I'm feeling depressed, let's have a cheerful thread. Share your hidden talent. Anything you are good at. Are you good at recognizing porn stars from stills? Are you really good at that one recipe? Can you catch stuff you drop before it hits the floor? Are you really good at vacuuming or remembering dates?
I'm feeling depressed, let's have a cheerful thread. Share your hidden talent. Anything you are good at...
Other urls found in this thread:
I can immediately tell the model of almost any car from their headlights at night
Lately I've gotten really good at keeping plants alive. It's spring and my cactus is thriving!
>can instantly determine if I've ever seen a porn video by only looking at the thumbnail
>can eat food without switching the knife and fork between my dominant hand
>can rap busta's verse in look at me now
>really good at scrabble
i used to be able to suck air into my asshole and fart it out on command.
That's a fucking super power right there.
I can do that but with my throat instead of my asshole. Burp on command
>>can eat food without switching the knife and fork between my dominant handˇ
I`m a good pessimist.
I'm blind, but I can usually tell the difference between the Fish Market and the Women Studies Group each time I pass.