What “really” happened that fateful day?

What “really” happened that fateful day?

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google dancing israelis

Do you really wanna know?

a spell was cast upon the world, and our timeline shifted forever

"fateful day"? It was only a normal day in the rest of the world.

Looks like some tinfoil tier shit but I’ll bite and look into it


Likely the most accurate answer I’ve heard

We let Muslims kill thousands of people out of fear of being politically incorrect

Maybe if you’re in fucking Ethiopia mate

Europe watched live as well as the towers fell

What do you mean by this

no we didn´t you know (((who))) did

TWAS THE LIZARDS I SAID. Twas not the lizards they said I then picked up a collection of fried lizard scales from the rubble and held my hand out. Hand full of scales I said twas the lizard people if not their distant retarded cousins... scalies

Well when I saw it on TV it looked like a couple of big planes hit the WTC and caused the buildings to fall down. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and I think another crashed in Pennsylvania. Obama killed Osama bin Laden over the whole thing.

The jews

Too bad faggot. Nice triple dubs though. Admit you're kind of gay. Maybe I'll tell you.

The Israeli government and the Saudi government worked together, under the approval of the American government, and like at the very least the British government to carry out attacks on US soil.

This is undeniable at this point. So much so that in ~2016 the CIA declassified a document stating that Israel and Saudi Arabia were behind the attacks, and that they knew that from day 1. It explains the Urban Moving Solutions Mossad agents that were detained, questioned, then released, and the Administrations reactions to the events as they unfolded.


Dubya took the public eye away from the greatest robbery ever witnessed in the US, and delayed the economic recess just enough so it would land in Obama's term. All in one go. Well...two actually. And a plane on the Pentagon. Whatever was destroyed there is more interesting.

This is the normie narrative


I was not even a little gay until Yea Forums made me a little gay


the US government staged a terror attack, killing thousands of their own citizens, in order to strip away some of their rights and control them in a less "democratic" way.

Why would they do that when liberals gladly give away their rights in the name of security.

because libs didnt do that before 9/11

Why can we watch video of this happening but not the recent event?

The patriot act would have never become a reality without it.
The US government is a pretty massive spy agency on similar levels of China's. They have managed to do mostly good for their people and the west so far though.

the jews striked

What recent event?

Everyone vaguely blames the Jews but HOW did they pull it off

the whole nz thing they're trying to wipe from the internet completely

The buildings fucked the pilot's wife

Libs have always been for gun control.
Must really suck when you realize how much spying power increase under Obama and not one liberal blinked an eye or complained.

>HOW did they pull it off

Their wealth, racial cleverness, and black magic no doubt.

The Patriot Act, forced through by George Bush Jr,. violates the 4th Amendment.

Who cares about some sand niggers on an island dude

Were talking about America here

We learned that jet fuel can melt steel beams

everysingle liberal I know is pissed about Prism and being spied on..
then again why the fuck am I arguing about politics on Yea Forums.....

the jews in the high media of israel where making the middle-east unstable and they where already barbaric as they where. Then they rigged it on the arabs so USA could invade

But CAN they?????

yea i know im just sayin 9/11 was alot worse but nobody went around scrubbing the internet of that video even tho thousands died

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The sand niggers who scream "Death to America!" killed Americans. Go figure.

pretty right not gonna lie. But the jews pulled it off on Americans

The Saudi government financed the attack. Then the US government blame an unrelated terrorist and invaded an unrelated country just because you don't go to war with a nuclear power and because the real masterminds behind the attack were all dead.

well, it's not like a copycat crime by some susceptible-to-media-glorification 14 yr old morons was likely to happen.
>Hey Kyle, I'm tired of being bullied at school. Let's hijack some commercial planes and steer them into manhattan


But how

I’m confused

the jews are reptilian shapeshifters that work with occult groups to destroy human civilization

Clarification: They scrub the internet because they don't want to glorify the crime, in an effort to help prevent media-susceptible/vulnerable children or semi-retarded methhead young adults from doing the same thing for fame. But that wasn't going to happen with the 9/11 crimes. No kids or meth-addled alr-rights are going to successfully hijack planes, so there's no real point or purpose in scrubbing the media of the 9/11 attacks.

This is true. Conspiracy theorist whites hate them because they control the media, entertainment, banking, money and power like the whites lay claim to, but actually don't have the power. It's jealousy.

Jews rose up

some one is woke!

Jews and famous people were told to stay home.

im not a meth-head i a bartard and a cheefer. but the jews did some tricky shit. they wanted this either way if thiswasn't their fault so the arabs would take the blame. But I'm sure saudi-arabia was also somehow involved

How the fuck would you know. You werent even alive

Shit, Obama signed the NDAA and no one gave a shit.

This happened
I'm sure there is an english version though

i only have suspects

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Much like how not one Republican gives a shit about Trumps constant lies now?

You lads need to get rid of the two party system and get a real democracy.

Agree but it will never happen.

Sadly probably true. Both parties have had a long time to entrench themselves as the only options and put up legislation to hinder any third party on any level to compete.

