Please give me new stuff
Please give me new stuff
Other urls found in this thread:
sage goes to all fields
wait for it
This traditional China BBQ
"Stop being a bitch and come on."
Lol love it. Fucking hate dogs
>Durr I hate dogs, so I love seeing people torture and kill them.
You are the epitome of being mentally retarded.
Sees something they disagree with, immediately calls them retarded. Guessing you haven't hit 9th grade yet....
to fucking far you sick fuck. MOOOOOODS
too far man too far
You hate yourself lol love it.
summers over
That's just upsetting
this, was honestly wishing for a car to accelerate and crush the white doggo
but winter is beginning
Degenerate sick cringelord. Get a fucking hobby.
make sure not to slice your wrists on all those edges
is that a girl?
When women look at you they see a filthy dog of a male. That's why you look at this stuff on your computer .
Post the dogger impaled by a stick and the one skinned alive, i hate dogs
there you go
i aint clickin that shit nigga
it's not that bad
Special place in hell for you.
hahaha stupid dog too late for a massage :)
Chinese mutt dogs look like dingo vermin tho.
I has been curious, do small animals have emotions, or just our assumption
Gook cunt, the reason you’ve never had a successful relationship stems down to the fact that you hate dogs, you vile low scum of the shit pile. Go kill yourself, it’ll make all your problems go away and nobody will give a shit that you’re gone you virgin kike homosexual
Animal rekt is for total losers. Why dont you pussies build up the nerve to shoot up a school
Outdated. Shooting mosques is better
Fuck off And kill yourself op
Do it you worthless count and any cunt who supports this should be curb stomped
Were yo raised by niggers?what's the story behind your love for animals abuse what went wrong, in your opinion.
The pussy you were lookin for
im curious, why are they doing this?
those are some legit looking links m8
New Zealand was just the beginning.
Cat is going to die of an overdose after that.
for this reason:
They are extremely ugly and sexually frustrated everything negative you say to them they take as a complement because it's the only place people acnolage their existance, best to just ignore these weird people, they don't deserve any attention for embarrassing themselves online.
still dont get it, the fur will be unusable
Ew what is that
If only all kids were loved and shielded from sexual and physical abuse videos and threads like this wouldn't exist.
>facts wouldn't exist if we were hiding them
fuck you
Quick, somebody find some ketchup for that man.
You did a stupid
I'm looking for a video of some weird submarine animal completely eating another alive, like a snake you know
someone didn't have loving parents. rip user
Traditional Haitian cuisine.
No. Kill yourself.
Aww, poor little guy, came here to spam pol threads and jack off to traps, and got a taste of /b instead.
How about you fuck off back to your safe space, faggot.
Oh thats nice.
Funniest shit ever
I'm sure dogs hate you too
Animal abuse is commonly associated with homosexuality, you involve yourself with that. Pathetic.
Why does this make me laugh
Little bitch
I honestly hate dogs but that's just like, sad, man.
Why did they photographed themselves preparing the meal but not the end result?
lmao what a fucking pussy you are. Why do you get so fucking emotional when a worthless sack of shit gets rekt? Dogs are literally useless and for you to get upset for someone killing a dog just shows that you are a useless human being since you can't even deal with small shit like that
That's not a camel. That's a blood waterfall.
Fuck you op i hope you die
You took time away from the dick rate, tribute, trap, and gay furry threads to come here and post that?
> faggot
I'm with you bro. Fuck these gay americunts whose entire culture revolves around worshipping their dog's dicks.
This should pick you up.
>le hate dogs
They're more evolved than you are brainlet
Why do you fag come to these threads just to complain fuck yall one thing you can count on to fuck up a rekt thread is complaining
This dog is completely in distress and just toward the end, it fully realised doge friend has gone to meet it's maker,
t. Sigmund Freud
Kek that looked intentional
Wow I'm not that impressed
Do these count as animals
This isn't a rekt thread this is a thread for baiting replys
I just came to mess with some fags who hate animals.
Needs onions
Remember what your defending.
I'd fuck this dude deep in his ass with a razor blade strap-on
Thinking like this. Massive yikes. End your life hillabilly
Here. Enjoy.
> thinking dogs are useless
>Do these count as animals
Indeed they do user
what use a dog has to you? It just hangs around and eats the food you have to spend money on and western countries don't even use dog meat for food, useless. The argument that dogs offer company is fucking retarded, get a gf you beta cuck also the some what common ''protection'' argument is also retarded since as this thread has shown dogs are easier to get rid of than a fucking fly
Because watching animals die and get tortured empowers you? Does it beighten up your pathetic life? You aren't tough when you watch something defenseless get beaten... you understand that right? Enter prison. The inmates will recreate these videos on you lacking imagination dumbfuck. Sex offenders and Animal abusers get their fucks beaten in and as you are equally as defenseless like the Animals you watch in your idiotic rekt threads, you will do fuck all. That's why you watch these, as inside you are a dumb little defenseless bitch that has/had a terrible life. I bet you were bullied in school also.
