My drinking is getting out of control. I woke up with blood all over myself, apparently I cut myself shaving. Called my buddy up, he said 'you are fucked beyond help' and hung up. Got another friend bringing over a handle of whiskey in an hour, cause I'm too drunk to drive for it myself. I got work tomorrow, a meeting I have to run, and I know I'll be hungover for it. I can't stop. You have no idea how long it took to spellcheck this.
You're not going to stop drinking. I sure as hell ain't. But do it in smaller amounts, instead of getting a big ass bottle i get a little one or a tall boy of beer. When i want to get kind of drunk I'll get a bottle of wine. That handle will be gone as fast as you can drink it. Also try not to drink before 12, drinking in the morning will just make you feel like shit later
Cooper Moore
Been there OP, it's a shit road. Quit cold turkey, drink a lot of water, exercise if you can pull it off. If you've been doing it for a long time withrawal could be dangerous but i've gone on rampages for months on end and been fine. Just don't let it become a cycle. I'm an oldfag now and i just drink more and more until i sober up for a week then slowly start drinking again, and on and on. it's fun sometimes but not sustainable and kind of a shit existence. don't be like me OP
Dominic Lee
Bartend. Just do a few shifts. A real neighborhood dive. It sounds counter-productive, but bartending killed my alcoholism. I still drink and party and get fucked up, dont get me wrong, but seeing the lowlife pieces of shit that make it their life and live off the system gave me a wake up call. 3 years later I still bartend because I make more money than I could have ever imagined in my marketing job and I love it, but I still get reminders of what I could have been if I continued drinking a liter of gin a day.
Robert Ortiz
Go fuck off.. this is a real thread. My presence makes it so, ya peasant
Julian Mitchell
can someone please fucking explain what this shit is? is it spam? I see it everywhere and it makes me want to throw my computer off a cliff
No. None of ur business really. Just ignore it here
Lucas Hill
Do you smoke weed? It helped me come from full blown cant-hold-down-a-job alcy to full blown pot head who is high most of the time but rarely drinks and who benefits society. Just putting it out there.
Jeremiah Harris
Michael Baker
Blake Ramirez
>youre not gonna stop
You son of a bitch. Truth hurts.
Fuck it, let's just all talk about what horrid shit we did last we drank and it's damages. Besides waking in blood, I got 1,600 stolen from me and only a blowjob to show for it.
Bentley Hernandez
It sucks but stop drinking. Find help. Go to AA. Do whatever. Just stop. And don't go cold turkey, you could die. Get help.
Owen Mitchell
>on way to cliff
Isaac Brown
I read 2 words skipped out the rest then forgot the first two words, but I am the alcohol nigger
Jaxon Nelson
stop drinking fag
Kayden James
It's a disease. There is nothing you can do, but embrace it.
Julian Thomas
Fuck you. Strong message to follow.
Carter Sanders
user, I am done. Rich enough for the rest of life, and nothing to do but riding a bike and be an asshole here. Trust me. No lie
Elijah Morgan
Maybe it's not you? Maybe it's everybody around you being jealous of the good times you are having
Luke Kelly
Weed is fucking dirt, it makes you think
Carson Hernandez
screaming the word NIGGER as loud as possible in a neighborhood bar that i can never go to again, scammed by escort, had gay chem sex with old man, ran over my dog by accident and it wasn't fully dead so shot it with a small pistol, get arrested for DUI when cops show up to investigate shot
(this was all in one night)
William Brooks
I can't smoke weed anymore. I was way into it back in the day, but now it's like 'Welp, guess I'm stuck like this for three hours."
Jeremiah Long
Drink till your just about to die then drink more
Dominic Sullivan
definitely the worst day/night of my life though i don't remember much
Camden Ward
> gay chem sex with old man whut
Thomas Cruz
I always avoid Facebook, have it but don't use it and occasionally when I'm drunk I'll message some random person only to wake up extremely cringed out that I did. Fucking breathalysers for social media don't exist do they? Also about a week ago I woke up and chugged half a bottle of red wine and threw it up into a nearby plastic bag shortly after. I fast so it was purely wine that came back up so I ran it through a filter and drank it. That's the lowest I've sunk and I'll keep that one with me until I die, inevitably of liver failure in a puddle of my own piss
Christopher Gray
Sounds like your living life to the fullest What's the problem?
