Just watching this video again. Anyone else smile with delight when the "help me" woman was gunned down? Haha, THAT is for all the underage girls that your religion has groomed and raped, THAT is for the 2 girls beheaded in Morocco. THAT IS FOR THE ROTHERHAM 1400.
Not all people that are Muslim are terrorists. People don’t understand how the fucking world works.
Jaxson Williams
You are the kind of person that needs to be removed from society and thrown in a vat of acid...
Ryder Rodriguez
that's how war works, kid. just because it's been so long since the civilized world has had a war, doesn't mean people with a brain stem realize this is between muslims and the west and always will be. look at their history you shit for brains lmao. you just make yourself look like a mind controlled ignorant retard if you don't realize this has been their prerogative since before the crusades. why do you THINK the crusades happened to begin with? maybe you should do some research on it and the results since.
You are a retarded fuck if you believe any random Muslim is a "them" ...you are literally eating up ISIS propaganda...the enemy is just a small portion of radicalized idiots that coincidentally think a lot like you...
Assuming I am a Jew or a "muzzie" just for calling out your stupidity proves my point...there is something deeply damaged in your brain, so you desperately need to be euthanized before you hurt innocent people...
Easton Torres
Mentally ill subhumans like yourself should be tortured to death. You signed away your human rights when you lowered yourself to being an animal.
Brayden Cox
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are either Muslims or radical leftists. Fact.
Jason Martinez
prove it or else fake and gay
Ryan Cox
I live in Mexico... If i breed with a local mexican girl, am i doing my part? how long would it take for my seed to be prevalent in my future offsprings children? I think i could make this work in a cartoon
Michael Howard
sorry but I'm in favor of that comment. I live in the UK and the amount of Muslim grooming gangs that have been discovered here and the amount of Islamic terrorism we have to deal with is shocking.
I'm honestly surprised no ones stormed a Mosque here yet. Especially the radical mosques in Birmingham, Luton and London. It's long overdue and to be honest... I wouldn't have sympathy if it happened either.
There's only so much people are willing to put up with.
Isaac Lewis
>.there is something deeply damaged in your brain, so you desperately need to be euthanized before you hurt innocent people soy boy cuck detected kys fag lord
Kinda off topic but i cant be the only One impressed with how tactic he was with the flashing light to blind and confuse the victims, he had good control and pretty good aim, did he have any military background or something? Have not Read so much about him
Jordan Foster
the nothingness in her expression is strangely erotic
Grayson Hill
>implying a race traitor is any better than being a jew or muslim you can be a sympathizer pussy. assuming you can't be shows there is something deeply damaged in your brain, so you desperately need to be euthanized before you hurt innocent people...
Brody Peterson
shitskins are a new protected class like kikes. kikes are just as insidious as shitskins and both are protected by the weakest class of whites. c'est la vie.
Samuel Murphy
I would not be surprised to see a copycat any day now
Ethan Collins
i am a little disappointed he left three doors closed. always explore for maximum causalities.
Really weird you mentioned those 2 girls in Morocco... That's exactly what I was thinking about too. "help me help me help me" bet she had no sympathy when the video leaked of those girls being beheaded, did she?
Nah, I've none, absolutely none for Muslims. How many terror attacks on the west now? They've killed how many? 50 dead Muslims is nothing compared to the pain and suffering they've dished on us.
Alexander Wood
U never watched it then
Brayden Campbell
just skipped to the bang bang parts but replayed it from the bagining just down
subscribe to pew die pie at 35 second mark
Michael Moore
also the old defense mechanism by playing dead was shot to hell... just sayin'
>Just watching this video again. Anyone else smile with delight when the "help me" woman was gunned down? Haha, THAT is for all the underage girls that your religion has groomed and raped, THAT is for the 2 girls beheaded in Morocco. THAT IS FOR THE ROTHERHAM 1400. Leave shill
Tyler Foster
it doesn't stop, is that I scream when I cum
Jack Reyes
Don't argue with alt righters. They know how ignorant and dumb they are.
William Reed
>Making an effort to be seen as edgy on Yea Forums of all places How redundant its implied, retard
Imagine being so inbred and literally retarded that you would make this thread and/or agree with OP.
Noah Gutierrez
>I want to kill people who are invading my country >Perhaps I shall go to a different country and kill people who have not invaded my own I see your line of thought is sharp and poignant user.
Woah, so I've never seen this video. Kids a living meme good for him but I had no idea he actually hit the kid. He's 17 man grow the fuck up it was an egg.
Connor Richardson
No sympathy from me. Sure it's bad innocent people died but I just have a collective "meh" feeling toward it. Muslims bring rape, grooming and terrorism to whatever country they enter. Nothing good comes from allowing Muslims to enter your country.