I'm literally marveling at how fantastically retarded you are, right now.
the fuck is that
Whale shark being carved midsection, and alive, by Japanese fishermen.
da anymals :'(
Degenerate sissies
What use do dogs have?
You are easier to get rid of than a fly.. you are worth far less than a dog.. you must be a gook or a goat fucker..
it's a whale shark
The sad thing is that you have no compassion for a inocent animal and thats far from normal somthig terrible happend to you when you were a kid and you are repressing the memory, I'm so sorry for that but there is help you can get. C'mon man your basicly hating on defensless babies.
Kill yourself. Your life is of no value.
The low-life insecure retards in these thread.
The cat knows what's up; AG is an America-hating bitch.
You're the sole reason bullying needs to come back. Without it weird faggots like you seep through the cracks
There is literally nothing wrong with noticing this thread on the front page, and letting dumbfuck edgelords know they are insufferable human garbage.
>no you're the peice of shit for entering a thread you don't like just to say you don't like it baaaaaaaw
Nice fucking pony thread defense, you fucking clown.
I wonder how would vegans react
It's nature, it's fine.
Tony the stray adjusted to life well with one testicle.
Fucking faggots
>AG is an America-hating bitch
Oh, so she doesn't support Trump?
>This is literally how low the bar is
christ you sound like such a fucking retard, its incredible. kill yourself you pleb
It's fun rooting out these rats every now and again, watch them sperg to the nth oblivion trying to justify animal cruelty.
at least I'm not the kind of faggot that needs to defend his edgelord bullshit exactly like a ponyfag
This dog was raped
okay, go back to your trap thread nigger
She revealed her anti-American sentiment before Trump was even a candidate for election, Captain Tardo.
But you don't get any upboats for it. You could be doing it on some other sites that would give you those upboats you crave.
I mean, it'd be better than this ponythread
guys he called us ponyfags, whatamygonnado.exe
I could, but I'm not a huge faggot.
That ending!
Very underrated.
I bet you NEVER lost a loved one. How the fuck can you think it's funny to watch people suffer and go through severe pain and even death? Just imagine their loved ones if they saw some of this shit, having to watch them cry and beg for life and for the pain to stop.
I mean, I knew 4 chan was a disgusting place, but holy FUCK
Never coming back to this website AGAIN
What game is that?
I think this one wants to see the manager.
thank you user
Fuck there are some real sad sacks of shit in hear reading this shit makes me glad I was raised well and not molested by my dad seriously good luck to those angry Individuals hopefully you grow some and relieve us of you ASAP
>looks at huge platter of pastries litterally glistening with sweet sweet fatty fat goodness
>be a skinny pop-star who has to starve herself
>look at plate and, with a smile, and almost a laugh exclaim "what is that i hate americans i hate america"
>have jackasses online take that shit seriously
Holy fuck you people really are autistic
reddit users got active lately, so many faggots
Keep acting like one, obviously. That's the bar that was set.
> Never coming back to this website AGAIN
> Never coming back to this website AGAIN
> Never coming back to this website AGAIN
> Never coming back to this website AGAIN
more face slapping please
These mentally weak sissies post edgelord threads to compensate on the lack of power they had in their life and then whine when people mock them. You are just proving my point.
Imagine being so emotionally devoid to think that having a companion is for pussies, and that dogs have absolutely no use. Guess no one taught this retard about EOD dogs, K-9 Units, and assitance dogs helping people with disabilities, both physical and mental, but you go on living in your fantasy world, you braindead ape.
>"Oonga boonga, dog no have use for Gronk. Gronk need to kill dog, dog no have good meat for Gronk. Dog stupid. Dog bad. Kill dog. Oonga boonga."
Why'd you stop?
It doesn't get more third world than this. tbh, I wouldn't be half-surprised if this were Detroit.
No mooua puuppis wesa ate enouth
Hi, nigger, I'm , and . I don't use reddit nor do I have an account, and I never will. I literally cannot be offended if you believe otherwise as it is not true, nor can manchildren who jack off to animal gore vids offend me as I cannot be harmed by the words of thoughtless apes. Truth be told, your lot is and always has been one of the shittiest subhuman demographics on Yea Forums. Sadly, just like the rest of Yea Forums, you're somehow even worse today. You're reactions thusfar in this thread are perfect examples of how even the once unflappable gore posters are, today, just little sissy faggots who whine when people remind them that they are human garbage.
This is too much even for me
That is actually pretty horrifying.
they are litterally as bad as the sterotypical nigger
Gonna be some gross eggs
>getting mad at shitposts
That was awesome. Go kitty.
>thinking I'm mad
Manchildren who jack off to animal gore vids cannot offend me as I cannot be harmed by the words of thoughtless apes
Literally just 69'ed himself.
To the normie fags complaining about the thread you are in a drive through
Where's your armor, sir knight?
real dog be like "this little fucking rat is a disgrace to my race"
Pulling out the "white knight" card huh? Good job bud, you really got me. If you were half the edgelord you wish you were you'd just ignore me and continue posting small animals being killed for no reason while thinking you were pretty cool irl because of it.