Connor Flores
We can all agree on niggers are different. And if some art student feminist tells you no, we are all equal, you can but laugh ... these are the facts of the world.
Caleb Rodriguez
Puts things in perspective. You got me there.
Lemme think... Oh yeah, Last December coming home from my dive bar coked up and wasted, go blind. Can't fucking see, but can still walk... sorta. I know the way back so this should be fine. I trip on the curb, black out. Cops overtop of me asking if I want an ambulance. I slur out a bunch of fuck yous until they start smacking me around. 'I'm FiNE LEAVE mE GO" The let me go. I went home. Turns out I broke my damn leg and walked around on it for a week. Cops just had it, and wanted to make me pay.
Austin Green
Kratom is quite addictive and I wouldn't recommend it for quitting booze. I love the stuff and am just about to take a few grams but I was addicted to it for a year and the withdrawal was pretty fucking grim. Its a once or twice a week drug not a daily thing.
Caleb Kelly
What country are you from?
Tyler Sullivan
is it actually addictive? I've read mixed opinions on this
Justin Lewis
or is it fake-addictive like how people claim to be addicted to weed
Owen Baker
Pick up smoking instead,or maybe vaping to try the drinking for something that won't destroy your liver in a few years time
James Torres
to try to *cut the
Grayson Sanchez
Why didn't you drink the other half of the bottle instead of recycled vomit?
Mason Edwards
>Fuck it, let's just all talk about what horrid shit we did last we drank and it's damages Got a TBI that left me in a coma for over a month once. Glad it happened tho. It gave me the ability to control my drinking. I drink daily, but only 2-3 drinks
Lincoln Fisher
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A fine place, but motherfuckers can be fucking mean here. Times were better down south, but I was just a kid then so it might be different now. Why such a question? Thought it was obvious most folk here are american or russian bots that love trump.
Blake Butler
Weed.... go do the work for me faggots... I want the IP of every weed retrd here. Weed man. What a fucking idiotic loser retard drug
Noah Williams
hahaha not everyone is a fucking pothead you fucking faggot some people just take small amounts occasionally also CHECKED NUMBER OF BEAST
Cooper Hernandez
satanic trips
Parker Brooks
I drank a fifth of booze a night for 15 years, couldn't stop despite rehab and AA, then finally found a way to cut way back. Normally I would start drinking at 6pm until bed. Got 12 packs of beer instead, and first night didn't start until 10 (and drank 6 before bedtime at midnight, along with 2 benadryl to help sleep). Next night, 10:30 and drank 5. and so on until week 2 when I was having 1 before bed. Sometimes didn't need it.
I'm in month 3 now and occasionally do 4 on weekends or high stress days but most nights only 1 or none.
Jaxon Reyes
I did a couple mins afters throwing up. Was in too much of a state to go buy more and had weed so I was desperate to get that buzz on again. I've also gotten fucked up, snuck into old places I worked knowing the codes and stole shit. Goddamn booze
Jason Bennett
You listen to me now fag... weed is my enemy. whoever smokes it or uses this platform to advertise it is my enemy. And being my enemy is not an advisable thing indeed
>Got another friend bringing over a handle of whiskey in an hour, cause I'm too drunk to drive for it myself
Hes not your friend, the first one you called might be.
Andrew Murphy
Honestly just try weed or something else. I used to get blackout drunk way too often. I had to stop after i woke up in jail for breaking into someone's house and pulling a knife on them. From the sound of the police report i was about to murder someone. Weed helps me not drink, if you can go a week without, that's all you need to start. Alc is a hell of a thing bro. I don't even want to find out what else I've done other times I've blacked out
Noah Lee
Redditfag identified
Austin Hall
This. What the fuck is gay chem sex?
Lincoln Clark
i will not listen, everyone should smoke weed it's better for you than alcohol take that prohibitionist scum
Tyler Richardson
Fuck off. I smoke daily and I'm just like you or your asshole neighbors except i feel good all day and you don't. I certainly don't give a shit about what other people other than myself spend their time doing to themselves. You shouldn't either, it's bad for your health.
