Hey /b, I'm bored and alone at home. Guess my age correctly and I'll post more of myself.
Hey /b, I'm bored and alone at home. Guess my age correctly and I'll post more of myself
pls don’t. Go get a job
16 B&
I've known a few 13 (and many 14) year old boys who look more mature than OP's pic related, so I'm guessing 13.
dang one of your guesses was correct somehow haha. here's another pic of me as promised
> " I've known a few 13 (and many 14) year old boys
> who look more mature than OP's pic related ..." ;
..... though not in the "biblical" sense
Is that party from tinychat days?
>dang one of your guesses was correct somehow haha
so, how old are you, user?
umm well i dont wanna say cuz i might get in trouble
so, you're under 18?
i dont wanna say
Most people don't want to say (here on Yea Forums), whether they are over 18 or not and there is no good reason (for a poster) to do so.
Post dick. You are clearly 18
here is a bulge shot. wrong guess tho
so your 16, 19, or in your 20s
wow you must be sherlock holmes