Inb4 "edgy"
David Cook
Blame your traitorous government for ever letting them step foot on your land. They're just a political football doing what's best for them.
>nu-Yea Forums What is this gay shit? Are you attempting to imply b has not always been filled with edgy retards? Because it has.
Jordan Peterson
You make a dumb claim, you need to prove it. God, alt righters are the dumbest people on earth. Give me your adress you fucking piece of shit
Mason Thomas
> (You) >>I want to kill people who are invading my country >>Perhaps I shall go to a different country and kill people who have not invaded my own >I see your line of thought is sharp and poignant user.
Nah, he is a pussy. And so are you.
And if you had a decent father that loved you'd, then he'd have taught you that men fight the source of the problem and not shoot unarmed people.
I understand his goals, but that doesn't mean he didn't choose the most cowardly path towards them.
Michael Wright
Take out Muslim and switch for Catholicism and as long as u feel the same towards them, you won't be a hypocritical piece of shit
Brody Roberts
As long as u understand ur original argument was garbage user we good
Parker Wilson
They even cut off clits. What's a world without clits? Nothing.
It has you’re right but everyone knew it was for the lulz back then. Spergs acting on their edgy memes is new
Tyler Ward
>I understand his goals I don't think that you do. Have you read his manifesto? His goal is not to personally reduce the Muslim population in any strategically significant way. His goal is to exacerbate gun control debate in western countries, including the US, and to have guns banned as result of his actions, in hopes that this in turn sparks civil war -- the victors of the war, presumably, being white gun lovers again.
I do not support his actions and his plan is so dumb it makes me think he's a leftist plant to get guns banned and multiculturalism stuffed down our throats. But your commentary is still also dumb.
Jacob Perry
hmmm.. don't think so... try harder misguided user
Isaiah Wright
Baiting this hardfor replies. Pathetic
Gavin Evans
he says it in that vid retard I just watched it
Evan Reed
What's new is how persistently Yea Forums is being used for advertising, political propaganda, and psy op shit. This thread is an example of that.
E.g., an overly inflammatory bait post is made by ((a bot? A Russian? A Jew? The CIA?)), the OP abandons thread, retards post their retarded opinions.
Justin Collins
The real victims of this crime are the straight white males that will face a backlash from whitephobic bigots #partandparcel #notallnazis
Sebastian Collins
says the virgin who never got a girl off with his tongue... trust me, it pays dividends
Levi Hughes
But all muslims support terrorists
Mason James
I'm still here, I didn't post this to be edgy. I just have absolutely zero sympathy for what happened and found the woman screaming for help rather ironic considering what her "brothers" do to women and underage children around the world.
Justin Reed
>Implying a woman's satisfaction is an investment for the return of more sex Not in Saudi Arabia it isn't.
Kayden Clark
Not true. Hurr durr I'm a balding white man but I know what every collective Muslim mind is thinking hurr durr it's my sthuper power
Nicholas Price
true statement
Julian Miller
If he wanted to fight islamic terrorism, he should've gone to rojava and help the kurds combat the remains of the islamic state, not gun down random ass innocent people
I hope a woman in ur life that u care for gets raped and murdered on film and ur subjected to watch their death over and over in rekt threads for years to come. It would make a funny meme
Grayson Moore
>considering what her "brothers" do to women and underage children around the world Unless you are 13 years old I refuse to believe that any person is upright, breathing, capable of operating an electronic device, and still this stupid.
>a Christian did a bad thing >All Christians deserve death
I do not support forced multiculturalism. I don't think Western States should have an obligation to harbor refugees. And I'm not religious in any way. But you are either brick stupid, a child, or a paid troll to spout that line of thought.
Michael Russell
The shots aligning with the song rhythm at 0:30 is pretty silly.
Jackson Howard
honestly the highlight of it all
Nathan Wood
Why comment if u don't even understand his actions. It make for retarded comments like yours to be more frequent
Nolan Richardson
Anyone who say muslims arnt a problem dont have "no go" zones in their country
Carson Allen
well, i have never been to Saudi, so can not really comment.
>smile with delight when the "help me" woman was gunned down? Haha E D G Y
Kevin Morris
Lucas Cox
Did anyone else laugh their ass off when he said this is some austin powers shit or just me lol
Camden Wright
Well fuck off then rag head. I enjoy pleasing my woman. I get satisfa3from it as well.
Brandon Adams
Dubs of truth.
Adam Myers
Shooter should get key to the city and a street named after him.
Joseph Fisher
She would have laughed if the tables were turned. No sympathy for these animals. Follow Al Jazeera on normiebook and watch those things carry on every time there's a terror attack targeting us.
Isaac Perry
Op is short and womenless stupidfagot
John Diaz
Read the manifesto dude, he knew cunts were going to ask that question so he answered it in advance.