Henry Hall
wound up doing meth and having gay sex (while drunk)
Ian White
Holy shit where do I start? Most recent. About a month ago, week long bender. In that same week, but on different days. 1. Lost my wallet (was returned to me minus cash) 2. Lost my keys. Got those back. 3. Lost my car. Bar hopping with others. Forgot where I left it. 4. Lost my fucking phone. Amazing how lost I am w/o my phone. (in my 50's). 5. Lost my wedding ring somehow. Maybe stolen. I basically lost everything I carry at some point during that week. I'm about to lose my wife, kids, job, friends, dignity, and forget about self-esteem - that's long gone.
Related to the lost car. That night got into argument with current driver at last call and walked out. Fuck it. I'll Uber home. Open the app and phone goes dead. Meh I'll walk, only 5 miles. Stagger stagger I got the moves like stagger. Can't seem to find a taxi to wave down. Decide I'm gonna curl up in these random bushes for a little while. Shortly after I get a tap on the forehead flashlight in my eyes. Uncle LEO asks me "hospital or drunk tank". At that point, I'm basically this guy...
Christopher Morgan
It what popped up when I duck duck go'd "Kratom for help with quitting alcohol".
Caleb Morris
Carson Watson
Drink more dubble down maybe switch to something heavier like jaeger. Grow up you don’t need strangers on the internet to tell you to adult unless your a dumb nigger
Ian Evans
Yes it is addictive, people in the kratom community like to talk it down with "its just like coffee" but that's bullshit. You have to think of it as a kind of herbal opiate, as it stimulates opioid receptors in the body. Don't get me wrong I love it, it helps me more than it harms me. It's just not has harmless as some say.
Got it to the point where I'm down to a third of a bottle of whiskey a day. The big ones, 750 ml. ones. That was when I knew how much would make me shit on the job. I can't do it so hard anymore, I got a real job now. Take pills to make me sleep too. My friend is coming over soon to deliver whiskey, pretty sure he wants to fuck me. It would explain a few things.
Josiah Morris
Stop drinking you silly prick
Mason Richardson
damn good to know
Adam Bailey
>? what dis >FFS
Blake Cooper
You are an idiot. This shit will destroy your brain as much as alcohol, but alcohol at least s completely out of your body after 24 hours, whereas weed, the nigger drug, will be measurable in ur body for weeks after only one use
Jose Ortiz
>Some advice? Kill yourself. It will calm the storm.
Jace Jones
whats a tbi
Jose James
honestly can't tell if shitty troll or fucking idiot 7/weed
Gay sex on meth is referred to as "chem sex?", or just hard drugs in general and gay sex?
Ethan Robinson
who gives a shit if its detected? do you have some shit minimum wage cuck job that gives a fuck and wastes money on drug tests?
Mason Ramirez
>so close
Angel Bailey
Traumatic brain injury
Julian Hughes
New term to me. The only gay sex I had on meth was in prison.
Colton Peterson
Join Discord Everyone knows that girls are so much happier and live better lives than guys so why don't you come take hrt and become a girl, it's just that easy! discord .gg/JrAtHxk
Ethan Gray
usually meth fueled marathon sex seems like a good idea when high but its a dark road
Joshua Nguyen
Any doctor will tell you weed is pretty harmless.
Jayden Ross
Oh, I am real. user. And I stand by it. Weed = disgusting nigger drug. I broke up with my recent gf bc she smoked it.
Cameron Russell
You gotta dial it back there dude...stop getting the 1.75l bottles first, cause you'll drink it all if you have it...get the micky bottles and fucking taper it down...God speed user...
Josiah Rivera
Go back to kindergarten, kiddo
Lucas Young
>Weed = disgusting nigger drug. No it's not your just stupid.
Ayden Brown
what's with that btw, only time i've ever felt attracted to dudes is on powerful stimulants but sober or any other substance not attracted to weiners at all whatsoever
Sure they will. They are probably talking about the oil they give to cancer patients. Not the nigger smoking
Isaiah Sanchez
lol def shitty troll.
Ryder Martinez
It's advertsiing spam. It's part of the new China-moot initiative.
