Rate my cock.
Rate my cock
Yours isn't anything to write home about.
I'd rather sit on OP's than that deformed thing
Do you wait for dick rate threads or something? You always post that same picture. Almost as if you see it as worthy. As if you find yourself wildly attractive. I guess self love is good.. kek
Literally all samefag keks
Lol, defs not. I was the first one though.
Pencil dick lmao
Literal samefag
Bigger than an ant's.
Someone's mad.
Literal samefag
It's okay, he's autistic.
Hell yeah bro tiny tick gvng gamers rise up
Would you wanna fuck my wifes mouth?
Would it fit in her mouth and tell me exactly what you would do
I'm fairly thick, so she might struggle. I'd start gently, let her take control for the first bit.
By the end, I'd have my hand on the back of her head, face fucking her till she's gagging, saliva and precum running out all over.
Rate mine!
Would suck and bend over for.
Rate my tiny cock
Love fat black cock. Love that vein too
Doesn't look tiny to me, really like it. 8/10
Nice, would def suck. 8/10
There's always a spot in my heart for uncut cock, 9/10
cute, would nibble on/10
I hate my dick
Sorry for bad pic
If you were shaved I'd suck the life out of you
Soo...he was behind that!?
Am I worthy?
Rate me?
>ignored when I post
Oh... It's this guy
>ignored again
rate my dong