Carter Murphy
Do you have access to the internet so you can research and learn things?
Grayson Collins
Come on, they don't deserve to be tortured, being shot down is good enough. Especially when they're shouting "HELP ME HELP ME"
Anthony Thomas
>My argument is bad but I'm going to change my tune to that of personal choice and yet insult you arbitrarily Interesting
Jordan Brown
that was a harsh response... user must be stressing about his 9th grade biology test tomorrow that he did not study for... good luck user.
Parker Powell
When did He say that
Ayden Ward
Police often get their biggest officers for situations like this precisely for this reason. To make them look small. Those cops could easily be their tallest available.
Dylan Reyes
funny your post ends in 911 also, it was on the internet, so it must be true
Austin Moore
"THAT is for the 2 girls beheaded in Morocco" wat? How was that woman responsible for beheading those 2 girls??
Joshua Edwards
Aiden Turner
>He's 17 man grow the fuck up it was an egg. In no way do I wish to defend that racist piece of shit, but I have to be real It wasn't "just an egg".....he got smacked upside the back of his head, and there just so happened to be an egg in the way You smack someone upside the head, you deserve at least one single blow to the face in immediate retaliation Plus even though he's 17, at first glance he looks old enough to pass for 18 or 19, definitely old enough to get hit back for assaulting someone The other guys who jumped him and got their blows in are a bunch of faggots
Connor Watson
Oh I dunno maybe when he was doing the literal Austin Powers turn around in a corridor scene
Nicholas Flores
OP I hope people like you die a horrible death, there's no reason to be so un empathetic and so retardedly vicious and edgy over tragedies
Gabriel Wood
>never fight muslims back because its not 100% of them >just keep on getting killed and raped by a good portion of them!!! but its not 100% so never fight back!!!
you fucking left bitches are pathetic.
you too. retarded bitch. stop taking it up the ass
Tyler Howard
>it was on the internet, so it must be true That line is a trope to prevent people from reading one unaccredited thing and believing it. You can, however, seek out and read many accredited things from many independent sources, and then you can believe it. Or you can just keep being dumb and saying dumb things.
Ryan Turner
>durr every Muslim is bad and evil You are being edgy, underage
Jackson James
I don't get it either. Being a Muslim alone doesn't make you target practice. That thinking is twisted and the edgelordes even know that themselves
Chase Parker
Song at 12:30 anyone?
Angel Morgan
"help me, help me!" BANG BANG BANG
it's almost poetic
Connor Sullivan
>Or you can just keep being dumb and saying dumb things.
It's estimated that 25% of Muslims are radicals. There are 1.5 billion Muslims. That makes 375,000,000 radical muslims. That's a fucking country's worth.
Cameron Walker
Terrorist or one who facilitates.. same shit..different pile.
Jaxson Johnson
I have just the country in mind too
Tyler Lopez
Not poetic, no, but I have to admit when "I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE" ques up immediately after it just may be the most metal thing ever captured on a GoPro.
Ryder Cooper
Josiah Adams
"Reeee racist!" Fuck off out of here faggot. How fucking big of a pussy do you have to be to dog shot some 70year old and fucking cry when you get put in a headlock? Your hero's as pathetic as you no-doubt are.
Grayson Ramirez
Wait, you're saying killing a woman is revenge for women being raped? ummm what?
I wish I had the guts to watch the whole video but I only watched everything up to when he started shooting I can't watch first-person view shootings for some reason I learned that about myself ever since that video with the crazy black dude who killed that random elderly black guy, who was just innocently picking up some garbage in his area. I can still hear the old man saying "Joy Lane" seconds before dying. That day I learned that I still had a little bit of soul and humanity left inside me
Sure they are.. so now there are "no go" zones in France, Holland, the Netherlands... because the invaders are peaceful and want to assimilate.. idiot
Carson Ward
This was meant for you. You're still a faggot
Christian Mitchell
Another sand nigger..
David Young
No, you certainly don't.
Colton Howard
What a fag
Noah Jackson
Exactly... goat fuckers never understand..
Dominic Garcia
More sand nigger... fucking plague..
Samuel Scott
Sympathizer idiot.. Mosques are simply breeding grounds for the next generation of assholes..
Justin Morgan
I remember that video. was fucked. Happened right before thanksgiving. It's good you're uncomfortable watching that user. U should be. I still watch em cuz curiosity always gets the best of me but it definitely effects me. After watching the NZ shooting I was supposed to jump into a COD multiplayer match. I didn't feel like playing after lol innocent people dying is never fun to watch.
Grayson Wood
Guess he should've asked him for id before hitting him
Austin Flores
Yeah it'll be hilarious when someone paints her name on a gun and walks into another mosque.