Sebastian Harris
hahaha you fucking retard kys
Jeremiah Morales
What kinda shit did you pull to get sent to a hard enough prison where prison rape happens?
Henry Hill
An average gaysex.
Owen Murphy
I been without jerking off for three months, got some clean insulin darts, we got high and it's like... should we fuck? There is no regret greater than coming down after cumming and meth and still having to finish the cock in your mouth.
Jaxson Ross
It’s an imaginary problem. If you think it’s a problem check yourself into a health clinic to get detoxed. You’re euning your life and the ones of those who care about you. I don’t care who you are, Cet your shit together for yourself or don’t. you can add value to humanity as a whole or you can be a drunk stupid dick. Pick one.
Ian Sullivan
Oh you are another one of the erudite geniuses that hang out on the chans, you can't hardly make a post anymore before some Phd (like you) makes a post of such depth and breadth and utter beauty it brings user to tears. You are mere seconds away from your apotheosis...
figured something like that but what the fuck is the point?
Jayden Richardson
>seems like a good idea when high but its a dark road Does buttsex lead to the dark side?
Brayden Reyes
You stupid cunt. I said you have to think of it as a herbal opiate, not that it was one. And it WAS banned in my country which I think is a fucking disgrace as it genuinely helps alot of people, but that aside it also fucks alot of people up as I've experienced through a month of crippling anxiety, stomach cramps and shitting through the eye of a needle. It's addictive yes, but it shouldnt be banned.
Ryder Martinez
Enjoy your liver chirosis.
Josiah Mitchell
>The only gay sex I had on meth was in prison. Too much to unpack there.
Isaiah Smith
Robbed a construction site. Trying to get that sweet copper, but dude showed up and I had to pull a gun. That cost 3 years.
Eli Torres
sniffing glue?
Daniel Morris
yup, best orgasm ever immediately followed by shame and regret
Tyler Watson
>Trying to get that sweet copper Are you a fan of meth?
Jeremiah Brooks
no but if you are straight in day to day life with a good job and family then you are risking losing it all
Ryder Bell
Do you not understand white guys like me spent years getting pot legal and learning to grow to enable white guys to get rich from selling weed to black wannabe hip hop artists? Jesus get with the program. I'm getting my tax money back one ounce at a time.
Carter Gray
>Got another friend bringing over a handle of whiskey in an hour he's not your friend if he's not helping
You need to find yourself. Take a week off, head to the mountains or forests or wherever far from civilization. Take with you just the basic survival kit, some rations, tools to hunt and PACK NO ALCOHOL. You'll return a new man or not return at all.
OP just taper off the drinking and avoid meth and you'll be fine
Liam Gomez
It's the test balloon, they running it up the flagpole seeing how it flies. Chinkamoot is a greedy greedy cocksucker.
Elijah Kelly
along these lines you could try mushrooms or acid to have a spiritual experience
Aaron Kelly
I don't think a week is enough it took me four months to quit drinking.
Hudson Clark
that's not spiritual experience, that's intoxication. Druggies are clinical retards.
Luis Phillips
no idea what you are talking about (been away for a bit) fill me in?
Aiden Brooks
That fact was established, yes.
Benjamin Perez
there is science to back up use of acid as a profound experience to "cure" alcoholism. It essentially induces the 12th step in AA
Lincoln Carter
I have had heroin withdrawals I take kratom daily sometimes 3 or 4 times I'm kicking what is at heart a hydrocodone addiction a doctor gave me as a form of therapy. Not sure of the logic there but when my prescription ran out early and I found myself snorting a bag of dope. THAT's when I started with the kratom, and that was three years ago. I haven't taken any kratom since yesterday and I'm not in withdrawal, what I have is a headache, and if you have ever been in opiate withdrawal a headache isn't shit.
Isaac Butler
like what the fuck is 'black wall watch' googling it doesn't pull up fucking anything except for literal watches is this just the shittiest spam in the world?
Grayson Edwards
yeah man or try eating some cat food. green paint is pretty good to but not the other colors.
Mason Cooper
It will be if you have the strength. That's the whole point of 'finding yourself'; you either achieve it or you fail.
