It's getting closer and closer to being my last time among you fellow cringelords. Let's make these last days fun...

It's getting closer and closer to being my last time among you fellow cringelords. Let's make these last days fun. Who's with me?

Attached: 1550634576167.jpg (960x739, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off

eat a dick

LOL attempting to sympithise with Yea Forums KEKE

You never leave Yea Forums

fuck off

Trips has spoken

Yea Forums is for borever

Not bad either

Trips upon trips has spoken.

I want to join together as one united Yea Forums.

Those trips are going to make me choke.

Why not? Someone needs to start.

I'm going to break the chains.

I love you.

Trips has definitely spoken. Holy shit man.

Yea Forums is until June 2020.

Will they do it again?

This is a lie. Yea Forums has a completely different userbase than during the golden years.

Does anyone else really like this?

You can't prove that

So true, I'm becoming a dying breed.

>I'm going to break the chains.
you'll come back

You know, saying lets have fun without giving an idea on how doesn't help.

(ts been fun user

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I'm almost 30, you sure? I don't see too many people my age around.

I think this is only half true. if that. yea /b used to be filled with old fags. and true they either left or don't get on as much. but a lot of them are still there. the problem is, there is way more newfags. so the proportions are different causing everyone to think /b is filled with nothing but newfags

The Yea Forums way.

How do you honestly feel about him?

I'm an oldfag and I know oldfag friends who still come here but maybe once a month if that though. I'm still here about 2-3 times a week.

im 29. I run into ppl my age all the time

Very nice. What year did you start getting on though?

my oldfag friends don't get on as much either. I remember them getting on all the time when we were young, before I really cared about /b too much

well I've been getting on since I was a teenager. but I never really cared for /b too much up until the last 5 years. (unfortunately) so back then I barely ever got on.

So, what are you up to man?
I'm just sitting here smoking some weed and listening to a Judas Priest album. lol
Lurking the depths of Yea Forums to see what kind of wonders I may find.

I've been a kind of on and off Yea Forums type of a guy. Although I started coming here back in 2004, I didn't start really getting on Yea Forums until 2007. Then took a break around 2013 until 2016-2017. I got sucked into /pol/ hard back in 2016.

pretty much the same. drinking coffee. minus the weed tho. I just moved half way across the country and I don't know where to get any weed. in a state where its illegal. I came from the west coast where ppl pretty much give that shit away.
just looking for the random and seldom good thread

What state are you in now? I live in an illegal state myself. It fucking sucks.

when I was a teenager the only time I got on was when I was done jerkin it on /gif and I had literally nothing else to do.
I was pretty much a new fag until I started getting on recently

from Oregon
fucking LOVE IT HERE
out in the middle of fuckin nowhere

>The Yea Forums way.
"Yea Forums always offers good advice."

Attached: Mycatdied.jpg (635x245, 23K)

fucking retarded faggot were old fags well always be here

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I'm 33 bud, I've got a couple mechanical engineer co-workers around the same age that come here to shitpost too.

You can't leave, if you do you'll make it a couple months then come right back.

Attached: HowToMixNesquik.gif (200x153, 1.95M)

Yea Forums is just porn nowadays
I just came here because I wanted to jerk off

go to /gif then ding bat

>soviet rifles and not AR15s

Attached: 1551615224651.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

Is this another Beto campaign vid?

human waste products are more of a Trump thing

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