Logan Torres
Does anyone have the link to manifesto?
Henry White
Nope. Loving ur narrowed black and white viewpoint of people though. Ur either Catholic or radical Muslim in this world. Nothing else right?
Lincoln Wilson
That was the Robert Godwin video. Yea Forums surprised me that day. There were a bunch of sincere, highly replied tribute threads for that guy. Never thought I'd see that on here for a black man, but then again he was really old and feeble which I guess made the difference. Him getting brutally murdered at that age was like a football player running most of the field and getting tackled 5 yards from a touchdown. It was pretty senseless and unnecessary
Brody Reyes
Gabriel Perez
So is a dive bar in downtown Nashville. Ur point?
Kayden White
I mean I am pretty left leaning and all, but I have literally never met a practicing muslim who hadn't radically islamistic world views. they often dont even realize
Jeremiah Butler
Carter Scott
>definitely effects me i see it affected your spelling
Elijah Phillips
Jose Bailey
again, dubs of truth have spoken
Ian Cox
Yeah, and Yea Forums is a breeding ground for far-right loonies. Guess we should all be shot to death!
Connor Sullivan
Pew research center
Thomas Flores
Pew research center
Justin Wood
What country do you have in mind?
Jaxon Phillips
So are all/most Muslims really sociopathic terrorists or not?
Zachary Parker
No-one that frequents Yea Forums actually breeds, you dumb cunt.
Jayden Evans
Not all of them, but the ones that aren't won't turn in the ones that are. That would be apostasy which comes with a death sentence. Islam is very much a violent cult
Robert Wilson
He spelled nothing wrong. He used the wrong word. Go back to elementary school.
Tyler King
top kek
Landon Ross
I do. But in this context the breeding would be the furthering of ideology.
Henry Sanchez
That's like the first thing he says
Luis Garcia
and be your classmate?
Juan Hernandez
I guess kid fucking cults are just easier to swallow
Owen Moore
*drumroll *high hat
John Bell
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now: discord .gg/ymxFyhu
Ok, so just cause she is from the same religion she deserv that? You are a subhuman, a fucking monkey, a lesser person cause you think that. Hope you die in a fire OP.
Benjamin Carter
You are a piece of shit, user. Is that really what you find amusing or entertaining? If so, you need to take a long look into the mirror and reevaluate your life. Being edgy on the internet for attention or laughs is one of the most pathetic things a person can do and reeks of a mental deficiency. I highly doubt you would behave this way in real life or want people you associate with to know you like this kind of stuff, so why bother at all? If you can't control your urges, check into a mental hospital or get therapy.
The person who actually committed this act is the lowest of the low. Worse than niggers who cheat the system and drain tax payer dollars. Worse than inbred rednecks who think car racing is a sport. Worse than furries who jack off to anthropomorphic animals. Worse than skinhead pussies who think they're real nazi's. Worse than violent arabs who blow themselves and others up over a fictional book.
If I had it my way you would be stoned to death and left on the ground to decompose - no burial would be permitted, Antigone style. You honestly don't deserve to exist in our society and i think that you know this deep down. I dare you to share this with your co-workers, spouse, friends, relatives, etc and see what they have to say. Will they be like "LOL user that was funny tell those faggots to chill or go back to tumblr" or would they look at you with a disgusted look on their face and say "That was disgusting user, why the fuck do you have this video?" We both know what the answer is and that you won't actually take me up my offer because you're a faggot.
People like you are why that faggot "kid" and so many like him do that in the first place and get away with it. Because of this ridiculous oh they're just kids being kids bullshit, no fuck that shit. He should've beaten his ass unconscious.
Ryan Price
Justin Morgan
Did you know her? Did she say that? Im guessing no. Do not assume to know what people think, you clearly are not smart so it would be even dumber to assume that. And animals? Wow, retarded and edgy. Such an ALPHA.
virgin pewdiepie subs shooter: >subscribing to pewdiepie unironically >uses firearm because too pussy >stream on facejew. basically suck mark zuckerberg cock >probably get prison or death penalty >virgin in his late 20 chad eggboy. >mad lad actually slapped and egg on senator >3 grown man required to restrain him >no prison time >probably already have sex with his girlfriend on the weekend.
Parker Bailey
Killing a bunch of randoes, what good is that gonna do when the real criminals walk free, rich politicians who don't give a fuck in their high towers watching people die and crying with their sympathy hats on tv. What a joke.
so you're happy about indiscriminate murders against innocent civilians as revenge against indiscriminate murders against innocent civilians?
Who is being punished here? None of the perpetrators of these crimes have been taken revenge against, it's just two groups of people taking turns murdering innocent bystanders percieved to be part of the "out group". You people have lost your fucking minds. You are no better than the psychotic islamofascists shitstains you hate so much.