Go out and look around you. Everywhere you see there's plenty of people just living their lives on borrowed time. They own nothing, they believe what they're told to believe, and won't ever just stop and think "what am I doing?".
If you don't find yourself, you'll be one of them. Being an alcoholic is a symptom. Take the reins or die. The ball's in your court now.
See a doctor. No really, there are some fucking amazing prescriptions out there that curve your craving for alcohol. I am also an alcoholic, I know the struggle. Quitting was near impossible without meds. Your body does not want you to quit drinking, meds help gag that part of you.
Habits still exist though, once you conquer the urges you have to reshape your life. I drank all the time, every night. Afterwards I would just sit there wondering what to do with my time.
Everything seems dull when you don't drink, so aim for goals outside of quitting. Exercise cooking, dating, etc.
Also, no one will question you if simply say "I don't drink *any more*". So do not fuck yourself out of sobriety because your bros all ordered drinks.
You can do it, but desire alone accomplishes nothing. Don't wait until you get sent to the emergency room over a failing liver like I did.
Jordan Flores
NO. I'll never do psychedelics again. I was almost committed to a psych ward twice. I danced with the evil enough. The worst binge or meth weekend pales in comparison to the hell of losing your mind. I'm talking paranoid delusion, writing long confessions of every thing you've done, trying to off yourself... Got so bad I had a code that people would be speaking in based on the number of words they said.
I'll take being a drunk over that utter fucking nightmare.
Camden Nguyen
>science lol no. pseudo-papers written by junkies is no science.
Oliver Perry
I don't know if this is has been said, nor do I care at the moment.
Go see the original user. Get to a meeting. AA meeting.
2 years sober here. Thought I'd never quit.
Daniel Howard
Don't go sober. That's like...admitting defeat?
It's weird. It's like if you are trying to get thin and swear off fast food. It's an ultimatum and ultimatums, even ones you make to yourself, are a bad idea. Because what happens when you fail the ultimatum? You say "fuck it" because you already definitively failed and fell off the wagon hard by your own design. So then you just stay off the wagon and it is that much harder to pick yourself back up and get back on the wagon again.
There are multiple reasons you might get a fast food meal here or there: pressed for time, convenience, just want to switch things up from the healthy alternatives occasionally and so forth. If you allow for that on occasion, you won't feel like a piece of shit for your brief indulgence and thus won't fall off the wagon. A month ago my roommate swore off fast food and since then I've seen multiple fast food meals in the fridge. He set a super strict limit off the bat and thus when he failed, he continued to fail since he failed definitively the second he indulged. Same goes for alcohol. Sometimes you just want a drink and you shouldn't beat yourself up for indulging in moderation.
Set limits. I was about where you are at a little over a year ago. I drank a third of one of those big bottles of Svedka every day. Then I decided I would limit my drinking to social or when I am offered a drink so I wouldn't have to deal with the social burdens of going completely sober. Now I have at most 3 drinks a week. And that is a heavy week. It also helped that I substituted weed for alcohol and pursued some other goals each day, like learning a new language and weightlifting.
>Afterwards I would just sit there wondering what to do with my time >You can do it, but desire alone accomplishes nothing. Don't wait until you get sent to the emergency room over a failing liver like I did.
It seems some people can take kratom for years and not have a problem whereas others can develop an addiction in a matter of weeks, I have a friend who shovels 30g down every day and doesn't get a problem quitting. Another friend took a few g a day for a couple months and it fucked his guts up so bad he admitted himself to hospital. Its a brilliantly useful drug but I'm not going to be one of these retards that pretends its good for you.
Justin Thomas
wtf, don't know what's wrong with you but acid/shrroms didn't do that you fucking schizo
Angel Ross
an hero
Levi Reyes
I felt like a fucking loser because I drunk over half a bottle of wodka over the evening, feel much better now because I know there are always people with more of a warped lifestyle out there
Matthew Sanchez
Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit. Oh, and stop drinking.
Elijah Wood
>denying the well documented effects of psychedelic drugs Yeah, you're an addict.
Austin Moore
>Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit. This, but wait at least a week before starting with the fruit or you might fuck up your liver and intestines.