Why did his neck disappear tho
lol what a piece of shit
Wouldn't be surprised if he was a regular in these threads.
>im totally not triggered
>writes another wall of crytext
Heres something you faggots can handle
if only that dog knew what it could do to that thing in under 7 seconds
I kek. Lol. Pobre perro.
I've played that. Emu slayer 2000, pretty fun game!
>4 lines of text is a wall
>being this illiterate
lol, okay bud, you got me, i'm super triggered
Nice post, here's allison bries tits.
Thanks user didnt even notice the trips
Post Allison vs a Tiger
kek.... tugged back like a mfer
weird request, but ok
No way
I find it absolutely hilarious and ironic how any time you call these animal killing, empathy lacking, edgelord faggots out on their shit, their immediate response is to call you a pussy, despite them getting off to living things that are both physically weaker and mentally inferior than human beings being brutalized. You know there's no way any of these uberfags have any form of control and power in their life, when they're watching animals get murdered, while on some skewed power fantasy.
revenge for his military
Fuck off new fag been here longer than you animal abuse is just disgusting
can someone edit the baby gorilla into a bucket of chicken wings
Lol. Incel spotted. Go into the real world. We have 3 mean ass security dogs. The pit just bit a thieve who broke into our shop. Even Allah allows dogs for field work. Inshallah! These are my pits.
I find it hilarious and retarded that you dont like death but youre on a rekt thread faggo
why do you keep insisting people hare are jerking off to these videos? is this all your feeble mind is able to conjure up?
fuckin triggered dumbass
Great post, here's Emma Watsons suspiciously nice ass.
Nice now for the neck
Never seen a camel that pretty before. Kind of a shame!
>ponythread defense
killing dumb niggers like you
that is pretty wild
The full video of this by far bothers me the most seeing that cat struggle then puke underwater scared me for life I hate luka magnota so much I will never trust gay people again because of what he did to those cats
Nigga is out
has better aim than me
someone needs to post the full vid then
Certainly never had a relative turn into a sausage.
It's pretty retarded of you to think that if something "has no use" in your eyes, that it should be brutalized.
I assume that means you think everyone you know in your life would think it was pretty funny if you were stomped apart.
Yet your still here even though your sure that youve "won" the argument this is a new level of autism
R e k t
The term "getting off" isn't automatically sexual, but if it's what you want to immediately go to, that says more about you than me, bud.
Fucking reflex!!! Fuck
look at the sandniggers try and contain the cat
good job moving the goal posts
keep crying and not posting stuff
This is why some people dont need firearms. I know we all know this but imma say it for posterity, Guns are NOT toys
Try, try, try again.
Head first this time.
lol, bud, there is no argument, you are literal subhuman garbage. I am objectively better than you as a person. There is no "argument" to "win", so that is not why I am here. I am here to tell you niggers and humanzees that you are niggers and humanzees.
That was an explosion BOOM!!! Haha
What in the FUCK is wrong with you???!!!!
God damn it user. Stop making me cry
Needs more Marines markenship
user can you give us a little backstory please.. where is the extreme???
White knighting your thing hey its 2019 just come out the closet faggot
press ctrl+f, write in pony, you fill find all of this guys "arguments"
user are you obsessed with ponys? when did it started? can we help you?
G8 b8 m8
No HD version user???
chickenheads dont know this
it was really the guys fault for having a loaded gun with her around
you live and learn
>you live and you lean
Or not
Always see arms. I think dude is dead.
Mw4 reveal
Inşallah brother. May Allah unleash the dogs of war upon these infidels
4 posts is the bar for obsessed?
Any one got the brutal one in the snow?
checked and kek'd
Are we done here Anons?
I'm done here, you animal rekt manbabbys can now leer and jeer in peace like the apes you are. I know I changed nothing, not the goal. I came here to laugh at retards and got my fill.
Later fags.
they got bullied away
Well you have anything else to call it maybe being a smug cunt or an offended gayboy
Let me fix my hat.
why is his dick outside tho
fucking cows are clumsy as hell
Its his first time no doubt
tbf it looks like someone was yanking the snake
Redditors should realise that the world is not all rainbows and cute animals. There is so much beyond what's on the news and on social media. I personally don't jack off to these threads, I'm just curious to see what fucked up shit actually happens in the world
why is the male being defensive as fuck? i would have thought the mother would flip her shit
with sound
you're right i didn't even see that rope, all i saw the bite and the cow just juggling its mass around
which movie?
What the fuck is going on in this webm?
Cow defending lying calf while some nigger are dragging anaconda by rope?
>don't care about 41 moozlimz being massacred, nor cared about any attack in europe
>can't stand animal abuse
Am i the only one Yea Forumstards?
got me
damn, lot of noobs feedin the troll
kekimus. I enjoy rekt threads for these images more than shoveldog
Good night everyone
she doesnt have a mole like that under her tit commit cide
Pretty common thing to say user dw, we can hate other people a lot easier than animals we can't really relate to.
I've seen the video with sound. The dog is actually sobbing.