>I like how you took a drink of water at the two and a half minute mark and then said "Little bit of water there." and went on to read!
awesome. ty. it wasnt water....
I didn't think so...
I will be making a sandwich and trying to find something to watch, as my mind wonders what you are watching ;).
I binged on the episodes today.
You have watched the whole thing today? You will be lost in about an hour, not knowing what to do lol.
What do you mean?
Just something that happens after bingeing a show like that. You spend all day living in that world and then after its finished, you start to wonder what’s happening in it until you remember it’s over and you get sad ;).
It's over now and I'm lost and don't know what to do :)
>I just finished the third season of True Detective.
Told you, it will pass soon or when you start something else ;) somehow I know that’s what you were watching, I bet you didn’t expect that ending did you lol.
>I love that fox!
I really didn't know what to expect but I liked it.
>so do we all.
Yeah, I was the same all the way through it but did really enjoyed it. Thought they were going to connect it to S1 when they showed rust & Marty
That was just a nod I guess. This season felt more like the first one so I really liked it. I should watch the second season sometime.
Yeah, it was nice even if it was a red herring to keep us guessing and yes it felt really like S1, thought the two cops were really good. S2 is really different from both of them and now you aren’t expecting the same as S1 you will appreciate how good it is ;).
Have you picked something to watch tonight?
Yes, I’m watching angel heart, some nice southern voodoo ;).
I'm kind of in the mood for an 80's neo-noir film now...
See now you need more detective stories, I told you would be lost. I haven’t seen this before but it’s pretty good. Anyone in particular you thinking about
Not really...
Start with the classic Chinatown or mullholland drive, you can’t go wrong with them :).
>nice dubs :)
You might be right!
>thanks for noticing.
Like you my catanon im always right you must know this by now ;).
Well you do roll dubs often so I guess it can't be denied!!
This is true , the dubs do come rather frequently for me in this bread. Surprisingly as well I couldn’t buy a set anywhere else in here ;).
Do you have a busy work week?
Aaaaannnnd they’re back!
The same TWO autistic faggots posting the same Taylor Swift bullshit.
Jesus faggots, get out of the basement and try and meet an actual woman for once.
Incels. Incels everywhere.
Not really this week, things are kind of quiet and I’m going to be working from home a lot. So it should be relaxed ;) what about you, is it going to be busy?