Nolan Turner
AA is essentially church for drunks if that's your thing and it works then good for you but that's what it is 12 steps, 12 traditions, meetings where people tell their story (sermon) collect donations (offering) refer to the aa book as the 'big book' its 100% church so if you are an athiest theyll tell you to make up a god like nature or doorknob (higher power) it's a load of shit if you ask me but if you can do the church thing might work for you nice people there but they half are crazy 'dry' drunks and the other half are deluded much in the same way as a relgious chruchgoer is also you never stop going or 'graduate' or anything basically you go for the rest of your life
just stuff to consider
Anthony Morgan
Everything will be fine OP. If you really want to quit, you will quit. Now, do not drink that whiskey that is coming.
Aaron Price
Ya gotta quit cold turkey. Set a quit day. Drink lots of water, get plenty of sodium and vitamins and do something to sweat a lot. I've quit opioids, nicotine, alcohol, weed, xanax, and celexa all the same way. Just stop putting this stuff inside you and sweat that shit out.
It's gonna feel like a combination of being sick and breaking up with a girl you're crazy about. Give it time, just like any other illness. The sensation of clarity and creativity returning to your mind after a couple of days is honestly better than the shitty, shitty highs that you're barely feeling now that you're addicted.
Eli Wilson
>implying you can get addicted to psychedelics
Connor Cruz
I haven't had a drink in 7 years. I haven't had a cigarette in two. I quit opiates AND benzo's three years ago. All when I started taking kratom daily. Life is about balance and moderation not meaningless abstinence for the sake of some supposed non existent moral purity. OP said "any advice" and in my opinion only, it is better, to switch to kratom which is only mildly addictive and not deadly, for alcohol. Simply because there is a syndrome >Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome which is the period of time you are physiologically/psychologically readjusting to sobriety and it is the NUMBER ONE REASON FOR RELAPSE, so in the meantime, instead of drinking and allowing it to destroy your life, my advice is try kratom, experiment with it don't try it once and give up, if I did gave up after once I would still be an addict or dead. I'm not telling anybody anything, it's advice, I quit a ten year dual hydrocodone/benzo addiction, quit smoking, and now have been working out for 15 months on a bowflex. I think it's worth taking a chance if you find yourself failing when your NEED to quit something.
Carter Ward
Dude you either stop drinking or you’re gonna off yourself in some way or another within 5 years. Rehab, antabuse, campral, psychedelics, family & friends, try whatever. Try not to die of seizures or depression in the process. You’ll be surprised to find out afterwards to what degree your life was a shitty mess while your drank.
Brayden Reed
You, I'm thinking, have more self discipline than the average addict...
t.former addict
Jacob Jones
[denial intensifies]
Matthew Barnes
i'm very interested in this i've battled with alcoholism on and off for 20 years (quitting for a couple weeks here and there) and its not doing me any favors so id happily replace alcoholism and nicotene with a minor/mild kratom dependency
Benjamin Myers
[knowledge stays at normie level] lol
Mason Mitchell
If you are on the verge of alcoholism or in the throes of some deadly addiction kratom is MUCH better for you, it has helped me so much and there are many things is the world that are balanced on the knife's edge of therapeutic/deadly and until the nanny state that has been enacted by politicians and junk science purveyors (psychologists and psychiatrists) started interfering, people were allowed the self agency to decide for themselves what they were or were not going to do to feel better. It was a quaint concept known as "freedom". Fortunately that's over now...
Kevin Parker
>moral purity it's not about morality at all. Alcoholism, as many other addictions are at its core things to fill a void. There's a reason most healthy, level-headed individuals with strong social bonds tend to not have addictions. I understand supplements and other prescriptions to alleviate the withdrawal, but replacing one drug with another in the end is just continuing the same pattern.
IMHO is all about breaking the cycle.
Colton Morgan
Been in a 4 day bender My whole body aches Organs hurt Haven’t shit solid in 3 weeks Heart palpitations Scities
Stop now OP I got benzos for w/d gonna see if I can make it to Friday Usually make it from sun-wed sober By weds my brain feels like it’s on fire Kill it with booze Repeat No friends only text buddies Alone all weekend
The FDA has approved MDMA for PTSD and the multidisciplinary association for psychedelic studies (MAPS) is researching pscilocybin for use in treating anxiety in terminally ill patients.