>get a real democracy.
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide. - John Adams

Too many... love pure democracy dearly. They seem not to consider that pure democracy, like pure rum, easily produces intoxication, and with it a thousand mad pranks and fooleries. - John Jay

If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy. - Alexander Hamilton

A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way. - Fisher Ames

A simple democracy is the devil's own government. - Benjamin Rush

Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. - James Madison

It is one of the evils of democratical governments, that the people, not always seeing and frequently misled, must often feel before they can act right; but then evil of this nature seldom fail to work their own cure. - Geroge Washington

Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. - Alexander Hamilton

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>be son of a president
>dad makes multi million dollar investment deals with super rich saudi families
>spend summers with dad at the white house with visiting saudi families
>they are weird but nice
>years pass
>use existing connections to super rich saudi families
>have them invest millions in my oil companies
>run the oil companies into the ground
>lose all their money
>too bad so sad, american law says i'm off the hook
>become president
>saudis REEEEEE
>refuse to make oil deals with same saudis
>they are just salty because i lost their money
>they try to make deals and offers to make everyone happy
>nope nope nope this is america we dont need towelheads
>saudis use money and CIA training my daddy gave them
>attack the united states
>oshit i'm gonna get blamed for this
>invade iraq as a distraction
>everyone loves me again
>tinfoil hat people are blaming the jews for some reason
>time for vacation

Came to laugh at morons, was not disappointed.

Wow, cool quotes! Have some more

Let me … warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party. - George Washington

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.
~ George Washington

The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.
~ George Washington

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
~ John Adams

I deplore with you the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed, and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them. … This has in a great degree been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit.
~ Thomas Jefferson

Soo...he was behind all that!?

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I'm not making the argument that the two parties we have shouldn't be looked at and broken apart, user.
I'm simply quoting our Founding Fathers in regards to straight democracy.
Most people are stupid and there shouldn't be mob rule for ignorant people.
I'm a conservative and I hate the neocon trash and corporate welfare queens more than most.

Yeah, it is much easier for some people to believe in these conspiracies than to acknowledge that the U.S. government was and is unbable to safeguard our people. We would rather believe in an all knowing and powerful cabal than to see that it is just an inept bloated bureaucracy, that has grown too large to keep track of threats.

Terrorists crashed planes into buildings. Any other comments are by faggot murricans who are terrified by their own government, which is both sad and pathetic.

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This post is glowing.

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The Bush administration was incompetent, and failed to ignore imminent warnings of attack.
That's how history will show it, OP.
There is no debating this.




my teacher cried and it's been a strange ride ever since

I hate to rain on your conservative hate parade, but the warning signs were occuring during the Clinton administration as well. No one believed they were a legitimate threat, just some hajis in some cave talking shit. If anything it was the intelligence community that had credible intel and refused to share it amongst eachother out of ego and hubris.

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not to mention being hated by most of the world, yeah no chance of clever attacks at all..


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warnings such as?
I was like 4 so don't remember the news back then.

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Here's a decent timeline


There are other sources, just look up William Binney and have fun down the rabbit hole of scary truths.

I don't blame you for not knowing, I blame the school system and media bias for that. Of all events in American history 9/11 had one of the biggest impacts, an impact that has changed not only America but the entire world. The truths, whatever they may be, need to be known.

9/11 is fake and gay.

terrorists rigged some planes to fly into the WTC remotely
at the same time they managed to have a cruise missile show up as a commercial plane, which hit the pentagon

pentagon missile was a nuclear device, government had to assume there were nuclear devices in the remote controlled planes (now sitting above New York / Manhattan)

in order to contain the blast, they blew up the WTC to burry the assumed nukes underground in the rubble of the WTC's

then either the government realized that there were no warheads in the pentagon missile, or they paid ransom (at this time the Airforce 1 was in the air)

the world only saw the 2 planes over manhattan. the commercial planes (if they were any) themselves were abducted and vanished along with the passengers

the plane over shanksville was a commercial plane which showed up as a missile and was consequently shot down

a tragedy, but mostly a complete embarrassment for the US (cyber) military defense because they got completely tricked and outplayed. attack was coordinated with a large scale military exercise which kept the airforce busy and they couldnt check suspicious planes with visual reconnaissance

the friend / foe identifiers were hacked on an unknown scale. top secret military plans got leaked. building 7 was most likely demolished to cover up the mess under the twin towers

ground zero remains radioactive and the first responders cleaned up the worst radioactive disaster in history - unknownst to them and without proper protection, because nobody was allowed to tell them or even knew it was contaminated

the US government made the best of it and invaded the middle east (although this might also have been part of the ransom)

I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, but the official story is such trash that I may as well believe this crazy construction, because it still makes more sense

>being this retarded

gov fags 100% knew it would happen and let it happen in order to have an excuse to profit from involvement in the middle east

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i dont went to school for teacher day... i only remeber that

weak and predictable

The biggest known case of insurance fraud in American history. However the warmongers made tr/billions so no one is talking.

Holy Jesus, you should have went to school. You might have learned some English.

but what do you say?

but chelsea is a girl

you never will be disappointed here

>What “really” happened
I've already told you so many times, I just played a nice game of Tetris.

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weak and predictable

19 arab hijackers attacked the united states

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sure kid

In a Country where most people are uneducated, mob rule (democracy) is a scary thought.
I'm not sure I would even agree to a straight democracy if there was some kind of litmus test to vote.

Well, I just logged off on the dial up and went to the living room to watch a movie on the VCR since I was just out of college and moved back to my hometown and was not working yet. I turned on the tv to see the first hit tower on fire and the Today show was covering it. I kept watching to see how that fire would work out when a while later the second plane hit. I was alone in the living room and still said out loud "What the hell is going on". Well, then that was all that was on TV for about a week.

I was eating a bacon sandwich watching it unfold live on TV. Probably the only time I've been absolutely fixated on the TV. It was terrible but amazing to watch.


Some guy got cock blocked

The Jews won.