Caleb Barnes
You seem quite irritated that you've been called out on your bullshit. While OP is striving to fix his life you just suggest hallucinogens. Guess you need more help than him...
Jaxson Martin
if you keep drinking you will lose everything but knowing that you have a problem in the first place is a start.
Justin Ross
Oliver Peterson
>FDA has approved MDMA for PTSD not yet. There are organizations pushing for this but MDMA-assisted therapies are done in an experimental environment and not officially approved. Also MAPS is sketchy af.
Jonathan Reyes
jesus, this is me too while it feels good that i'm not alone it feels bad because its just cliche wasting away
Sebastian Reyes
my psychiatrist told me "anything in moderation" regarding weed, and then compared having a bowl a night to having two glasses of wine.
Evan Fisher
I don't like getting shitfaced when im drinking. A little buzz is more than enough
Dylan Bell
no you fucking faggot i'm just suggesting other approaches lsd and shrooms are 100% not addictive and for some can be a profound experience that could have positive effects one of many options, the best being just quit drinking obv
Levi Williams
moderation with everything lol bowl of weed is def not the same as two glasses of wine as far as adverse effects are concerned kek
Cooper Murphy
After the first time I did enough acid to actual feel mild effects, I didn’t drink alcohol for a full month without making an effort or so, even though before that I was drinking practically every day. The shit he says about psychedelics being challenging reveals a shitload about OP’s character. Seemingly his problem isn’t big enough to him to risk being confronted with it on a bit of acid.
Brandon James
If you are drinking large amounts everyday. You can't quit because you'll go through withdrawls and die. You need to put yourself in the hospital / clinic. Do it though, my friend who introduced me to Yea Forums back in the days of longcat did. He's been sober for years and no one held it against him and overall he found it a positive and supportive experience
Luke Cox
That's for heroin and opiates. He will go through withdrawls of alcohol even if he is on kratom
Samuel Martinez
If you're not addicted to booze just stop drinking, otherwise you can have a seizure and fuckin die. Drinking is so 2018. Try heroin.
Ryan Long
It's addictive. If you only take it once per day you're fine and it's easier to quit then herion or traditional opiates but it v is addictive
Jordan Flores
Probably. I should have probably mentioned that just because that worked for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone and their might be other factors at play in my success.
Getting over addiction has no one size fits all solution, otherwise there would be no addicts. I know for sure completely quitting would, for me personally, just set me up for more failure down the road.
But it is also important to hear the stories of everyone who has been addicted, you can pick out common threads of what many former addicts do and apply them to personalized strategies. Like I'm hearing a lot of advice that suggest replacing drinking with other time consuming habits like exercise and socializing. That worked for me. Others recommend talking to others. That personally wouldn't work for me since I'm not a touchy feely person and when people try to get that way with me it would probably drive me further away.
It all depends. OP has got to figure out the best way for himself. Starting this thread was a good start though.
Tyler Mitchell
^this i've only done acid a handful of times and always walked away feeling better about life and didn't feel the need to drink or smoke for months afterward (probably could have left it alone completely but had drunky friends) now i try to stick to moderation as a rule of thumb but yea the only people i know that have had crazy ass trips like that guy described had deep mental issues and other problems worse than alcoholism
Julian Watson
It is, not as addictive as opiates. Withdrawls are easier and if you can moderate yourself. Your fine but it is addictive
Christopher Green
Kratom will just numb the withdrawal a bit. Kratom is the #1 hangover remedy, no matter how much I drank I the night before a couple grams of kratom and a coffee and I'm absolutely fine.
> >It may also be used at for hiccups and muscle spasms near the end of life LOL don't want hiccups on muh deathbedz
Dylan Clark
honestly just take some benzos to curb withdrawal mitigate symptoms
just be careful and stop using them after you are in the clear, super addictive
Owen Gomez
that's why he should take baclofen, it's not addictive, has minor anti-anxiety effects, and is a muscle relaxant/ helps with sleeping.
benzos are higly addictive and if you mix them with alcohol, you just worsen his addiction, and he will black out and do shit he won't even remember...
Christian Gonzalez
This dude right. Psychedelics are self prohibiting due to actual tolerance build up; for example, you’d need twice the amount of acid the next day after using it, and that builds up rapidly. Even if that wouldn’t be the case, the experience is abuse-prohibitive in its own right, because it’s just not something you want to do every day, week or even month.
Jose Nelson
if you don^t want a fulll blown trip, try micro-dosing LSD.
and if you fear the long duration of an acid trip, try DMT, you will be blown away that fast, that you can panic or feel anxiety.
Joseph Morris
I'm simply quoting my psychiatrist. I'm rather inclined to trust him over others because well... he went to med school, and was also just a chill guy in general. He treated a lot of heroine addicts etc etc and weed was something he couldn't technically encourage but..
still though, he made a point of saying that smoking it 24/7 is still drug abuse, which I think is rather interesting. I asked him "how big the bowl? I mean, I can't really even tell how much is a glass of wine if you get what I mean."
"yeah, it doesn't exactly come in milligrams" - and then he changed the subject.
Cooper Wood
i was on a three year bender and i cut way the fuck back. if i did it you can. you have to want to do it and have some willpower.
dmt is quick too (3-15 minutes) in comparison to lsd (hours) and much more profound, you feel "normal" afterwards
Justin Moore
Liam Williams
well depending on where you live you can get it measured, and he's right being a pothead is drug abuse but two glasses of wine compared to a small bowl just seemed like a silly comparison (i don't think the two are comparable tbh, weed is safe, non-addictive)
Samuel Morgan
Must say that the trips I’ve had were at some point challenging and utterly confusing. Feeling like you’re all and everything and “mind at large”-esque experiences are just completely weird. Doesn’t necessarily mean that I have mental issues, although the dosage might have been too much. The point here is that I’ve come out completely fine, even more of a more curious person.
Adam Baker
This is me. Married..with kids..though I don't go super hard like when I was younger. I still go too far.
Jayden Johnson
3-15 minutes? I would say more like 15-30min , at least in my experience, afterwards i always feel like I had sex, but you could say "normal" , and the days after the trip I have a mood and motivation boost.
Colton Myers
yea, with me it's just like it resets every x number of days and i slowly build to the point where i might get in some serious trouble or its affecting my life in a bad way or i have an 'incident' (like blackout/act like an idiot) then i sober the fuck up for a week or so and casually start drinking again and the it's like clockwork.
Jaxon White
yea, probably right. never properly timed in "real world" time and also right about mood boost
Owen Howard
You don't know what you are doing to your kids, and even if they would never say this to you, they will always hold a deep but hidden hate towards you, for not being able to be the best for them. and even if they don't say this to you,sometimes they wish they had another father/mother.
Josiah Reed
Too many things that aren't addiction are being classified AS addictions so the junk science pill sellers can make money treating you and re-educating you into the cult of politically correct bullshit. An addiction is an addiction because when you stop it you have a severe physical withdrawal, but in today's world pussies haver equated desire with suffering, so to eliminate suffering you need to eliminate desire by giving them what they want when they want it...sort of like a materialistic Buddhism...
Sebastian Perry
addiction sucks and alcohol is the worst if you ask me so sketch especially for those with a propensity for addiction proper medical treatment is expensive and trying to kick it solo is rough basically have to stay away from all your usual haunts & friends for a while which is hard, it's a complete lifestyle change at least until you can behave like a normal human again
Brody Long
low doses seem to be more unpleasant than high doses?
Connor Torres
>You seem quite irritated that you've been called out on your bullshit. You're just wrong, but if you think you shouldn't take psychedelics you are right don't take them, they are not for you, some people are just wired in a way psychedelics hurts them instead of opening the sublime doors of perception, you weren't meant to dine on honeydew and to drink the milk of's all good I'm allergic to poison ivy.
Julian Evans
>Starting this thread was a good start though. this
>benzos are higly addictive and if you mix them with alcohol, y They are deadly when mixed with alcohol even in small doses and I have done enough drugs to kill a horse but I would NEVER do that unless I was suicidal.
Robert Hall
>13th step only good thing about AA is all the broken women there, just be sure to wrap it up last thing you want is STD or god forbid knock up an addict otherwise go ham